Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Homecoming


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"That.... is really it," Valery said as she looked down into the valley from a cliff they had landed on with the Bastion. Many years ago, Master Adam Dawn had visited this town after her parents had called the Jedi about her. She had never returned but she remembered visions of this place, and she could swear that she recognized the mountains around her from her dreams. It was beautiful and felt serene even to those not sensitive to the Force, but Keshi wasn't a planet without conflict either. On the opposite side of this continent, planetary authorities waged a war against a group of terrorists opposing Keshi's growing cooperation with the wider Galaxy.

Valery wasn't familiar with the details of this conflict, but right now, she wasn't here to just address planetary issues. In a way, she was coming home to a place that until Kahlil unlocked a memory of her mother never really felt like home. She hadn't even considered looking back when she felt that the Jedi were her family, but she had failed to consider how her parents felt about it all.

How much they must have worried and missed her.

"It's lovely, hm?" Valery glanced at Kahlil, then down at Vera. Their little star looked up at her mother and noticed instantly that she was a little emotional after thinking about everything that led up to this moment. So without wasting a second, Vera stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her mother's leg. "Don't be sad, mommy," she said, and Valery just beamed the happiest smile possible.

"Alright, you two ready to go meet the people down there?" She looked at Kahlil this time, her smile showing extreme appreciation and affection. She couldn't be happier that they were making this trip together with the family.



Keshi was one of those worlds Kahlil had yet to go to. As a boy, when he was finally free of the Sith, he had every intention of exploring every world. Seeing all of them with his own two eyes so he might better understand the Galaxy and how truly unique and special it was without his father's iron will forced over them. He'd forgotten about that, until now. A soft smile stayed on his face as he overlooked the world alongside Valery, alongside Vera.

Kahlil blinked, glancing towards Vera for a moment. Smiled after a moment more as he reached down to gently pat the top of her head. She was far too attuned to the feelings of others for her own good, but he couldn't stop being proud of just how much she wanted to help others feel better.

"I think we are. .. Are you?"

He lifted his eyes, watching Valery. Concern was obvious. There was a lot of painful memories to dig up. The worst kind, anyway. Memories she didn't have a chance to know.

"We're in no hurry. It's vacation, after all."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I think we are. .. Are you?"

Valery blinked in surprise at his response — she hadn't expected it, even though she should have. Both Kahlil and Vera could see through her so easily, and both of them were incredibly supportive. "I'm ready, thank you both." She reached down to pat Vera's head and offered her husband the smile he loved to see so much.

A happy smile.

"We love you, mommy," Vera said, and Valery looked away with a smile, even if only to hide just the somewhat teary eyes she got because of her daughter. She then cleared her throat, took a deep breath, and followed the path down into the valley. Vera loved it so much that she ran ahead a little, but out here... she could. There was no tension, no danger, and nothing that could possibly remind them of war and trauma.

Everything was beautiful — from the tall trees of the forest on each side of the path to the flower fields and sun shining brightly over the mountain tops. There was a gentle breeze, but it didn't feel cold against the skin.

"Look how happy she is," Valery said, as they watched Vera chase after a small animal. "This is what I hope to see more when the war is over. I know peace doesn't often last very long, but seeing her like this... it makes the struggle worth it, doesn't it?"



Kahlil followed beside Valery, just watching her. Only watching her. Vera he could feel was fine, but he wasn't worried about her. Not here. And as beautiful as the world might be, she was who mattered right now. He slipped his hand into hers, squeezing gently before finally looking after Vera, looking at the world itself with a much brighter smile. It truly was a beautiful place here.

"It does. Everyone should be able to live like this. That's what I'm fighting for, at least."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

For just a moment, Valery seemed to be completely lost in the beauty of Keshi. From the birds in the trees to her little girl running through fields of colorful flowers. Everything about this world made her just a bit more emotional, especially after the memories of her mother. But when Kahlil slipped his hand into hers, her body straightened and her eyes shifted to him.

He knew what she was feeling.

"It's what I fight for too. And well, for our family." She chuckled and squeezed his hand back before looking over at Vera, who had stopped because she spotted someone.

A woman in a white linen dress stood in the tall grass up ahead, a basket with fruit in her hand and a curious look in her orange eyes. They looked very similar to Valery's but less intense.

"Hello!" Vera called out without any fear or hesitation, which took the woman by surprise a little She could tell that Valery was Keshian just with a quick glance, but her gaze lingered on Kahlil a little longer. It was clearly strange for off-worlders to come anywhere near this little town.

"Welcome to our town," the woman started. "You... aren't from here?" she asked Kahlil directly, hoping to get an introduction.



Ah. Another. Kahlil's gaze drifted from Vera towards the woman who she greeted. A Keshian, for sure. With Valery's eyes no less. .. Well, almost her eyes. Just a bit.. Dimmer? Did that mean Valery was a special case, or..? He wasn't too sure about that, or how the eyes might change over generations. Or if they even meant a family line. Lots to figure out, now that he looked at the woman. And back to Valery.

Then back to the woman as she greeted them.

