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Faction How Do We Proceed | GA Senate & Defense Forces |


How Do We Proceed

Captain Draav, winced as he sat down.

Coruscant was still smoldering, and these politicians, so safely removed from the fight-

Were discussing where next to strike. He narrowed his eyes, and adjusted his dress blues. He had no idea how Reima did it, or how she grew up surrounded by these types of "people". Of all that was holy in the world-

Wedge really didn't like the Senate. But he felt it was important for him to see. But his eyes narrowed, the Commander of Revenant Squadron visibly angry at the mention of the 10th being moved so soon after Coruscant. He disagreed with the General.

The cost of the war was in the tens of thousands, and they had thrown a lot more than he would've liked into the meat grinder that was Coruscant. Logistics can be damned, there was a galaxy's worth of material. But people? He wasn't so keen like these assholes were to send more people into the fire.

And so, sitting near the General, perhaps being picked up by one of the many microphones or not, the Commander of Revenant Squadron, Captain Wedge Draav, said something out loud that was better left not said out loud.

"This is bullshit."

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Rens Ahim was pondering on the full implications of the resolution when he heard the starfighter captain next to General Visz said out loud. Giving the squadron leader his full attention, Rens had made sure to look into the record of soldiers that would be present and he was aware that Draav is a veteran. He couldn't decipher the man's thoughts exactly but his experience in dealing with people as a lawyer Rens could tell the man hated being here and more than likely resented them as well. Wedge's blunt words made that all the more clear.

Not offended but curious and wary, Rens clasped his own hands together asking with full respect in his voice.

"Please speak freely Captain Draav. It is your right.”

Turning to the General, Rens silently nodded in a way to make it clear that he wanted her subordinate to express his opinion here without repercussions. Even though it will no doubt be blunt and brutal, he was willing to take it in order to hear the man out.
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How Do We Proceed

Captain Draav winced as he stood up.

He approached the speaking area of the platform he was on. His uniform was sharp, a fresh shave. There was some light scarring around his face, and there was a slight bulge in his uniform where they packed his wound and did some minor surgery on him. A few more nights in the bacta tank and he'd be fine.

He felt like he was going to get an earful from Reima later, once he talked to her again. Especially, since, this may be the first time that her mother saw him. But Wedge was becoming something of a known person in the military- perhaps she read about him, or maybe not. But, he'd explain himself later.

He looked downwards at the floor of the Senate, before his hazel eyes looked around the room.

"How many people, our people, died on Coruscant?"

He looked around.

"We're not even done burying or even counting our dead, much less dealing with the fallout of that battle. Asking our military to press the attack when we haven't even counted our dead yet-" He thought for a while, of what to say, how to say it nicely. He shook his head.

"There are millions of people displaced by the battle, millions more that will need our help in the coming weeks. Our desire for revenge needs to be tempered by our duty to our people. Asking me and thousands more like me, to kill, to die, to fight, to wage war that a majority of you will not fight in, when we have not yet fully helped our own people, is unbecoming of the Alliance I have fought, killed, and nearly died for."

He turned away from the podium, having said his piece. He gave an appreciative look towards Rens Ahim Rens Ahim . Maybe not all Senators were bad.
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Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

Lupa had considered reprimanding the Captian during his first outburst, but...

The senator wanted to hear him. And she did as well.

As the Captain spoke, the General just let out a sigh.

"Captain Draav, we will bury our dead. I'm not heartless. But I would remind you, and the Senate, to remember the last war. The Maw pushed us back as far as Tython, nearly cut our Alliance in half and destroyed several planets along the way. We held the line at Coruscant, but what's the say they won't strike again in the next few months? We have them on the backfoot. We have the chance to deliver a counter punch to knock them off their feet. Right now, they're licking their wounds, suffering losses several times of what we did. We have the resources to go on the offensive, and we owe it to everyone who was killed or wounded on Coruscant to win this war. This is what I see as the way to do that, or at least the first step towards that. Should we stall, or take the time to let them regroup, they'll take that chance to make us pay for it tenfold."

