Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Honor Among the Hibiscus

Gotz Redwall

Objective 3

Resurgent Narrative

Blood was the currency of empires, and the First Order had paid its toll in full.

Redwall had received the notice in the midst of a drunken stupor by one of his more loyal liaisons. He took it with a confused smile and a lofted brow, and offered a few words of thanks as he tried his best to gather himself and read over the contents. It spoke of a rising power in the west, of the remnants of an old empire, and the crowning of a new monarch.

The former field marshal knew well enough of monarchs and their ineffectuality. Initially, he'd opted to toss the message in his junk folder and continue on with profiteering off the small conflicts of the outer rim.

At least until he sobered up.

Gotz read the message properly in his hungover stupor, and found himself somewhat moved by the possibilities it represented. Ession was gone, and its allied worlds long since forced under the banner of the Sith Empire. This resurgent First Order would likely not oppose his peoples' oppressors, but it was better than the mercenary bands.

There was opportunity here. A future. That was more than anything the other options offered.

It was enough.

Confident in his choice, Redwall left for the celebrations on Dosuun. The warlord arrived in a small shuttle near the planet's capital, a handful of loyal Essonian men at his flank. They had elected to follow the disgraced star of the homeworld in favor of their absent Lord-Imperator, something for which Gotz was eternally grateful and humbled by.

He was clad in the officer's uniform of his homeworld, a long fur cloak following behind him as he slowly trailed into the heart of the facility. Tabac smoked lingered in his wake as Gotz cleared the pipe and proceeded into the nation's capital, his followers awaiting at the entrance. It wouldn't do to go marching into the halls of a foreign power with men at his back.

The warlord peered out through the red lens of his glasses as he came into the entrance, hands placed at his hips as he inspected the corridor.

Little drab for my taste.

He lingered on the tabac buzz and waited, arms folding about his chest as he continued to examine his surroundings. Perhaps this opportunity would be timely. Perhaps it would be pointless.

Gotz didn't care much one way or another. As far as he was concerned, his ascendance was only a matter of time: it was only the means that remained uncertain.
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Renata Westaway

Renata's eyebrows knitted together at the mention of moving against Ariel Yvarro. She immediately began to shook her head. "No, no, no," she said quickly, raising a hand as if to ward off a physical strike. "You misunderstand me. I have no interest in moving against Moff Yvarro. Not politically. Not personally. Not physically. Not in any way." She stared at Henry as if her intense gaze could force this certitude into his consciousness. "Never. That's not my way. My aim here is really to get a better idea of who I'm dealing with. Things have moved so fast over the last several months, and she's been away from the capital for much of it. I haven't really had a chance to get a feel for her."

She stared at him a few moments more, then sighed. "Have you got any more of that gin?" She held out her teacup. When he obligingly poured in another measure of gin, she took it down in one shot and set the teacup down on the table.

"I have no intention of moving against Ariel," she reiterated, this time in the tone of a bone-weary explanation. "But I am trying to determine the extent to which my future lies in this government. I have nothing against the First Order and in fact I feel it will be among the best places to live once we get everything sorted out. But for me, for Renata Westaway, I don't know if I can serve it under the false pretenses that I am an equal partner in the Moff Council. However much I like Ariel, and I do like her. We've worked well together when we've both been above-board and forthright. But she spent the occupation cajoling and threatening and domineering people into supporting the First Order, and I spent it hiding in a tunnel and performing raids against the Imperium, so neither one of us is quite used to laying all our cards on the table all the time."

Her gaze searched Henry's face, looking for some flicker of understanding or recognition. "Questions, I suppose, which demand an answer sometime. But I have a commitment to a man I met on Tholon. I promised I would plead his case to the Council, and I can't very well do that if I resign." She leaned back and looked up at Henry. "I'm sorry, I've just realized you haven't asked me anything and I've just been yammering on like an idiot. How strong is that gin?"


Resurgent Narrative


Armand Nathael "Nate" Branneth, enjoyed the sights of the city of Sejong and to be quite honest he had hoped to continue to do so. He was set to meet with Gotz Redwall and formerly offer the man a position within the First Order. On a probationary period, and once the two parties were comfortable with one another it would be more permanent. The First Order's rise as it stood had been a combined effort, from the resilence of the people of Dosuun, Qeravert IV, Gilaria, Needan, Mephout and of course Seoul. To those who needed somewhere to go, somewhere in which to flourish that wasn't the Galactic North.

He invited the soon-to-be Brigadier to have a bit of Seoularian BBQ at a local place out in the Yoonsun Cho Market. One of the best places for food around the city, if Nate thought so himself at least. Ession. Nate's mind ran along with the names of the world that been subjugated by the Sith Empire, and how the Sith tried to flex influence around the Ison Corridor and indeed through to the Seoularian Kingdom and in Dosuun. Ession was just one of the worlds trapped within the Sith's clutches. Torn asunder, and he wondered if it had not been for Natasi Fortan - if Galidraan would have suffered much of the same fate? Perhaps it would have, but it was best not to dwell on such things.

Instead, he smiled toward the waitress. He reserved a rather large room, after all, it wouldn't be just the man they were looking for. They would be integrating the entire band from the sounds of it. All that was needed were the final parts of the paperwork and a report from Branneth to the Moff Council and of course, Her Majesty on his opinions of the man.


