Dumah was chosen a while back while I was on GaiaOnline to be this shadow person who went out to kill people. The playby is cool, so I thought it was a good fit ^-^ So concept and playby wise, Dumah hasn't changed a lot since I made him xP At least not yet anyway.
Vuk's playby was one I had always wanted to use for a while, but never could decide what kind of character to use. Eventually, I thought why not a Mandalorian? It stuck since =) Once I have the profile finished, he'll be up.
As for Sorin, he was originally Rayne from Neo Angelique Abyss, but only because I didn't think of using Kenshin until later. Once I realized that Kenshin was a much better choice for the story I ultimately wanted, the switch was obvious =)
There are other playbys for characters in Sorin's life I'll be using, but I just haven't gotten around to posting them yet. I had one thread explain some things about them, but it was closed, so I'll probably create another one to restart things.