Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How did you name your character?

Xanthe means "yellow" in Greek. THe extra "-os" made it sound cooler and less human. Xanthos suffers from xanthophobia and uses many yellow-themed killing devices and wears yellow accented black body armor so his enemies may share his fear. Thus the fitting title and mercenary Xanthos was born.


The One Horned Demon
I was reading Genesis in the bible, and Cain was one of the characters mentioned. I got the last name from a star wars name generator.
I name my chars randomly sometimes, or if i find a name i really like

  • Seth Lockheart: He got his name from a NPC i made up and decided to try and make a char out of him

  • Avano Reed: Avano got his name from him being my first SWTOR char, Reed i got from Spencer Reid from Criminal minds

  • Yandi Vex: One of the Random names i picked

  • Celtic Corcoran: Celtic i got her first name from Celtic Women... Corcoran i got because i was told it meant purple witch is Celtic's favorite color

  • Aiden: i got it from Beyond Two Souls

  • Enya May AKA Enya Marie Jackson Tionality Amelia Cloudette. Enya comes from the singer. Marie was her mothers name, Jackson her Father. Tionality her middle name was a random word i just made up. Amelia was the name of her best friend. and Claudette is one of Celine Dions middle names

  • Audric Von Tambrin: Audric i got while searching a french names Von i added as it sounded French and Tambrin is the family name to a Kingdom i made up on another site called Tambridge.

  • Zaki Fox: i thought the name Zaki sounded cool and Fox as his las name due to his red hair

  • Aurora Sadow: got Aurora from my pet horse on a game. and i just Picked Sadow forgetting it was the name of some Sith from SWTOR but it fit so i kept it

  • Jori: i had truble with this guys name and a friend picked the name Jori so i stuck with it

  • Subject 97 AKA Sky... Well I wanted a sith experiment and got to talking to a few friends one chose to help and gave the name Subject 97.... I chose Sky as his nickname as i had just seen the name Skyler

  • Zooki O'dar: Zooki was a name i ran acrost and desided to use O'dar just fit XD

  • Stray: Stray got his name from his ability to turn into a wolf as a Shi'ido and he was a homeless kid so Stray seemed to fit him

Araceli Loxley

Lady Loxley is a character on a TV show I watch. In the show her name is Mae, but I thought that name was too awesome for me to poach it. I came across the name Araceli somehow and thought it was nice.
Xander is my friends name. He actually died a few years back from a car crash. And Carrick is a canon name that I use for a story plot. But I'm also going to say that my Friend IRL Xander liked the Final Fantasy series. He was the one who introduced me to it. and so in his memory I made my playby Cloud who happened to be a character that he always made fun of for being a Blonde goth. Later on he admitted that he rather liked Cloud and was just messing around.


@[member="Araceli Loxley"]: Mr. Selfridge! :)

For me, there's a character named Tattersail in an amazing fantasy novel, "Gardens of the Moon" by Steven Erickson. I liked the name a lot (actually, I like all the names he's given to his characters), and decided to do a play on it for my Jedi Shock Boxer.

Araceli Loxley

Tattersong said:
@[member="Araceli Loxley"]: Mr. Selfridge! :)

For me, there's a character named Tattersail in an amazing fantasy novel, "Gardens of the Moon" by Steven Erickson. I liked the name a lot (actually, I like all the names he's given to his characters), and decided to do a play on it for my Jedi Shock Boxer.
Yup! Lady Mae is the best character on Mr. Selfridge. Except perhaps Mardle.
Jorj Kell were names I stole from two SW characters that I liked at the time (over ten years ago now). Neither were necessarily my favorite characters by any means, but I thought they worked well together. The first was Jorj Car'das, created by Timothy Zahn and first appearing in the Hand of Thrawn duology. The second was Kell Tainer from Aaron Allston's Wraith Squadron series.

I haven't borrowed a name for some time now though. I don't know if it's mystical or "from the head of Zeus" style or what have you, but I typically start by thinking of a character's personality. Then I go about trying to find syllables (as opposed to letters or words or phrases) that audibly match my intention for that character. And then I spell those syllables phonetically, alter them a bit to suit my liking and boom, name. My PC and all of my NPCs here were created in that way: Mir Nehrahn (brilliant pacifist), Kur Brile (sardonic straight man), Tel Taro (bubbly but lovable oaf), Stannon (shy but ever curious). Their species factors into a bit as well (Ithorian, Duros, Ortolan, and Tynnan respectively), but only so much as I think it appropriate. And, honestly, if I don't like the existing SW examples of names, then I just ignore them and go off on my own tangent.
Xander Carrick said:
Xander is my friends name. He actually died a few years back from a car crash. And Carrick is a canon name that I use for a story plot. But I'm also going to say that my Friend IRL Xander liked the Final Fantasy series. He was the one who introduced me to it. and so in his memory I made my playby Cloud who happened to be a character that he always made fun of for being a Blonde goth. Later on he admitted that he rather liked Cloud and was just messing around.
Sorry to hear that but it looks like you made his life go on in a way. I've always liked the name, your character seems to fit the name.

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