Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Homecoming [ Mando'ade Dominion of Mandalore & Concord Dawn]

(2) Keldabe Outskirts

As the Detta family shuttle made landfall, Nolan descended the ramp in full Beskar'gam. His only weapon being the Charging Rhyno revolver and those installed on his armor. Making his way to a rally point, the other Vod were in the process of unpacking the gear and provisions they'd brought with them while they re-established the Mandalorian homeworld.

Nolan looked out upon the planet that had once held such beauty, only to see ash, ruin and death. In the Force, Nolan felt the lost souls of his brethren, restless as they lacked resolution. Those held responsible will never pay the full price of their crime, and these souls shall wander the wastelands till judgement day come.

Yet, amongst the devastation, Nolan peaked out further with his enhanced optics and saw life. Saplings had sprung up in the distance. Birds could be heard chirping and singing across the horizon. And his kin were here. They'd survived, even prospered. And now they were home. With each arriving shuttle, Nolan's people secured their future. A future for their children, a future for his children...
It came with heat and noise, and it burned away what remained of his life. Preliat Mantis lost everything in the fires of betrayal that damned his people. More importantly, it damned him to a life of exile due to their betrayal. He was a dar'manda by choice. He left the Mando'ade because he had given them his all. He gave his leg, he gave his sanity, he gave his happiness in the hope that his people would prosper. But in the end, all his heartache and all of his suffering only brought him to ruins.

Only brought his wife and daughter death. Only brought them pain from his absence and his demons. And now he stood, under six feet of ash and soil where he his home was once, buried beneath. His ship was placed behind him. Not that Mandalore had any shortage of large, flat places to land now.

He held the beacon in his hand. It was about as large as his forearm, and was registered to be uniquely his. The last time he used it was Yaga Minor, in a vain attempt to signal for help. He clicked it. It hummed to life, blinking with a faint red light. It would be able to picked up by any Mandalorian frequency, new or old. Preliat was issuing a challenge, a message. It had been months since he spoke to a Mandalorian. By now his alignment to the First Order and the fact he was leading the clone army they possessed would be well known, or at least, should've been.

He ran a hand through his hair. By the coordinates from his ship, he was roughly ten feet from where his wife and daughter once had empty graves. He remembered how tirelessly he dug them. And how he paved them over once they came back to him.

Now, his grave would be the only one to be filled. His thoughts turned to his brother, [member="Silas Mantis"]. How he fared under all this. How he was dealing with the aftermath of the fall of Mandalore. Of himself. That he and Preliat were probably going to die with heirs- lest of course his younger sibling decided to settle down. Which, as it stood, was a slim chance. He looked down at the beacon. And Preliat Mantis, fell to his knees, clad in his golden beskar, hands gripped tight around his Beskad and tomahawk.

And he waited for death.
Location: Manda'yaim
Allies: in the vecinity of [member="Keira Ticon"] and [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Post: 1/20

Beskar was the ore which identified the pride of Mandalore. The strong ore could be crater into anything one imagined, and for a Smith such as Kad, it was more than just a rare metal, it was his livelihood. Yes, the Tor's had learned to farm their land as any Mando'ad did, but the trade passed from father to son for generations had been the fine craftsmanship Kad enjoyed fashioning. His hand were skilled and rough from his days in the forge, building, crafting, and when demanded of him, fighting. They were the hands of an artist and a warrior, expert in his craft.

His mind drifted to the sight before him. The last time he attempted to find the planet's surface he had crash landed with [member="Artemis Lux"]. They had survived, though they had left the crash understanding life from another perspective. Certain moments Kad was still pondering, and while he should know what he felt about them, he'd naturally become torn. Looking at his homeworld in ruin solidified his resolve toward rebuilding their culture and land no matter the cost.

Kad had set out from his ship to find the team which had been tasked with assessing the beskar situation. The main concern was usuability, and if the veins were worth mining. How the planet had changed was certain to factor into the way the ore would be mined, and whether it was usuable after. So much of his movements were to rebuild their way of life, and today was no different, though a personal interest for him. Kad was the goran for the many who made their way through Dxun, his new home.

"What is the situation," he asked as he strode to meet them. His forest green armor was worn and in disrepair from the crash, but time had not permitted him to build another set for himself. He intended to as soon as he returned to Dxun.