Tag: Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar Bianco Cruhn Bianco Cruhn Monaray Dod Monaray Dod Magant Kiles Magant Kiles



How Do We Proceed

Wedge's eye twitched when the General gave him a history lesson that he was there for. He just looked up at the General, then the rest of the Senators.

"Just one more war, huh? Just one more battle, just one more fight. One more, one more, one more."

Wedge's eyes narrowed at the General when she so dismissively disregarded his position. They owed it, huh? They, who was they? Not a damn person in here was wounded, or did the dying. No, they did the talking, and men like him did the dying. He heard it all before. Just one more attack, one more push, one more grand offensive. And the Sith and Jedi would stop, the Sith would be defeated.

And here he was, here they were, and here it all was, happening again.

"Your plan seems pretty damn heartless to me, General, from where I'm sitting and what you're asking me- and my pilots to do."

There was a twinge of pain as he adjusted himself- the part of his X-wing that dug into his torso caused him a great deal of pain. Maybe a bit longer in the bacta tank than usual tonight....


"This is bullshit."

That was certainly a way to break up the monotony of a senate meeting.

Alicio's lip thinned in annoyance. The captain's views on the senate were not one he held alone. He imagined a healthy portion of the Alliance's population, and it's millitary, thought of his fellow senators as useless, power-hungry fools sending people to die from their ivory tower.

For some senators... that was certainly the truth. So Alicio couldn't blame him too much. But it was also a perception he wished he could change. Everyone thought leadership was easy, until they started leading.

"Captain... Thank you for your service." He decided to begin diplomatically, nodding his head towards Natasi. "Senator Fortan and I were in the Senate Building on Coruscant when it was destroyed. Dove from the top of that battlecruiser ourselves, with outdated jump packs. I imagine if the skies were swarming with enemy snubfighters, we wouldn't have made it out alive. So... thank you, and extend my thanks to all of Revenant Squadron."

He was frowning, still. "I appreciate your frankness, so I will be frank in turn. As General Visz said, we can't afford to sit on our asses while our enemy regroups. If we don't strike while the iron is hot, this war will prolong, and we will needlessly throw away hundreds of thousands more lives. That is heartless."

"Trust me, work is being done to help the people of Coruscant. But we have to look for the next battle, because if we don't, it will find us while we're unprepared."

"So I ask you for one more. As many 'one mores' as you feel you can give."

Special Agent Ronval Rubat - 'R U S T Y'
Strategic Intelligence Agency // 'Associate Executive' of
Location: Fondor
Equipment: Operative Suit
Tag: Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Monaray Dod Monaray Dod Bianco Cruhn Bianco Cruhn Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Magant Kiles Magant Kiles Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti Wedge Draav Wedge Draav


Ronval cleared his throat, wincing as he leaned forward. The break-in to SIA HQ and the escape from the Initium was still hurting. Under his suit were entire bacta patches keeping his skin from ripping.

He was uncomfortable presenting as both his SIA and civilian guise- rarely did they mix, for obvious security reasons, but this was a rare time that these high-clearance Very Important Persons ™ had to see him as both.

"Captain, the GADF will not be on its own. Speaking for my colleagues in the Agency, we stand ready with many operations already planned or underway."

SIA was already planning a dozen major ops- both to clear house internally, and within the Alliance in general, but also outward strikes. Retaliatory wetwork and hostile "de-networking". That is to say, more wetwork.

But the political heads of the Alliance needed buy-in. They could not falter while the SIA gambled its assets on all these actions. So- Ronval was here. To convince the rational, strategic mind. To soothe the emotional citizens. And to appeal to the self-interest of certain political actors.

