A brilliant fire


Appearance: Link
Weapons: Lightsaber

"That.... is really it," Valery said as she looked down into the valley from a cliff they had landed on with the Bastion. Many years ago, Master Adam Dawn had visited this town after her parents had called the Jedi about her. She had never returned but she remembered visions of this place, and she could swear that she recognized the mountains around her from her dreams. It was beautiful and felt serene even to those not sensitive to the Force, but Keshi wasn't a planet without conflict either. On the opposite side of this continent, planetary authorities waged a war against a group of terrorists opposing Keshi's growing cooperation with the wider Galaxy.
Valery wasn't familiar with the details of this conflict, but right now, she wasn't here to just address planetary issues. In a way, she was coming home to a place that until Kahlil unlocked a memory of her mother never really felt like home. She hadn't even considered looking back when she felt that the Jedi were her family, but she had failed to consider how her parents felt about it all.
How much they must have worried and missed her.
"It's lovely, hm?" Valery glanced at Kahlil, then down at Vera. Their little star looked up at her mother and noticed instantly that she was a little emotional after thinking about everything that led up to this moment. So without wasting a second, Vera stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her mother's leg. "Don't be sad, mommy," she said, and Valery just beamed the happiest smile possible.
"Alright, you two ready to go meet the people down there?" She looked at Kahlil this time, her smile showing extreme appreciation and affection. She couldn't be happier that they were making this trip together with the family.