Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoping for a Change.

Hope followed the young Je’daii as they began the journey out of the cave, the air began to become warmer again and light began to seep into the cave. The Loth-Wolf listened silently as Caedyn worked out what he said. As the human deactivated his lightsaber the Wolf decided to find his voice again. “Yes, I had hoped you’d allow me to accompany you offworld.” Hope said, his voice even and low. As they exited the Cavemouth the warm rays from the son would touch the Loth-Wolf’s fur. He smiled as he made his way next to [member="Caedyn Arenais"]. Turning his head his head to look up to the sky the wolf would chuckle. “To see the greater Galaxy, all the creations of the Force and her beauty. If it’s not too much to ask Young Je’daii.” Hope said as he brought his gaze to Caedyn.

“I have lived my life on this world, and have found myself longing to discover what the Force wills for me. Today I may have found it. Through you. If you’d have me, I’d very much appreciate it.” Hope said. He looked to the other Loth-Wolves that sat atop the rock formations and along the sides of the mountains. “The pack, my family will understand.” Hope said as he looked back to Caedyn.

Caedyn Arenais

"If this is really what you want, then I'll be happy to help" Caedyn replied with an encouraging smile, his gaze glancing back to the pack following [member="Hope"]'s for a moment; "And who knows, I tend to go from place to place. If you decide it's time to come back home, I can always bring you back as well" He turned back to look to the Loth-Wolf with a fond smile.

"We'll set off for the Repertoire then. My ship" Caedyn suggested, turning to continue to walk across the clearing, "Unless of course you have anything to do first?" He asked, only then pausing to turn back out of consideration for Hope and his pack. "You might find the ship a little noisy compared to here on Lothal, but you do get used to it. It's going to take a few hours to reach Kashyyyk though, and I'm conscious that it's not going to be an environment you're particularly familiar with".
Hope smiled, a feeling of happiness would surge through him. "I thank you Young Je'daii, and If the Force wills me back here I will let you know." Hope said as he smiled to Caedyn. The trio began to make their way to Caedyn's ship, for a second the human stopped to turn. Asking if the Loth-Wolf had anything to do before they made the journey back to his ship and off to Kashyyyk. Hope shook his head and looked back to his pack as well. They were watching closely. Of course they would. They knew one of their own was leaving. The Loth-Wolf let out a long howl, and the rest of the pack would join in, the howls would echo through the mountains and across the prairies. Hope would cut off his howl and turn to Caedyn Arenais. "They will watch over the caves, and keep balance here." Hope said as he got low to the ground. "What better way to grow then to be out of your comfort zone? Do not fret [member="Caedyn Arenais"], I will face these new challenges head on." Hope said with a chuckle. "Now if you wish to make the trip faster, you may hop on." Hope said with a new energy, one of determination. He was very excited, it was a welcome change.

Caedyn Arenais

It was something to admire, [member="Hope"]'s courage in the face of stepping away from everything that was familiar to him. Perhaps the Loth-Wolf didn't understand just how large and vastly complex the Galaxy was outside of the wilderness that he had lived within, yet Caedyn supposed that if any were to guide the Wolf into a larger, greater purpose, it was probably the Jedi whom would do so best. "That's pretty brave of you" Caedyn remarked, that admiration coming out through his words and tone as he moved to climb back onto the back of the Wolf, picking Ashla up and seating her infront of him, comfortable rested within his lap; "Keep heading that way" he pointed off to their right a little, "Shouldn't be more than a few kilometers...-Er...Twenty minutes?" He tried to explain, not all that certain the Wolf would know his meaning.

"You seem to know a lot about the Force for a Wolf" Caedyn said, as the trio were on the move; "No offense, but you're the first I've heard of that, not only can you talk, but your vastly more intelligent than any other animal I've met before, or even learned about. You seem to contrast every lesson I've ever had on wildlife..." He continued, though whether that was to be considered a compliment or a question, it might be difficult to figure.
Hope felt Caedyn tug himself and his pup onto his back. He’d admit that today was the first time he’s let someone ride on his back, but he trusted the Je’daii not to cause harm to him. The Loth-Wolf listened to the human’s directions and shifted to the right. Hope smiled when Caedyn complemented his bravery . “When The Force calls you must rise to the occasion, no questions asked.” Hope said. The wolf was sure to keep his pace at a reasonable rate, allowing the young Je’daii to take in the sites. Caedyn assures Hope that it would be about 20 minutes. Of course Hope had no concept of that, he had spent his days only knowing of when the sun rose, and when it set. Though he trusted the human enough to know it wouldn’t be to long.