Palace Chief Inspector Kyoung had gathered what he could and left his team to canvas the rest of the scenes. He sat in his office in downtown Sejong. Slowly he began to arrange the information on the screen in front of him. He had his list of suspects, rather, persons of interest, and ran down the list. Sarang and Ji-Hun were both ruled out immediately, while Sarang was upset with her sister - she wouldn't go this far. Sarang's concerns were elsewhere in the kingdom and for the most part, the Queen was content to let Sarang do as she pleased. Ji-Hun had his own problems and knew well enough not to make them his cousin's problems. He'd also risk being disowned and given that he enjoyed a rather lavish lifestyle it wouldn't do him any favors to sack palace security.

Now, this left Geon and Kwang-Su, both not only had the means to accomplish the task but motivation. Kwang-Su was brought on after time away, in fact, his house had been dishonored at least two generations ago by the Queen's own grandfather. Geon, on the other hand, hailed from one of the oldest and perhaps most noble houses in Seoul. The Sun-Shins. Geon had been crossed with the Queen for bringing Kwang-Su aboard. However, Kyoung knew the gossip in the palace halls...

Geon and the Queen had had a romantic affair - that had gone on for years and ended only two years before she ascended the throne. Come to think of it... Kyoung pulled up the records. Geon had two daughters but no one ever seemed to question where they came from, and the Queen hadn't been first in the line for the throne, it had been in fact her father and then brothers. They died at the hands of the Ssi-Ruuvi or at least that's the report.

Kwang-Su's House had been stricken from the records. Instead, they were given the name Seogka (Trickster) was disowned and essentially banished from the palace two generations ago on accusations of treason and coveting power. The Seogka were originally the guards of the royal house. The Tigerkin were put into place by King Kim Nam-Sun only after the plot to overthrow the royal family had been discovered. Kyoung's eyes were wide as he compiled the information into an organized correspondence. While he did so the information on Geon's daughters came about. Their mother's name was officially written in as Sun-Shin Geyong, however; that name doesn't exist on official records anywhere.

It occurred to the Inspector... The Queen eloped with Geon early on, and when it became evident that she would ascend the throne. She cut ties because her marriage to Geon wasn't official and nor was he ever selected to be her suitor. It would not only be frowned upon but scandalous. She had married without approval and worse bore two children. Rather, Geon looks to be the honorable man - a single father raising his girls. Daughters who believe their mother to be dead if all the official paperwork and information is to be believed. Kwang-Su no doubt would have had access to these files as Intelligence Chief.

In fact, Kwang-Su wasn't his name, he officially applied as Lee Kwang-Su, but his name was that of Chu Seong-Min. Kyoung sent the information quickly out to FOSB Agents. If Agent Nima Vantoon was out at the Shaman, then it would behoove them to get the information about that poison. Because if it could overtake a Tigerkin, Ancestors help them all. Especially if Kwang was here to settle an old blood score. Kyoung lept from his desk just about and headed out the door, just as the information was sent to all FOSB agents on the case.

This included Isobel Nakano and Aurelian Dash who now would have the information in tandem with the bloody riddles. Time was fleeting and on this day where honoring the dead was the theme. What better time to pull something like this off?


Gotz Redwall

Objective 3

Of all places, a BBQ joint was not what Gotz had been expecting for this kind of meeting. The oddity was not, however, unwelcome. He quietly passed his cloak off to one of his guardsmen, did away with his coat, and followed the young woman who'd been assigned to receive him to the speeder garage below.

The ride was quiet and quick, which suited Gotz just fine. He wasn't in the habit of making small talk with the help. The speeder arrived just outside the BBQ joint a few minutes after departure; the smell hit him like a hypertrain as he disembarked. It'd been a long time since he'd taken the time to actually visit a restaurant, and judging by the sudden gurgling in his stomach, it was something he'd missed.

"Here's your tip," he mumbled to the pilot, passing a few credit chits the woman's way before turning back toward the restaurant. "Erhm, we use sovereigns here sir." The driver called back. Gotz mumbled a curse. "Well...I only have credits right now. Just exchange them." He replied, quickly walking away from the speeder to shut down any further conversation.

This was the last place he expected any sort of trouble, but he still went through the process of scanning his surroundings with the HUD imbedded in his glasses before entering. There were the usual security cameras, but nothing struck him as being particularly out of the ordinary. "Seems clear enough," he grumbled to his companion, the adjutant Entrasia Ontalis Entrasia Ontalis . The girl had been at his side for about a year now, and she'd served him well. He'd taken to bringing her along when it was permitted so that she might gain some proper experience. She wasn't going to be his assistant forever.

"I'm here to see one Armand Branneth. Not sure what he looks like," was his greeting to the server. The Seoulian offered him an understanding nod and a few words of courtesy before leading Gotz and his cohorts to one of the rooms in the back. Only the officers had been permitted to join him on this little venture: these negotiations were no place for the fanatic young blowhards he generally kept company with.

Gotz removed his glasses and hung them on his collar as he approached Armand, a gloved hand outstretched in greeting. "A pleasure Mister Branneth. Interesting choice for a meeting like this: have to say I like it," he'd pause, "I'm Gotz Redwall, as you probably expect, and the girl is Lieutenant Ontalis, my adjutant. The rest are senior officers, they won't be any trouble."

Resurgent Narrative
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Entrasia's Job as adjutant was a busy one at best. Piles and piles of reports, paperwork, intelligence analysis, and sorting through the piles and piles of data were all her job. She would only forward the most critical information and tasks to her superior. It was a lot of responsibility, being tasked with deciding what was and was not important enough for her superior.

