Post 1
Hypori High Orbit
17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)
Reverting from hyperspace in high orbit above Hypori Gida saw the complete mess that was left behind, part of an Imperial fleet was taking control of space around Hypori, although the massive Separatist fleet was making things quite slow, there was little left for interpretation on why the 17th IRRF was called to assist in the mopping up.
One of her Lieutenants spoke up, "Ma'am our sensors pick up vessels fleeing the planet, the tac net has them tagged as hostile."
"Good then, have the fleet spread into a blockade formation, launch all fighters and bombers, and ready to transmit on all open frequencies."
The response from her crew was quick, "Ready to transmit Ma'am"
Gida leaned over the communication console and spoke, "Attention fleeing vessels, power down your weapons, shields, and engines. Those who do not comply will be considered hostile and will be treated accordingly, this is your only warning."
[member="Agenor Dyre"]
Hypori High Orbit
17th Imperial Rapid Response Fleet (4100m)
x1 Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (1,600m)
x2 Dreadnaught-class MKII Heavy Cruiser 2x600m (1200m)
x2 Imperial II-class frigate 2x400m (800m)
x2 Lancer-class frigate 2x250m (500m)
x2 Dreadnaught-class MKII Heavy Cruiser 2x600m (1200m)
x2 Imperial II-class frigate 2x400m (800m)
x2 Lancer-class frigate 2x250m (500m)
Reverting from hyperspace in high orbit above Hypori Gida saw the complete mess that was left behind, part of an Imperial fleet was taking control of space around Hypori, although the massive Separatist fleet was making things quite slow, there was little left for interpretation on why the 17th IRRF was called to assist in the mopping up.
One of her Lieutenants spoke up, "Ma'am our sensors pick up vessels fleeing the planet, the tac net has them tagged as hostile."
"Good then, have the fleet spread into a blockade formation, launch all fighters and bombers, and ready to transmit on all open frequencies."
The response from her crew was quick, "Ready to transmit Ma'am"
Gida leaned over the communication console and spoke, "Attention fleeing vessels, power down your weapons, shields, and engines. Those who do not comply will be considered hostile and will be treated accordingly, this is your only warning."
[member="Agenor Dyre"]