Caedyn Arenais was the one to break the silence, commenting that the Loth-Wolf knew much about the Force. Hope tilted his head back enough to spare a glance at the young Je’daii and his pup. “We Loth-Wolves have a strong connection to the Force and this planet itself. And as we know: the Force is capable of many beautiful and amazing feats.” Hope said as he focused back on the path ahead. A pang of uncertainty hit him for the first time since he met Caedyn. “Though I am uncertain of how being away from this planet will affect me. All I can do is trust in the Force and it’s will. I do admit that I am not without fear. But I will overcome.” Hope continued.

“I am glad however that I’ve gotten the chance to open your eyes to more experiences.” Hope said. As they made their way through a prairie, Hope would gaze to a large tree. “I would sit under that tree every day. Gazing out into the vastness of the sky. Now that I am leaving I am somewhat saddened.” He paused. “But I know there are greater things out there. I trust you [member="Caedyn Arenais"], know that.” Hope finished.

Caedyn Arenais

"I'm sure it will be comforting to hear that the Force is no less present anywhere else in the Galaxy than it is here on Lothal" Caedyn replied, hoping to reassure the Loth-Wolf that his connection to the Force wouldn't be removed, simply due to his decision to leave the home-world of his pack; "If anything, you may learn more about the Force by visiting the Jedi with me on Kashyyyk" he added, "There are many different types of people there, not to mention the Wookiee's who are native to the Forest World. The Planet is huge and is rife with nature, so you'll find no shortage of adventure there should you choose to explore" Caedyn smiled at the thought. Space-travel made it so easy to leave ones home-world and jump about from place to place, but more often than not, people would miss some amazing discoveries by being too predisposed to being on the move rather than making the most of the surface they were stood upon.

"You seem to have the nature and the desire to learn and respect the ways of the Force, enough so to lead me to believe that the Jedi will appreciate meeting you and having you stay with them for as long as you decide" he concluded; "I'm glad that you trust me, I really do appreciate it. I didn't expect to find myself with a new friend today, but the Jedi there will also earn your favor in time, I've no doubt of that". Before long, the Repertoire would be within sight and the landing ramp lowered for them to enter when they were ready to make leave.

“Of course, The Force is everywhere, but for me it is also deeply seeded in this very planet. Though I am sure you are right.” Hope agreed, the wind running through his fur. He felt a confidence as the Je’daii spork about learning more about the Force when they would meet up with the Je’daii on Kashyyyk. He also brought up the natives of the Lush Forest world, saying that there is much to explore. Hope smiled, he were much enjoyed that idea, adventuring out into the unknown, just the Force and him. “I’m sure there is much to discover..” Hope said with a wolffish grin. The Loth-Wolf would keep his pace for a bit longer until the Human spoke again. His pace slowed to a trot as the young Je’daii began to speak again. Hope has been learning the ways of the Force since he was a pup. He knew only to respect it as it should be respected. He would gladly learn more of what it had to offer.

“”Thank you for the kind words Caedyn Arenais. You speak highly of the Jedi, I am sure they will live up to your words. I did not expect to leave my pack today, nor did I expect to make a great friend. And I speak to you as much as I do your pup.” Hope said. As the Human’s ship came into view, Hope slowed to a walk. He would stop a small distance from the ramp. He would lower himself again allowing his passengers to climb off. He’d look back to the vast expanse of untamed land. The Loth-Wolf would let out one more howl. It would echo through the land before them. A few seconds later howls from his pack would sound off, echoing back. He turned to look at Caedyn.

“Thank you.” He would start. His eyes showing signs of tearing. “I am interested to see how this next part of our journey will fare. To be up in the stars, something that was only a dream a last night.” Hope said. He looked to the ramp. A bit uncertain of his first step onto it. He lifted his paw in hesitation. “I cannot wait to see this planet and meet these friends of yours.” He paused and put his paw back on the ground. “Especially your love. Young [member="Caedyn Arenais"].” Hope said as he looked to the Je’daii. He smiled. “After you.” He would say still a nervous.

