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Dominion Homecoming | Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Ession

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Homecoming - Ashlan Crusade of Ession

Do you ever get that feeling that you are being watched, by thousands of eyes, biding their time waiting to strike? Well the residents of the world of Ession, to the East of the Sygian Caldera have all collectively been feeling this way. The Ashlan Crusade have been slowly crossing the Wyl sector towards them and now Ession is mostly surrounded by Ashlan space, cutting it off and leaving it perfect for the taking.

To the Ashlans, Ession is home, a shining jewel in the dark sky that rivals corosucant in its galactic importance. Many senior crusaders hail from the world and many more have spent time in training or on pilgrimage there. It is a rare Crusader that says they have no connection to the place.

It feels like such a short time ago that Cedric Grayson first told the other Ashlans of his intent to wrestle Ession from the hands of the Bogan, and many thought him a dreamer, many still do. But not those dreams are shared by many more and the grow ever closer to becoming a reality.

Objective 1 - Duel of the Sons

The Grand Jedi temple on Ession, built in a time before memories is now a shadow of its former self, changing hands violently a number of times over its lifetime, something that it has in common with temples all over the galaxy, all semblance of balance in the force is gone. This structure, and the sprawling compound around it are the primary goal. The Grand temple is the heart and soul of the corrupted world.

Ashlan Jedi, supported by the Ashlan military have been tasked with purging the Sith from the temple once and for all and to fly the flag of Ashla, high from the towers. From here the cleansing light of Ashla can restore the balance and spread further through the planet's soul.

But the Jedi and the Sith are not the only interested parties, there are more amongst the Bogan than just the Sith. The infamous Darth Solipsis, himself a Son of the once great world stalks the temple grounds where he first trained as a Jedi. His darkness strengthens all the Bogan around him and holds the place from the light. Whatever his reasons for being there he must not be allowed to remain. Heinrich Faust, the Sword of Ession himself can feel this dark presence, and whether he knows it or not is walking to the fight of his life.


Objective 2 - New Beginnings

Ession, despite its current place in in darkness is populated by billions upon billions of people that have no interest in the darkness and live in hope that the light will return and they shall be saved. Now that time is coming and the Ashlans are more than happy to be that saviour. There is no victory in vengeance and the Ashlans have opened their doors to any that are willing to renounce their support of the darkness.

There is a planet wide amnesty on corrupt artifacts, forbidden texts. People have been invited forward to either inform the Ashlans on Bogan activity or to pledge themselves to the light in exchange for forgiveness. Many have come forward, either happy to be cleansed, or just wanting to appease the next in a line of galactic powers to rule the planet.

Many people have not been so forthcoming and firebrands shout from the streets decrying the Ashlans and encouraging people to rise up in the favour of the Bogan. These people must also be shown the path to the light, and if they cannot be converted, their corrupting voices must be silenced.

Objective 3 - Angel Redeemed

The story of Eina Llerim'Vandiir and Geiseric began what feels like a lifetime ago now, neither party knew they were entering into a romance and that naivety potentially damned them both, it may well still do so.

The thrice damned dark entity known as Hyrva took advantage of Eina, weakened by what she believed to be a betrayal and corrupted by her loss. She tortured her and made her relive a her pain over and over. On Wgah'ngal she used her own powers to chase away her potential rescuers and twisted their actions into yet more betrayal, and eventually the dark form of Eina was born.

Now with a greater understanding of his feelings, and the bond between the two of them, Geiseric was able to reach Eina on Zygerria, to fight through the control of the eldritch parasite for long enough to speak to the true mind of his love. The pair, bonded in a way unfathomable to most, must not finally defeat the eldritch parasite that has taken Eina to Ession. This may be their path to a future together fighting in the Crusade, or it may be a path to both of their damnation.

Objective 4 - Taking back what is ours

Taking back our ancestral home was never going to be easy. The planet was a key world in the Sith Empire, and whilst the hated Sith Lord have mostly moved on, their armies and those loyal to them remain.

These remnants must be crushed before the Ashlan Crusade can begin to think about winning the hearts and mind of the people that fear reprisals for open defiance of their rulers. Thousands of troops and hundreds of armoured vehicles are ready to be deployed against a mass uprising and dozens of warships litter the system ready to turn their weapons on invaders, or as a last resort, the people of the planet itself.
Creating a metaphorical hill, the shining light of the Ashlan war machine approaches, blowing the horns of the crusade ready for liberation.


Thank you once again Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for your wonderful artwork​
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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Ession, present ~
It has been quite a long time since Zygerria; because of the events there that they finally reunite with Geiseric. With this, the man saved Eina's life by persuading her to fight the parasite, but the damage could not be mitigated or repaired in such a way that the Valkyrja still remained prisoner of her own mind. On the other hand, so she strengthened again in vain, she doubted whether she would survive her beloved crusader's plan. However, if she doesn’t try, she will definitely die.

The parasite had consumed and devoured too much of the woman’s soul, without the Nexus in the Sanctuary, or without the physical and healing, they couldn’t have hoped it would be good and whole again. But for that, the parasite had to die. What they were there again is that she may not survive. The catch-twenty-two again.

When Eina already had the strength, she visited Gei in his dreams to be together, but using the dyad, the man also came. They were finally able to see each other again on a daily basis and that gave Eina strength. The parasite did everything it could to prevent the woman from getting stronger or never physically coming back near the crusader. They still didn’t know about dyad, so they didn’t know that the lovers would indeed meet. The parasite ran when they could, but only so far, because Hyrva sent them again somewhere…


~ A few hours before the siege of Ession, in Eina's mind ~
She was with Gei again, the venue again being the Sanctuary’s beautiful garden, the Garden of the Fallen. Now there was no trace of depravity, corruption; as Eina grew stronger, the corruption weakened. But the injured woman had reached her limits, from which she could no longer recover as a prisoner. She had to be free to do that.