OOC: Arty feel free to join if you have the time... anyone else interested in helping Kad feel free to have arrived with him.
Outer Rim Territories

It has all led to this.

Years of planning, of meticulous movement of assets. Untold hours in conversation with his friend and step-son [member="Darth Metus"] to shape the destiny of the Mandalorians towards their shared vision, one where Sith and Mandalorian stood side-by-side in galactic conquest. It was a bold dream, but it was often said that fortune favored only the bold. Things had to be put on hold with the rise of the Mand'alor Ra, but with his disappearance the Sith were free to guide events to their favor.

It would've taken many more years for the Dark Lord to really get his foot in the door if it wasn't for the actions of one man; [member="Ijaat Mereel"].

It was this man, devoured by paranoia, that would drive the Mandalorians from their cushy seat of power and make the Mand'alor [member="Vilaz Munin"] all the more eager to seek solutions to the plight of his people. Solutions that the Sith, specifically Darth Carnifex, were all too willing to give to their Mandalorian friends and allies. Now the Mandalorians were poised to reclaim their homeland, their Manda'yaim, and the Dark Lord would not give up this opportunity to be among them when they did.

From the depths of space emerged the Crestfallen, the Dark Lord Carnifex's personal transport, above the smoldering world of Mandalore. The pilots were equipped with the latest clearance codes gifted to them by the Mand'alor for the Dark Lord's arrival, and unmolested the ship would dip down into the planet's atmosphere and zoom across great plains of ash and volcanic rock -- The ruins of a once great world.

Undoubtedly the Mandalore and those closely related to the Dark Lord, such as [member="Keira Ticon"], would be alerted to Carnifex's arrival. Only they could decide how they would use that knowledge and proceed.

(3) Keldabe

Nolan walked out into the shattered ruins of the once great capital of Mandalore. A rucksack on his shoulder, he maneuvered through rubble and debris, walking, to somewhere...anywhere that still looked familiar. Nolan couldn't understand how this place had become so vulnerable to allow even one of its own to commit such atrocities. This was once the home of so many grand clans, fiercely devoted to the Resol'nar and to Manda'lor. How time changes those souls weak enough for corruption to seed. It was this fact that Nolan was now part machine. For standing up to the traditional way they'd lived for generations, he was outcast and left for dead after failing to secure the old ways. While thankful for being alive and for those who'd not given up on him, Nolan wished he had died so he would never have had to see what his own people did to their home.

Nolan would continue to walk for another hour. Finding an old building, the restaurant that he'd taken Satine to when he introduced her to his family. His brother Kable, Briika, Kad and Rave and little Mesh'la. They'd come to meet and dine and love. It was the happiest day of his life. He had his family, all of them, for the briefest of time. Then Kable disappeared, Rave as well. Bri went off on her own and Kad took a mental LOA after Rave was gone. Nolan had Satine but felt alone. Then the greatest gift the Manda could grant him came in the form of his twin babies. Kaylanna and Corvus. There shined hope for his soul, they were his future and he would not let them down. Satine and Nolan found a new home and settled in. A place on Serenno, a planet that held many memories for Nolan and built so many more with the arrival of his progeny.

This life had taught him many things. The Wreckingball was known for his wild antics on the battlefield and loyalty that proved near fatal. He'd spent his life chasing the dream of prosperity for his Clan. He'd brought some success, but it was not enough. Climbing the rubble of the restaurant, he sat on the flattest surface he could find. He looked out over what he could see from his perspective, ships and transports were moving in and out of the city as crews came to rebuild their homes. Pulling the sack off his shoulder, he withdrew a collapsed pole. Extending it he unfurled from within the bag, a Flag. Tying the flag in place on the pole, Nolan disassembled his own armor. He laid the armor in front of the flag and placed his helmet on the top of the flagpole. Wearing his fatigues, Nolan pulled a jacket from the bag and threw it on.

The Beskar'gam that had saved his life numerous times would be laid to rest upon the grave of his memories. Nolan descended the rubble and began to walk away. Away from the bloodshed and pain, away from hate and anger. Away...
Post count: 3

The snickering laugh that escaped got a couple of eyebrows from her crew as she tapped back. By the galaxy she felt like a teenager. Still it made her laugh.