She was dressed in the proper officer's attire for her unit, carrying a datapad which was constantly flooded with message after message. She had ensured that any and all requests for her boss were forwarded directly to her, refusing to delegate even the lowest priority tasks. The work was starting to show on her, she would work in 48 hour cycles, working 36 before sleeping 12, supported by large amounts of caf and the occasional stim where she could sneak one in.

It wasn't the best on her health but she wanted to prove herself, even if it was at the expense of her own physical wellbeing.

Before entering the meeting, she opened up a file on the datapad before presenting it to her superior, Gotz Redwall. "Here is the relevent information we have on Mr. Branneth, at least, as much as I could find publicly. It also contains information on our current forces for use in negotiations, I collated it myself and triple checked for accuracy, it should be correct."

Once the meeting had begun, she allowed herself to be introduced, giving a courteous bow. "It is a pleasure sir."

Resurgent Narrative

Nima Vantoon


After Nima had received the coordinates of the Shaman- a cottage in the countryside- she clambered into the land speeder.

Then she got a communique from the Chief Inspector moments after arriving at the cottage:

'"Agent Vantoon, when you get to the Shaman's place ask her about anything that can paralyze a Tigerkin, Inspector Kyoung out."

Not long after, the Chief Inspector sent another communique: a break in the case. Apparently, he had narrowed down the list of suspects to two- Geon and Kwang-Su. And their connections to the Queen. Geon and the Queen's romantic affair. The two children that were borne out of their entanglement. The fall of the Seogka.

This is getting worse and worse by the minute.

Head still spinning from the revelation, Nima pulled the speeder to a stop. She began to approach the Shaman.

Giving a bow, she approached the Shaman. "Ma'am, I'm with FOSB", she said politely, flashing her credentials. "I'm going to need to talk to you about...current events. About the murders. Does the Crown affiliate with any Force-sensitives outside the Tigerkin, or are you aware of any Force-sensitive person or persons that bear ill will to the Crown?"

"Do you know anything that can paralyze a Tigerkin?"

Resurgent Narrative
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It was always strange to be traveling with a young woman who was Force dead, but he had managed to adapt to not seeing an aura that was connected to her and instead watch the Force flow around her. The soju had been a...well an idea. Not really good or bad per se, just meant drunkenness. He was enjoying the downtime with Phoenix as they wandered through the streets and when the man brushed past the two of them it took quite a bit of self control for Kurayami to not grab the lightsaber on his hip. Watching as the unknown man made his way towards a strangely dark alleyway, he felt Phoenix give a gentle tug at his arm and he nodded in response.

"Good point. I'm mostly worried about how dark it is in there, but sure as hell wouldn't be the first ambush I accidentally wandered into. Okay so maybe not so accidental this time. Either way yea we should follow as well as we can. I mean all's I got is my lightsaber, was thinkin' I wouldn't need to do any fighting tonight, but no looks like this guy just had to go and kriff that all up beyond recognition. Ready when you are, Phoenix."

He pulled the saber to his hand with the Force and waited for further instructions from his companion or for her to take the lead.

Resurgent Narrative


The Shaman saw the speeder long before it arrived on the dirt road that passed by her cottage. The woman who emerged from the speeder seemed to be in an awful rush. Such as it was these days everyone was in a rush, the Shaman only hummed a tune familiar to many on Seoul but unfamiliar most likely to the woman who asked question after question. The old woman only motioned for the agent to follow her, "watch your head, you're so tall. Sit, sit, sit, you must be tired." She then resumed her humming, which in turn, became singing. "Arirang, arirang arariyo, arirang gogaero..." Her voice trailed off into the distance as she retreated from the foyer into the kitchen.

Where smells of Seoularian cuisine wafted through the home, an aroma that would lure any who wanted for food, and even some who didn't. The old woman returned to the foyer with an ice cold glass of boricha. A drink that one the warm days cooled you down, thankfully today it was only a touch warm as Seoul slowly faded from the heat of summer to the cool of autumn. "Here, drink, enjoy and I will answer your questions." After all, there wasn't much that happened in the palace without her knowing.

"For an agent, you are not subtle." The Shaman teased as she placed rice cakes down on the coffee table. "I will return."

Indeed, the old Shaman returned this time with a tray of banchan, seafood and soup. "Tokko and Mangjol will be remembered for their service," she began and settled into a seat beside the agent. "They also loved fish, oh how they enjoyed my sashimi. Tokko loved bream, but Mangjol preferred amberjack." The Shaman chuckled sadly to herself. "Oh they were good boys- Oh! I almost forgot the rice."

The old woman departed the foyer and returned with rice, the table was sat low to the ground forcing to take a seat on one of the cushions. "There, we have rice, and now we can eat." The Shaman set food onto the agent's plate and then onto hers, a master with a pair of stainless durasteel chopsticks. "Now."

"Kwang-Su, Kwang-Su is a naughty man. He harbors anger, a lot of anger toward the Crown - as you call them."

"His family, have always wanted what was not theirs." She continued, "and so they have studied our Tigerkin and learned one of the key things about their nature." The Shaman ate and encouraged the agent to eat as well. "The Tigerkin can never have alcohol, they are deathly allergic - as a species. It causes their breathing to become troubled, chokes them their throat swells and muscles tighten so fast."