They sat on a bench, holding each other's hands, weaving their fingers together, Eina cuddled to the crusader's side and resting her head on the man's shoulder. There were fewer and fewer confused little girl "seizures", most of the time she was already herself. Although she still didn't understand much, especially in terms of emotions, she was glad and happy with Gei's presence and calm, anyway, that after three hundred years, those feelings were embarrassing her and she was often embarrassed.

Other times she was always direct, never embarrassed by the immediacy. But besides Gei, yes, even though the man's touch or kiss was like the most natural thing in the world, since they were one in the Force. She knew that these might be their last minutes together, because for Eina there was no life after death, she was a native of the Netherworld, her parents were dead when she was born, there was no other option for her. At least she knew that way.

Eina gently reached for the man's face and turned it toward herself. She touched Gei's forehead with her own.

"It's time, Gei. You have to go!" she said softly. "We will not be able to communicate during the fight. I will need all my strength to stay alive. Don't hesitate! You definitely have to do it. I won't have the strength to slow down the parasite either. It will probably want to kill you if it realizes what we are planning. If all goes well… in the evening we will be together, in reality and not only here."

Eina paused for a moment, and then smiled sadly at her soul mate.

"However, if I fail…try to survive my death, Gei. You have to live! I’m going to pray to Ashla, to be that way, and pray for it to take care of you if I can’t do so." although she was not religious, she had to say so in such a way.

She was still smiling sadly as she stroked the crusader's cheek gently.

"But now… go, before I keep you here for too long, my beloved crusader." she said gently and softly.


~ Ession, present ~
Ession… including the real home of Ashlan Crusade, Lord Grayson, Lord Faust and Geiseric, among others. Eina promised to be here and help when the planet was liberated. She didn't think she was going to be one of the enemies, due to the parasite that controlled her body. The Matriarch did not imagine that she would fight for her own life and could not be with Gei or on his side. But not with the others either. There was only one thing she could do today.

She had to fight for her own life and hope that there was enough of her soul left to survive. Eina takes a comfort position for a meditation, for a moment a picture of one of her nightmares appears before her. The Valkyrja still had "seizures"; she was still afraid that Gei would leave and not come back to leave her alone again. She took a deep, shaky breath. Eina closed her eyes and began to concentrate. She didn't know how long it would last, but she had to endure to the end.

And in reality, the parasite was already on the planet, knowing it was going to be a siege and a fight; they wanted to take advantage of this. For one thing, however, they didn’t think about what games were going on in the background between their host and the crusader. Because of this…

As the first rays of the sun appeared on the Ession's horizon, the parasite walked into the trap…


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Help the AC to get back their homeplanet.
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Few hours earlier ~
Ingrid now came alone, though she offered her help to Ashlan Crusade, they did not accept it. But she insisted on being here, as an individual. She was still her daughter. She would not have accepted a negative answer from anyone. Because Geiseric wasn't the only one talking to Eina, it was Ingrid too. Although her options were much more limited, she knew what condition her daughter was in.

That’s why she made a Plan B. She had a feeling that Lord Geiseric wouldn’t be happy, but that was again something she didn’t want to start a discussion with. Ingrid has now arrived on board the ship with permission. She wanted to talk to the man before the crusaders left.

"Lord Geiseric Geiseric ! Wait a minute. There's something I want you to take with you. As a kind of safe solution. If the original plan doesn't work…" she said and pulled out a larger crystal that didn't look very nice, clearly having a Dark side aura. "This is a Prosperian Soulstone, one that Lord Vandiir personally made. That's why I chose this. It is thus partly tied to Lady Eina. The point of Soulstone is to trap a soul and preserve it after death. From this crystal, the soul can also be inserted into a new body. If she didn’t survive, you could still save her, and then we can create a physical body for her. I know her condition and I don’t know if death is finite or not for Eina. But with this crystal…"

She took a deep breath before continuing the speech.

"I know it goes against your religion and view, but use it if it turns out that way. The crystal does not corrupt the soul within it. I hope Plan A succeeds, but if I don’t… I don’t know any other solution to save her. Good luck, Lord Geiseric and bring her home!" it was more of a command than a request.


~ Present, Ession's surface ~
Ingrid joined the troops on the ground, as she could be better at helping others there than in space. She had always been more of a ground warrior, and her abilities made her better suited for that. But today she was just helping the others, alone, not even a bodyguard with her. These were the times when the Empress' bodyguard commanders asked the woman why they should work at all. There were three of them.

Two of them preferred not to ask anything, they were the commanders of Shadow and Frost Company. Remained the commander of the Wolfguards; although lately he has finally begun to learn that Ingrid is not the late Emperor. Maybe it will be today's action after which he will say nothing. That is, to write in his report, which the woman had to read anyway.

She would have preferred to have been where Eina would be, but that was still not the Empress' fight. Ingrid did everything she could. So now, after landing, he went to the command building, or to where the commander of the ground forces was. She was in armour now, but took off her helmet.

"Where would my help be most needed?" she probably asked Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana or Pietro Demici Pietro Demici .




Grand Jedi Temple



What is home? His homeworld of Epoch had never been anything but a place of birth and a paradise world for those who’s egos left stains upon the galaxy. A place of greed, a place of power, a place that was as unwelcoming as it was beautiful.

In his youth, as a Jedi, he was forced to watch his first master die in his very arms within the Jedi Temple as the One Sith rained fire from the skies above Coruscant, as they sacked the holy halls. Ossus was where they fled, where he met his brother in all but blood, his master, his friend. Cyril Grayson. Known at the time by his moniker as Graxin Rade.

They came here along with others, brave men and women who would not stand and let Darkness take the galaxy by storm. They came as an army of Light, a beckon in the dark. Overthrowing the Essionian dictator, the false ruler, and building a Reformation. The Ession Reformation, the start of the Dominion.

