Invasions are a thankless and imperfect game.
I, personally, spent the better part of nearly three weeks negotiating, planning, and organizing these invasions, pre-launch. If you happened to miss the nearly dozen or so OOC planning, organization, and discussion threads where at any given time you can raise concerns, ask questions, or make suggestions - all while tagging myself or Corvus, both of us whom are here and checking the boards regularly - then that is not our problem or fault.
Both I and Corvus have an open-PM-inbox policy. You can feel free to PM us at any time, and no matter who you come to we discuss it in our continual Admin PM and do quite a lot of back-and-forth over things before coming to you with answers.
A lot of people don't realize how much back-room work has been done before and during and is still going on right now, for these invasions. A lot of time and effort has gone into talking things over with members that have reached out to us with their problems or issues, in order to keep things smooth, fair, and report-free. I wish I could show you the dozens of PMs Corvus and I have between ourselves and OS Leadership to get this all done, but I won't because that's not kosher.
I personally have an open-Skype-request policy. If you ask me for it I will gladly PM it to you and I will help you out however I can. I know I'm marked as LOA, and mostly my LOA has been IC. As you may have noticed, I did not join either invasion ICly because I simply don't have the time. However I have made the greatest effort to be available and to check the forums for PM's, and for tags on any issues that may have come up.
If you have my skype and you remove me from it, this is also not my fault.
All in all, if you believe there is a communication problem, please point out specific areas and issues where the Republic Leadership has failed you.
Otherwise this all sounds like a you problem.