Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hypori Hit and Run [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Hypori and Excarga]

Post: 2
Objective: Unite with the Brothas and Sistas

Ardgal climbed into his Behemoth, the massive tank rumbling eagerly as his boots clomped along the metal grate flooring. He set his disruptor rifle in its place on a weapons rack with a few others of differing models--a sonic rifle, verpine shatter rifle, and assault rifle among those that stood out on the rack. He made his way to the controls, standing just behind the pilot's seat. From the viewport before them he could see the hail of droids that were falling from the sky dropped by @Aut-X. Of course, with gravity and air resistance generating heat, most all of the falling debris was pretty worthless, disintegrating before even coming close to the ground. That was, of course, how space debris worked. He still made not of it, this stuff was nothing to play with.

"Are we ready?" Ardgal asked turning his head towards Virgil.

"Yes, sir," the officer said smartly, "All available transports seized, with room for passengers, sir."

"Perfect, move out towards the vode's position."

The massive machine lead the charge forward, its repulsor lifts stirring up massive clouds of dust. The deflector shields on this command vessel easily negated most of the metal rain. With the pedal to the medal it wasn't too long before the half-makeshift, half-military cavalry arrived on the scene. As the tank slowed to a halt, Ardgal climbed out the back hatch into the dust storm, his dull grey armor with its clear T-visor emerging from the wild dirt, his cape behind him billowing in the wind, a fresh rifle in his hand. Around him his me were moving quickly to help the wounded, secure the area and fight off any straggler droids who were left over.

"Su'cuy, ner Vode," he said standing astride some rubble and helping one of the wounded warriors to his feet from under a pile of rocks. A medic rushed over to tend to to the man's wounds and get him to safety.

"Who needs a ride?"

[member="Strider Garon"] I [member="Vilaz Munin"] I [member="Malok"] I [member="Drof'del Tavor"] I [member="Nolan Detta"] I [member="Sanya Val Swift"] I [member="Briika Tor"] I @Anyone I missed(?)

Keyan Mastigar


General Westmore stared, his eyes widening as the green beam fired from the heavens and impacted on the surface of Hypori in front of the droid foundries. A few dozen stormtroopers were killed in the resulting concussive explosion from the blast, and the general was most definitely sad that the Remnant resorted to kill even one of their very best; but it was for the greater good, those soldiers would've died to advanced the Imperial cause, they died to protect their families from the amassing droid armies deep within these foundries, they died so that the Remnant would live on for another day so that they could battle with evil and bring order to the galaxy.

His subordinates were still staring out at the battlefield when the old general snapped out of his patriotic trance, his eyebrows ruffled in slight annoyance. "Continue artillery barrages from our SPMA-T lines, I want them directed at possible mandalorian sniper nests; some of them have picked off a few of our commandos already and I am not taking risks when our officers take to the field to secure the foundries. Inform Major Traln to move up his AT-AT column to take some hits for our stormtroopers moving up below them, and have Captain Demora get her AT-STs on the flanks. The rear line will have medics and 2-Ms on standby, we've lost too many soldiers already." He barked, pointing rapidly on the holomap. He let that sink in before he went back to observing the battle from the bridge of an Acclamator-class Assault Ship.

Thousands of Imperial Stormtroopers, clones, humans, twi-leks, zabraks, chiss, sullustan, quaran, steadily advanced towards the entrances to the droid foundried, marching through the massive clouds of dust that were created from the IRV Firebrand orbitally bombarding their position with its proton beam weapon. Blaster bolts lit up the sand-colored debris, red from each side soaring across the battlefield between the droid armies and the Imperial army. The land battles on Kamino and Kothlis had nothing on the carnage that was taking place that day on and above Hypori, and everyone was certain that this most definitely was not the last bloody battle for the Remnant.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Agenor Dyre"] | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Drof'del Tavor"] | [member="Kad Tor"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Aut-X"] | [member="Cicero Tiro"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Action: GTFO

The Behemoth's Hammer came crashing down from above, yet instinct allowed the Commando to cling to life. He tucked away from Grond's sting, moving closer to the remainder of his Squad. Meanwhile, the powerhammer bit into the dirt. Its might caused an upheaval of dirt and sand to fly into the air and Malok briefly stepped back. "Feth!" he seethed, before setting his gaze back upon his prey. However, by the time that the Behemoth readied his hammer once more, the order was given to fire. Now, it was Malok whose instinct allowed him to live - for he dove out of the initial hail of blasterfire. Momentum carried him upon landing, allowing him a brief moment to face his aggressor's once more.