He looked upon the halls now, how once they were filled with great works and brave warriors. How once the light shone brightly over the Grand Jedi Temple he helped build many decades ago. This was the closest place to home he’d ever had. A place where he watched his nephew Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson grow. Times change.

He let himself snap back to reality, to the present. The Dark Lord of the Sith shaking off the memories with a closed fist, sounds of gurgling, choking Sith touched his ears. His sulfuric stained eyes shifting to their floating bodies as he watched the life drain from their bodies slowly until their eyes would turn grey.


He let loose his hand and watched as the corpses fell against the broken duracrete. His terrible glare fixated upon the few before him that faced his being.

These halls were great once. Such a shame.

Time to find what he



The Light. The Dark. Sith. Jedi. Crusaders. Defilers. None mattered. Shadows twisted as a singular form stepped from seemingly nothing. A hooded gaze watched passively as the many surrounded the one. They watched Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . No threat, no desire to fight or air of superiority. The black cloaked figure simply watched and waited to see first hand if this Sith'ari was worth his title.



Objective 4 - Taking back what is ours


4 x Ashlan Variable Geometry Command Vehicle
Hundreds of Heavy Tanks
Thousands of Medium Tanks
approx one hundred thousand Sisters of Ashla
4 landed Bastion Planetary Landers

This was it, the culmination of months of planning and thousands of man hours of preparation. Grand Admiral Isla Draellix stood upon the bridge of one of the AVGCV's , she could see on the screen that deployment was going well and her forces were moving on several key positions. A government building ruled by the Sith lords, a pair of military bases and the key starports for the northern hemisphere. The heavy artillery was already shelling the bases at a distance and she could see the giant shields rippling. Turbolaser batteries has also been unleashed but had to fire in limited bursts during deployment as they heated the local air and made breathing more difficult if fired on mass.

The shields would be a problem, there was a fusion generator nearby powering them, but it has proven even more difficult to deal with due to being within two overlapping shield bubbles. The armies were advancing, but the advance was slow and the heavy shields would mean the enemy defensive positions would be fully intact but the time they arrived. Her vehicle rolled forward, projecting its shields over closest armoured units, and every so often firing anti-missile ordnance into the airspace.

An urgent high priority Comm appeared
"Where would my help be most needed?"

"Couldn't expect you to miss a party now could we" She smiled as she spoke, Ingrid was a stubborn woman, but her abilities were in the perfect place, despite the Ashlan's not initially accepting her offer for aid. "There is a large and heavily defended fusion reactor not far from your location, I would be grateful if it was no longer sending power to the defensive shields over it." This was a mission that she knew the Eternal Empress had the skills to achieve, if she could get those shields down, the forthcoming battle would be significantly easier.

She would await the Empress reply, but another comm was already coming in from her air support. Sith anti-aircraft defence was significant and was preventing the fighter bombers from covering the advancing troops. "SAINT predicts that an orbital strike will be sufficient to diminish the anti-air batteries, collateral casualties in the target area would be negligble" Came a voice from nowhere and everywhere and a young attractive Ashlan female hologram stood in front of her, the features could easily have been modelled on one of the Llerim women. With a thought, Isla sent the command via SAINT to a pair of templars in orbit. In moments, glowing balls of energy that looked like meteors dropped from space and landed on a target just over the horizon. There was bright flash as the multi-kilaton payload arrived on the defenders, there were three more blasts of equal power. Isla could help but wince when she thought of the massive firepower he had just unleashed on the recommendation of her new AI.

"Ok, commander, begin advancing the tanks, I have faith in our special operative that she can get those shields down in time."


Objective 2 - New Beginnings


Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Aedrien Aedrien

Greer stood at the hatchway of the the IFV as it sped across the top of the highest level of Ession before dropping down deeper into the city. She looked across as her companions, several Sisters of Ashla had joined them, but she was most interested in the Jedi that stood opposite.

"What made you sign up for this?" She asked trying to make conversation, their mission was to head down to a large school run by Sith priests, the school taught ancient Sith religion to child pastors that then spread the teachings around the planet. Greer and her companion were tasked with ending this problem and they should arrive in about 15 minutes.

"I am looking forward dealing with these monsters, using children against the local populace, we would have hung them where I grew up." And she smiled menacingly. She had not been on active duty since her failure at Wgah'ngal, she didn't speak much to others about that mess but she had come to terms with it and now wanted to prove herself. Sith teachers and rumours of a witch would be some good kills for her to get under her belt.

"How about whoever gets more Bogan doesn't pay for drinks tonight?" She stuck her tongue out of her freckled face. She was jesting, gambling over murdered Sith was not becoming of a Jedi, but you never know her companion might be up for her wager. Depending on her reaction, maybe it wouldn't be a joke after all.



In the last while Geiseric had spent more time with Eina than ever before. Some would say he shirked his duties to join her from across the stars in his meditation chamber. He would argue that such things were his duty. He had learned to control the bond between them, the dyad, far better than when he'd first discovered it. Through the Force he was able to find Eina, locked away beneath a shroud of darkness, and he was able to be with her for fleeting moments. Her mind had filled with light, and together they could be comfortable for some time. But it was still a prison, and the hour grew near when Geiseric would have to fight to break her from it. The ended every meeting knowing it could be their last.

Now the Crusade was on route to Ession in full force. The chances he would never see her again were higher than ever before. The creature of darkness that held Eina was waiting for him, blissfully unaware of what was coming, thinking it could defeat the crusader. He would not give it the chance.

His eyes blinked open to reality, to the small, cool meditation chamber. The feeling of warmth and pleasure he'd had with Eina faded away, as did the image of the serene gardens she manifested as her cerebral prison. Now he was alone, and alone he was threatened to remain if things did not go as planned. All he had were her words of reassurance, that she would fight like he needed her to.

Geiseric left the meditation chamber and began to wind his way through the corridors of the command ship. In less than a standard hour the fleet would drop from hyperspace over Ession, and all hands were preparing for that moment. As was Geiseric, yet his slow and graceful pace contrasted the rushing crowds of crewmen.