First, the head:
"On the field, we are already planning surgical strikes, to keep the Dark Empire off-balance as much as possible, to buy time for the gathering of a counterattack. Far be it for me to discuss operational matters here but... point stands. General Visz is right. The Dark Empire has lost far more than us, in a much worse position. Us spooks will keep 'em on their toes. The Agency is ready, and we're out for blood."

And next, the heart:
"I personally understand your concerns, Captain Draav. I was there in the thick of it-" what a bloody understatement! Kidnapped by the chief of the NISB! "-and lost many friends and colleagues. But the fact is, it is the duty of the Alliance and our men and women under arms to meet aggression with action, not passivity. Fear is the weapon of the enemy, and inaction only allows it to fester. The Defence Forces need the best in our counter-stroke, and that means Revenant and the 10th Fleet. The painful truth is- if we do not have the sharpest blades in our strike, far more will die." He let the implication hang in the air. Hopefully, Wedge would realise that inaction by the best units of the GADF meant far more deaths on their heads.

And finally: the pocket.
"Now, as someone with... contacts... in one of the largest independent GADF veterans' associations, I can... disclose... that for the first time in twenty years, we are getting more requests from our members on how to return to active service than requests about mustering-out benefits. People are raring to strike back." A bit of a reach- GAVIN did not exactly have the most advanced polling data, but they were sizable, and the sentiment was clearly present in large numbers.

"And we are a democratic state. The opinion of a considerable portion of citizens is clear- they want this cancer removed now. Whether it be fear of the sudden upset in the long peace, or revenge, or being a subscriber of one of the many military science journals... the public demand action. And as some of our esteemed Senators have mentioned- this is also clearly the strategically sound course of action." Again he let the implication hang in the air. Those who wished to hang back out of perceived need to appease the doves in their voting bloc could suffer... electoral difficulties.

"The SIA stands ready for anything the executive asks of us. False flags, shipyard sabotage, rescue ops... just let us know."

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Ariana Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta ,Jedi Padawan
Action: Agree to the Resolution.
senate outfit


Safety, quite the opportune word to describe the relative calm that surrounded Ariana in spite of the other Senators and Military Representatives. Coruscant was a ruin and to further add insult to injury, it was yet another Imperial initiative, failure or not. The young Du Couteau heiress wished to do nothing else but scream into the heavens. First home, Tython and now Coruscant. The Dark Empire was on the warpath as the Alliance scrambled to issue a response, outside of simply retreating of course.

“One more indeed,” Ariana muttered darkly as she inspected her mechanical arm, newly buffed and repaired since her debacle in the Senate Building. But her mind couldn't shake away the memory of seeing a part of her become so jagged and rived so easily.

Ariana’s embers were cooling though, it wasn’t as if the rest of the Senators present had forgotten her home or the people of Tython and Prakith. Of course if those embers weren’t already smothered, the introduction of a Senate Resolution completely put a damper on her more excitable emotions. Oh right, I’m a Senator.

With a quick check on her data-slate, Ariana quickly scanned the details of the Resolution and found them thankfully short. She hadn’t the years of study like her brother and father before her, so the implications of such resolutions being enacted were mostly lost to her. Perception, such an important word, perhaps the only greatest word that could shift an entire galaxy. Ariana simply wanted to deliver a punch to the Dark Empire, perception be damned.

Ariana turned her attention to a familiar sounding voice, her eyes turned to a representative of their secretive agency. With a simple nod she felt confident the war would finally begin to turn in their favor. She had fought with the man speaking, Rusty, a brave warrior, responsible for the liberation of her home world and the successful push of the old Maw forces. It was an added comfort to know that so many who had fought against the Maw remained alive. It felt like ages ago, but so many posses short memories. . .

“My home, my family have known sacrifice. If the goal is to invade the Dark Empire’s true home, then the price will be paid by those in the core. We are the next generation that must face our suffering and even as I curse the cruelty of the galaxy for forcing this choice on us; my brother and the people of Teta will endure what needs to be endured.” Ariana spoke, her voice a mixture of anger and regret.