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn offered [member="Hope"] an understanding nod and moved to board The Repertoire first, Ashla bounding on up the loading ramp after him on her much smaller feet compared to the larger Loth-Wolf, she showed nothing but familiarity and comfort with the ship, even so much as to *Yip* a loud bark excitedly, as though she knew they were off on another adventure. Awaiting at the top of the ramp, Caedyn seemed to be looking further into the ship when he called out "We're back Lex! Get 'er ready for Kashyyyk will ya'?".

From the outside of the craft, Hope probably wouldn't hear much in the way of the protocol droids response; Lexas had been with Caedyn for some time now, though he wasn't a combatant droid in any sense and nor did Caedyn like the idea of owning any such a thing. Lexas on the other hand was a rather helpful Protocol Droid with his own personality chip that made for some interesting conversations at times. He was also good at piloting the basic needs of the Repertoire which often made Caedyn's job far easier.

"You ready then Hope?" He called from the height of the ramp.
Hope inhaled one final breath of the warm Lothal air. He looked back one final time, knowing that this would be the last time he’d be on Lothal for a long time. Lothal was his home. He spent his life on the planet, protecting his pack, the crystal caves, and keeping the balance of the Force on the planet. He had spent nights gazing at the stars wondering what lay beyond the atmosphere. It was his home and it always would be. The Loth-Wolf knew that he had to go. His pack knew it was what the Force willed. Hope watched as Caedyn made his way up the loading ramp followed by his pup. Hope admires the confidence that the smaller animal showed, it gave him resolve. He heard Caedyn call to someone to get the starship prepped for Kashyyyk, but didn’t hear the person’s response. The wolf looked to the prairie one last time as the young Je’daii would call out to him. Hope smiled as he turned back to look at the ramp. The Loth-Wolf placed his paw on the boarding ramp, the cold metal was a different feeling for the Wolf. He slowly ascended, meeting with Caesar the peak.

“Ready as I’ll ever be Young Je’daii.” Hope commented. He wondered what Kashyyyk had in store, how the people would look at him and what they’d think. The Loth-Wolf shook the thoughts from his head. “Very nice craft.” Hope said as he looked around curiously. “So how does this work.” Hope asked a bit confused at the inner workings of the craft. He was eager to see the rest of it. It did deal a bit unreal, the ship didn’t seem like anything he had been in before, it was so lifeless. He smiled, his mind was racing this definitely was an experience for the Loth-Wolf. “Amazing.” Hope was breathless. He looked to [member="Caedyn Arenais"].

Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn chuckled softly to himself as [member="Hope"] cautiously came aboard, his right hand moving to press against the lever that would trigger the closing of the landing ramp, the air of the outside world being sucked out like a vacuum and the ship becoming pressurized and ready for space-faring flight with a high pitched whine. "You make yourself at home and don't worry about a thing. You can join us in the cockpit if you like, see the Stars and all" he invited the Loth-Wolf to the head of the craft, moving to walk that way himself.

"The ship's quite spacious, thankfully. There's a good large living area where you can relax; Ashla seems to have claimed one of the couches so if she growls at you, you'll know which one is hers" He laughed softly, obviously not all that concerned about the two canines having their own little territory dispute aboard his ship. "Lexus is my protocol droid and he helps me pilot the ship, the Repertoire is best flown with two pilots, so that's where I'll be till we arrive on Kashyyyk, for the most of the time anyway. Hyperspace flight is pretty relaxed, so I'll be flexible".

Coming into the cockpit, Lexus turned to greet their new friend alongside Caedyn. "Welcome back, Sir. I see you found Ashla a new friend. I do hope this one's house-trained, this time" the droid seemed rather oblivious to Hope's rare level of intelligence, as well as the Loth-Wolf's ability to speak their tongue.

"Unfortunately I haven't yet figured out how to keep him from liking the taste of Droids, Lex..." Caedyn replied with a smirk.

