Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really?

I'd rather have someone give me their opinion. *shrugs* I could say in some levels Aaralyn is as powerful as Master Yoda as a swordsman, on other levels she is able-bodied as Nomi Sunrider in her skills with the Force.

Please note - I said some levels. Not all. I know a handful of people who could easily beat me. I take my hits, and I give them. >_< To be quite honest, I don't think I've actually -won- a fight here on Chaos. :|

*shrugs again* Nomi Sunrider 2.0 with better fighting skills?

To be honest, I don't know! *flees crying* I don't like this game!

I understand Rev and since you pointed it out I'll address that too. Lucas' characters in canon were moderately thought out and in my opinion some of the fresh from the box characters here have richer back stories. However, canon characters only develope in power to a certain point because they are mortal and force connection can only be developed to a point. Each person's force potential was different. On an rp board you can claim to know every power possible because you took time to write or just hand waved it while in canon/EU a person would burn out if they tried to do half the things I've seen played out. Whether or not people think of it canon characters were limited in what they could because stories with omnipotent beings are not worth reading.

Edit: Ordo prefers farming...
Cilara has little in the way of formal training so she is pretty much bad at anything, she is definitely on the lower tier for a padawan due to her mostly unskilled-ness in lightsaber combat and swordplay but her force powers are good. So relative to others maybe an early Ahsoka Tano.
I find this a rather hard question to ask, which means I like it! So I'll consider it from multiple categories.

Lightsaber combat: I would say in regards to combat, Kian is on the high end of moderate. He prefers straightforward, simple tactics that rely on energy conservation and adaptation to an opponents fighting style. He's not a whirling dervish or a powerhouse, instead he's the one who surprises you. If he were to win a fight, I think his opponent, regardless of their skill level, to be shocked by it. Not because he isn't skilled, but that his skill flies under the radar.

Force abilities: With regards to the force, I would say that Kian is, on average, well rounded. He isn't overly powerful but nor is he severely weak. He is like the Niman of force users. There are exceptions of course. Kian is particularly skilled in telepathy (owing more to his Kel Dor heritage than his force abilities) and is powerful in telekinetics. However, he is weak in healing skills and he doesn't show a great deal of skill in force foresight.

Other abilities: I think some of the things that make Kian a good Jedi is his pragmatism, his ability to think constructively and put himself in other people's perspectives. He isn't rash, nor is he overly emotional.

So given this, I would say Kian is moderately powerful. Nothing amazing that would dazzle you, but nothing to scoff at either.

Talon Vosra

Ordo said:
I understand Rev and since you pointed it out I'll address that too. Lucas' characters in canon were moderately thought out and in my opinion some of the fresh from the box characters here have richer back stories. However, canon characters only develope in power to a certain point because they are mortal and force connection can only be developed to a point. Each person's force potential was different. On an rp board you can claim to know every power possible because you took time to write or just hand waved it while in canon/EU a person would burn out if they tried to do half the things I've seen played out. Whether or not people think of it canon characters were limited in what they could because stories with omnipotent beings are not worth reading.
Edit: Ordo prefers farming...
Shut up Ordo.


Disney's Princess
Talon Vosra said:
Shut up Ordo.

Thanks Talon. Now you're just making it weird for everybody. We're all asking questions like: is he mad? Are they enemies? Are they friends? Is Ordo his lover? Do they like chinese food or pizza or sushi on their dates together? Did they make it to second base yet? What even is second base in Star Wars? Are these thoughts even real?

Yuck. Stop making me think these thoughts Vosra! Just stop it! Ugh. ...Gross. >.>
Jay Scott Clark said:
Thanks Talon. Now you're just making it weird for everybody. We're all asking questions like: is he mad? Are they enemies? Are they friends? Is Ordo his lover? Do they like chinese food or pizza or sushi on their dates together? Did they make it to second base yet? What even is second base in Star Wars? Are these thoughts even real?

Yuck. Stop making me think these thoughts Vosra! Just stop it! Ugh. ...Gross. >.>
Shut up Jay.


what about Jar Jar Binks? Think you can take him?

I have a hundred creds on you beating pressure...none at all...well...maybe a little pressure...we are speaking about a hundred is the pressure mounting yet?

You know what...don't worry about MY credits...and forget I mentioned the word pressure....just go out there and put on a good show.

p.s. if you lose, you owe me one hundred credits.
Rianna as a healer is very strong many of her skills have been focused only on the mending of minds and body. These skills could also be used in battle but that would be twisting the true use of them. But she has made people sick to prevent them from attacking. :)

Her lightsaber skills are not powerful, she is a defensive fighter but often feels conflict when it comes to fighting for fighting can lead to harm to another, and that conflicts with her oath of healing.

Rianna however prefers lately to be the wife of a farmer

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin's my longest-running and strongest Forcer by far, and I tend to think of her as a step or two below Palpatine, with a skillset that's much less broad. Her apex power is basically just Force Protection as depicted in the Jedi Academy game, which itself is pretty mild in terms of depiction of the Force when compared to other SW games (and not just Force Unleashed).
Darth Vitium said:
A padawan or apprentice that specializes in, say, telekinesis will still be no better at it than a master who does not. It also does not mean you are a master of that skill, or at the same skill level with it as a master. You are a padawan, and once you've learned enough for that level of skill to reach a Knight, you should be at Knight. If you are not, then clearly you are not at that point yet and should not progress your character with a disregard for your character's level of skill. Padawan, Knight, and Master are not measurements of power but of skill. A padawan is inherently less skilled than a Master in much the same way a student is inherently less knowledgeable than a professor. There are things you may excel at, but to excel is to be gifted. Genius is not of learned knowledge, it is the ability to learn.
TL;DR: Smarts do not equate to wisdom, just as being skilled in something does not grant you the wisdom of knowing when to use said skill.

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