Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How did you name your character?

I honestly don't remember how I came up with Avalore's name. I believe it had something to do with me liking the name Avalon, but not wanting to use it. Eden came from a Jedi Master NPC that I made on the spot, years ago, for an entirely different character's plot. That NPC ended up becoming the husband of said character, and the two had a daughter named Avalore.

This incarnation of Avalore is not that same daughter, but is in fact the cousin to that daughter. ICly the name "Avalore" is prevalent in the Eden family history, and crops up usually at least once in every branch.
Avalore Eden said:
I honestly don't remember how I came up with Avalore's name. I believe it had something to do with me liking the name Avalon, but not wanting to use it. Eden came from a Jedi Master NPC that I made on the spot, years ago, for an entirely different character's plot. That NPC ended up becoming the husband of said character, and the two had a daughter named Avalore.

This incarnation of Avalore is not that same daughter, but is in fact the cousin to that daughter. ICly the name "Avalore" is prevalent in the Eden family history, and crops up usually at least once in every branch.
*blubbers and whales*
Seeing as Nefertari is my only current PC I'll take the liberty of telling you the origins of a couple NPCs I created.

Nefertari Sovint
Nefertari means "The most beautiful" in Egyptian. I found it on behind the name and it just stuck. The name Sovint was made up by me.

Miyuki Jyo'kul
Miyuki actually used to be one of my PCs in my old rp, and was actually created on the spot as Nef's little sister. Originally, I didn't expect her to get much use. So I gave her something generic. When I transferred Nef here, I made up a bit more backstory for her. Deciding that she had gotten married in the 600+ years that Nefertari was frozen in carbonite, I changed her surname. While I made the name Sovint up myself, "Jyo'kul" came from adding a bit of Star Wars flair to part of a song title.

This droid's name is actually a joke from when my buddy [member="HomeBrew"] made an account here. It's a mash-up of SEGA and 3DO, coming from us joking about this commercial and the fact that the 3DO, though a really sucky console, had a few neat games on it.
Back in High School I played a lot of sports and only did "geek" things like anime in secret. The first one I got hooked on was Naruto. I was drawing and watching an episode and true a male version of Sakura that looked like her older brother if she had one. I named him Hakora since it ryhmes and I didn't know how to spell Sakura at the time. Then HakoraFury became my gamer tag and I use the name in every RP I do.
Chiara is the Italian spelling of Kiara/Clara. Kiara means 'darkness' whereas Chiara means 'light'. I wanted the meaning to be somewhat interchangeable since at one point I was unsure if I would have this character fall of not.

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