"Oh my....-Best we make for Kashyyyk then, Sir".
Hope smiled, the young Je’daii was very good at calming any concerns the Loth-Wolf had. Hope watched as the Landing ramp closed. Hope followed Caedyn Arenais to the head of the ship. “I’ll be sure to not intrude on the pup’s territory.” Hope said. He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, the human certainly knew how to defuse a tense situation. The large Wolf listened as Caedyn spoke about the other person on the ship, Lexus, a droid. Hope nodded as the duo entered the cockpit. The Wolf would eye the droid as it spoke, talking as if he were a pup. Before he said anything Caedyn spoke up to Hope’s amusement the droid changed it’s tune. Hope eyed Caedyn. Then the droid.

The Loth-Wolf turned to Caedyn. “Young Je’daii. [member="Caedyn Arenais"]. I would very much like to gaze at the stars up close for a moment. So I think I will be accepting your offer to join Lexas and you here, while you finish your preparations.” Hope said as he sat down on the floor. The Wolf would gaze upon the droid. He hadn’t seen too many of them, they were definitely a mystery to the Loth-Wolf. It was so odd to Hope, a being that has no connection to the Force. Just circuits and components. Hope shook his head, if the young Je’daii trusted the machine. Hope would too.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Lexas.” Hope would say. Holding no quarrel against the droid. He understood the droid did not know he could speak, or understand. He would give the droid a nod.

Caedyn Arenais

If Lexus could ever take on a look of utter astonishment, the droid would have shown such a reaction as it turned and looked down at @Hope. "How Peculiar!" it exclaimed, soon looking back up at Caedyn as the young man took the Piloting chair and began to set about powering up the Repertoire's engines and preparing the final steps for lift-off; "I suddenly feel very silly" the droid added, putting two and two together. "My apologies!".

"You'll have to forgive Lexus..." Caedyn explained, the vessel's floor suddenly vibrating beneath the Loth-Wolf's paws as the engines ignited and the repulsors kicked off, lifting the vessel off of the ground. The weight of the group shifting as Caedyn steered the vessel towards the clouds and pushed forward against the throttle; "Droids aren't sentient creatures, and as intelligent as they are, they're not able to comprehend the Force as we do. They're very logical things".

"Thank you, Sir" Lexus replied, as though it had been a compliment to be called logical.
Hope looked on as the droid was astonished. He watched as Caedyn made his way to the pilot’s seat. Lexas began apologizing for his silliness and the Loth-Wolf nodded. “Do not worry dear friend, you have not offended me in any way.” Hope said with a smile. Caedyn said something but Hope was too busy being shocked by the rumbling and vibrating of the engines. The Loth-Wolf picked up his front paws back and forth for a second before settling down.

Caedyn explained that droids were very logical things and couldn’t comprehend the Force as he and Hope could. The Loth-Wolf has a better understanding now, he looked to the droid again, maybe he’d have a long conversation with it later. Hope looked out the viewport and was simply astounded as the sky grew, they were up in the clouds and still going. Hope day with amazement in his eyes. This was definitely something he’d never thought he would do. “Breathtaking.” Hope would utter as the clouds gave way to stars.

“[member="Caedyn Arenais"]. A question: Do you ever get tired of it? Seeing the stars I mean?” Hope asked, his gaze fixed to the great beyond. The Loth-Wolf never got tired of looking at the stars and now he was among them. He didn’t think he’d ever be tired of that feeling.

Caedyn Arenais

"It might sound hard to believe, but it's easy to take these things for granted when space-flight has been a part of Galactic Society for so long as it has" Caedyn replied, confirming for [member="Hope"] that it was certainly possible, and did happen; "Though I do love being able to roam the Galaxy at my leisure...-I grew up on a popular trade World where traffic from other planets would come and go. When I was younger, having my own ship was just a dream..." He smiled as he spoke, though his gaze remained on the central console watching the various statistics scrolling down the screen before triggering a new set of text that would map out their navigation's route. Upon leaving the atmosphere, the rumbling of the floor of the craft grew significantly lighter, still there but now only the consistent power churning throughout the engine and thrusters, no longer without the hindrance of turbulence and heat to slow their flight.