He felt a strange yet familiar presence that he only barely recognized as Ingrid before she called out to him.

"Lord Geiseric Geiseric Geiseric Geiseric ! Wait a minute. There's something I want you to take with you. As a kind of safe solution. If the original plan doesn't work…" she said and pulled out a larger crystal that didn't look very nice, clearly having a Dark side aura. "This is a Prosperian Soulstone, one that Lord Vandiir personally made. That's why I chose this. It is thus partly tied to Lady Eina. The point of Soulstone is to trap a soul and preserve it after death. From this crystal, the soul can also be inserted into a new body. If she didn’t survive, you could still save her, and then we can create a physical body for her. I know her condition and I don’t know if death is finite or not for Eina. But with this crystal…"

She took a deep breath before continuing the speech.

"I know it goes against your religion and view, but use it if it turns out that way. The crystal does not corrupt the soul within it. I hope Plan A succeeds, but if I don’t… I don’t know any other solution to save her. Good luck, Lord Geiseric and bring her home!" it was more of a command than a request.

"I figured I would see you again. Pray that it does not come to what you think it might, your highness." he replied stoically. Though he loved her daughter, he could not quite settle on his feelings for the Empress. Ingrid loved a Sith Lord, and now she offered one of that demon's artifacts to him. He wondered how Adrian and Ingrid had ever sired the child they did.

"You know I will do all I can. Thank you." he did not lie to her. If it came down to it, he would use this soulstone like she asked. The alternative was losing Eina forever. He decided not to stay for long and took the stone from her, continuing to his quarters to prepare for the battle ahead. Her face reminded him far too much of Eina.



Everything had come to a head at Ession. The culmination of everything he and his comrades had fought for in the past decade since their expulsion from Coruscant. Geiseric flew alone in a starfighter down to the surface as the battle raged. The planet was one expansive ruin. Not the same world he had been born upon, not the same one he had been taken from before he could walk. He was going to take his first step on Ession. That step was one closer to Eina, and to absolution. The galaxy would soon see the righteous path of the Crusade.

He careened the star fighter through the air towards a derelict part of the city. A single ruined skyscraper rose high above the rest of the district that had been a victim of the Sith bombardment. Levels of the ecumenopolis had collapsed down onto one another leaving nothing but a pile of industrial and technological rubble, left to rot with its people dead or trapped. Fitting the beast had waited here in this wasteland of death for him.

The starfighter let him out at scar in the building, a huge swath of wall torn from the structure. The ship's droidbrain piloted it to a safe distance at his request. The Crusader has no idea what this tower had once been for, but just like the rest of the planet it would serve as a pivotal battleground between the servants of Light and Dark. The darkness was thick, and Geiseric gently touched his holy rosary with two fingers and whispered a prayer. Divinity was on his side, in his sword and his shield that sprung to life with humming energy that lit up the dark ruin. He half-turned to look back on the sun setting behind him, the sky glowing a hazy rust colour as it dipped below the skyline.

"Creature! Come out and face me! We will end this here and now!" his voiced boomed through the air and through the Force. Tonight, the future began...


Objective II: Bring the light of Ashla to the people of Ession.
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: Open
Sala stepped through the streets of the city, the far off rumble of combat echoing in her ears as she focused on the suffering around her. She could but hope that her Brothers and sisters in arms would complete their missions unharmed as she focused on her own. Adjusting the cloak that struggled to conceal her meter-and-a-half long blade, her attention was drawn to a growing crowd, not too far in the distance, and more importantly the dark, powerful emotions she could feel emanating from the crowd. The people were angry at the destitution and desolation that had been thrust upon them, hateful towards the conquerors of the past and some towards the conquerors of the present. Perhaps the most powerful emotion she could feel was an immense, powerful, infectious fear, radiating from the crowd as indomitably as heat radiates from a star. A fear that even the Grandmaster of an order of knights had to singularly focus to avoid falling victim to.

It wasn't long before the veteran warrior found the source of all this fear. Adorned in dark but flashy clothing, fatally poisoned by all of the contemptuous hate and malice his tainted soul could provide, and wielding the most dangerous weapon that any sentient species was capable of wielding was an angry, spiteful, and embittered young man, whose words struck dagger-like fear into the hearts of the crowd, and laid bare his pitiable darkness.

"Make no mistake, these 'Liberators' are no more than the next iteration of conquerors, except worse, they are weaker than our past ones. Where conquerors past. Where as before we were slaves to our strength, now we shall be enslaved by our weakness. Where the Sith at least brought order we shall be plunged into-"

She could take no more. Praying for the guidance of Ashla, Sala lept into the center of the crowd, unsheathing her sword long enough only to slice the young man's communications device in half before landing in the center of the crowd, startling the crowd and the young man as her voice, amplified through the force, spoke out to the crowd.

"This is enough - The words demean not only the sacred ground you stand upon, but yourself. What peace, what order you had under the Sith was a lie. It was not peace, but fear, not order, but hatred and anger. I will not strike you down, but you I cannot let you frighten these people back into darkness and despair."

The experimental Soldier

equipment:harm mkII heavy assult varient without helmet, Eternal Empire aws
Npc units:
Nix would dust off offloading the tank destroyers and APCs full of troops while he remains inside one of the gunship shuttles. calling over the net to Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim and Pietro Demici Pietro Demici . "It's an honor to fight alongside the both of you this day, my father speaks highly of both of you and I hope this battle goes in our favor, please inform me where id best be suited for your planned attack."

Closing the group coms Nix reached out to Ingrid. "I wish to make amends for being your enemy a ways back Today Hades corp pays back their debt for Eternal empires Kindness in blood, Oorah to ashes"

after ending his conversations on the coms but keeping them open for others to respond Nix began dishing out formation orders to his troops and for the shuttle gunships to prep payload and weapons for Gal runs. "Scarecrow if its our time to die its our time, all I ask is if you have to give these bogans your lives you give them hell before We do!!" with his local troop coms filling with cheers and his units setting up in formations he called into hades HQ to have them begin work on setting up a resupply and casevac location behind friendly lines.


