Nolan Detta
(2) Keldabe Outskirts
As the Detta family shuttle made landfall, Nolan descended the ramp in full Beskar'gam. His only weapon being the Charging Rhyno revolver and those installed on his armor. Making his way to a rally point, the other Vod were in the process of unpacking the gear and provisions they'd brought with them while they re-established the Mandalorian homeworld.
Nolan looked out upon the planet that had once held such beauty, only to see ash, ruin and death. In the Force, Nolan felt the lost souls of his brethren, restless as they lacked resolution. Those held responsible will never pay the full price of their crime, and these souls shall wander the wastelands till judgement day come.
Yet, amongst the devastation, Nolan peaked out further with his enhanced optics and saw life. Saplings had sprung up in the distance. Birds could be heard chirping and singing across the horizon. And his kin were here. They'd survived, even prospered. And now they were home. With each arriving shuttle, Nolan's people secured their future. A future for their children, a future for his children...
As the Detta family shuttle made landfall, Nolan descended the ramp in full Beskar'gam. His only weapon being the Charging Rhyno revolver and those installed on his armor. Making his way to a rally point, the other Vod were in the process of unpacking the gear and provisions they'd brought with them while they re-established the Mandalorian homeworld.
Nolan looked out upon the planet that had once held such beauty, only to see ash, ruin and death. In the Force, Nolan felt the lost souls of his brethren, restless as they lacked resolution. Those held responsible will never pay the full price of their crime, and these souls shall wander the wastelands till judgement day come.
Yet, amongst the devastation, Nolan peaked out further with his enhanced optics and saw life. Saplings had sprung up in the distance. Birds could be heard chirping and singing across the horizon. And his kin were here. They'd survived, even prospered. And now they were home. With each arriving shuttle, Nolan's people secured their future. A future for their children, a future for his children...