"You might want to sit down for this next part" Caedyn added, this time turning momentarily to offer the Loth-Wolf a broad grin. Reaching for the three levers in front of him, one of which controlled and routed power back and fourth between the hyper-drive, the engines and the thrusters, Caedyn waited a moment to allow for Hope to ready himself, only then pushing all three forward and triggering a powerful whine to the rear of the ship, gravity seemingly swelling around them as the stars blurred into continuous lines of light streaming passed the cockpit view port, opening up into what would appear to be like a tunnel, "This is what we call lightspeed, named because it's considered to be faster-than-light. Our trip to Kashyyyk would usually take months, perhaps years without this sort of technology" he explained, relaxing back in his seat now that the Repertoire was safely engaged in it's automatic flight path.

Hope Listened to Caedyn as he spoke, saying it’s easy to take the stars for granted as space travel has been a part of the galaxy for a very long time. The Loth-Wolf nodded he could definitely see how that could happen. Hope smiled as the young Je’daii spoke of where he grew up, it was vastly different to the life that Hope lived. “It is a great thing to see our dreams become reality. Tell me Je’daii Arenais, What do you do when one of your dreams come true?” Hope asked. He was aware that the question was somewhat vague, but the large wolf was interested to hear the young man’s answer.

Caedyn advises hope to sit. The Loth-Wolf nodded and sat on his hind legs. Watching closely as Caedyn would give him a huge grin then pushed a set of levers forward. Hope watched in amazement as the stars began to morph into streaks of light. Hope looked in awe as Caedyn explained that what they were experiencing was lightspeed and that without it it would take much longer to get to Kashyyyk. Hope looked to Caedyn who was relaxed. “”Truly remarkable young Je’daii. I may not ever understand your technology, but it truly amazes me “ Hope wondered if his pack would be amazed at the view as much as he was. Hope gazed out the viewport.

“[member="Caedyn Arenais"], where is your pack?” Hope would ask suddenly breaking the silence. He would move from a seated position to lying down, his eyes slowly connecting with the Young Je’daii.

Caedyn Arenais

"My Pack?" Caedyn paused a moment, soon realizing what [member="Hope"] meant where as his first thoughts had questioned whether or not he had taken a backpack with him and subsequently left it behind on Lothal. Instead, he was being asked about his family, which caused him to chuckle a little under his breath. "My father's name is [member=Veiere Arenais], he's a member of the Silver Jedi now. He represents them in meetings with other people, and is also a Captain in their Fleet...-Their much much larger ships, you'd be amazed how small the Repertoire would seem in comparison" he beamed at the thought of it, trying to explain as best as his mind could replay the images last he had been within sight of the Silver Navy, "He also trains my Sister, [member="Loreena Arenais"], in the ways of the Force when she's around, but like me, she's sort of doing her own thing too".

"My Mom's name is [member="Kay Arenais"], and she's a leader of some new form of Government in the western regions of space" he explained, though it was difficult to try to put words to the fact that despite their love for one another, his Mother and Father rarely saw one another since leaving Commenor. "She's more of a Politician, than a Jedi. She knows of the Force, but she prefers to negotiate with other Governments and people. I guess the best way to explain it is...-They use their words to try to avoid conflict, but they don't always succeed and sometimes things can get worse when another group disagrees"

"The Galaxy's kinda complicated like that...-But nothing you need to worry about right now!".
Hope watched as Caedyn Arenais took a second to process what Hope had asked. When he realized that, he let out a chuckle. He explained that his father was a Jedi Master and a sort of diplomat for the Order that also was the captain of their fleet, apparently there were larger ships much larger than the ship they were in. On top of that he taught his daughter, Caedyn’s sister in the aspects of the Force. Hope smiled. The young Je’daii explained that his sister much like him, does her own thing. Their Mother was the leader of some sort on the western side of the galaxy. The man explained that his mother talked people out of conflict. That was the best way he could explain it so Hope would understand. The Loth-Wolf appreciated it, he would remain silent for a minute or two before speaking.