The Shaman continued. "Tigerkin chose to become guards of the palace after, Kwang-Su, or perhaps I should say Chu Seong-Min's family proved that they no longer wanted to serve their king but become the kings themselves."

"House Chu was stricken from the royal palace as a noble house and were deemed baekjeong, untouchable." A punishment that the Shaman explained had not been given in centuries. She would explain that most likely the poison used on the two Tigerkin was alcohol mixed with a type of tranqualizer that should only be directed at the species, however; one could never be sure. She would also say that there are those who believed House Chu had been wronged and would help them. Likely, that House Chu's followers were among those taking part of the day's festival.



He was dressed in black, a long coat - close to cashmere in texture his hands in pockets. He wore a mask one that covered his face completely he had departed one shrine only to arrive at another. This one was closer to the Royal Mausoleum where the Queen was sure to show. Here the Seogka would take his time and he looked over at another of his kind. Carefully they walked around and played the part of lantern festival attendee but then there was a flicker of silver and a blurred motion that attached to an unsuspecting person. His partner pulled at the Force and once more the tendrils moved and then there was a scream, and then a bang.

Then the man in black was gone, and his partner had pulled the blood to their cause and painted in hurried Seoulian it read:

I attend every battle.

I attend every duel.

My tooth is sharp, my swing is cruel.

What am I?

It was just then that a gong rang at the largest and perhaps oldest cemetery in the city. The Seogka had a schedule to keep and a queen to grab, a queen to make an example of. A house to purge the entire line of Kim and their pets the Sun-Shins. Sirens wailed throughout the city another bang was heard and this time there were screams. Only this time the bang was covered by the sound of horns celebrating those who had passed as the city transitioned its activities to visit the dead. At this small shrine, however; Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath and Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn had perchance a moment to glimpse the perpetrator as he turned to give them both a wink and a smile. No doubt agent Isobel Nakano would be summoned to the scene by a very tired detective.



Back at the Chief Medical Examiner's office, the toxicology report was being generated; Alcohol and a form of tranquilizer that was easy enough to get a hold of via the holonet. Dr. Kent had traced the serial number of the detonator to a shop on Terminus who sent copies of receipts and video of those who had come in and out of the store during the designated timeframe. Elisea had been sent to make sense of it all, Dr. Park on her part looked at the information presented before her. She looked over at Dr. Derzelas, "and I think you're right."

"Inspector Kyoung sent me a lot of information just now, time for a quick history lesson." Dr. Park would tell Dr. Derzelas exactly who is the most likely culprit. Kwang-Su, or Seong-Min as was more appropriate. Fueled by anger from his family's banishment from the palace and cast down to the most untouchable rank within Seoularian society. He most likely had been planning this for sometime, and to infiltrate the Palace - that was all part of his scheme to bring the house down from within.

What he hadn't been expecting were two things, the resilence of the Tigerkin and how fast the palace would react. His shoe imprint also came back, traces of his own fingerprints were found on both crime scenes. "But we at least have the information on what killed these two, and with your help I think we can make an antidote that we can give to the Tigerkin villages."

Elisea emerged from the small office she had been sent to and promptly announced. "Kwang-Su was there, both times to buy all the items, but there was someone else."

She showed a tablet to Dr. Park.

Dr. Park saw the image and noticed the face and that Elisea had traced the facial recognition. "Eun Lee, his family served House Chu faithfully and left Seoul when House Chu was exiled..." Dr. Park looked over at Dr. Derzelas, and then Kent. "Lee uses old style detonators that can be flung or shot at a person and then remotely detonated either with a trigger shown here - or with a precise application of the Force." She handed the tablet over and sighed, as she looked everything. "Wait."


"If he's here for blood - it means he's here for the Queen, and not just the Queen but the entire house and line, including-"

"Commander Sun-Shin and her sister!" Elisea's eyes went wide, "okay, okay, okay I'm gonna make a call."

A call that no doubt both Isobel Nakano and Aurelian Dash would recieve, along with the Sejong Police and the rest of the First Order's assets that were assigned to the case.



"Redwall, Ontalis."

"Welcome, please have a seat." Branneth began and waited for everyone to be seated before finally taking his seat across from Redwall. Information on Branneth would be limited if only because he didn't move the way most people did across the Galaxy. All that would be revealed would be that he grew up on Galidraan, the son of a military man and that he was the cousin of Moff Yvarro and the soon-to-be crowned Supreme Leader Natasi Fortan. He was a liasion, a messenger - the middle man at best. "I am glad to see you all here, now then, onto the paperwork."

"The First Order is happy to see that you have accepted the invitation, now, we are going to offer you and yours a probationary period."

"This probationary period is to see if we're a good match for each other and if we're not then you and yours get paid handsomely, and we never have to speak to one another again," Branneth explained and then smiled at the waitress as he put in his order. "Conditions of being accepted as a permenant member of the First Order's military are relatively simple."

The First Order was not a nation eager to repeat the mistakes of the past nor did it want to risk its image so early on. "We have set rules of engagement, they are to be followed to the letter - we are here to protect the fine people of the Unknown Regions and the Outer Rim by extension." Which meant no slaughtering of innocents, or looting of worlds, systems - behaviors that might be associated with a tyrannical empire or at least a warlord mercenary. "For now you will be considered part of the auxiliary forces, with integration into the army pending acceptence into the First Order permenantly."