"I'm not, no. But my wife, Valery here, wanted to see her homeworld. We're the Nobles. I'm Kahlil. That one is Vera." He nodded towards Vera's direction with a smile.

"It's very beautiful here."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The woman listened and seemed fascinated by what he said. An off-worlder who had returned with a Keshian? That meant the brunette with him had gone out into the Galaxy, which was rare for Keshians, but especially rare for people from this little town. As far as she knew, nobody had ever left it behind.

So how long ago was it?

"Nature here has been left alone, so it has retained its beauty for thousands of years," the woman said before the name Noble caught her attention. "Now that is a name I recognize, but I never knew any Nobles left our town. How long ago did you move?" she asked Valery.

"Uhm, a few thousand years ago technically," she said with a sheepish smile. "I ended up in stasis. Long story, but I've not been here in a very long time." Kahlil would likely feel her grip on his hand tightening a bit. For some reason, all of this was making her feel a little nervous.

"Well, would you both be interested in joining us? We'd love to welcome you back."

Valery blinked and looked at Kahlil, unsure as to what the woman meant exactly.



"So the Nobles are still here?"

She said as much, but Kahlil was more surprised than anything. To think a family that small would stay for centuries. .. No, that was just him thinking like his family would. He squeezed Valery's hand again, glancing to her as he felt her grip tighten. Concern, always, on just what she might be feeling.

"Yes. We'd like that." He turned his gaze back to the stranger, giving a brief smile.

"Might we get your name, though?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"All families here go back until the beginning. The world provides what we need, so our people do not leave. She glanced curiously at Valery again. "Or so I thought." There was nothing unfriendly about her tone, but she still seemed almost shocked that someone from her town had left.

And now returned so much later with strangers.

"Well, I'd love to meet the Nobles if I can." Valery seemed hopeful that somehow, something of her past still lingered here.

"Of course, and my name is Lyzalae Dorne. But you may call me Lyza," she said before she turned to head into town.

"Wait...where is Vera?"

Lyza chuckled, "Over there, making new friends." She gestured at Vera crawling through the grass to play with a cat-like creature. "Look daddy!" She called out, while she rubbed the creature's tummy, which got it to roll over and purr. Valery watched and briefly let go of Kahlil's hand to walk over and take a picture of it.

Something for that new necklace Kahlil was going to make her.

Lyza took the opportunity to step closer to Kahlil and speak to him, "Your wife seems tense about coming here. I hope everything is well?"

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Kahlil glanced towards where Vera was, blinking slowly. Then chuckled. Leave it to their daughter to make friends with the local wildlife. At least this one seemed cute and harmless. .. Mostly harmless. Not like the dinosaur she'd picked up at their last home. He glanced to Valery for a moment as she walked off, smiling faintly. Then towards the Keshain with a blink.

"Ah. She doesn't have many memories of this place. Back when she was born, before the stasis, she was brought to the Jedi. They didn't allow attachment then, so she never came home to see this world. She's.. Unsure on how to feel, I guess."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was also happy this wasn't another dinosaur.

This cat seemed cute and definitely wasn't dangerous It loved the way Vera gave it attention too, and Valery caught several great pictures of it with a small holo-camera she brought along for this trip. Once that was done, she crouched down beside her daughter and also patted the little creature.

"That explains it, then," Lyza said while she watched the Nobles play with a wild cat. "Maybe the Nobles will know more about her departure from this town. It's very unusual, so worth remembering." There was, of course, still the possibility that thousands of years had resulted in the loss of this event, but there was no reason not to try.

At this point, Valery and Vera made their way back over, and while Vera was hopping ahead of everybody in all of her excitement, Valery joined Kahlil again and took his hand once more. Lyza noticed but made no comment. She understood that this wasn't just unusual to her and her own people.

Soon, the group entered the small village and even though it's thousands of years old, it looked like it was built yesterday. The buildings were all maintained well, the grass was kept short, the roads were perfect, and even modern equipment was kept incredibly clean.

"Good morning, Lyza!" someone called out, and within seconds another did as well. Everybody knew each other in this town, but the people who were with Lyza were new, so folks began to gather to watch them enter.

"Good morning everybody. This is..." she turned to Valery, to let her introduce herself. "I'm Valery Noble. I was born here a long time ago and this is my family." She smiled proudly at her husband and daughter. People seemed very curious after the name was dropped, and several stepped closer for their own introductions.

Lyza watched this happen and turned to Kahlil, "We are occasionally visited by traders or people from other small towns up north. So we have a hotel that usually sits empty. Would you and your wife want to stay there?" she asked him, while Valery was being swarmed a little bit. Almost a little too much, so she still kept a tight grip on her husband's hand.



"I hope, whatever it is they have to say, isn't anything heartbreaking."

It was a paper thin hope, and he knew it. From the memory alone it was a sad event. But, perhaps there was something good to be gleamed from this side of her story. Kahlil slipped his hand into hers, squeezing gently as they made their way into the town proper. It was.. Busy, to say the least. And everyone seemed to know one another. Huh. Crazy to think that there were towns like this. Perhaps he was too used to the big city of Coruscant or his own home to think about it. Even when they had their own place in a small town he didn't go out much.

