Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Homecoming


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera listened to her father and nodded. She knew her parents weren't of the same species, but that never bothered her or anybody else she had met. So what her father told her seemed right.

"Idiots," she echoed with a smile, and Valery just chuckled before also reaching down to pat the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you both. I thought the Nobles were...different. But some people here generalize and blame all outsiders for the war that claimed so many of our people's lives," Lyza went on to explain, hoping it would give them some context.

"Is that what he meant with the warriors being gone?" Valery asked, and Lyza nodded in confirmation.

"There are still some, but not here." She stopped once they reached a larger building, where a protocal droid was waiting outside. "This is the hotel. I had room 44A prepared. It's at the top floor and has the best view. I hope that you both will still enjoy your stay here despite what happened."

Valery looked at Kahlil, smiled and squeezed his hand. "I think we will. Thank you Lyza, I'm sure we'll see each other again."

Lyza nodded and offered the family her smile. "Let me know if you need anything, and I'll leave you all be for now."

With her departure, Valery looked at Kahlil again and smirked. "I'd like to get changed before we look around. Your uh...Padawan made me a dress," she said. She was excited to show off what Thelma Goth Thelma Goth had made for her.



So despite the peace of the world, it had quite the brutal history?

Kahlil nodded a little, casting a worried glance towards Valery. As annoyed as he was, he couldn't help but worry about how she felt. It was her family, no matter how far removed. Maybe they could try again later. Or she could, without him. .. No, she wouldn't accept that. He was already chuckling at the knowledge she'd give him crap if he ever suggested she try to appeal to someone without him because his presence was offensive.

"I heard Thelma made clothing. It'll be interesting to see what she did make."

He cast her a smile before looking to Vera.

"So, where do you want to go first, little star?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Oh I'm sure you'll love it," Valery said, her smile already much brighter now that they were on their own and not having to bother with the other Nobles and their view on outsiders. She still hoped to return and perhaps convince the woman to give her some information, but only if she could bring her family with her.

She'd never accept anything less.

"Uhm..." Vera pondered after her mother left to get changed and looked up at her father. She knew exactly what she wanted. "Somewhere that makes mommy happy. I don't like mommy sad." Vera then stepped forward and hugged herself around her father's leg.

Soon enough, Valery returned in her new dress, and smiled brightly at her family. She twirled around, turned one side to him and then the other, and showed off the new dress a little. She was now wearing her hair loose as well, letting it sit long and wavy around her shoulders and down her back. A different look, but perfect for Keshi.

"Ahhh, mommy is pretty!" Vera squealed, drawing a warm smile from her mother.

"What do you think, love?" Valery asked with an expecting look.

"Ready to explore more of Keshi together?" She waggled her eyebrows and stepped closer to him, to draw him into a quick kiss. Nothing too much with Vera there, but a brief moment she wanted to share with him after his support earlier.

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"We can look around. I'm sure together we'll find something mommy really likes, huh?"

He cast Vera a grin and a wink before glancing towards Valery as she came back out. A much brighter smile took over as he watched her. She looked happy. And.. Well. The dress looked very nice. Really nice, at that. He just smiled as she stepped closer. Leaned down to steal a kiss before she could stop him. Then turned to head towards the door of their hotel room.

"C'mon, let's go exploring."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She wasn't going to stop him.

Valery just closed her eyes and leaned into the gentle kiss before it broke, and her eyes lingered on his for a moment. He clearly liked the dress, but what was far more important to him was the way she felt, and now that they were focusing on having a good time again, she couldn't be happier.

She always loved that caring side of him.

Once outside, the Noble family walked along the path through town, and Vera's excitement began to really show again. She hopped around her parents, randomly hugged their legs, and chased after small animals whenever one popped up. But once she returned, she got a better idea. In a quick jump, she latched herself around her father's arm and squealed excitedly while she forced him to carry her around like that.

"Having a good time, sweetie?" Valery asked with the most loving, motherly smile.

"Mhmm! Daddy is strong!!" she exclaimed before her eyes caught something in the distance. "Can we go to the waterfall? Pleeeaase?"

"Well, it's on the opposite side of the river, but we could watch from our side?" She looked at Kahlil for confirmation.



Kahlil blinked in surprise as Vera jumped to just hang off his arm. Blinked, then just grinned as he lifted her up easily with the arm alone. Watched her dangle for a moment before glancing towards where the waterfall was. Go to the waterfall? Sure, yeah. Why not? He grinned towards Valery, nodding his head. Though also just raised a brow curiously.

"Why not just go with her? The waterfall is always nice, y'know?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery blinked and looked over, "Well, I'm not sure if they have a boat, but we can take a look?" She smiled warmly, not thinking about the option to swim there in her new dress. And since she didn't want to give Vera false hope, she remained cautious with her promises to their little star.