'Good. Your selfish. I am counting on it. I should introduce Prom to Claude and Paul then. Those two would just go totally ga ga over him. Where are we going for dinner?'

She closed that window and continued monitoring data streaming down from the Padme's scanners. It's scientific scanners were stronger than most. They moved slower than Ardgal's group but the trail they left was very easy to follow. They made the corridor for her and her team. The next text from Ardgal encouraged her to move at a slow pace. Rashae got a good look at her surroundings and the falling ash. The order to get samples up to the Padme was given so they can gauge the composition of the ash. It was so much desolation.

'Roger that. '

Finally after a bit She was one of the first to rappel down the lifter shaft and meet up with the Godkillers. Ardgal asked her where to go from there as he gave him a look that would say 'how the hell would I know?' The doctor came up beside Ardgal and Alexa as she patted Alexa on the nose absently as she went to her coms to contact that geophysicist. Rashae could have gotten a geologist but Marvin was a better choice despite being distracted easy. Not only did he understand the geology but he understood how it moved, how it was going to move.

“Commander is Marvin nearby?” She started as she contacted her Command center.

“He hasn't moved from the spot an hour ago, Minister. “ He said in that smooth calm voice of his. In a couple of moments an excited tenor voice was on the com.

“Rashae. The super caldera results and pattern of devastation is incredible!! “ He started going into statistics.

“Marvin...” Wait a few seconds. “Marvin!!” An attempt at getting the geophysicist attention.

“What? I have more data to go over. “

“Marvin. Put that down, need you to focus on my location. Empty ocean basin at Island of Morut. Subterranean tunnels. I need you to get on Padme's scanners and tell me which way to go. We got survivors down here. “ Sometimes she wonders how Regina puts up with that man.

“Oh.. oh right. Take the left. The right leads further down and .. oh my fresh lava fields down further to the right. The center goes even farther. I am getting some weird readings. Ohh I got to study that. “ The excited voice was talking rapidly as he saw the new data.

“Marvin. Where are the survivors? “ In a bit of a strained voice as if her patience was wearing thin

“Oh.. hmmm.. uhhh.. down the left a bit. I see life signs over that way. “ Marvin starts humming as he found a new toy to study before the com went off.

“Left Ardgal. Just go. Left. “ Did he just hang up on her? She glared at the com before a controlled exhale before the exasperated sigh from the woman.

She followed behind Ardgal's team as they started putting in lighting to mark the trail. It was possible there was going to be a lot of back and forth. It was at least cool down here and her scanners were not picking up any gas pockets. Still the air purifier she was bringing down will improve the air quality. She was not entirely sure the small air purifier was going to fit down that lifter shaft. Could it go in pieces? The doctor wasnt an engineer and had no idea. The path way after some time seemed to start opening up into a larger room.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Location: Manda'yaim
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Kad Tor"], [member="Darth Carnifex"] I guess

"Patience, vod'ika. We've waited this long to return home. Let him speak." Keira could certainly understand her brother's willingness to begin reconstruction in earnest, but she had learned the value of listening every once in awhile as well. And so as the man continued speaking she paid close attention, taking the rock that he held out to her as it was revealed to be none other than the precious metal that had always been the lifeblood of their people. Turning it over in her hand, she eventually let it fall back to the earth it belonged to. Mand'alor would be notified soon enough, and they could all slowly begin returning to what they'd once known as life on Mandalore, though none of it would ever truly be the same.

It was then Kad approached, and she turned to greet him as he spoke. "It seems the tragedy that happened here wasn't all in vain. The volcanic eruptions turned up new layers of earth and brought beskar closer to the surface. We need to do more prospecting, but I would think that soon enough we'll be able to resume mining and establish forges." And then maybe their people would once again become a force to be reckoned with. For too long they had looked out for help rather than turning inwards to their own strength, and she wanted to see that change. "Someone needs to inform Vilaz, and then we can move on." It never really crossed her mind to actually get approval for anything, as that was secondary to what they could accomplish themselves.

Her comms chirped unbidden, and after reading over the transmission she muttered a curse and didn't quite restrain a sigh. Of all the times for her in-laws to arrive, it of course had to be when the vode were returning to sacred ground where the Sith had no place setting foot, regardless of what family they had married into. She had all but divorced herself from the idea of being related to the Zambranos in any respect, but they in turn were all too fond of reminding her of that fact. And if anyone was going to deal with her father-in-law and whatever his intentions were in coming here, she would rather it be her.