"This means you provide your own gear, weapons, and the like and have no access to the First Order's armory until you are accepted."

"You will all have to go through two steps during this probationary period, the first of which will be spending two weeks at a reintegration center where you will all undergo a thorough medical, and pyschological evaluation along with a crash course in First Order history. At the end of this two-week period you're to be given a six-week basic military training to become acquainted with the First Imperial Army's way of life and how they operate. While I understand you are all more than capable of taking care of yourselves, the Moff Council is still rather uneasy about taking on an entire mercenary group."

Mr. Branneth enjoyed his meal as he progressed with the explanation, drinks arrived and he took a moment to savor it.

"Now then the length of the probationary period is not something that I was told, so, I presume this will be until the Council is satisified that you're not going to take our equipment and run, try to take command of anything beyond what you're given, etc, etc, etc." He moved his hands in a circular motion. "Once, the probationary period is over and the Council is pleased. Then you and yours become a permenant part of the First Imperial Army, you will be given our equipment and uniforms. You will then be given the - well you in particular Redwall, the rank of Brigadier General."

"You will all be given the opportunity at that time to gain citizenship here in the First Order."

"Should you accept these terms, you and yours will be housed just outside of Joint Base Korrado in Avalonia. You will all recieve visas and be given an account with the Central Bank where your sovereigns will be deposited. Those of course, can be taken and exchanged for credits outside of the First Order's realm of influence."


Gotz Redwall

Objective 3: Socialize

In truth, Redwall and his associates had few cards left to play. The relatively recent division from a more traditional military role had left their system of logistics a true nightmare of complexity and uncertainty. At best, Redwall could supply the legion for another three months on his own, and that was being generous. If cohesion was to be maintained and the organization was to survive, they would have to find sponsors, and an aimless life of mercenary work wasn't what most had signed up for.

They were soldiers, albeit soldiers with no nation, but soldiers nonetheless. His men craved a life of conscience and purpose, or at least he told himself they did. Their destiny was not to roam the galaxy as a band of glorified thugs selling themselves out to the highest bidder.

In the First Order, there was the opportunity for a future. Other great powers and their lessers had reached out to the former field marshal offering similar things as the FO, but none had the heart and strength of will Redwall required of those he might call lord. The First Order had reached the very peak of the mountain, and in just as quick of a time, had collapsed into the canyons below, and even still they persisted. Redwall admired that: it reminded him of the indomitable spirit of his own people.

Perhaps it might even start to feel like home.

He listened in respectful silence as Branneth spoke his piece. There wasn't information on the man aside from his familial ties to the administration, which suited Redwall just fine. He much preferred dealing with the relatively nameless when it came to matters of importance: there was rarely any ego involved.

A pregnant silence fell over the room as Branneth finished speaking. Redwall leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought as he considered the man's words. It was a very generous offer, all things considered. The prospect retraining was unpleasant, but not unexpected. No nation in its right mind would integrate a foreign force and not expect some level of assimilation.

"I can agree to these terms." He finally spoke, a faint, assured smile lightening his otherwise stern expression. "My people have survived many great trials Mister Branneth. We've fought from the edge of the west to the far corners of the east, and we are tired. I am tired." He breathed a quiet sigh. "So long as you can provide my boys and their families a home, we will gladly serve. My only complaint is having to get myself back into shape for retraining, but that's all on me." He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"But," he paused, "I do have one question: I know the First Order once had an order of wizards to do its bidding. Are they still around?" Another pause. "Are there Sith in your ranks?"

Resurgent Narrative, Entrasia Ontalis Entrasia Ontalis
As the negotiations began she began furiously typing the notes in on her datapad, at a rate indicative of a trained transcriptionist. She was responsible for ensuring meetings and their outcomes were recorded for later recourse. She was good at it before, and she had only gotten better over the last year. Her only saving grace was her commanders methodical way of speaking.

Integrations meant paperwork, paperwork she would be responsible for. Collating medical records, personal histories, all of it would need to be recorded or dug up off old dusty holotapes they had inherited from a time they were more governmentally inclined. All of it was her responsibility.

The only thing she would have to worry about was drug testing, she would have to lay off the stims for awhile in the lead up to "reintegration." but it could be filled in with caf if need be. Her mind raced with all the things she would need to do to prepare for the transition. It made her feel mildly ill.

Finally, they got to the big question, without context it would seem out of place, to the Essionians, it was a big question. Sith were unforgivable. They would have none of it. However her commander did a poor job of explaining why. It would fall to her it seems.

"To add some context sir, the Sith Empire sacked our home world and slaughtered our people. While I am certain you and the sith have no relation to each other, reassurances will go along way for the lower ranks." She said.

When she spoke she spoke rapidly, but concisely. She didn't stumble or stutter, but she did speak like somebody who had a lot of things to do and not much time to do them.

Gotz Redwall Resurgent Narrative
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Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ


Location: Medical Examiner's Office, Sejong, Seoul.
Tagging: Elisea Korrado ~ Resurgent Narrative


Fevris processed the information as ti was relayed to them by Dr. Park. She was no stranger to the fact that intrigue and scheme were an intrinsic part of royalty, because sometimes they were also a part of politics too. However, it still managed to be shocking. Going after a royal family was both very brave and very foolish. Because of cultural differences it was harder for her to grasp Seong-Min's motive, usually such dangerous attempts were set into motion to gain something a lot more substantial and tangible than mere vengeance. But a wounded honor and status seemed to be more than enough in this case.