A wrathful cry erupted from his lips. Malok outstretched hims arms and them brought them together at once, as if attempting a tremendous clap. However, he stopped a few inches off - for Grond was still within his grasp. The motion was the furthest thing from frivolity. Nay, it was his salvation. As the angry motion took place, the Force bent to his whim. Telekinesis fell upon the Commandos opening fire: a heavy shove aimed for the barrels of their respective weapons. The tactic would see their firearms turned away from their collosal target...and onto one another. And, with fingers steady upon the trigger, blaster bolts would fire long before they could regain control of their arms.

Accuracy was an illusion, however, and so at best the men would have dehabilited each other. A stray bolt in the knee here, a stray bolt in the shoulder there. The men would be far from dead - but also far from continuing the fight. It was here that the Behemoth thought to bring a final conclusion to their lives...yet he soon found himself assaulted by another source. A Mandalorian, beskar-plating and all, came sailing through the air. Malok narrowly avoided colliding with the man before looking from whence he came. His eyes widened when he saw her.


She was one of his own.

Someone he never thought to see stand against him.

Malok felt...betrayed. He felt as though the banner of ApeX meant something - that those who stood beside him always would . Perhaps the Ma'alkerrite was simply naive...but it felt like a slap. A cold, hard slap to the face from the hand of Reality. The remaining Commando lowered in the Behemoth's list of priorities, for he took a step in Sathona's direction. Angry electricity crackled in his offhand - Malok's fury would be known. He wanted to make her pay: to make Sathona suffer for this betrayal. He would have his vengeance. He would have her blood on his Hammer. He...Blasterfire.

A sea of white-clad warriors came racing towards him. Towards the Droid Foundry. Common sense dropkicked Wrath: revenge would cost Malok his life. A growl of frustration escaped him, prompting his full retreat from the front. The Commando and Sathona would live to fight another day...and hopefully, so would he. As the Behemoth sprinted back across the sands, he began to see the shuttles packing it in. "Move move move! Got a chitstorm inbound!" he called, warning of the incoming horde. The battle was lost. The enemy from above had proven too much. This was a reminder...a reminder of why Malok had become who he had. This very battle had taken him back decades, and where once there was a professional indifference to the Imperial Remnant, now there was only Hatred.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Kad Tor"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Sathona"], [member="Tanomas Graf"], [member="Lucien Galtier"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Nolan Detta"] Ξ [member="Drof'del Tavor"]

She kept walking in the general direction of the first series of shots. If they we're bright the attackers would move position. Everything began to fall silent as she got further away from her troops. She was left with the distant sounds of fire and each footstep taken. A shot soon hit the shield, she stopped walking and got into a stance as the second hit. Her arm flung back slightly taking the impact. With the lack of sound and how hard it hit she could already take a guess of the type of weapon been used.

Starting up into a run the next few hit the shield hard. Her sword trailed behind slightly bent backwards to not become a target. In her charge more shots came at her feet one coming incredibly close to a hit. It made her slightly stumble but her tail helped maintain balance. "Val, keep heading in that direction and they will be on that ledge at the turn." "Copy that Jada. Thanks, now go support our units make sure they get to the location." She said in a full sprint. Sanya began to use force speed making her gain ground faster and become a harder target as she zig zagged slightly.

She soon came to the corner and leaped up and landed going straight into a crouch to protect all of her from any shots. "Mandolorian present on the world." She said on the open com line. "You guys have pretty big balls to be shooting my troops. Now I'm in the middle of a mission, so I'll give you two options here. Leave or I will resolve this issue with force." What she ment to say was the force, but she had already said the words. Her eyes scanned them both up and down looking for all their gear that can be used as weapons. She may not have a light saber but even with a sword and without one she could take them.
They were a speck of black against a sea of white-clad stormtroopers. The most elite, save for commandos and storm commandos, shock troopers in the arsenal of the Imperial Army; They were the Death Troopers. A revived project, named after the legendary bioweapon, to take the most physically fit, and turn them into unstoppable killing machines. Their armor was distinct from that of a shadowtrooper, with a slanted 'face' and much more durable armor and powerful weapons. The Death Troopers were mostly used by Imperial Intelligence as enforcers and bodyguards, but they made very formidable soldiers on the field of battle.