“The Dark Empire will know justice and they will know an Exegol of their own.” Ariana readied herself to sign the resolution.

"Hauum, Captain Wedge Draav Wedge Draav , I like your fire, even if you should ask first to speak up as an officer and not as a nerf herder calling us banthashit.
You want us to help Coruscant? As soon as this act is passed and this meeting is over, I plan to go there first. Bringing supplies on the way in, evacuating people on the way out. Gathering intel on the Pisaan Pak in between.

Care to be the fighter support for my bulk freighters on this mission? Or would that be still too heartless for where you are sitting? Escort for a supply run would be a kind of vacation I heard brash fighter pilots say in the past, at least when convoys were not torn apart by raiders. Hauuum."

He set his small, but piercing eyes on the SIA man. " Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat , I would like to have a briefing with you about the intel of defense and enemy strength. I would not like it to jump into a planet shield or minefield or a battle group of star destroyers."

Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Monaray Dod Monaray Dod Bianco Cruhn Bianco Cruhn Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Magant Kiles Magant Kiles Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti Wedge Draav Wedge Draav @Ronval Rubat
Having finished with the datapad, Arcadius turned his full attention to the hearing. From the looks of it, even more systems had chimed in with their points and concerns. Judging by what was being said, it seemed like a counteroffensive was being put into the works.

Regardless of the decision, Cardia would lend its support. Its general had returned with a significant portion of the planet's military strength. Why that brute had taken off with half the force was beyond Arcadius, as he hadn't been kept in the loop, which, if he were honest, irked him to no end. Rising to speak once more, he said,

"Whether it be a counterattack or a rescue attempt, Cardia's military is ready and willing to support whatever action comes out of this meeting. You only need to give the order, and Cardia's troops will be there."

With that, Arcadius performed a small bow before seating himself back down.

Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Monaray Dod Monaray Dod Bianco Cruhn Bianco Cruhn Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Magant Kiles Magant Kiles Rens Ahim Rens Ahim | Others
Senator of Cato Neimoidia


Senator Monaray Dod - observed from the seat as additional debates and discussions were permitted to showcase the wide range of perspectives within the chamber on how and where the Alliance should strike next.

Many of these concerns voiced by the Senators and GADF Represenatives were focused on semantics and trying to put on a brave front, without considering the entire picture. The tragic battle of Coruscant resulted in immense individual trauma experienced by those who foolishly attempted to remain on the planet, yet their suffering held no significance to the delegation from Cato Neimoidia.

He glanced towards the represenative of the SIA Ronval Rubat Ronval Rubat who had joined them, promising support in intelligence and sabotage operations.

" I am hesitant to fully rely on the Strategic Intelligence Agency due to their consistent track record of failing to produce desired outcomes. This pattern of incompetence is exemplified since the resignation of Director M so many years ago. It would be more financially efficient to establish funding for smaller intelligence agencies overseen by the Senate, rather than relying on a single, unaccountable large organization."

The Neimoidian explained - wanting to use the funding from the Intelligence Agency to fund smaller operations, whose agents would be more accountable to the democractic system of the Alliance and less likely to interfere with the affairs of the Trade Federation.

"As for the recently introduced, Senate Resolution. The Delegation from Cato Neimoidia request that the focus of the resolution be shifted from targeting Ord Mantell to instead addressing an occupation of Nyriaan, a planet abundant in resources which would pose even more of a blow to the New Empire's financial sectors."

He additionally remarked, expressing his desire to demonstrate solidarity with the Minister of the Trade Federation by accepting the proposal in its original form rather than making any major alterations.

Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Bianco Cruhn Bianco Cruhn Magant Kiles Magant Kiles Arcadius Balthazar Arcadius Balthazar Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau

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Rens said nothing watching the exchange between the general and the captain. He truly felt grief for what happened on Coruscant, having worked there and gotten to know some of its people. There is a reason why the world is held in such high regard among its inhabitants. The senator had personally tried to organize evacuation for as many people from the planet's lower levels as possible. Yet not everyone was able to get out in time and Rens closed his eyes in further sorrow.