Turning away from the group that gathered she fiddled with the holoprojector on the underside of her left wrist for a moment, opening a line with the Sith Lord that amounted to family. "You didn't have to waste your time sending a message. I could sense you the moment you dropped in. If you feel like talking, go ahead and find yourself a place to land close to my coordinates. I promise not to try and kill you this time." She couldn't help but flash a wry grin at that, for once not closing communications and instead affording him a chance to respond.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] :: Maybe we could throw more ORC folks in?

My Location: Breaking Orbit

  1. Help folks out with extra supplies
  2. Establish an Underground Cell to aid the Mandos and bridge relations for ORC
Allies: Anyone who wants to interact.

Her Jast 1 The Fleabag split the smoky skies with extreme speed. Beside her her Mon Calamari Co-Pilot. She had two missions today, to deliver extra supplies, and to establish a few folks as cell on Mandalore. That way if they came under attack again, she or other Underground could move to aid them. Or other cells that caught word of it, could pass the news along to them, giving them time to dig in.

Think of it as an early warning system.

"Spin up comms Worsh, worldwide. As wide as we can reach." She said, Caf with whiskey in one hand and yoke in the other.

The Mon Cal nodded and opened them up. As her vessel shreieked across the sky the comms of all the Mandalorians would crackle.

"This is Fleabag Actual, Cap'n Whisperwind speaking. I got your supplies and will be rotating between Landing Zones. Who needs priority?"

She had tons of stuff crammed into the hundred or so hatches, plus more in the cargo bay. Pre fab stuff for domes, weapons, extra food, water, fuel and ton of medical supplies. It was a weird feeling when her eyes met the ashy surface. They had a long way to go to recolonize the surface...

Aedan Miles sat on the bridge of a one of the larger transport ships a YSMR-3 Scythe freighter that was followed by a trio of Bora-class freighters as well the Scythe carried more building materials for the project that Clan Akaata had decided to undertake on Concord Dawn the Bora-class carried within them both members of the clan that were aiming to move into the compound they would make and the needed beverages for the Mead Hall of Clan Akaata. Looking down on the planet Aedan let out a sigh and gestured the ship forward as it started to enter the planets atmosphere the other three ships following he had sent ahead one of his clan's warriors his Alor'ad beforehand to find an appropriate location for the Mead Hall and the man was due to contact him soon.

[member="Oskin Akaata"]
Post 1

Amaya Verd wasn't even sure what'd she call it yet. It was a boat, and at the moment it was a slow-paced cruiser with an emphasis on taking a beating. With her custom made tool belt strapped around her waist, a black muscle shirt and pants that were one size away from being skin tight. The Mandalorian/Nabooian mutt was bound for Concord Dawn aboard one of her Auli'i ships. Frustrated with the design of the cruiser she turned her mind to something more useful.

Live stock cajoles. Or at least a way to keep them undercontrol until the proper animals were obtained to herd them to and from. And then Amaya distracted herself by thinking of a station, a Mandalorian trade and refuel hub for the flotilla. Something better than what was at Myrkr, maybe. As she stood to her feet the woman made her way to the command pit and took a seat. Revision was in sight and no longer would she have to contend with the hue of hyperspace but rather the view that was home, Concord Dawn.

Oskin Akaata

The Mandalorian Dwarf
Post #1

The short man hobbled his way in the front of tall, armored, and menacing men and women with warhammer in hand. The Alor, Aedan, had sent him to clear a path for the great mead hall of Akaata, and soon, they would find that holy place filled with succulent drink. On his back, a Mythosarus Axe fit for his size clung with deep wanting to be wedged into a enemy's face, while he was not sure he would be fighting today, he was certain he would give Varska what she wanted, and let Jarls get to smashing in the skulls.

