Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really?

I don't know about her "power level," but I think the way Sabena implements her talents in the Force gives her a lot of strength... from a certain point of view!

The encounter with [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] was a good test of this. Learned a lot on what I could pull off. It was fun :D
I try and base Veino roughly off of RotJ Luke Skywalker, since that will forever be my idea of what a true Jedi is. I even borrow his fashion style. Not so much the haircut though. Sometimes I'll bump him up to prequel knight level, but only on a few occassions. I tend to try and aim for that OT level more often than not.

Which is why he has never won a fight.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Soliael Devin Talith said:

My tackle is more powerful than your unlimited power!


I'm your standard Jedi. Really not impressive and really doesn't like to use Force powers to begin with. If I can do it through other means than the Force, I'm golden!
My main force users came to begin their training what would be considered late. Iella at 26 years old and 20 for Coci, I don't believe that a Jedi beginning training at these ages could ever be most powerful (like some around the boards). Although both are now Masters, I play them having specialised skills rather than all encompassing. And they will never be god-like, simply because it is boring to write or play, and boring for others to RP with them.

Even if a Jedi begins training at 3 or whatever, that does not equate to high power levels.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
About as powerful as Jar Jar Binks. :p

No but really, Nima's not that powerful and she doesn't want to be that powerful. If she's powerful enough to help people that's enough for her ;)

Talon Vosra

Jay Scott Clark said:
Thanks Talon. Now you're just making it weird for everybody. We're all asking questions like: is he mad? Are they enemies? Are they friends? Is Ordo his lover? Do they like chinese food or pizza or sushi on their dates together? Did they make it to second base yet? What even is second base in Star Wars? Are these thoughts even real?

Yuck. Stop making me think these thoughts Vosra! Just stop it! Ugh. ...Gross. >.>
.....He's trying to communicate with me, I just know it.
I have a pretty strong aversion to overt powers. Fairly sure my first duel with a character who can cast lightning/force bubbles/spear of midnight black etc etc is going to involve this character zoidberging off screen.

And then coming back to do terrible things when they're not looking...
My characters are all quite useless. I never get them to be strong enough in the Force. Like really, most of the times I start with no knowledge of Force powers... and even when they're Masters, they know only the stuff an Apprentice should know. :|
Maria Natalja said:
My characters are all quite useless. I never get them to be strong enough in the Force. Like really, most of the times I start with no knowledge of Force powers... and even when they're Masters, they know only the stuff an Apprentice should know. :|
*Lurks around the corner with a sharpened axe.*



[member="Maria Natalja"]
This is very interesting for me because I do base my characters on Original Trilogy standards. For me, that scene where the Emperor and Yoda were throwing massive metal disks at each other in Revenge of the Sith was cool but a little bit ridiculous, and I preferred the force the way it was in the originals--and don't even get me started on this EU "destroy an entire fleet of starships" nonsense. That's just MAGIC. So, I'd call Melkaroth fairly "average" because he doesn't use a lot of the powers that other characters have. Right now I think he'd be somewhere between Luke at the end of Empire and Luke in the Return of the Jedi; competent with telekenesis but not yet at the same level of mastery with a lightsaber as ROTJ Luke.

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