Rens Ahim

Rens titled his head in question when Lodd Grimmin proclaimed him and Dod to led a hearing concerning the SIA. What is that Trade Federation agent up to? The Mon Calamari wondered. Their type don’t usually proposed their opponents to share duties unless there some kind of profit involved. Soon such thoughts were interrupted by the Aegis’ representive, giving him great pause while Senator Cruhn supported the former.
Years ago if someone told Rens Ahim he would be in agreement with Natasi Fortan, formerly of the First Order he would've believed that person insane. Things had changed, he quietly noted. The adopted son of Bestine remembered questioning Fortan when she applied for membership to their assembly. Back then he had been suspicious and resentful of the former Imperialist. Yet look what time has proven right now.
The way the Nemiodians were going about their objectives made Rens wary to say the least. Slowly but surely Rens Ahim nodded to what Natasi spoken about. Clearing his throat the aquatic representative spoke up.
"I fully agree with Senator Fortan on all points especially the objection. We can't afford the legislative branch taking on the duties of the executive. Not only is it illegal but also in my opinion most foolish. Wars are not won by committees."
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