Quietly as the agents made their way to take down any who bore the mark of the Seogka. Kwang-Su kept to the shadows - Gyeon would pay the price of her ancestors and what better day than the day of the dead. She could join them, he thought, and so as she arrived at the cemetery. Kwang smirked and just as he sought to step through, something stopped him. He looked around puzzled as people moved around him. It was at that moment he knew that his plan had been revealed as he looked up toward the Royal Mausoleum and saw ghosts. Ghosts, men and women who by all accounts were dead.
He readied his hand, ready to pull at the Force to advance through whatever barrier had been put in place. But then he felt something, like the small tappings of bug upon the skin. Kwang looked up again and saw the projected figure of the Royal Shaman. He then felt his throat begin to close, Kwang fell to his knees and crawled up toward the cemetery. Step by step breathing became harder, his lungs burned as they struggled to work. How could this have happened? He had it planned, he was going to restore honor to his house.
He closed his eyes and then opened. Kwang-Su laid eyes on the Ancestors of House Kim, Sarang, and Ji-Hun the sister and cousin to the Queen passed him by. Both paused and looked at one another then at him, and spat on his face before proceeding toward the Mausoleum. Kwang-Su reached out trying to pull at the Force. The heavy paw of a Tigerkin fell on his hand, just as the pain of a blade pierced through his back. Kwang-Su whispered out a word, but it fell into the aether as he felt his heart being squeezed.
Kwang now knew that this was not meant to be and that his house would remain a stain upon the land, and their dishonor would continue. He fell to the grass, and the light had gone from him.
Meanwhile Eun Lee tried to escape, he ran through the alleys as the lanterns swayed back and forth in the wind. He turned the corner only to run right into
Phoenix Edorath
Kurayami Bloodborn
. When he tried to turn around and run there was a wall, it occured to him that this might just be the end of the line - it would not stop him from attempting to run anyway.

Isobel Nakano and Nima Vantoon would get a call that Kwang-Su had been put down.
Elements of House Chu however have fled the city, so the chance of their return still lingered, but for now, the Queen and her family were safe.

"Certainly, but of course, feel free to enjoy the meal," Mr. Branneth gave a nod of respect toward Redwall. He slowly rose to his feet having finished his meal and bowed to the waitress. "It's already paid for and you'll find that your tab for the accommodations if any will be paid for as well."
Nate had another meeting to attend to, another person or persons in which to integrate into the First Order. "Once you and your men are organized, head out to Avalonia. We'll have transportation waiting for all of you, the sooner we get this integration completed, the sooner we can move forward onto bigger and better things." He smiled knowing that the bigger and better things meant, the rest of the galaxy. Ession had suffered a lot under the heavy boot of the Sith Empire.
Hopefully, those who once called Ession home would soon be able to call Dosuun home all the same.

The First Order had been able to prevent the Queen's assassination and unraveled the complexity of the Royal Seoularian Court. Now it would turn to find a way to ensure that the line of House Kim continued, and more importantly recognize the legitmacy that the Daughters of Geon Sun-Shin had to the throne. A matter for another time, but for now the people of Sejong and indeed all around Seoul celebrate the lives of their ancestors. Seoul is once more grateful to the First Order, for aiding their royal court.
- FIN -
[OOC: Feel free to keep posting here, this was just to tie up the main story! Thank you to everyone who participated!]