However, she did not concern herself for too long with these matters. They had a main suspect, and the sooner the officers could catch him and his accomplices - the sooner this festival turned nightmare would end.

A certain sense of relaxation had flooded her after this update, but it would disappear as soon as Elisea returned to reveal that Kwang-Su had not been the only one present. Just like that, her blood had turned cold again and the fleeting peace of mind that had graced her, vanished. As soon as Elisea's commed was off, the Doctor's blue gaze would meet hers. "We better hope it isn't too late." They didn't need more bodies in this morgue.

She then set right back to work, taking two more samples from Tokko to begin working on the paralytic agent. Her experience developing an anesthetic that didn't paralyze the muscles, the Nox-1 agent, would serve her well today. She has spent enough time looking at paralytic substances to create it, she hoped findind similarities and ways of undoing them wouldn't be a terribly difficult task. Of course, the antidote wouldn't happen instantly - clinical trial phases were a thing and she wasn't about to distribute something she wasn't sure about.


Isobel Nakano

She hadn't even arrived at the next shrine by the time the report of the third came in, and Isobel pulled her scooter to one side and sat on a low planter, helmet beside her as she steeled herself for the Detective's report. "Yes," she said. "This is Nakano."

"Another riddle," said the Detective bluntly. The tension was gone from his voice. It was almost as if the thrill of the hunt was over, and the unusual dichotomy -- the perpetrators running circles around the police, rather than the other way around -- was beginning to wear thin. Isobel felt the same. He read it out to her: "I attend every battle I attend every duel. My tooth is sharp, my swing is cruel. What am I?"

Isobel squeezed her eyes shut hard until she saw shapes swimming in the black: abstract swirls and flowers, like some twisted, psychedelic paisley. She was quiet for a long time, the only sound coming through to the Detective the occasional passerby or the light traffic. After a few minutes of this, he said: "Ms. Nakano? Any thoughts?"

"A knife? A sword?" she sighed. "The riddles don't matter, Detective, as I should have seen last time. They aren't clues, they're taunts and timewasters. There are no breadcrumbs to follow. The first two riddles led us nowhere, except to think there was a connection. There clearly is none." She paused and stood, brushing her rear end delicately. "Whoever it is, they're trying to make us think we're on a trail. They're trying to divert attention. And it worked." Because I'm very stupid. She left this part unsaid, for now. Surely it would appear in the final report if something terrible happened that she'd been too distracted by dime store riddles to stop.

There were lots of things that were happening today which could be interrupted by criminals of this magnitude, but only one that Isobel had been briefed about. A credible threat against the Queen of Seoul. It would be odd if the Queen did not fulfill her schedule, unusual, maybe even an affront. But at this point, Isobel had no choice. She sighed into her comlink. "Detective, recommend to the Royal Court that Her Majesty cancel her engagements for the rest of the day. They should take her to wherever she will be most secure. I don't have any intelligence linking these riddles to her, but we have no idea -- and Detective, I mean absolutely no kriffing idea -- where they're going or what they want, and the Queen is too valuable to Seoul and the First Order to take the risk that something could happen to her. Tell them to pull her back. Do it now."


Nima Vantoon


Nima's mind raced. "Thank you for all of your help. Thank you for the meal. With the knowledge you've given, we will be able to bring House Chu to justice. Ma'am, please stay here- I will be sending security to watch over you." The Shaman knew too much, Nima thought. Kwang Su- or one of his followers, more likely- might come back to tie up some loose ends. With that, Nima bowed and took her leave.

Nima gunned the speeder to the OIS crash pad in Namyang Manufacturing District, mind racing. All this time...the murders of the Tigerkin, the ritual murders around the festival...they were the work of one dishonored family. The time had come to move in.

She activated her com-link. "This is Vantoon. Information from the Shaman matches up with intel from the Chief Inspector- Kwang-Su, a.k.a Chu Seong-Min. His family, House Chu, was charged with treason and cast down, and given the monikor Seogka. The Seogka were originally the guards of the royal house. This is revenge against Her Majesty."

Nima banged through the door and began changing into her battle armor. "The Shaman has also shared valuable insight into the poison used on the Tigerkin. Apparently, the Tigerkin are allergic to alcohol- deathly allergic. The poison is likely made with alcohol and some type of tranqualizer. This should be passed on directly to FIMS personnel on the ground."

She finished putting on her armor, putting her vibroshield on her back. She switched to call to her helmet. "I will be proceeding to the Palace to take Kwang-Su into custody. I will need a contingent of OIS personnel to secure the entrances and exits, and take him, and any followers of House Chu still in the Palace into custody. Additionally, we will need to coordinate w/local forces to secure Her Majesty, and the Royal Family. Also, bring in Geon as well- he's tied far too closely to all of this to be running around."

There was a long pause, then an irritated voice responded. "We'll pass on the information regarding the Shaman's intel onto FOSB personnel on the ground, Vantoon, but we've told you that your on you-"

A different voice cut in. "Belay that order."

Nima's eyes widened. She recognized that voice.

Resurgent Narrative

Orum Berik


The Director stood in front of a series of monitors, hands clasped behind his back, looking stonily at the information flooding in from Seoul. Nima's handler's face had lost all color.