Tags: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


Part One: The Calm Before the Storm

Ession (in orbit): a few hours ago...

Heinrich entered the observation deck of the command ship with a strange amalgamation of emotion hanging over him. From hope, to anxiety, to a tinge of somberness, the Essonian felt as if his emotional core pulled him in every direction. Yet, he had never felt more focused than today. The taking of Ession had been the dream of every child of the planet, and the desire for the reclamation of their old home could be sensed throughout the ranks of the Crusade. Even those that hadn't stepped foot there understood the planet's importance, and many wanted to see this holiest of lands restored to its former glory. None wanted this dream to become reality more than Lord Grayson himself.

The great leader of the Ashlan Crusade stood upon the observation deck, looking down at the planet's surface as the rest of the fleet took position. Without taking his eyes away from the planet, the Crusade's holy leader spoke.

"How goes the preparation?"

Heinrich approached the man, stopping next to him at edge of the observation deck.

"Minimal resistance from ships lingering in orbit, but nothing we can't handle. Our forces are ready for deployment, and the Sons of Ession are ready to move as soon as you give the order."

Cedric maintained his distanced gaze, pausing for a moment as he surveyed their home.

"Good. Tell them to join Cardinal Demici on the ground. They are to take orders from him when the time comes."

Another pause, an awkward moment of silence... Heinrich wasn't sure what to make of the comment, finding it difficult to find the words for a moment.

"I was under the impression that you would be leading them personally."

"There has been a development. I sense a familiar energy, and it can not go unchecked."

Finally, Cedric turned his gaze upon Heinrich, a grim look upon his face and a steel resolve within his eyes.

"The Dark Voice has come to Ession. I don't plan to let him leave."

Heinrich felt himself caught off guard for a moment, seeking to sense the Dark Lord's energy through the Force as he listened to the words of his lord. Though Cedric had confided in him about his past with the man once known as Kaigann Fossk, Heinrich felt that much had been left unspoken. As he sent his mind out through the empyrean, Heinrich could sense the looming darkness of the Sith lord's presence. Eye's narrowing, he turned back to Cedric.

"You won't face him alone. I failed to protect our home once. I refuse to fail again. Together, we will bring him down once and for all. For Ashla and Ession, we will see it done."

Cedric only responded with a nod, and in silence, the two looked toward their future, gazing into the hidden vault of destiny...


Part Two: Onward to Destiny


The shuttle touched down upon the landing bay of the Grand Jedi Temple, or at least, what was left of it. Much of the planet had suffered at the hands of the Sith, leaving many places in utter ruin. Though the temple itself was largely damaged, some of it had managed to remain at least somewhat intact, though it was a mere shadow of its former self. As the pair made their way from the shuttle, Heinrich took a moment to look upon the very place where he trained as a padawan. The strange morbidity of such a beautiful and yet somber monument to Ession's past left Heinrich in a strange limbo, lingering between the past and present.

Visions... visions of the past... they held themselves in the back of his mind as if they refused to let go of him, constantly pulling him into the horrific days of old. The days of his failure, the days where thousands cried out as their lives were whisked away. Heinrich was a young man back then, eager to prove his worth to his fellow Jedi as any young Force-user would. Young... arrogant... full of hope... always hope. Then, when the day came, the planet burned, and the light of hope had been ripped away by a veil of darkness...

Today, it was time to pull that veil down.

"What would bring a man such as Solipsis to this place?"

Cedric remained silent for a moment, continuing to press forward toward the temple before giving his reply.

"He helped build it."

Heinrich couldn't imagine what could be running through Lord Grayson's mind. To think that such a dark soul could have had any part in the creation of such beauty was a thought that Heinrich simply could not wrap his mind around. Then again, Solipsis wasn't always a monster...

The pair made their way toward the entrance of the Grand Jedi Temple, taking care to watch their surroundings. Though the temple lay in ruin, the presence of the Sith was still strong. As they made their way, the stench of the Bogan was overtaken for a moment by the familiar smell of death. Several dead Sith corpses were strewn about, contorted and mangled as they rotted on the ground. Both of them instinctively reached for their lightsabers, eyes narrowing as they checked their peripherals for any sign of danger.

"It's him, isn't it?"

"Yes, brother. We are getting close."

Suddenly, both of their blades came roaring to life, and the pair began to pick up the pace. They continued to push forward, the darkness growing thicker with each step. Soon they would find the man responsible for so much beauty, and so much destruction...

and they would take his life.



Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix"


Deliver Us

Pietro had gone over this day in his head many times; pouring over intel, assessing potential outcomes, providing rousing speeches to the members of the Crusade. Yet, for all of his efforts, nothing could had truly prepared him for this day... this holiest of days. Though the Ashlan cardinal was not Essonian, he understood the desire to see one's home liberated from the clutches of darkness. It wasn't that long ago that his own homeworld of Serenno had been liberated from its shackles by the NIO, and the victory of that day only served to fuel the fire within him. Even beyond the understanding of that desire for freedom, Pietro knew that Ession was much, much more. It represented the foundation of what brought the Crusade together. The planet was a symbol, and Pietro was well aware of the power of symbols. As such, he would devote his entire energy to the retaking of the planet, and sought to do all he could to ensure the day was won.

He had spent hours preparing the Ashlan officers under his command. The task was daunting, as the cardinal refused to allow room for error. Though the Crusade had undergone its share of hardships, Pietro would not let this day become another failure in the endless crusade against the darkness. He looked to his comrade, the ever-faithful chaplain of the Holy Guard, Chaplain Panaka. Pulling up a holomap of the area they began assaulting, he pointed to several potential points of entry to the enemy fortresses.