These Death Troopers, led by Squad Leader DT-5981, had a mission within the factory once the Stormtrooper and Army corps were able to breach through past the droid armies and the mandalorian positions. Currently they were in the midst of the battle between the two sides, as they needed to get past the millions of battle droids; B1s, B2s, Droidekas, Spiders, Dwarfs, Crab, and many more types of droids and their various tanks. The dust was starting to clear from the surgical Firebrand strike, and they were advancing to halt the Imperial advance.

Lucien and his squad began to once more slowly back away from the behemoth. As they fired their weapons a great wind swept over them, knocking their shots astray. A couple of shots careened into one another and Lucien watched as his squad mates fell to their wounds. "Merde!" Lucien cried out as a blast nearly struck him dead. While a couple of his squad mates had fallen, the majority were all right. Lucien left the remaining two of his squad to care for the wounded and pursued the ape. But, as he took aim to fire another Mandalorian barreled into view "MERDE!" He cried in frustration "How many of you must I kill!" He shouted at the beskar clad warrior. But, to his surprise the warrior did not attack Lucien. Instead turning its weapon to the ape he to pursued the creature. Lucien did not question what was happening, he merely chased the ape as well. He tried to run, but as he did so his wound protested. His lungs burned of fire and he once more coughed up blood. "You will not get away from me, you great hairy oaf!" Lucien said then coughed up even more blood. He needed rest. He could not continue this fight.. Still he wanted to at least attempt to make the creature pay. Lucien took aim down his riffle. Breathe, Aim, fire! He zeroed in on his target and let loose a short three round burst from his EE-4. Lucien did not stop to see if his shots hit home. His breathing became haggard. His eyes heavy. He stopped and with hands to knees began to wheeze. "My men are dead..." He said quietly then fell over, hitting the ground with a soft thud. White clad boots stomped past him, and his eyes grew heavier. Slowly Lucien began to fall into a deep sleep and when he dreamed, he saw his brothers in arms. "C'est La Vie!" He said to them and he took the nearest one in a warm embrace.

Seeing death and experiencing death was always part of a soldier's life. The Death Troopers had been responsible for hundreds of deaths throughout the past year. Political assassination, village exterminations, and the general blood seen on the battlefield, this battle was no different. But something caught DT-5981's sight as the Imperial forces surged for the entrance to the droid foundries; an Imperial Commando fell over on the ground after a battle with one of the mandalorians, a gigantic ape given from reports from stormtroopers on the comm channels. DT's sense of duty took over from there, it was on the way to his mission anyway, and saving Kamino from having to train another leader of a commando squad was most definitely worth it.

DT-5981 made sure his intentions were known over the scrambled comms off the death trooper squad. Their black-helmeted hands would soon appear over the man known as [member="Lucien Galtier"] in their IFF display. Over comms they would yell for a medic all the while collecting the dog tags of his deceased comrades.
Desmond made his way out of the massive crater to witness the Mandalorians in full retreat. Thousands of Stormtroopers were busy plowing their way through the battlefield. Meanwhile off in the distance artillery barked and harried their lines. It became increasingly obvious the Imperial Remnant had won. Still their was bound to be a few pockets of hold out enemies and despite the Mandos retreat the droids fought on fervently. Desmond knew his objective. He was to secure an astromech droid from a team of downed commandos. From their he would escort it to the foundry. The droid was supposedly still intact and in friendly hands, but this as is war's nature this was not a guarantee. Desmond and his squad of grey cloaks activated their stealth fields and began to traverse the battlefield. The artillery rounds exploded near by and kicked up red dust from the iron rich soil. Desmond grimaced as a shell landed dangerously close. The squadron moved through cratered buildings and hellish lengths of open battlefield. Finally they reached what had now become friendly territory and discovered a squadron of Death troopers awaiting him. Desmond and squad decloaked and removed their gas masks. "Where is the droid?" Desmond asked the lead DT. [member="DT-5981"]
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit @Briika Tor @Kad Tor @Strider Garon @Vilaz Munin @Drof'del Tavor @Malok
Enemies: Imperial Remnant @Sanya Val Swift (Target)
Post 5

"Mandolorian present on the world." "You guys have pretty big balls to be shooting my troops. Now I'm in the middle of a mission, so I'll give you two options here. Leave or I will resolve this issue with force."