“Very diverse...” was all Hope said for a second. “Do you ever miss them? I know you are near your father seeing as he is a leader in the Order. But what about Lady Arenais, or Loreena Arenais?” Hope asked. The Loth-Wolf was a bit concerned because he hadn’t experienced being away from his pack for more than a day. “I ask because I want to know how you deal with it Young Je’daii. I am not used to being away from my pack.” Hope said with a sigh. The Loth-Wolf chuckled, it’s not that he felt helpless, it’s that he felt a bit unprotected in a way.

[member="Caedyn Arenais"]

Caedyn Arenais

Truthfully, Caedyn missed [member="Kay Arenais"] a great deal; every son loved his mother, and Kay had chosen a living on the other side of the Galaxy. It was difficult to know at times whether it was right or not to leave her to her choice, but with the Jedi there was great integrity behind their purpose, whereas he did not know about this new Empire she had established.

"It's normal to miss your family" Cae replied thoughtfully, "You grow up with them, you love them and they love you. Those sort of connections aren't easily replaced" he spoke as logically as he knew how, so that Hope knew what to expect. "But it's also those people that you know will always be there for you when you return. A pack isn't temporary; It's forever, right?".

Caedyn smiled, glancing back towards [member="Hope"] for a moment. "Most of the Jedi were raised from a young age, and were taught to detatch themselves from their families because their lives are dedicated to the larger galaxy. Doing great things for all people, for so many families...Not just their own. Maybe that's what's meant for you out there somewhere...".
Hope and his pack were very close, what else could be expected when it's all you know. They usually avoided outsiders because it usually brought trouble, there were more than a few times when Hope and his pack had to scare off people who wished to steal from the caves or harm the pack. The Loth-Wolf looked to the man as he began speaking again, saying that it was normal to miss family because you grow up around them and bond. Hope noded in understanding, the wolf was grateful that Caedyn had taken the time to answer and elaborate on any questions the Loth-Wolf had.

"Yes [member="Caedyn Arenais"], a pack is forever, I know they are and always will be there for me." Hope said as he brought his gaze to the viewport.

The young Je'daii then began speaking of Jedi and how they were raised from a young age to do great things not just for themselves but for everyone. Hope smiled and looked to Caedyn. "A noble cause indeed. And maybe that is my calling, but I won't know till I find out." Hope nodded.

The Loth-Wolf sat up and began scratching behind his ear. He brought his gaze back to the young Arenais. "Thank you for the insight. Can you tell me anything of the planet Kashyyyk? How are the beings there?" Hope asked as he cocked his head. "I apologise for my many questions young Je'daii." Hope added with a chuckle.

Caedyn Arenais

"Life on Kashyyyk is quiet and peaceful" Caedyn answered [member="Hope"] with a smile, "The Silver Jedi reside in the Silver Rest, it's what they call their Temple and Academy there". The Silver Rest was a truly impressive place with rooms enough for every student and Knight, and all prospective guests who are allowed to stay for a temporary duration. "There are Jedi of all age groups, with mixed backgrounds having come from all over the Galaxy. They all offer the potential to learn something new from one another, whether it's just a story about their cultural home-world, or the skills they've picked up along the way".

"They're all nice people too; They kinda have to be if they want to be Jedi one day. They're trained to put other people first, to look after others and to help them in life...-It's sorta what the Jedi are there to do, aside from respecting the will of the Force and taking care in their practice and study of it", the fact was that if they weren't nice, considerate and compassionate people then Caedyn wouldn't have been drawn to them in such a way, even if [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] was living alongside them or not. He could always come and go, but for his ways to be different from their own, yet their acceptance of him deterring nothing in the way of inviting him in and welcoming him as though he were one of their own...-It had been a truly heart-warming day, that day.

"Kashyyyk has beaches and is a green forest world, it's full of nature and life. Obviously we share it with the Wookiee's and they are a bit of a tribal culture I guess you might say, but they can be gentle with people who show them respect and compassion. Some people in the Galaxy would say they're uncivilized but those kinda people just fail to understand that the Wookiee's have their own ways of doing things, just as the Jedi have theirs" Caedyn didn't have a lot of personal experience with the native tribes of Kashyyyk, but he had read and heard plenty to understand that, like any different people or culture, if you treat them right then they will treat you the same

"Trust me when I say there's going to be a lot for you to see and do...-It's literally a whole new world for you" he grinned.

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