Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Well-Known Member
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] thanks for that btw. I wondered what he'd look like with a saber in him.

*turns* does it make me look good?


@[member="Shado"] Well, I hate to say it. Congrats, you have new holes to eat and crap out of, in that respective order.


You'll be lucky to have any denomination of spleen left. XD

(Edit) Well, the presumptuously peaceful Hoth snowball fight has already turned into a bloodbath, and it's not even two full pages in yet. lol, ytf do people have to ruin the fun in everything to try to be super badass 1337 killers. smh. o.o;

Lord Ghoul

Shorn has a long history of breaking the rails in threads and sending the story train off the tracks.

Don't feel too special.


Woah. Whoa ho ho. If it wasn't the holidays and I wasn't down to give staff more volatile situations to worry about.........
So instead I'll post an obvious pic:


I sustain my statement.
(And amend that I factually, realistically hate you.)

Edit: By the way, this;

In about eight seconds she would lose consciousness from the constricted blood flow. In twenty she would die from cerebral hypoxia.
Is entirely inaccurate....

Lord Ghoul

"According to Dr. Charlie, the rear naked choke is a “so-called blood choke ([one of] those that impede blood flow from the heart to the brain),” as opposed to an “asphyxia choke (those that obstruct airflow, commonly by way of windpipe compression)."

Dr. Charlie cited a few studies to explain what happens next. One study found that “correct application of the RNC can completely (close) the carotid and that the degree of compression depended more upon the direction of the force rather than its magnitude.” The same study found, “When the choke was applied correctly, and low on the neck, that the vertebral arteries were also significantly compressed.” Remember these are the arteries that provide blood to the brain, and all are affected.

Another study measured the heart rates, rate change of blood pressure, and blood flow through the carotids of 24 healthy police officers (27-40 years old, 21 male, 3 female) while they experienced the RNC, which he also refers to as “bilateral carotid compression.”

The author found that, “16 of the 24 officers lost consciousness in 7-10 seconds with only 84% compression of the carotids. Four tapped out before unconsciousness and four managed to maintain consciousness - but had significantly less carotid compression.” And Dr. Charlie noted that, “All subjects regained consciousness without any lasting deficit or injury.”

Generally in martial arts, combat, etc it is accepted that a few seconds of continuous applied pressure after unconsciousness will cause irreversible brain damage. So sure, she won't be dead, but she'll be drooling and licking windows for the rest of her life, which will be pretty short if Mikhail has his way.


Do you feel proud of yourself, hotshot? You can hurt a padawan, much pro, Diamond 1?

One: Force Choke is an asphyxia choke by default. The canon generally sustains this trait as the norm. You did not state RNC or the like, therefore your claim is invalid and open to my interpretation upon continuation of the thread.
Two: That applies to human biology; but hell, now I told you so you'll go metagame some other way anyway.
Three: I fully expect you to powergame, but coolstorybro. Your kind is that which goes around picking on the weak, exploiting loopholes in the rules so you can get it off to it because someone did it to you when you first started. I wish I could say "prove me wrong," but I know you don't have the heart in you to.

Merry Christmas to you too....
(Edit: Or in the words of the illustrious LoL announcer voice; SHUT DOWN!)



You were his target. I was not. So how I am now, or as to why I should be, eludes me. But I digress.
I am calmed, and also one more thread lost. Which is sad. I was hoping for some good, friendly fun...


Remember when I posted jokingly about making a mess? You have done, and then some. The idea of the thread was something nice and christmassy for characters to be involved in. What you've done, @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] is take the concept of entertaining christmas thread and turned it into what seems like a powergamey warzone, rather than joining in om the same level as everyone else. Remember that even in the two world wars, soldiers managed to stop fighting, get out of their positions, and have a little peace on Christmas.

To sum up my feelings, you sir are a dick and merely did what you did to make your character seem "lolmorbadassthanallxD". Were it not Christmas, I would highly consider calling in the admins to review the current occurrences in the thread, but alas, they deserve they day off more than most around here.

TLDR: It's a christmas thread at christmas. Stahp trying to be darth dickend and play nice with the other children.


Well-Known Member
Where as I agree, you have the point that it is Christmas and a Christmas thread, some people as mentioned DON'T break away from combat. Then even if they do they retain the mindset. Plus Mikhail has multiple objects (1 for sure) that will effect him on a constant level, thus will always be angry etc. So where as I was caught off guard by the acts, I went with it and saw the character bound logic. Personally I feel you insulting the man with a vulgar term is a bit much. It made me laugh, but is still against the rules.


Disney's Princess

Let's do this by the numbers for a quick reminder.

  • 1. Please check with the correct Faction next time you decide to host a Holiday Event on one of their Influenced Planets.
  • 2. Do not create an Open Thread and then assume to tell people how to play within it. Especially evil characters playing it evil.
  • 3. Do not verbally abuse other members in this thread. This is a strong violation of the Member Rules. Christmas or not, you will be reported for such actions and held accountable for your behavior.
  • 4. Remember, if you have an IC complaint please PM that member to pursue a resolution like grown adults. If no resolution can be achieved in private? You can ask an RPJ for moderation. For blatant violations of the OOC Rules please use the Report Button. This process does not include: Name calling, Trolling, Flaming, or Threatening of other Members in public.

Suhr. Please keep these thoughts in mind as you move forward with your thread. Thanks.

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