Who was still dangling from her dad's arm with the biggest grin possible.

"Come on, mommyyy," she tried,.and Valery just chuckled in response while she looked between her and Kahlil. It wasn't surprising to her at all that she wanted to check out the waterfall, but as much as Valery wanted to give into her own almost childlike excitement, she was being protective.

It didn't stop her from making her way over to the river with them though, and sadly, the only boats there were private property and locked down. But even from this distance, the waterfall running down from the mountains looked stunning. It was enough to get Vera to jump back down to the ground to watch for a moment.

"Woah..." she said before looking at her dad. She began to grin.

"Why don't I like that look?"



Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Valery looked between her husband and daughter but already knew the answer. She tried to take a step back and even considered running, but she'd never get very far. Especially not in the dress she was wearing.

So as Kahlil lifted her up into his arms, Valery squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Oh no no no! The water is cold!" She exclaimed but there was no stopping him. Under the sound of Vera's giggling, the two went into the fairly cold water, which completely soaked her dress and had Valery squirm in his grip.

It made no difference.

"Get her!" Vera laughed before jumping into the water with a big splash. She loved it, and didn't seem to mind the cold at all.

"You k-k-know I-I'm n-not wearing much underneath this, r-right?" Valery chuckled and kept herself hugged against him for some warmth. But Vera did not like that at all.

"Throw her!"

"Vera!" Valery called out, in laughter but also in pain.



"Course the water's cold. Crisp and clean! Few worlds actually have water this fresh." He snickered, even more as she seemed to shiver in the cold itself. Maybe it was a little mean to dunk her in the water, but his flame could keep herself warm if she really wanted to. Which just had him smirking all the more as she clung that much tighter. At least until-

"Throw her!"

Kahlil didn't hesitate. He crouched down just enough before full on sending her towards the middle of the river. Towards the deepest part so she wouldn't get hurt, naturally. And just, well. Make sure she couldn't escape the river in the slightest.

The more fun they could have, the more she could be distracted from what happened earlier. If he could, he'd make sure a smile was all she could think about. Even just for a little while.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She wasn't sure what she disliked more in this moment; the teasing or the plan that formed between father and daughter. Either way, it didn't matter much for Valery - he crouched down and with all of his strength tossed her into the lake. Valery yelled and flailed around a little until she went down under about halfway across the lake.

Vera was dying from laughter.

"Mommy can fly!" She called out with several more giggled but to her surprise, Valery came back up with a grin on her face. She shook out her hair a little, turned to look at Kahlil and he'd be able to see that fire in her eyes burning. She was about to challenge him.

"First one to the other side!" She called out. "Loser has to give a massage~" of course, her head start was completely fair, so she wasn't going to give them time to catch up.

As competitive as always, Vera quickly began to swim through the calm water, while her mother tried to make sure Kahlil could not keep up.
"Ahh! Not fair!" Vera called out. "Stop her, daddy!



Kahlil was all grins.

At first. The moment Valery popped out with that fiery look in her eye, Kahlil knew what she was going to say. What she was going to do. So he dove forward. Scooped up Vera in his arms to put her on his back so he could bring her along. At as high speed as he could. He wasn't going to catch up, not with the head start she'd been 'accidentally' given. But he would certainly try to give Vera the satisfaction of a win.

Try. And fail. But it'd be fun all the same.

"We got this! Hang on!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was also all grins.

It wasn't often she could turn his teasing against him, so whenever she got the chance to do just that, she took it with open arms and did not hold back. Even with Vera on his shoulders and both wanting this little bit of competition, Valery was not just going to give them the win.

Vera, like her mother, of course also wanted to win. She pointed at Valery and yelled as loud as she could, "Get her!" But in all of her excitement and competitivenes, Vera accidentally tapped into the Force, and suddenly pulled her mother under. Her eyes widened, she yelped and withdrew her hand immediately.

Had she hurt mom?

Within a few seconds, Valery came back up, looked over her shoulder, but quickly smirked again before making it to shore. It wasn't as easy of a win as she had hoped, but she needed to catch her breath a little before thinking about that.

"I'm sorry, daddy. I...I...I didn't mean to," she said, still on his back as they swam towards shore to reach Valery.



Kahlil was all grins up until he watched Valery get pulled under the water. He blinked at that. Surprise, concern. Only for a moment until he felt she was actually fine. And continuing to race. So he did the same. Smiled the warm smile as he always did.

"I'm sorry, daddy. I...I...I didn't mean to,"

"No, you didn't."

He didn't stop swimming, not for a moment.