Nolan saw her mouth move from his scope, but since there was no "open channel", none that Nolan subscribed to, he didn't hear a word the Imperial shield maiden said. He turned his vocalizer on output and his voice echoed through the area...

Did you just say you surrender? Cause I swear that's what it looked like you were saying. I accept your surrender. Nolan never left his scope, his aim trained for the slightest peak.

There... she had a... tail? Sure, who doesn't these days, at least she can use it between her legs when she runs away. Nolan aimed for the tail and pulled the trigger. Nolan would then turn and run towards the edge of the building he was on, switching back to his team's internal channel, he commed Drof...

Time to bug out mate, this place is gonna be glass soon. Let's get to the boats.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Location: Droid Factory
Allies: Aka'liit; [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] Briika Tor Kad Tor Strider Garon Vilaz Munin Malok
Enemies: Imperial Remnant; Sanya Val Swift (Target)
Post 6/20

Drof examined the woman with his piercing blue eyes. The time now has come for them to bug out and cut their losses. It was a lost battle.

He hated defeat but he valued his comrades' life, as well as his own. The woman was shouting at the Mandalorians to surrender--fat chance.

Nolan Detta said:
Time to bug out mate, this place is gonna be glass soon. Let's get to the boats.
Drof cursed under his breath but he nodded and replied back to his vod "Arghh....Copy that vod, Once i get back down to the main floor, ill cover your escape, this woman ain't gonna let up"
The time has come for them to leave. Drof would leave his fortified position on the Foundry balcony by hopping over the railing, engaging his repulsor pack and hovering down to the main floor.

He got down on one knee and started aiming at [member="Sanya Val Swift"] taking any and all shots that he could
"Alright Nolan, your clear. Let's get outta here!"
Medics lifted the exhausted body of [member="Lucien Galtier"] onto a stretcher, others did the same with his dead or near-death comrades, all of them rushed back to the rear command post to the make-shift hospital that had been erected for the wounded soldiers of the Imperial Remnant. DT-5981 turned when an Imperial special agent whom he recognized, [member="Desmond C'artyom"], appeared out of thin air, most likely a cloaking device, along with a few other agents of Imperial Intelligence. DT-5981 deactivated the built-in scrambler in his helmet with the mouth controls and lowered his E-11D.

"No sign of the mission-critical droid, the last we saw of it was before the IRV Firebrand glassed the area with its proton beam cannon. Use your scanners, it's probably under some sand, we'll cover you." DT-5981 said, nodding to Desmond and his squad.
Desmond C'artyom stared at the Death trooper drolly for a moment, before kicking the corpse of a nearby Mando. "Blast!" He shouted angrily. Then something began to move in the rubble. Guns were drawn and aimed. Rock and dirt gave way until finally a black droid was revealed. Albeit covered in much dust the thing was still functional. "That must be the droid! Someone ask it for it's identification code!" Desmond shouted happily. He and another of the agents ran over to the droid and scanned it. It's id signature came back positive and Desmond sighed in relief. "By the force!" He exclaimed, then he regarded the death troopers once more. "We'll need help getting him into the foundry, you boys up for a challenge?"

DT-5981 watched as the Imperial astromech droid dragged itself out from under the dirt and sand, a small smile appearing under his helmet when he realized that the mission objective was still able to be completed. His head turned back turned the Imperial agent, listening to the man's offer. "There's no better front-line soldier than a death trooper. The stormtroopers should be able to keep the droids distracted on the battlefield while we slip inside the entrance. There's less defenses than there were before, but it's still heavily guarded." DT-5981 informed, raising his E-11D blaster rifle.

