Ardgal Raxis
More than a Man
Post: 2
Objective: Unite with the Brothas and Sistas
Ardgal climbed into his Behemoth, the massive tank rumbling eagerly as his boots clomped along the metal grate flooring. He set his disruptor rifle in its place on a weapons rack with a few others of differing models--a sonic rifle, verpine shatter rifle, and assault rifle among those that stood out on the rack. He made his way to the controls, standing just behind the pilot's seat. From the viewport before them he could see the hail of droids that were falling from the sky dropped by @Aut-X. Of course, with gravity and air resistance generating heat, most all of the falling debris was pretty worthless, disintegrating before even coming close to the ground. That was, of course, how space debris worked. He still made not of it, this stuff was nothing to play with.
"Are we ready?" Ardgal asked turning his head towards Virgil.
"Yes, sir," the officer said smartly, "All available transports seized, with room for passengers, sir."
"Perfect, move out towards the vode's position."
The massive machine lead the charge forward, its repulsor lifts stirring up massive clouds of dust. The deflector shields on this command vessel easily negated most of the metal rain. With the pedal to the medal it wasn't too long before the half-makeshift, half-military cavalry arrived on the scene. As the tank slowed to a halt, Ardgal climbed out the back hatch into the dust storm, his dull grey armor with its clear T-visor emerging from the wild dirt, his cape behind him billowing in the wind, a fresh rifle in his hand. Around him his me were moving quickly to help the wounded, secure the area and fight off any straggler droids who were left over.
"Su'cuy, ner Vode," he said standing astride some rubble and helping one of the wounded warriors to his feet from under a pile of rocks. A medic rushed over to tend to to the man's wounds and get him to safety.
"Who needs a ride?"
[member="Strider Garon"] I [member="Vilaz Munin"] I [member="Malok"] I [member="Drof'del Tavor"] I [member="Nolan Detta"] I [member="Sanya Val Swift"] I [member="Briika Tor"] I @Anyone I missed(?)
Objective: Unite with the Brothas and Sistas
Ardgal climbed into his Behemoth, the massive tank rumbling eagerly as his boots clomped along the metal grate flooring. He set his disruptor rifle in its place on a weapons rack with a few others of differing models--a sonic rifle, verpine shatter rifle, and assault rifle among those that stood out on the rack. He made his way to the controls, standing just behind the pilot's seat. From the viewport before them he could see the hail of droids that were falling from the sky dropped by @Aut-X. Of course, with gravity and air resistance generating heat, most all of the falling debris was pretty worthless, disintegrating before even coming close to the ground. That was, of course, how space debris worked. He still made not of it, this stuff was nothing to play with.
"Are we ready?" Ardgal asked turning his head towards Virgil.
"Yes, sir," the officer said smartly, "All available transports seized, with room for passengers, sir."
"Perfect, move out towards the vode's position."
The massive machine lead the charge forward, its repulsor lifts stirring up massive clouds of dust. The deflector shields on this command vessel easily negated most of the metal rain. With the pedal to the medal it wasn't too long before the half-makeshift, half-military cavalry arrived on the scene. As the tank slowed to a halt, Ardgal climbed out the back hatch into the dust storm, his dull grey armor with its clear T-visor emerging from the wild dirt, his cape behind him billowing in the wind, a fresh rifle in his hand. Around him his me were moving quickly to help the wounded, secure the area and fight off any straggler droids who were left over.
"Su'cuy, ner Vode," he said standing astride some rubble and helping one of the wounded warriors to his feet from under a pile of rocks. A medic rushed over to tend to to the man's wounds and get him to safety.
"Who needs a ride?"
[member="Strider Garon"] I [member="Vilaz Munin"] I [member="Malok"] I [member="Drof'del Tavor"] I [member="Nolan Detta"] I [member="Sanya Val Swift"] I [member="Briika Tor"] I @Anyone I missed(?)