Was this something he'd missed out on, then?

He squeezed Valery's hand reassuringly. Gave her a grin. She was nervous, he knew. But she had this. Even as overwhelming as the people might be, she got this.

"I think that'd be good. Give us time to better see the world and explore at our own leisure. It is a vacation, after all."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I can't make any promises," Lyza said but like him, she hoped that any information the Nobles had would be uplifting, rather than depressing. It was hard for her to imagine what it must be like to come here after leaving it behind at an early age, but there was no way it would be pleasant.

That much was clear just from the way her husband seemed to support her.

"Alright, I'll have someone ready a room for you two. One with an extra bedroom linked up to it for your daughter. While that's being done, we can visit the Nobles. They're farmers just at the edge of town," she explained, and overhearing the conversation, Valery turned to look between Lyza and Kahlil.

"I'd love to meet them," she said, her hand holding on tightly to Kahlil's. She was still a bit nervous, but he'd be able to feel that she was alright. Valery had faced greater challenges in life, such as her return to New Cov. And like then, she had him with her for those few moments when she did want some support.

Together with Lyza, they then made their way over to the farmhouse. It looked different from what they had seen in the vision, but that likely wasn't too strange considering the time gap. Lyza knocked on the heavy wooden doors, and soon enough, an older woman who seemed to be in her 60s opened up. Her bright orange eyes seemed happy to see Lyza, but there was some confusion about the strangers.

"Good morning, Yvaine," Lyza began, and Valery felt a rush of heat traveling through her body. She shared the same name as her mother. "I'd like to introduce you to Valery Noble and her family. She was once born here and left a long time ago."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," Valery said, her voice a bit softer and lacking her usual overpowering confidence.

Yvaine nodded and looked very curiously at Valery, but before she could say anything, her husband joined. His eyes were purple and turned from Valery to Kahlil. "Why did she bring an outsider to our home?"



No promises.

It'd have to do. At least it was honest. He followed with them, keeping his hand in Valery's, watching the people around. They didn't seem too trusting of an outsider. Was it deserving? Maybe. He didn't know the life these people lead prior. Or what made it so they didn't leave.

Or why when the door opened he was immediately met with distrust.

"I'm her husband. Kahlil Noble, it's good to meet you both."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The man's question had almost made Valery's heart stop beating. She couldn't imagine a worse start for this moment, but luckily, Kahlil remained very calm and introduced himself. It wasn't surprising that he did, and she hoped it would help the man be more open to them.

"And I'm Vera!" Their little star chimed in, and while the older man showed no real response, his wife smiled at the young Noble.

"We know of you," she then began. "A long time ago, the Jedi came to take you away."

Valery frowned and briefly glanced at Kahlil. "Well, they were asked to pick me up. They didn't just take me away," she tried to clarify, but the woman and her husband hardly seemed convinced.

"You never returned to your people, and now you come here with an outsider and a halfblood child," the man said with a tone of disgust.

"I wanted to know more about my past." Valery seemed a lot more tense all of a sudden, not because she was struggling to get a foot in the door, but because of what he said about Vera.

"You should leave."

Lyza seemed a little surprised as well, but remained quiet and lookes from Valery to Kahlil.



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera retreated behind her mother's leg as the situation seemed to escalate, and Valery herself felt incredibly conflicted about what to even do. Kahlil, however, knew exactly what he wanted - an apology to his daughter.

But the elderly Noble did not seem to care.

"Or what? You're going to prove just why you outsiders shouldn't be trusted? Do yourself a favor and take your child and traiterous woman, and get out of here." He narrowed his eyes, and while Valery wanted to do something, she just couldn't. She felt incredibly defeated and just held onto her husband's hand.

This was supposed to be an opportunity for her to learn about her parents.

"We uh...should get going, hm?" Lyza tried, hoping to break things up.

"You should," the man sais, almost as if he wanted to rub it in. His wife just remained quiet and looked at Valery with an almost pained look. Perhaps things could have been different if her husband hadn't interfered.



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Warriors? The last of our warriors died to people like you a long time ago," the man scoffed before he almost shoved aside his wife to close the door with a loud bang.

For several seconds, Valery just stood still and looked at the closed door with a frown. But when Kahlil nudged her to leave, she finally sighed and stepped just a little closer to him while they walked back into town. "I think if it was just the woman, I could have convinced her to talk more. It's... unfortunate." She let out a last, defeated sigh before trying to set it all aside.

But then Vera spoke up.

"Daddy? What is a halfblood?"

Both Valery and Lyza looked at the youngest Noble with a pained expression. Vera didn't seem bothered at all - she just didn't understand.



He paused. The conversation was over, and that was fine. The last of the warriors, gone? Valery and him would talk about that some other time. It was Vera that gave him pause, though. He glanced to her, watched her. Then smiled as he crouched down to gently pat the top of her head.

"It's a term for folks who think their blood has to be pure to be anything. Idiots, all of them."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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