Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was not the sound of the slug being fired that echoed inside Scherezade's ears, but the sound of the bone snapping as the slug it home, shattering it. Jaqueline had done what she said she'd do, and now was the Sith's turn to shine.

Scherezade moved swiftly, leaving no breath to waste. Her motions were a blur to the naked eye and she swirled towards the enemy, many of her knives coming along with her, all pointing their pointy parts straight into it.

The creature attempted to move and by the Force, it could probably move as quickly as Scherezade did was it not for the slug in its knee and the many knives in the process of utterly shishkabab'ing it. The Sith left it no room to escape, the door of the exit snapping shut on her command and then yanked in to shrink the space between it and her.

It was barely five seconds later that she stood there, breathing hard, her knives splattered all around her, and their little murderer lying on the ground, near death.

"You wanna do the questioning?" she asked with a wolfish grin her glowing green eyes moved to Jaqueline.
"Let's make sure it's alive first," she muttered, watching a trickle of blood pool on the floor. She'd considered taking another shot at the creature, but Scherezade's speed and extreme proficiency in stabbing left her out of a job. Without need for it she holstered the Enforcer slugthrower and sauntered over towards the near-death wraith. In its injured state it was more visible to the naked eye, and now that it wasn't moving Kelsie more clearly recognized what species the furry little murderer was.

"Didn't know Defels hung out on Iktoch." Kelsie squatted down, looking at the pinned killer and giving a slight glance to the pinning killer. There really wasn't much she could do here if the one they'd caught didn't want to talk. Considering its MO and how many people it's killed already, it was plausible that this was a serial killer ready to die for their beliefs. Interrogation might not lead anywhere... they needed to try, though. "Did you immigrate here? How's the weather? I hear the sandstorms are a pain," she said, pushing back the slightly tense feeling.

The Defel coughed and spoke, its breathing heavy. "You... have no idea what's going on..."

"Can't say it's not pretty though. Picturesque gravel deserts, aye. Can't get that on Coruscant. Or most places, honestly. Hell, if I were a murderer like you, I'd murder people here. Toss their body in the desert, wait for a sandstorm to eat it up. But you, no, you end up leaving trails everywhere, stumping the authorities, slipping away in broad daylight. So, Wraith, would you like me to leave another body here in the spaceport, or do you want to live and answer a few questions?"

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
"Go ahead," the creature sniveled at [member="Kelsie Sylvan"], "Kill me. Start a new hunt for those that will take my place. They will know… To be smarter than I was."

Scherezade stared. It was really an empty threat, the thing was going to die soon anyway and there was no way in hell she would be able to drink enough of its blood to manage to gain all the relevant memories and knowledge.


"Think we can keep alive for long enough to get haul is furry butt to the Core?" she asked, looking at Jaqueline, "I don't have anything on my ship, but I know a neuroscientist who'd love to get his brain and see what she can extract from it."

Looking over at the creature, she gave him the most innocent smile she could. "I personally don't approve of her methods, I rather run my knives until someone's ready to speak, but you know how those sciency types can get," she shrugged.

Looking around the room they were in, the Sithling suddenly jumped, walking over to a shelf and removing a large container from it. Without ceremony, she dumped the contents on the ground and returned to Jaqueline and their little prisoner.

"But if we find enough H2o and a bit of salt, we can just bring her his brain. I'm quite certain that would be enough, don't you think?"

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