"But that's okay. That's why you're with the Jedi. To learn how to control yourself. But you must stay calm. The panic you feel, feel it. Never ignore your emotions. But don't let them control you either."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera felt afraid, but only for a moment. Her father reassured her and offered some insight that she had heard about before, both from her parents and other Jedi. Stay in control, stay calm. Vera took a deep breath and looked over at her mother, who was sitting in the grass, trying to stay warm by wrapping her arms around herself. All she wanted to do now was give her a hug and say sorry.

So the second they reached land, Vera didn't even give her dad a second to reach Valery first. She hopped off his back, rushed over and practically tackled her mother with a big hug. "I'm sorry, mommy. I didn't mean to," she said again, and Valery was quick to wrap her arms around her little star.

"I know. It's okay, sweetie," She smiled and pressed a kiss atop her daughter's head. "Love you."

"Love you too," Vera said, already feeling bright and happy again.

Valery them got up to her feet with Vera in her arms and looked at Kahlil with a smirk. She didn't need to say it out loud, but that massage wasn't something he'd get out of. And probably more.

"There is another place on Keshi I wanted to visit. It's where a group of female warriors live and train. It's one of few stories I vaguely remember from dreams and visions. From what I could find, they still live there today." She looked at Vera for a moment, who also seemed excited to go. "And don't worry, they will let you be there," she assured Kahlil, who obviously wasn't a woman



Before Kahlil could stop her she was gone. Running back towards her her mother and not hesitating to just tackle her into a hug. He smiled softly as he watched. Gave a nod to Valery. At least Vera could bounce back without issue. Once he made his way onto the shore he plopped down beside them, uncaring of how utterly drenched any of them were, and just smiled. Nodded again. Seeing the Keshain warriors?

"So long as you're sure they won't be offended, I'd love to join you."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"They won't be, as long as you don't intend on staying permanently." She chuckled and with Vera still in her lap, leaned closer to bump against him. It was a little hard to give him a kiss or a proper hug, so it was going to have to do. For now. Valery then got up to her feet and gently set Vera down, before her eyes followed the river.

"The reason I remembered the story of these warriors is that their home is close to my hometown. If you follow the river and reach the opposite side of the lake, you'll be able to find them in the mountains. It's unforgiving terrain but they use it for training. I want to visit their camp at the foot of the mountain though, where it's safe for Vera." It's also where most of them would spend their time when they weren't training or working somewhere out in the world.

"I'm not scared of the mountains," Vera then protested with a small pout, which got Valery to chuckle.

"I know, but I feel better if I can keep you very safe with me, sweetie." Valery patted her on the head and turned to Kahlil. "Do you think we should take the Bastion or maybe get a small boat?"

Vera perked up at the mention of a boat ride but looked at her father for his decision.



Kahlil raised a brow as he listened to Vera. Leave it to their kid to want to brave the trial that the mountain surely was, even with her just being five. Or, well. She was almost six now, wasn't she? He smiled softly, reaching a hand down to pat the top of her soaked hair.

"Listen to your mother. When you're older, we can have you brave the mountain. For now, patience. Alright?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera stopped pouting when her dad addressed her and told her she could go into the mountains when she was older. It meant having to wait, which she hated, but at least it meant she could go one day. Valery narrowed her eyes slightly seeing the reaction from her daughter — Vera tended to listen better to her dad, which perhaps wasn't too strange, but still made her feel a bit jealous.

"Okay! But can we take the boat, please?"

Valery blinked, "The Bastion would be a lot warme-" she stopped when Vera turned to her with pleading eyes. A quick sigh of defeat followed, as well as a nod. "Fine. Let's grab a small boat and we go there." Vera hopped up excitedly, and her mother just chuckled.

Luckily, there were plenty of boats that could freely be taken at the small docks. They were all owned by the town, and used for fishing or to get across the river. They weren't privately owned, so anybody could take one for their needs, under the assumption they would be returned in good condition.

Soon enough, the Nobles had taken one and used it to reach the lake. It gave an amazing view of the mountains that surrounded it, but also a strange feeling in the Force. As if they were being watched constantly. "The Faedra also watch over this lake, so they know we're coming. They say that if you listen carefully enough, you can hear their songs whistled across the silence of this lake."

Valery smiled and watched as Vera leaned over the side of the boat to bring her ear closer to the water as if that'd help her hear them. "Hmmm... I can't hear anythiiing."

"Listen more carefully," Valery said, and as silence fell between the Nobles, a familiar whistle seemed to reach them. It was the melody Valery often hummed while she was cooking or doing things around the house.



Kahlil took captain of the boat, idly setting about getting the engine on, controlling where they'd go. Get them down the river together, towards the mountain in the distance. And listen, as they talked. Then to the sounds around them. Music, huh? A song? Oh. He blinked. It was one he actually recognized. He turned his gaze towards Valery for a moment, letting it settle in. Making sure that's what he heard.

Then looked ahead.

"Your mother's song."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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