Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How would you change Star Wars?

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Oh where do I begin?

1) Rewrite much of the dialogue, particularly Anakin Skywalker's - seriously, Episode 3 is supposed to be a tragedy, but more often than not I found myself laughing at how stupid his lines were, and while I might understand Anakin being a whiny little queen in Episode 2 (considering that his son Luke was much the same way, and Anakin was about 19 years old in that movie, the same age as Luke in Episode 4), he should have matured a LOT more than he did by Episode 3, so that one can actually realize just HOW tragic his fall was supposed to be instead of being annoyed with listening to the bitching of a psychotic manchild.

2) Expanding on the previous one, get rid of the romantic subplot of the prequel trilogy - Seriously, George, the story was good enough. I understand it's important (how else would Luke and Leia be born?) but I would have explored Anakin's other reasons for turning to the Dark Side, such as his increasing disillusionment with the Jedi Order.

3) Retcon Jar-Jar Binks out of existence (and replace him with somebody not quite as annoying) - While I can see the point of a kid appeal character in Episode 1, they could've done a MUCH better job coming up with such a character than what they came up with.

4) Add moral ambiguity - Probably the most annoying thing about almost all of George Lucas' work is his idea of "black and white" morality, not only is this unrealistic, but it's really shallow in terms of being used to tell a story. This is the one thing that the Expanded Universe (I absolutely refuse to call it "Legends" and I willingly ignore that George Lucas declared it all non-canon) accomplished that the movies couldn't. We get it, we're supposed to root for the heroes and hate the villains, but just making a character pure evil or pure good makes them two-dimensional and artificial, and it becomes far more difficult to connect with the characters, and thus the story as a whole.

5) Make the Stormtroopers competent - they're the most feared military force of the original trilogy for a reason. If they're such good soldiers, they should perform as such. And no, the Clone Troopers were barely any better - their tactics and strategy was basically as stupid as that of the Stormtroopers of the original trilogy, the only reason they seemed to be good being that they were up against forces that they had every advantage over except sheer numbers.

6) STOP RETCONNING S*** IN THE SPECIAL ADDITIONS! - seriously, this is getting old George. If you think we're amused by your constantly changing who shot first, think again.

Those are just the ones I can think of right now off the top of my head. I might add more later.


[member="Darth Naefas"]
Darth Naefas said:
I would change it so Anakin didn't betray the only real black man in Star Wars.
And he didn't have to fall to his 'death' and probably get splattered on like 100 speeders.
Are you saying that Lando Calrissian wasn't "black" enough for you?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
It's a pointless question to ask because despite our concepts of how to change things for the better, it's not like anyone at Disney actually gives a kark about our opinions.
Priority 1 is fire J.J. Abrams because he's a shit director and his films suck. Next is cut down the parts of the original three stars so their parts are much smaller. Face it, they're old. Hamill and Ford are in their 60s and Fisher is in her late 50s. With their parts slashed you devote the extra time to building up the new cast that the trilogy will be focusing on. Then you get a new young director who can bring some energy and vision to this series because it's been coasting on its legacy for years.

Do all of that, and this new trilogy might be worth seeing. But as long as Abrams is still directing, the films are gonna suck.
Honestly, Star Wars is y favourite thing ever and I consider it to be the best story ever--and this is coming from a massive LoTR nerd. I wouldn't change anything about it, because for me there is nothing that needs changing and I would never consider myself of a high enough knowledge to make any changes to it. I would only change back the things that George Lucas did after the fact--Han shoots first, ghost Vader is old, Boba's voice is still badass and is not identical to his son's (what is with that??) and Buggs Binks never exists because the prequels never exist.


Disney's Princess
When I previously said close the EU with the Solo Twins saving the world. I didn't think Kathleen would actually 'close', close it. Now I don't know what to think anymore. :(
First I wouldn't let Hayden wear the Darth Vader suit at the end of Movie III. He's just too short and not imposing enough to pull off the Vader known from IV, V, and VI.

Keep Samuel L. Jackson on a tighter leash. Specifically in the lightsaber. That was highly annoying to me, especially when I learned that the actor had to have it in order to be in the movie. I know it may make sense when you play with colors related to light or dark. But then I can't help but believe that the special lightsaber was just something for Samuel's ego.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Xander Lok said:
Needs more Twi'leks. And more Mandos. Also like to know Annie's father
He had no father, at all. He was the result of an experiment by Darth Plageius and Darth Sidious to attempt to create life from the Force itself (as convoluted as it sounds - I didn't write the stories, I just read them). Of course, neither of them were truly aware that the experiment was a success until much later.
Albrecht Tagge said:
He had no father, at all. He was the result of an experiment by Darth Plageius and Darth Sidious to attempt to create life from the Force itself (as convoluted as it sounds - I didn't write the stories, I just read them). Of course, neither of them were truly aware that the experiment was a success until much later.
Wait this is canon? #PlotTwist. I thought he was some test tube baby from those.. mithochondriawhatevers

Edit: oh..true those mithowhatevers are the "source" of the Force(no pun intended)

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Xander Lok said:
Wait this is canon? #PlotTwist. I thought he was some test tube baby from those.. mithochondriawhatevers

Edit: oh..true those mithowhatevers are the "source" of the Force(no pun intended)
It WAS canon (until George Lucas decided to say that ALL of the Expanded Universe - I refuse to call it "Legends" - is now noncanon).

Well...technically it's still canon, as Shmi (Anakin's mother) said herself that he had no father in Episode 1 (this may not have been intended to be taken literally at first, as it could simply mean that she didn't know his father, which is entirely possible given that she was a slave, and slaves sometimes end up used for...unsavory things...I'll leave what I meant to your imagination), and in Episode 3, Palpatine implied that he (Sidious) and Plageius had something to do with his conception during the opera house scene. All the EU did was clarify what those meant. Until such a time as a new, official explanation is given, it's pretty safe to assume that this remains canon for the time being.
Albrecht Tagge said:
It WAS canon (until George Lucas decided to say that ALL of the Expanded Universe - I refuse to call it "Legends" - is now noncanon).

Well...technically it's still canon, as Shmi (Anakin's mother) said herself that he had no father in Episode 1 (this may not have been intended to be taken literally at first, as it could simply mean that either she didn't know his father, which is entirely possible given that she was a slave, and slaves sometimes end up used for...unsavory things), and in Episode 3, Palpatine implied that he (Sidious) and Plageius had something to do with his conception during the opera house scene. All the EU did was clarify what those meant. Until such a time as a new, official explanation is given, it's pretty safe to assume that this remains canon for the time being.
I mean I always saw Dooku of being a father like figure to Annie for some reason.. but It makes sense now.. I never knew that small detail :D

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