"By the beard of my chin, and the clan of Akaata...I say, that waterfall seems like a fine place to put the mead all! Alas! Mighty tall men of the Legion, clear this path!! For the glory of Mando'ade, and the Alor!! I will see this place cleared of it's nature, or may the sky fall upon me!!"
Location: Going to wear the fun is.
Post 3/20

The Matador left the cave, and the villa and returned to inspect the progress the Tol Varen, Praxi, Catar Clans were in a united effort under The Matador's leadership to help the Mandolorian people. The Praxi and Catar had the technological advancement; bringing medicine and supplies to help the sickly and wounded. The Tol Varen brought the Might; quite literally. The Blade was able to spare 100 of the Might Shield Brethren to assist. Things, were underway. However, there was something he must attend outside of his own people. Followed by two bodyguards of the Spine legion, the Matador made his way towards the main landing site

The Tol Varen had returned to the world, and would no longer remain outsiders to the Mandolorian people. The Matador, as their leader had a duty to represent the Tol Varen as a strong clan to the new Mandolorian leadership. However, thus far his only interactions had been with [member="Keira Ticon"] following a short skirmish on Duxn. Beyond that, he was really unaware of who were in the seats of the power in the Mando'Ade. However, he intended to find out.

The Matador had co-ordinated to the best he could with the others to organise drop locations for the best effective relief effort on Mandalore. However, standing upon a precipice and looking onward; all he could think was that they may never recover from this. That, no matter how hard the Mandalorian people may try to return to their natural independency on solely themselves; there would always be something there to hold them down. The Matador had been reading, getting a grasp of recent history. It had not been the jedi. They were not responsible, they remained as they always were.

Weak and lacking in conviction to do what by their own code must be done.
Amongst the warriors of beskar was one who stuck out like a sore thumb. Her form was dwarfed by the Titans of Mandalore; her appearance seemingly weak in comparison to Mandalorian Iron. Where they had inpenetrable plates, she had exposed flesh - save for a shred of modesty here and there. What little she wore was black: a horrid choice for a desert world...yet not a word of complaint came from the crimson Zabrak. No, quiet observation ruled her every move. She walked about those huddled before the vein, doing her absolute best to translate the Mando'a that reached her ears. Of course, she only understood bits and pieces; and thus had to rely upon a handheld device for translation.

It was odd. It was out of place. Yet not a word of dismissal was uttered. She was, indeed, Aruetii...but one of their own had made their mark. Onyx tattoos spanned her body, yet one dominated her spine. T'was the skull of a Ram: the symbol of House Verd. The message was painfully set into place; that Shriek belonged to that House. That she was but an extension of their Will. And frankly, for the three squares a day she received, representing her liege was not a bad deal. This day, Shriek had been tasked with being the eyes and ears of her Master. This day, her observation would answer Darth Metus' question of the "beskar situation."

And it was upon the arrival of [member="Kad Tor"] that Shriek broke her silence.

"Got a chasm to explore. Scans show veins below." she said, before crouching before the gash upon the ground.

Location: Manda'yaim
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Shriek"]
Post: 2/20

"We can inform him later," Kad decided about the beskar deposits. There was no reason to wait while they brought [member="Vilaz Munin"] up to speed on where things stood with the surface minerals. While it was a silver lining in a rather black cloud, the fact remained that the planet was in a near inhabitable condition. There was work to do in order to survive as a people, and more still to ensure Mandalore would be there home once more. For now Dxun was still their home, though a mining outpost on Mandalore seemed promising. This made Kad happy to a degree.

He looked to the others around him. There places to search, and a team needed to do it. If there were ready volunteers Kad was willing, though he'd rather inspect the supply on the surface.

"Perhaps we can put together a team to survey the new supply lines. I'd be willing to help after inspecting the beskar here on the surface. If the eruptions which destroyed the surface of this world brought new material from below, what happened with our existing veins? For what we will need to rebuild, we have to answer that question."

Kad sensed something in the force he did not like, and it seemed to put Keira on edge. His attention turned to the Zabrak which was with them as the dark haired woman moved off to talk with the new arrival.