"We may attack here, here, and here. I will lead our infantry along the Eastern flank, and you will take command of those along the West. You will have my full authority, and they will treat your commands as if they were my own."

The Chaplain looked puzzled for a moment, looking to the cardinal with a confused gaze.

"But your imminence, isn't Lord Grayson meant to take charge of our Western forces?"

Pietro remained quiet for a moment, allowing himself to think of the best way to explain the situation to the man.

"Lord Grayson is handling another threat, one that lies beyond this battlefield. As such, the task of commanding the ground assault falls to us and the Grand Admiral. The Sons of Ession have already been deployed toward the west, and will act as your personal unit. I have no doubt that you will see the day through with them at your back."

Not long after he spoke, the cardinal sensed the presence of the Eternal Empress herself, causing him to shift his focus to her.

"Lady Ingrid, your strength will certainly be of great use to us on this day."

In truth, Pietro still felt uneasy about the growing bond between the Crusade and the Eternal Empire. Though they held a neutral stance officially when it came to the Force, Pietro could not bring himself to fully trust the woman. Nevertheless, he would not turn down her help if it meant less of their soldiers would die.

The next arrival was somewhat of an enigma; a stranger at the head of what Pietro could only assume was some sort of mercenary company. Though he wasn't sure of the man's motive's, he could sense the faintest familiar energy. It was then that the cardinal realized who the man's father was. He may have trusted Heinrich, but he could not bring himself to understand Heinrich's undying urge to save Ty. If Pietro had his way, the man would never set foot in Ashlan Space without great consequence. Nevertheless, he would allow the presence of such a force, if only to further the Crusade's greater goals. He shot a message in response to the one that was sent over comms.

<<This is Cardinal Demici. Your troops will be best served supporting the vanguard. Once we get those shields down, we'll need to hit them fast. I don't want to give them a chance to repair the damage once it is done.>>

With that, he ended the transmission, turning his attention toward the countless brave souls that had gathered upon this field of battle. He opened a new channel reaching to all Ashlan forces, allowing his voice to be heard on comms across the Ashlan lines.

<<This is to all Ashlan forces. Those of you who know me, know that I am a man of... colorful rhetoric. I will offer no sermon on this day. You all know what's at stake on this day, and do not need me to illustrate such things to you. Instead, I only offer my thanks. It is only through the faith and bravery of yourselves that we have been able to get here, and it is those same traits that will carry us through the day. We have long awaited this moment, and that wait is finally about to be over. We will take this planet back, no matter what this rabble may throw at us. For Ashla, For Ession, for Cedric, the land will soon be ours!>>

The final words were echoed by the countless soldiers along the lines, their voices carrying through the air as if guided by the wind itself. Pietro turned back to Chaplain Panaka, placing a hand on the shoulder of his comrade in arms.

"I will see you soon, brother, in this life or the next."

With those words, he left the command post, moving toward the front with the Holy Guard in tow.

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective: Try to survive
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Current form || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing with:: Geiseric Geiseric | Closed (Please ask to join)
[ Confrontation ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Eina's mind ~
It was like a dream… every single encounter, every minute spent together seemed so short and few. She only felt strong, complete when Geiseric was here. In this state she was alone, weak and lost. Yet Eina had to face the most important struggle of her life alone. The Valkyrja also knew that any farewell could be the last. This was even truer for the current situation. If she can’t defend herself enough, it’s all over.

She was still at home, in her mind, in the garden. The place is what Geiseric is most loved in the Sanctuary. A tear dripped down her face and fell to the ground. Bluish, silvery flowers appeared on the ground in the wake of the tears. Legend has it that the plants and flowers of the Garden of the Fallen were born in such a way that the members of Valkyrja shed tears. Maybe it was just a fairy tale, maybe not.

She felt helpless, useless, who was only at Geiseric's burden. Eina was bothered that she couldn't do anything. She wasn't used to just sitting and doing nothing. Her place on the battlefield was to lead an army, not to be here. She wanted to help, but she couldn't. The Matriarch knew all Gei wanted from her was to fight, fight for her life, but for Valkyrja, that wasn't enough.

She was like her mother in this. Perfectionist, maximalist. She had to fight, hoping it would end as soon as possible and she would be free again. She had to succeed, had to…


~ Surface, Ession ~
The parasite was not too difficult to find; on the one hand, it was easy to find based on its Force Signature, and on the other hand, it left the same corruption as on multiple planets; including at Zygerria. Although the result looked completely different here than it did in the other places. There the vegetation was destroyed, here were buildings and ruins everywhere. Thus the destruction of nature could not be seen.

No, something else happened here. The Dark Side was definitely felt, countless demons, eldritch creatures were walking on the ground. The parasite even morer wants to slow down those who might find this place or come after them. The streets were teeming with undead. They called the corpses of many, many years from the depths and forced them into their will to serve them.

They had enough time to research, the parasite arrived in the morning, the crusader in the evening. Thus, the creature that was in Eina's body had enough time to resurrect the zombies and to summon the different creatures, by strength, by will. And with that, they further humiliated what the Valkyrja believed or how she acted with the dead ones.

Of course, the parasite felt that Geiseric had arrived and also where. They had not yet found what they had come for, but the beings were looking for it. They had to kill the knight in order for the body to finally be completely under their control. This was the most important because since Zygerria, the process has become even slower for the Valkyrja resisted them.

The shadows thickened where the crusader was, and finally the mighty creature flew into the area, obscuring the stars as well.

"So you're still so eager to meet death! We will give it to you and we will feast on your flesh before the night reaches its darkest times!" the parasite said. "It’s going to be a very one-sided fight because we know you don’t want to hurt her."

They concentrated a little and a long, dark side spear appeared in their hand.

"And you are right, we end this here and now!" they agreed with the crusader.


Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich

Aedrien had kept to herself for most of the journey. This conflict wasn't her fight as much as it was an observation mission taking a side quest. The Jedi stood out like a sore thumb amongst the crusaders, if only for not devoting herself entirely to their cause. While others were decked out entirely, armored to the nines for the battle at hand, she kept to her familiar leathers. In a rare moment, the lightsaber at her side felt almost too heavy to use. So this is how the consulars feel when we rush into battle, she mused.

Pulled out of her thoughts, she paused for a moment, scrambling for words when she was unexpectedly posed a question. "Uh less signed up and more assigned," she explained briefly with a shrug. "You guys want the Sith gone, I want to see how they managed this kind of operation. So it doesn't happen again." Unfortunately, as for the place one grew up not allowing such monstrosities to happen, Aedrien couldn't quite say the same. A fact she decided would be better left to herself.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure. Bit weird we're betting on who can actually murder the most but sure. Hope you have the credits to spare." A part of her had wanted to point out just how weird the offer had sounded. Yet the rational part of her kept her tongue mostly in check. After all, if the other had offered a bet on how many Sith they could kill, she would've hardly batted an eye. It was just a difference in terminology, she told herself, nothing more. And once she got that solidified in her head, she'd give this one a run for her credits in no time. "Name's Aedrien, by the way. Might be good to know if we're sharing a battlefield today."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Help the AC to get back their homeplanet.
Location: Surface, Ession
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | 001-A-986 "Nix" 001-A-986 "Nix" | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Grand Admiral was not present, though Ingrid reached her easily through the communication channel. At the moment, she mostly wanted to occupy herself so she wouldn't think about her daughter until then. Which was not an easy task, especially since the Empress was able to think about several things at the same time. Thus, in her mind, she played the most difficult puzzles and quizzes with MANIAC while analyzing the current war situation as a strategist. Moments later, the Grand Admiral answered her question.

<< Yes, I wouldn't be able to just sit at home and wait. I am grateful to you, Lord Grayson and Lord Demici, for allowing me to be here. All right, Grand Admiral, entrust me with that reactor, I'll handle it. >> she replied that Pietro also heard the answer.

Before she left, Ingrid recalled for a moment the encounter with Geiseric. She had a feeling the man wasn’t happy with her idea, but he accepted the soulstone. And now she could feel the man and Eina from one place. Ingrid received Nix's message, but did not respond. First it was a droid, second, the Hades Corps men betrayed the Eternal Empire and her at least three times, each referring to either control or brainwashing…

Instead, she sent a quick text message to the two commanders:

<< Look behind and in front of yourself, the biodroid loves to kill its own people. He killed nearly a dozen Ultranauts and wanted to kill hundreds of civilians while serving in the Eternal Empire. His programming is said to have been hacked… I hope you don't lose knights and soldiers because of it the way we did. >> message to Ingrid Isla and Pietro. Not knowing that both the Hades Corps and Ty were related to the Ashlan Crusade, all she said was that; and if she had known, she would have had a lot to tell.

What characterized her relationship with the Force was, as always, completely neutral. Ingrid was already able to use almost any Force ability while remaining neutral. And she was so polite that one would not use a Force skill that would make Ashlan Crusade hostile. She finally stepped out of the tent with Demici at the same time and there she was looking at the man.

"Good luck, Cardinal!" she said with a nod.

Ingrid put on her helmet and reached out to the Force; the next moment it became invisible and imperceptible in the Force, and not even the machines perceived her. So she set off for where Isla had asked her to go. In the meantime, she also retrieved the data and map from MANIAC, so she had the route to follow. At times, she even teleported to get through the enemy easily, and finally arrived at the well-protected building where the generator was.

It was time to do what she was professional at and what she loved. Infiltration, sabotage…




Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon

Red light flared from an alleyway. Body parts scattered bloodlessly, the remnants of a soldier who had ventured into the dark meeting a grisly end.

McGill stepped out, his weapon held at the ready, a wild, paranoid look on his face. He didn’t know what planet he was on—he’d been unceremoniously dropped here without orders. So far he hadn’t encountered any of his fellow Mawites on this planet, only soldiers of the Ashlan Crusade who shot at him or raised their blades against him, only to be cut down.

Presumably this was another one of his master’s tricks. The witch was always pulling this kind of chit with him. Did she think it would help him build character? Turn him into a more cunning warrior? Was she trying to kill him? All of the above?

Pausing just long enough to set fire to a nearby building with his lightsaber, he continued down the street. Along the way he startled some civilians who fled in a panic. Hearing voices up ahead, he turned a corner to find a crowd gathered around a man and a white-haired woman with a blade. The man was angry at the woman, who appeared to have seized the crowd’s attention away from him.

The crowd dispersed as people noticed McGill’s arrival. He wasn’t anything special to look at—they were mostly reacting to the red lightsaber in his hand. Given that they weren’t armed, he paid them little mind. His eyes were on the woman with the sword.

A little mental voice spoke to him, urging him to kill, kill, kill. He obeyed, closing the distance between them and thrusting at her head.
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Grand Jedi Temple
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


A long tattered midnight cloak dragged against the dust and rubble covered stonework, tugging along behind it’s tether, the armored figure of the Sith’ari. He left the dead to rot, his advance remained unopposed and likely he thought to himself would remain so as the sounds of battle became ever louder. The cracked columns and beautiful motifs shook with each explosion, each quake from the shattered landscape outside. The forge world of Ession, once beautiful city - now endless automatons, was under attack by the rightful rulers of this once honored world.

It had come full circle.

The Dark Lord paused, his steps slowing to a crawl before halting altogether. He felt something, a presence he’d not sense since Korriban.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

A reunion with his nephew with whom he had failed to sway away from the Ashla twice now. He had nearly succeeded over Csilla, offering up revenge as a means to bring him under his sway. It was unfortunate that in those pivotal moments he clung to his Jedi heritage, to the weakness and pragmatic dogma that kept the galaxy in perpetual conflict instead of resolving the schismatic issues at hand. He turned on him, recognizing the threat he’d pose then and on Korriban when he sought out the Dark Lord. Attaining a state of Oneness in the Force with the Ashla as Solipsis himself mirrored in the Bogan.

