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How Shall Zambrano the Hutt finally die?

Kylo Kyr'am

Clan Kyr'am Alor'ad/Grim legion Leader
Chain him to a warehouse torture him for 3 days by cutting off his fingers maybe the end of his tail, cutting slashes into his skin, no food or drink maybe some electrocution, cut out his eyelids all to make him watch this torture being done to him, all the while interrogating him for hutt secrets and Primevil secrets. Then when he is near death, beat him the rest of the way to death after cutting out his tounge and then skin him and sell that thick skin on the black market for a profit, I'm sure someone can make a nice hutt skin coat out of it
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

I would love to kill him. No offense to you. But Onyx has been looking for a big hit, this could be it. I'll be down with joining any thread involving his death if that's cool with you of course.
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Zambrano could barely escape the skirmish on Dromund Kaas alive. As he goes to escape, Balagoth decides he is tired if his host and thinks it's time to move on to a new one. He sends his Harbinger to release him from his host, an epic fight would ensue, then ZHutt dies.

Plus, wouldn't it be fitting for he and [member="Mishk"] to be slain by the same hand in the end?

Just my idea for a rather interesting story, anyways.
[member="Khaleel Malvern"] Oh have you now? You mean that pathetic little assembly on Telos? Ha! The sky shall fall on that world before you know it ;)
[member="Braith Achlys"] hai :3
[member="Taeli Raaf"] Wonderful! Uncharacteristically extreme actions leave openings for attack. Who is dying again? ;)
[member="Falcon Gyndar"] *your, your arguement is invalid because you have a typo. _n_
[member="Lord Mythos"] An interesting proposition! Expect the scrawlings should you do this to exhaust all available space upon your blade. I've lived a long, complicated, convoluted, and multi-faceted life.
[member="Requiem"] I'm fully aware of that. I reserve the right to pick and choose whom I shall let end this lovable character of mine :3
[member="Strider Garon"] Perhaps, we'll see ;)
[member="Darth Kentarch"] Sorry, already did that with Voracitos :p
[member="Strider Garon"], [member="Kaela Jaryn"] Come now, he'd probably like that ;)
[member="Kezeroth the Unyielding"] Nah man, too mainstream. Besides, people tend to kind of escape from there a lot around these parts :p
[member="The Traveler"] We shall see :3
[member="Kylo Kyr'am"] Come now, do you know who you speak of? Good luck attempting that, lol.
[member="Darth Vornskr"] Dude, you can't kill off two of my characters in the same year, that wouldn't be fair! :p
[member="Roshki Belawiiks"] Most frightening! D:
[member="The Onyx"] Perhaps, we shall see :3
[member="Braith Achlys"] Huge titanic duels are my jam man.
[member="Alric Kuhn"] I agree, though I believe I lack the writing capability of illustrating such a perfect epic. I am shamed...
[member="Mishk"] Yaaaaaz
[member="Lord Ajihad"] An interesting idea with potential, though I could always return unless you've some kind of failsafe... and I've got a lot resources at my disposal... and I'm also sort of the Prophet executing his will fairly well if you ask me :p

Lot's of ideas! Lot's of potential killers! Only a few with potential.

There's plenty of time between now and then and a few things in between, but when the time comes the relevant peeps shall be contacted, and the others invited to participate in some capacity if they so wish :)
It would be nice to see the least likely option for a change. (maybe it has been done before and I have just not seen it)

But, give the opportunity to a Padawan on the cusp of Knighthood, who does not necessarily have any major history with the Hutt. ;)

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Zambrano the Hutt said:
An interesting proposition! Expect the scrawlings should you do this to exhaust all available space upon your blade. I've lived a long, complicated, convoluted, and multi-faceted life.
That does sound cool though i expect some research from if we rock the thread so i can do justice to the Legacy!
Plague Bringer Rudis ? Decay!!<3

Falcon Rekali

[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

Your lack of understanding of the proper homophone to use infuriates me. It's "you're", not "your", you simple-minded sack of blubber.

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