"This has gone from a curiosity, to a credible, ongoing assassination attempt on a sovereign in the Home Sector. We now have a solid idea as to not only who is behind it, the why, and his conspirators. This intelligence- insofar as any- can be seen as reliably solid; we know at least two sources have independently verified this to Vantoon, and we know that this intelligence has also been vetted by our colleagues on the ground."

"You know all of this. You know we are at a cross-roads. A critical tipping point where we can either apprehend these assassins, or they can live to fight another day. And your response is that our one asset should storm the Palace alone, with no idea what's waiting for her, to apprehend dangerous one Force-User, who is at the center of this conspiracy?"

The Director's delivery was calm, as if he was discussing the weather. But Nima's handler can see the utter rage and disgust in his face. He swallowed and attempted to formulate a response. When the Director got like this, the punishments can range from a mild reprimand, to permanent reassignment to the Needan outpost.

The Director put a hand up to forestall any further response. "Enough, you are relieved." He waited for the handler to stumble out of the operations center before routing comms to the OIS station chief on Seoul.

"This is the Director. You will give Vantoon any and all operational support she requests- I will have a data packet sent to you outlining her standing requests. Additionally, reach out to any FOSB personnel. Tell them that they have my reassurance that the OIS will redirect any and all security services for their benefit. And by the Force, make sure they are aware of the Tigerkin poison."

The Director paused. "I will be coordinating with senior-level FO officials to freeze the assets of House Chu and those of their followers, and to see if we can get an Interdictor into the system post-haste. Do not disturb me unless we have another development. And I want Kwang-Su brought to me alive, preferably."

With that, he cut the comms and went to work.

Resurgent Narrative
Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath
Isobel Nakano
Aurelian Dash
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Resurgent Narrative

Drums beat through the city, a massive gong is struck as many make their way to the various cemeteries around the city. Chief among them would be the Queen and her Royal Entourage. In spite of the risks and the warnings, she informed both her guards and the First Order that she would be seen by her people. This was not just a simple holiday it was tradition and she refused to coward in her palace. The Tigerkin surrounded her and the National Police took the point and the rear of the motorcade as Her Majesty took to the streets of Sejong. Meanwhile high above throughout the city, the First Order sent out small sniper teams, with coordinating agents on the ground.
Isobel Nakano and Nima Vantoon would be assigned a set detail and given the ability to coordinate with snipers. The information about just who wanted the Queen dead had spread. Kwang-Su. He had accomplices, groups of people who supported House Chu, including their faithful followers who now lurked among the crowd. Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath and Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn were close enough to one of those followers. Eun Lee. Meanwhile, Palace Chief Inspector Kyoung continued his investigative work and learned that members of the Seogka used a very specific tattoo on the top of their left hand. It was in a Fox-inspired design, a sigil of the Seogka.
Time ticked down, as agents and assassins dispersed into the crowd. Not a single civilian could be made aware of the ongoing plot or just how close it was getting to being carried out.
Kwang-Su and his men waited with bated breath. He knew there would be no way that Gyeong could or rather would miss out on this opportunity. Not with how sacred the holiday was, oh how long he had waited to restore his family's honor. How long he had wanted to see Seoul to be more than just an independent world but one that conquered the stars. No longer would they live in the shadows with the likes of the First Order or the Lords of the Fringe to wave their banner over them.
He looked upward to the sky and down toward the avenues as the people marched toward the different cemeteries and in the distance, he could see her carriage. Kwang-Su smirked, she wouldn't be alone, her bastard daughters would be with her - all the better he thought. He could wipe what was left of the house in one fell swoop. The drums sounded and the gong was struck again - the lanterns danced in the wind as the cool but bitter autumn breeze swept through. "Be ready," he whispered into his comms, as his men prepared their darts they would take out the Tigerkin first - this would send the motorcade into disarray and they would be waiting with their own team.
Meanwhile back at the Chief Medical Examiner's Office. Elisea would help Fevris Derzelas Fevris Derzelas with getting anything she needed, as word reached them just exactly what was happening. "We're gonna need that antidote, really quick, the plot is in motion."
They were paged; it was time to move. "C'mon Doc, we've gotta go."
Dr. Park rushed toward both of them to not just thank them but to hand them something. "This is a paralytic agent, it's not permanent but it will shut Kwang and whoever else down." She slipped it into Dr. Derzela's hands and sent them on their way. Praying to the Ancestors that the First Order could prevent whatever was about to happen.
"There are no Sith among First Order ranks, and as far as dark sorcerers - if you're to imply the Ren." Branneth stopped a moment to grab a bit of the barbeque with a clean fork. "They are gone, any traces of the Ren have either been wiped when the Scales dropped or eliminated in the hereafter."
"First Order's overall policy is that both Jedi and Sith are welcomed; however they are not to convert or in any way coecerce the populace to their cause. We have established our own Imperial Knights whose duties are to serve the state but first and foremost the people of our realm."
"And again, there are no Sith among our ranks," Branneth said that with confidence and he looked both the Lieutnenant and the OIC in the eyes as he said those words. "Your people will be well cared for, the First Order is no stranger to refugees and in fact has been rebuilt with their help. From the Chiss to the Echani and any other who in the past six years have suffered at the hands of feuding nations or blood thirsty sorcerers."
There would be a few moments of silence as Mr. Branneth continued to enjoy his meal. He got a look at the men and women that had accompanied Redwall and Ontalis. Indeed they looked as if they had been from one end of the galaxy to the other. "The men and women in your care will find rest with us. Auxiliary does offer pay albeit not much, and they are supplemented with the basic essentials, food, civilian clothing, and as mentioned earlier, housing."​
"I will be montoring your progress and reporting information back to both the Home Office and the Moff Council."​
"I am hopeful that this arrangement can be permenant."​

Isobel Nakano

Isobel listened incredulously as the Bureau coordinator told her that the Queen of Seoul would not, in fact, return to the palace where she could be kept safe. "Fine," Isobel snapped. "But if they get her, I expect to come out of this with a clean record. This is her choice." She sighed impatiently and kickstarted the scooter. "I'm en route to the stupid parade route. Inform my sniper team that if anyone so much as steps towards her or raises what could be a weapon at her on the route, they put them down. I don't care if it's my mother on her way to visit her mother. Are we clear?"