It was now clear to him that the captain believed them to be using him and comrades like the battle droids of the clone. He can't speak for everyone here but Rens certainly didn't see any of the Alliance servicemen and women like that. Before this new war Bestine's representative had hoped that their state, especially his family, could live in a new era of peace. Yet the Sith and their followers denied them all that opportunity.

Like Organa pointed out, their enemies will not hesitate and keep seeking ways to retaliate for their defeat at Coruscant if they hadn't done so already. Squeezing his hands in frustration he thought somberly to himself.

People are going to keep dying no matter what we decide to do here. I hate this war and what it's doing to our people but we have no choice. This Dark Empire won't stop until everything we cared about is destroyed and twisted into their foul image.

So unless Wedge Draav of Revenant Squadron had an alternative concrete plan that could effectively balance out his concerns and the Alliance's war effort, Rens saw little choice but to support General Visz' plan.

He kept it all to himself until Senator Dod went after SIA Agent Rubat, even expressing a desire for smaller agencies to be formed that would be under the senate's control.

Or into the pockets of certain senators. He thought with narrowed suspicious eyes toward the Neimoidian official.

"Senator Dod I disagree with you. We are a legislative body not the executive branch that should run such organizations. True the SIA has made its mistakes but they did gain key intelligence for the battle beforehand. Additionally there is more than enough blame to share by us the government as well. Again I repeat the warship that was hidden under Coruscant's senate building before its ascent is proof that we are equally guilty of failure with the Agency.

How many of our people died when that metallic abomination rose up out of the surface?"

He slammed his right fist on the podium raising his voice briefly.


He sighed heavily and those who can see noted the guilt that weighed on him about that.

"All because of corruption, complacency and most likely as a result of betrayal from within. We need reform for both groups, and better coordination, not more power for ourselves."
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Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

Lupa watched as the Captain and the Senator of Alderaan went back and forth. She had said her peace, and wasn't going to agitate the man further. All it did was show the GADF was unhappy, and that was bad optics for the warfront. The army was more than happy on her end, perhaps she needed to speak with the Supreme Commander on the Naval Side.
"The SIA stands ready for anything the executive asks of us. False flags, shipyard sabotage, rescue ops... just let us know."
"If the people want liberation of the core worlds, an SIA operation into Teta wouldn't be a bad first step towards that." Lupa offered. She knew the SIA needed something. Something to give them a better reputation. "Surely the Imperials are amassing as much resources there as they can. Perhaps if we were to disrupt that, their next offensive would be blunted. Surely the Senator of the planet Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau would know such locations where the Imperials might use as supply depots, yes?" It was clear the Imperials wanted to use this vassal state as a base of operations, the SIA had the chance to fire back.
"As for the recently introduced, Senate Resolution. The Delegation from Cato Neimoidia request that the focus of the resolution be shifted from targeting Ord Mantell to instead addressing an occupation of Nyriaan, a planet abundant in resources which would pose even more of a blow to the New Empire's financial sectors."
Poking at a datapad, Lupa frowned. Old Intel had struck again.

But the plan stayed the same.

"Vortex is our best option to disallow them the option of opening a new front. While strategically it's not as important, only seeming to be a foodstuffs exporter, it'll clear up our border and make any attempt to link up with their vassal state a much longer campaign. We can't allow them to connect their borders, as the attack on Coruscant would imply they wish to do. From a tactical perspective, Coruscant would've acted as the first link in a chain eventually leading back to Vortex. If that's the direction they're heading, we need to cut the head off the snake."



How Do We Proceed

Nothing of what was said made Wedge feel remotely better.

Just pandered to.

Only the Senator Rens Ahim Rens Ahim seemed at least somewhat guilty for throwing more meat at the grinder.

But good heavens above, how he hated the General at the moment. She disregarded his position and statement entirely.