"As soon as we know if others will be joining us we will descend. Until then... scan what you can from the surface."
[member="Oskin Akaata"]

Aedan Miles watched as the ships landed nearby the waterfall that had been chosen by Oskin Akaata looking around he offered the man a nod and grinned stretching his arms as he cracked his neck as the rest of his clan members exited their craft as well laughing and joking amongst each other as they carried the tools they would need for the task at hand. Aedan grinned before pulling a simple wood cutting axe from his side and looking at the trees nodding his head. "Oskin what do you think we could make the meadhall out of the trees we fell as long as they are long and straight enough. They will need to be treated so they don't catch fire or rot." Aedan glanced down at the man whom he had come to respect for his good judgement and fighting skills.
Concord Dawn - Northern Hemisphere
Clan Garon Property - Palouse Valley
Finally Build Dral Homestead

Sunrise in the Palouse was something that had grown on Mesh'la Dral and she had come to look forward to every morning; the rolling wheat fields along the foothills of Concord Dawn's Bitterroot Mountains with a cool mist rising as rays of sunshine blanketed the region with its warmth. It was a beautiful sight, almost as beautiful as the Kelita River Valley back on Mandalore, but... that had all been destroyed when Manda'yaim was 'killed' in cold blood that fateful day that changed so many lives.

This was the reason why the golden-haired daughter of [member="Briika Tor"] and the late Kable Detta now called this Mandalorian Space frontier-like planet home. After surviving the massive earthquake that had struck the Keldabe region and demolished the Tor Homestead with Mesh and her son buried alive inside, the young baar'ur had fled with other refugees off world after being rescued to Concord Dawn's northern hemisphere where other clans such as Munin were located.

Shortly after this happened, Mesh'la reconnected with her estranged husband [member="Aden Dral"], and his father, [member="Strider Garon"], as both had returned. After getting a feel for what was going on with the many changes affecting the Mando'ade as a whole, Stri'buir decided to pass on Clan Garon's lands to his youngest son; bastard as he was born, but loyal almost to a fault. Now Aden and Mesh'la were building a new home upon the hallowed ground to raise their young son with plans to farm the land as was the tradition of the Garon aliit when not being mercenaries.

The petite blonde went outside the temporary shelter they were living in and stood in the crisp morning air sipping a mug of some steaming hot caf and looking over the plans for the modest two-story house the young Drals were building from scratch as the old buildings on the homestead were in various states of disrepair. They had construction droids to help, but still it was going to be a big job; one log, one wall at a time until it was completed.
Post 3/20

Aden stretched as he walked down the ramp of his ship with a mug of caf in his hands. He wasn't lazy, but the young merc had taken on a lot with preparing for the build. Even though the worker droids were available to help there was a certain pride which came from doing much of the work by hand. Aden was built well for the physical labor, but even he had to admit it was more tiring than he had expected. Mesh'la was always an early riser though, and to find her looking over the plans did not surprise him. The scenery was beautiful, but Aden wasn't looking at it. His eyes were fixed on the blonde ahead of him.

Things had warmed up between them, not enough that Aden was welcome in Mesh'la's bed again, but enough life felt more as it should. Still, he didn't dare pull her into his arms and hold her as much as he wanted to. Instead he walked up beside her, dressed in his work pants and a flannel with the sleeves rolled up. He sipped his caf and looked out at the sunrise.

"Beautiful," he said without referring to the sunrise or her. He would leave that to Mesh'la to decide what she thought he meant.

His eyes looked to the plans and he nodded.

"I think we have what we need to get to work. I'll set the droids to work on digging the foundation, and if you feel like getting dirty, we can help them."

Aden grinned knowing they were back to playing in the water when they needed to cool off from the work. For his own part he looked forward to the swimming knowing it was the closest thing he would get to having a physical relationship with his wife. He no longer looked for it to happen. Aden had finally contented himself with the fact it would happen when it was supposed to, and not before. Today they would build.

"I'd like to get the foundation dug if we can today, so I'd prefer if we did get our hands dirty."

[member="Mesh'la Dral"]
In the mine of Morut, Mandalore
Allies: Everyone (so far), [member="Rashae"]
Enemies: None (So far)
Post: 4/20

He smirked at her reply, flicking his helmet's audio feed off just for a second to give himself a private chuckle. The image of Prometheus soaking in the attention of two doting men, hanging off his muscled arms like fawning women was too much for him. Prometheus just wanted attention, that was all he could ever care about.

Careful there, he might like it too much and never leave them alone. Dinner, we can try Atrisian? To be honest, I feel like this is just a dirty night. Greasy food, dirty sheets, and maybe some lame holovids. Fair?