The death trooper squad would proceed to run for the entrance of the foundry with the agents, along with the thousands other Imperial stormtroopers.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
"Well lets get to it," Desmond said simply. He and his squad of agents followed the Deathtroopers forward into the thick of combat. The Mandalorians were in full retreat, but the droids were still fighting. It did not take long to discover this fact to be prevalent. The whole of the Imperial army smashed into the droid opposition and blaster fire rang out, explosions rocked the earth and men screamed for whatever god they believed in. Desmond took aim down the sight of his EE-4 and fired at a nearby battle droid. "Fire at will," He whispered as he pulled the trigger and his squad fanned out in a offensive maneuver. A battledroid positioned itself right in front of Desmond and swung its massive metallic arm at him. Desmond leapt back a pace narrowly avoiding the blow, then Des reached to his waist withdrawing one of the many daggers that rest their. With a savage thrust upwards he stabbed the dagger into the robots frame, disemboweling its cybernetic innards.

"#@$*@%)^$#@()!" Would be heard from the death trooper leader as he issued orders to his squad through his helmet's scrambler which he had reactivated. Sand was lit up in a sheen of red as blaster bolts emanating from the elite trooper squad's rifles raced across the air to impact; the death troopers were so highly trained that they weren't hitting the chassis' nor the heads, they were disassembling the B1s by blasting the area where the neck connected to the center chassis, that way it would be easier for their resident super tactical droid to re-assemble them to add to the ranks of the Imperial war machine.

A B2 thought he snuck up behind one of the DTs, but she turned around and blasted the arm joints then proceeding to trip it. DT-5981 was correct, the death troopers were the best front-line soldiers that the Remnant could train.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Desmond wrenched his blade free from the droid and kicked it over. He watched the deathtroopers at work and was momentairly awe struck by their precision. He quickly snapped back to reality as another battledroid rounded the corner. He took aim at the droids leg frame and fired. The droid fell to the ground, but kept fighting. Using one of its arms to drag itself forward, it fired its auto cannon with the other. Desmond popped another three round burst into its chasis and the droid finally "died". Desmond's squad methodically took aim at their targets and took the enemy droids out with precise three round burst. They were slowly making their way up to the factory.

Post 2

The Mandalorians were in retreat. It was logical after the thousands upon thousands of Imperial scrubs that were needed to force them to march backwards. In this scenario, the Argo had only one job to do.

Evacuate as many as possible from the fray below.

The droids would keep fighting to no end and they would prove a good enough obstacle for the Imperials and thus give enough time for the Mandalorian warriors to escape.

"Full burn to LZ, Intern." Agenor ordered as he pinpointed an area on the map where the LZ was supposed to happen.

Once the droids in the immediate area were clear, DT-5981 and his squad were about to move forward with Special Agent C'artyom until a starship, not Imperial by looks and IFF tags, in the air near their current position. DT made a few hand signals and the death troopers raised their weapons but did not fire. "Stealth approach, we're going to take out that ship before it can do anything to harm our chances. Secondary Objective, marked." DT-5981, his speech unscrambled so that only his DTs and Desmond could hear him. The squad rushed quickly, their footsteps masked by the sounds of battle.

They crested over a small hill that was created by an artillery blast and waited for said ship to land so that they could ambush it.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Agenor Dyre"]
Post 3

The Argo kept flying as low as possible despite the possible threats from the ground, it was by far a bigger threat the swarms of fighters that the Imperial fleet was deploying upon the planet.

The Intern had been doing absolutely fantastic for his first mission under fire. It was not easy being a pilot of a ship, let alone of a gunship that would most often than not be outmanned and outgunned.

"Reporting incoming friendly IFFs from South. Their ETA looks like about 5 minutes." Hay said from the sensor station.

"Perfect. Get us down, Intern. Kahn, any tangos that might appear - bury them." Agenor ordered.
Post: 3
Objective: Get my ass outta here

"Move it people, move," Virgil shouted coming along to flank her general. And the exodus began. Mando after mando filed onto the transports, some were little more than repuposed SUV-esque speeders. Ardgal scanned the area, waiting and watching for anyone and anything to come at them. His eye were like dagger staring through the haze of war around them.

"Sir, we are ready, all are on board," Virgil reported, a sense of pride in her voice. She inclined her head for a second, "And we have incoming, a retaliation."

"Send the others away, keep the Behemoth here with me, we will cover their retreat," Ardgal said inclining his head.

If they were going to escape, he had to buy them as much time as he could.

"Yes, sir."

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