"Crystal, Agent Lotus," said the coordinator in a posh Avalonian tone.

"Good. Make sure the team knows what the tattoo looks like and have anyone on the ground -- Bureau, police, palace security -- yank anyone with that tattoo. Or if they're wearing gloves, for that matter. They can be released once we verify the gloves aren't hiding the tattoo. And if there's a shot fired or a knife flashed -- by anyone -- she's going back to the palace."

There was a beat. "Her Majesty feels -- "

Isobel cut him off. "If she's lucky, Her Majesty's feet may touch the ground once or twice along the way. I'm driving now. I'll catch up when I've arrived."

* * * * *
A few minutes later, she was on the rooftop with part of her sniper team, Isobel herself having availed herself of a sniper rifle. She had the safety on, crouching behind an outcropping, using the scope as a viewfinder as she studied the procession route. She felt like an idiot, surrounded by tactical operators while she wore a sundress that fluttered in the wind and which, in retrospect, was a poor choice to wear on the rooftops where the wind was colder.

Luckily no one on her team was willing to comment on it. "Status report," she said into her comms. "Anything, Vantoon?"


Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ


Location: Medical Examiner's Office, Sejong, Seoul.
Tagging: Elisea Korrado ~ Resurgent Narrative


As more information reached them, Fevris could feel the cold grip of determination and duty close around her heart, putting a pressure in her chest that she was way to familiar with. Once again, 'ideal' would not happen. Today, like many other days, time would not grace them with their blessings. Results needed to be immediate - and so the Doctor would pour every ounce of her ability and focus into seeing the daunting task realized in the timeframe that was provided. This was her job, her responsibility.


To many it would seem funny that something that was common currency among practically every adult sentient in the galaxy could have such a dire effect on the ones that in every other aspect seemed superior. But weakness had a very particular talent to hide in plain sight, or behind that which was easy to ignore. It was the niggling curse that afflicted every single being, and now for the tigerkin it had become lethal.

Fevris set to work, both receiving help and offering her own to Elisea Korrado. Between the two of them, Fevriswas confident they could deliver. They had to. This theory about alcohol being mixed with a tranquilizer checked out, and once this final piece of the puzzle was in place they were able to make quick work of formulating an antidote. Render the alcohol inert - and the paralyzer had not way of acting nor would the alcohol enact its detrimental effect on the tigerkin. Many small vials were produced by the machine as soon as they had finished the sequencing, which Fevris promptly readied as they prepared to make their move.

Time was running short, and they would have to go into this situation with an untested solution. But Fevris had hope in their skills, the antidote would work and this nightmare that had become the festival would see its end.


Gotz Redwall

That was all Gotz needed to hear.

He didn't have much on his list of things that he simply refused to abide by, but the bathrobe brigade and its slightly more goth cousin were definitely on the list. He'd about had his fill of wizards dictating state policy through prediction and readings of the immaterium. Gotz was a man of flesh and blood, and his decisions stemmed from the heady mix of emotion and logic that most sentient function on. He was tired of having to conform to the views of those that would consider themselves more than human, as they so often proved that they were well beneath it.

"Good," the Brigader leaned back in his chair. "That's all we ask. If you push the opportunity forward, my people will rise to meet it. We've been through much and thrived in the chaos; I suspect we'll reach even greater heights with some proper structure behind us." That much was all too true. His people had a grand potential, they only needed to see it.

Perhaps the First Order would open their eyes to the possibilities.

"You've got us Mister Branneth. if we're done here, I'll get to organizing my people immediately."

Entrasia Ontalis Entrasia Ontalis , Resurgent Narrative

Nima Vantoon

"Nothing thus far Lotus. All's quiet." Nima and her detail were on the ground, surreptitiously covering the parade route and coordinating with the snipers. Nima herself was trailing the Queen and her guard from a respectable distance from behind. The agents were blending into the crowd- seemingly enjoying the festivities, looking like they were everything but what they were.

Once the Queen had gone forward with the festival- over the vehement protestations of every FO official involved in this affair- Nima had hastily stashed her armor for her earlier attire. Honestly, she felt naked going into the field without her vibroshield, but what can you do? "We're canvassing the area for those tattoos, and we're keeping an eye out for Kwang-Su or any of House Chu or any known affiliates", she continued.

"We've had some false alarms- had to pull some people with gloves to the side- but it's been handled." 'Handled' in this instance meaning Nima having to perform a on-the-spot mind wipe using the Force, but semantics.

For the umpteenth time, Nima checked herself. Her shatter gun was in perfect condition, in case she needed to be quiet. The lightsaber shotos, in case she needed something...more, and all hell broke loose.

Isobel Nakano
Resurgent Narrative

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