Sometime later, a Senatorial aid would swear up and down that Wedge said “cold hearted queen”.

“I’ve been at this war half of my life, guess I’ll spend what’s left of it fighting when you all send more of us to die for a greater tactical position on the Empires bank accounts.”

Wedge stood up, adjusted his dress blues, and began to leave. Eyes narrowed, it was clear that the Commander of the esteemed squadron had no further interest in listening to the Senate grovel over where to send their sons and daughters off to die next.

He walked out of the chambers and into the hallway, rubbing his face and fighting back tears.

The Alliance he gave so much for, his life, his innocence, his youth and nearly sanity-

Didn’t give a shit about him.

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skin, bone, and arrogance


The fact that this meeting was spiraling was a testament to the fact that Natasi Fortan was usually right about everything. She indicated her desire to speak and prepared to get the meeting to more productive grounds, if possible.

"I move that the resolution be amended as regards section A3," Natasi said. "To reflect that the Federal Assembly authorizes compulsory confiscation of assets and properties of not just members of the Dark Empire but of any individual, cabal, corporation, director, or other responsible entity that undermines the Galactic Alliance's mission in this war, to be determined at the sole discretion of this body."

Natasi paused and then continued after swallowing: "After all, it cannot be said that only SularenCo stands against us, or is interested in playing both sides of this conflict for maximal return. There are some things that simply must take a back seat to shareholder value, and an existential threat to freedom and democracy is one, I should hope we can all agree."


Vulpesen recloined in his seat as he watched the meeting going on around him. In truth, such political meetings weren't his usual field of battle. Politicians were generally dealt with by Lucas, the Excelsus of the howlaw Court, and officially, Veradune's senator. Matters of the Veran Military and their contributions to the GADF were to be handled by Armis Militia's Excelsus, Corren Harlow. When it came to matters that combined two or more of Veradune's three governmental branches, there was only one man qualified to speak, the Valde himself.

By and large, the Valde was impressed by what he saw. Constructive dialogue wherein most people had the right of the situation. No matter the damage done to Coruscant, it had held. The empire had been broken on the Alliance bulwark and now it was time to strike while the iron was hot. SUre there had been one honest naysayer, but it was one Vulpesen readily discounted. He had fought in that battle the same as his own personal guard, and Wedge's men. Whats more, even Lucas had risked his life on the planet, dusting off his old soldier's boots for the chance to defend democracy. War claimed lives, and the best way to stop that was to end the war.

"Coruscant is a bright jewel in the Aliiance's galactic crown. Its importance in history and symbolism cannot be understated. But tactically, it is not the end all be all. Lives were lost in the battle, but no more than in any other. The reports I've read say that our ground troops fared rather well against the incursion. What's more, Veradune has far more troops to offer in any offensive or defensive operations. The Galactic Alliance is filled with members states. Lets use that strength to our advantage. In short, I agree with bringing an offensive against Ord Mantell or any other target deemed useful to us and crippling to our enemies."

Senator Forlan's proposal however, brought about a whole new issue, one that caused the Zorren's tail to twitch in annoyance. "That such a proposal hasn't been made sooner is a bit of an error, I believe. VSF weaponry has always been available to any with the credits to afford it. We believe in an individual's right to self-defense, with or without a government sponsorship. But there's a difference between arming people, and arming the enemy, either with weapons, equipment, or information. I'll second that motion and happily offer Veradune's own intelligence agency to help the SIA audit any possible threats to our national security." Perhaps the declaration would raise a few eyebrows from the politicians in the room. Vulpesen was afterall, not technically a member of the senate. However, every word Senator Gracin spoke, every proposal he made or seconded, was one in the Valde's name and with his authority.

Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan Wedge Draav Wedge Draav (Direct Reponses to their actions, but of course, Vulpesen is speaking for all to hear.)
POV: Marya Werdegast, newly elected Senator of Dahrtag

"I move that the resolution be amended as regards section A3," Natasi said. "To reflect that the Federal Assembly authorizes compulsory confiscation of assets and properties of not just members of the Dark Empire but of any individual, cabal, corporation, director, or other responsible entity that undermines the Galactic Alliance's mission in this war, to be determined at the sole discretion of this body."

"After all, it cannot be said that only SularenCo stands against us, or is interested in playing both sides of this conflict for maximal return. There are some things that simply must take a back seat to shareholder value, and an existential threat to freedom and democracy is one, I should hope we can all agree."

Present in the form of a seated hologram, Senator Marya Werdegast had not spoken since the meeting began, choosing to silently observe the others. Senator Fortan suggested an amendment to the resolution. It seemed to be targeted at the Trade Federation, though if history was to be believed, it would also affect freedom of speech. Not that anyone would care if the speakers in question were labeled as fascist.

"I second this amendment," Marya said. "We should focus all our energies on the enemy, without having to worry about threats from within."


Fondor - Capital of the Galactic Alliance

During the intense discussion between Senate members and the Defense Forces, Lodd found a brief moment to contemplate the potential implications of the proposed resolution on the Trade Federation as a whole. Prior to the Battle of Coruscant, their assistance to the Empire's Economic Sectors involved the establishment of industrial facilities and the upkeep of transportation systems within hostile regions using ordinary cargo vessels. With the Empire's forces in full-scale retreat and the Grand Admiral's fleet suffering significant losses, the rationale behind continuing their allegiance to the Imperial Cause became increasingly uncertain.

The adoption of the resolution would provide the Federation with a chance to assemble their troops for real military confrontations, using the latest mandate as a cover. This would enable them to acquire resources and assets from their adversaries as a form of compensation for their overall investments into the Empire's Future. However, this situation presented a precarious dilemma as it had the potential to harm them in the future if substantial proof of their collaboration with the Emperor were to surface.

As the desginated Chair of the senate session, it was advantageous to portray the Alliance Legislature as an effective entity capable of achieving results and passing legislation. Hence, Lodd would attentively perceive the underlying discussions revolving around the Strategic Intelligence Agency and the ethical dilemma of sacrificing additional soldiers for indifferent superiors.

"The modifications to Sections A1 and A3 of Senate Resolution GH-133456 have been acknowledged by the Chair, following suggestions made by the Delegation from Cato Neimoidia and the Delegation of Aegis, in conjunction with the Veradune Representative and the Delegation of Dahrtag. Furthermore, the input provided by our representative from the Defense Forces has prompted the need for additional public commentary. " Lodd spoke into the microphone after the remarks from Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan , Monaray Dod Monaray Dod , Vulpesen Vulpesen , and Marya Werdegast Marya Werdegast concerning the Senate Resolution under consideration.

"Additionally, A public hearing will be scheduled in response to the public's concerns regarding the efficacy of the Strategic Intelligence Agency. Representatives Rens Ahim Rens Ahim and Monaray Dod Monaray Dod will serve as co-chairs for the upcoming hearing upon the approval of the Office of the Chancellor."
Looking down at the electronic device on the table before him, which displayed all the words spoken by the representatives.

"Senator Fortan, it is important to highlight that any allegation put forth by an individual in relation to Section A3 after it has been modified must be supported by substantial evidence of collusion and a clear intention to deceive both this legislative body and its investigators at the time of the accusation. After such evidence is presented and verified, it will go to The Committee on Finance & Commerce. The Neimoidian explained to the Senator from Aegis, emphasizing the importance of prohibiting hearsay in the process of asset and property confiscation. The Trade Federation would undoubtedly exploit this rationale to prevent public nationalization and seizures.

Senate Resolution GH-133456 )

A1 )
- The Federal Assembly will grant approval for a major military operation aimed at invading either Vortex or Nyriaan, which falls within the Dark Empire's Sphere of Influence. The directive entails the mobilization of the 10th Sector Fleet and all associated personnel to amass near the Soverign System of Corellia. The aim is to invade and seize control of the planet in order to diminish the adversary's morale, or at the very least, inflict significant harm on their infrastructure and eliminate their troops.