If anyone hacked their comms and read the conversation they'd be shocked to find a very human conversation that would probably be indistinguishable from any billions of other couples in the galaxy instead of a medical cabinet member of a massive nation and a cyborg super soldier. In fact, if he could have gone back in time a day before meeting Rashae and told himself that he would have a conversation like this, the warrior would have never believed it. But this was his life now, and he would have lied if he said he didn't savor its normalcy more than the adrenaline he felt during a firefight.

When Rashae patted Alexa's nose, the droid nuzzled against her hand and ribs like a spoiled pet craving attention. Its programing defaulted to a more nurtured and nurturing state when not in combat to keep it from becoming a master-murdering machine.

Ardgal placed his hand on the faceplate of his helmet. If they were not dealing with life and death here of several beings, Marvin's excitement would have humored him. At last the expert got his head on strait and Ardgal gave a sigh through his nose of relief, "Perfect."

He offered his hand to Rashae, there was room for her to ride on Alexa with him if she preferred over walking. It was faster and in a way, safer in his arms, so she wouldn't get a nasty sprain or fall in any holes to the heart of Mandalore.

Alexa began prodding her way down the left path. Here the wash of the lava flow dissipated as the path gently curved upward. The previous rush of lava gave way to smooth, man-made holes and chissled walls. This was a mine shaft, after all, and here they had dug deep into the planet, carving a path in search for their precious metals.

Soon bio signs loomed ahead of them, individual signatures on Ardgal's HUD like glowing beings suspended in dark water.

"We are almost there," he whispered to Rashae over their comms.

What they came to find was anything less than wonderful.

A shanty down had been created in a wide atrium that ended the tunnel. Tarp covered lean-tos crafted from plywood and rusty metal spotted the place sporadically. A few camp fires dotted the darkness, giving a little light for those within. A distinct smell of sickness, unwashed bodies, and badly stored food filled the air. Coughs could be heard here and there, small children peered in horrified curiosity at the new arrivals from the doors of their homes.

Ardgal helped [member="Rashae"] from the seat of Alexa, it was her domain now, her expertise, it was time for him to defer. "How can we help you treat these people?"
Post 3

"What records I got from the last crusade indicated we had largely strip mined the surface, and Concordia was where most of our supply was coming from," Alkor explained in answer to Kad's query. "The refineries on the moon had largely dried up, and with the most recent engagement between the Death Watch and that foreign power, what we had was almost certainly it."

The real question, however, was the state of the mines that Tor was talking about. As his datapad searched frantically for that information, Alkor mused to himself. "I have the feeling that even if we were to find entrances to those shafts, they would largely be blocked off by cooled lava, or collapsed from tectonic activity." He had dealt with a handful of worlds that the Dark Jedi Order put to the torch, and he had seen the effects of murderous world killer weapons in action. This was unsurprising to him, and yet, in a somber way he felt the emotions of the Mandalorian people as they held vigil over their broken home.

It was the closest he ever came to empathy.

He folded his arms when Keira seemed to be put off by a newcomer, and another previously silent member of House Verd spoke up. The Corellian exile glanced between the two closest to him and listened to them speak. He knew little to nothing about prospecting and mining, but he was competent when it came to following directions.

He looked to [member="Kad Tor"] at last, after the brief conversation about diving into the depths. "You're the senior on this op, bur'cya," he explained. "I know kriff-all about metallurgy, but I've got your six if the ground starts getting uneasy." He checked his armor and what few weapons he had carried along, then nodded to himself. "Just let me know what needs doing, and I'll do it."

[member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Shriek"]
Post 2

The ship came through the atmosphere with ease, parting the clouds as Amaya noted the Munin homestead and kept going. Somewhere between them and the new Dral homestead was Verd. There hadn't been much but that was about to change, the engineer would do what she did best. The cargo of her ship held lumber from Dxun along with the tools necessary. Even if there had been another Verd homestead somewhere else, the brunette had already set her eyes on this particular spot where you could see the fields with ease. As the ship touched down on a singular landing pad, placed there sometime after the battle.

The woman looked around at the command pit and patted the shoulders of a few of her kin. "C'mon vod, let's go build us a home." Heading down out of the ship she took a deep breath and exhaled. Toolbelt secured she watched as the lumber came down from the ship. "Get the speeder bikes, we'll go mark out a quarry to heave some stone."

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