It was such a shame he could not be turned. His fate was unseeable, unknowable, blurred. He was a loose cannon, a wild card far too powerful steeped in the lineage of his father and every Essionian who fought to purge the Bogan from the galaxy. He would hamper his efforts at every turn, fight him tooth and nail, and continue his errant crusade until there was nothing left to give.

He had to be destroyed. There was no other option.

Yes, he could feel the approach of the Ashlan Kaiser and.. another. Twin bastions of Light approaching, unafraid and undeterred. Twin lights ignited in the darkness, catching the eye of the Dark Lord as he spun around slowly to face the approaching duo.

The Sith’ari remained still, his face stoic and set in stone with an emotionless stare filled with dark grimace. His stained eyes peered upon them with a terrible glare, lips cold like death. He looked upon them and spoke.

“I fear that our paths have crossed too many times, where I once offered you a place at my side.. you refused. Now, I have no need for you. I have found a Shadow Hand far more powerful than any who have come before him.”

He extended his right hand in gesture, eyes still fixated upon both men.

“Rejoice in the moment of reckoning. I will free both the Blade of Ession and the Ashlan Kaiser from their mortal coils.” His eyes fell upon the noble Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , “You’ve made quite a name for yourself, I fear this is where it ends.”

The Dark Voice brandished his crossguard, it’s blades rippling to life in a crackling roar.


With that the Dark Lord sprung to life, leaping into the fray. A sudden lunge sprung forth towards Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson followed by a rapid swipe towards Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust , aiming to remove the Jedi Master’s head.

The experimental Soldier

equipment:harm mkII heavy assult varient without helmet, Eternal Empire aws
Npc units: two detachments of scarecrows.

tag: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Nix keyed his coms with Pietro "wilco moving to assist vanguard." Nix understandably was annoyed with the Empress of EE as he was sure she was trying to tell those in the Ashlan crusaders about his time killing her men and women under her rule treating him like some form of traitor. In truth, he cared not for the interaction with her but realises the necessity to do so. Hes a killer of many yes but he's a mercenary a soldier of fortune something he doubts the delusional empress grasps as a concept. They weren't traitors but doing a job they are paid to do. some may enjoy it others don't. but the bottom line was any hostile action towards the EE was nothing more than a job a client wished for them to achieve as they dont have many loyaltys other than money.

"Alright tank and APC crews I want you to make two armored coloms and support the east and west flank of the vangard when the sheilds go down offload the combat droids first and await for my all clear after the shelling via gunships subside. scarecrows units with them move in after its been five mikes since the droids went in. and proceed to lay charges on the structures under supporting fire from gunnery crews on the tanks apc's and gmg's."

turning to his pilot he orders him to take to the skys and have the other shuttle gunships fallow them in a mechanical line formation.
"do you think we can really trust them not to shoot us in the back?"
Nix looked at his pilot thinking of the best way to answer.

"Not gonna lie Spooky, the AC seem to be willing to work with us so I trust them enough but with ingrid down here and how she has a tendency to be way to emotional for someone in power let alone nieve to how the world really works just watch you back if she fires on us we will take it up with the ashlans and CIS if nothing is done with it via the ashlans. Just do you jobs so we can make it back to CIS space in one piece."

Nix shook his head with how much it agrivated him with how Ingrid treated him and his fellow scarecrows. they were synthetic soldiers born of DNA and biomechanics they ate sleeped bleed and sweat like everyone else but still she treated them like less than people where her own children and by some extent other sithspawn were treated far better. the hipocracy was strong in her just as much as her ignorance.


Objective II: Defend the People of Ession, Show the wayward young one another way
Equipment: Force-Imbued Blade,
Tags: McGill

The Ashlan was startled when the crowd all of a sudden started to be dispersed, and it was mere seconds before she saw the tell-tale glow of a crimson blade as it bore down on her, thrusting violently and singlemindedly towards her head. Steeling her resolve to strengthen her footing, Sala removed her blade from its sheath and into a parry with one hand as she shielded the angry young man with her other arm, beginning to channel the light side within her to strengthen for the coming fight.

She let out a sharp sigh as she followed through with the parry, she reset her mental state. This wasn't supposed to be combat mission - in fact it was fairly straightforward: talk down the rabblerousers and act as a beacon of hope for the people of Ession. The warrior, paradoxical as it may be, absolutely abhorred violence, and yet here she had it forced upon her.

"There is no peace in this sort of unbridled hatred and darkness - only death." Her words were directed to the young man as she pushed him back, away from the assailant. She responded with a quick diagonal slash towards her attacker as she shuffled back to create space between them, moving herself into an opening stance comparable with that of Ataru. She could feel this being was damage, it's soul tortured and poisoned by the forces of darkness. Maybe, just maybe, she could avoid bloodshed. If not, then she would do what was necessary

"I seek no violence, and I will not kill you unless you force me to - but I will not allow you to terrorize these people any further. Surrender or be subject to the Light of Ashla."



Objective 2: New Beginnings
Location: City streets
Gear: Double-bladed lightsaber
Tags: Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon

McGill hardly heard the woman speak, so focused was he on cutting her down. Her words entered one ear and exited the other, their meaning lost. He didn’t speak.

Perhaps there was something to be salvaged of his broken mind, but for the time being, on this battlefield, he was little more than a thrall of his master. He would obey the command to kill.

The woman’s parry pushed him back only momentarily. He was upon her again a second later, striking aggressively and with no clear, predictable style to his movements. His attacks were sloppy and lacked finesse, but he struck fast and he struck hard, each blow backed by an inhuman strength that belied his seemingly ordinary appearance.

She wisely tried to put some distance between them. McGill followed her, closing the gap again and again, aiming vicious downward slashes at her head and shoulders.

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