A2 ) - The Federal Assembly will approve the dispatching of the Herglic Trade Alliance's Trade Fleet, which is comprised of star galleons, to provide assistance and provisions to the Alliance Citizens who are currently stranded within the Dark Empire's Core Holdings. This initiative aims to support rebellion efforts and foster active resistance against the Imperial Occupations until recovery of these systems are possible.

A3) - The Federal Assembly compulsory confiscation of assets and properties of not just members of the Dark Empire but of any individual, cabal, corporation, director, or other responsible entity that undermines the Galactic Alliance's mission in this war, to be determined at the sole discretion of this body. Although no accusation can be made without substanial evidence of collusion and a clear intention to decieve the legislative body. Additionally, it has mandated the dissolution of SularenCo, a company known for its sympathies towards the Empire and led by the Warlord of the Empire.

A4) - The Federal Assembly will grant permission for diplomatic missions to planets that were previously under the control of the Rimward Trade League, which has since collapsed, leading to the Sith Order rapid expansion within the Outer Rim, all to the detriment of the Galactic Alliance. If the provision of weaponry and advanced armaments to these planets is possible, it would create a fromidable barrier for the Sith Order to overcome, allowing us to focus our efforts on the Dark Empire.

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skin, bone, and arrogance


"I object," Natasi said flatly. "The Committee on Finance works directly with corporate interests regularly as part of their valuable work. The relationships that they build are critical for their role. Allegations of misconduct must be handled without even the appearance of bias, and therefore these allegations will be processed by a committee that can hold them at arm's length. I would recommend either a special select committee, or the Judiciary Committee with a mandatory abstention of any overlapping members that sit on Committee on Finance and Commerce."

The Senator from Aegis thought it was probably wiser to require the abstention of any members whose worlds were closely tied to the corporate entities in question -- for instance, Kuat for KDY -- but that, she suspected, would be putting too fine a point on the thing. "Additionally, the standard of evidence necessary to act against future corporate entities ought to be the same as for SularenCo. If a majority vote in the Assembly is sufficient to condemn SularenCo, a majority vote in the Assembly will be sufficient for other corporate entities. I believe the language about substantial evidence of collusion and a clear intention to deceive, though no doubt well-meaning, could only further complicate matters. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander, yes?"

Weasel words designed to allow the explaining-away of corporate skullduggery, to be sure, though of course the Senator was much too polite and professional to even intimate it.

"Moreover, while I believe the Senate is... within its authority to direct a broad strategic vision for the prosecution of this war, it is best left to the Defense Forces' command structure to decide as to the deployment of personnel. I thus move to strike the following sentence from section A1): The directive entails the mobilization of the 10th Sector Fleet and all associated personnel to amass near the Soverign [sic] System of Corellia." She paused a moment and nodded toward the General. "For instance, if the General or others in GADF command decide to split their forces to amass at Corellia and another world for a valid strategic purpose, it is not for this body to tell them they cannot, nor should we be placing them in a position to choose between a better strategy or being in violation of a Senate resolution. I yield."


"Hauum, I agree with senator @ Fortan! Our legislative should not interfere with the Executive! We would be no better than the Pisaan Pak if we make laws to confiscate property! Centuries ago, the First Galactic Empire did exactly that with the Trade Empire of the Herglic and nationalized our industry. Never again!

Let the independent High Courts decide this matter.

Hauumever, we could freeze the accounts and money transfer of the supposed traitors until the courts decide the matter. In this way, the civil LEA could screen the corporation and gather evidence for an even more thorough smashing of this criminal organisation. Or,"
he added slyly, "they could find evidence of tax evasion and illegal activities and sue the corporation into poverty.

Plus, we could then use their assets to finance victims of the Empire."

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