Cameron Centurion
The First Son
Objective: CIS Security
Location: Qixi Festival
Tags: [member="Naedira Darcrath"]
Post: 4
Aiden afforded the Knight a shallow dip of his head. "A pleasure, Naedira." The Minister allowed his gaze to divert from Naedira's soft features only a couple very brief times. However, when she was speaking, Nae would find that she commanded Aiden's full attention. Rather, it certainly appeared that she commanded his full attention. There were moments naturally when Aiden's presence roamed far beyond his present location, attempting to maintain as firm an understanding of his surroundings as possible. Aiden chalked this simple reality up to a life of brutality and manipulation. "Well I'm happy not to be taken by such empty and unnecessary gestures."
As Naedira's comments turned to that of Srina Talon, Aiden found his active interest wavering. It wasn't a true concern of his to what end Naedira did or did not work with or for the Exarch. This was certainly not due to some hidden hatred or disapproval of either woman. Quite to the contrary, he judged them both to be highly effective at their present duties.
In that moment, Aiden did busy himself with a question. Why did he care at all? Why had he cared to ensure Naedira, and only Naedira, received an early relief such that she could mingle at the party? Why hadn't he merely...had the information relayed and went about his business? Certainly there were any number of political and military officials present that the Sith could have chosen to interact with. In fact it would have been prudent for him to do just that.
As it was, Aiden's internal monologue subsided just as Naedira uttered the words thank you. The preceding question had, obviously, been insightful enough to prompt the Minister to search for a logical answer. "You've earned a break for at least one night, I think."
Watching as Naedira presumably situated her own internal thoughts, Aiden arched a curious brow. By the time she had turned around to face him, his expression had neutralized. In that very moment, Naedira did something that he outright did not expect. It was so unexpected in fact, that if he had been paying any attention to the scratching sensation at the back of his neck, he stopped completely. "I..." There was literally no reason for words to falter in his throat in this moment. She was hardly the one and only attractive female in the galaxy and most certainly not even close to the first with whom Aiden had...interacted. Yet, falter the words did. "...yeah it would be my pleasure. I do suppose it's the least I can do as the ultimate reason for you requiring such."
Stepping forward, Aiden offered the armored woman one of his comparatively large arms. As he did, he leaned his head down to whisper something to Naedira, thin smile settling onto his lips. "Besides, you can help keep the undesirables that only want to talk of money, power, and politics away."
Location: Qixi Festival
Tags: [member="Naedira Darcrath"]
Post: 4
Aiden afforded the Knight a shallow dip of his head. "A pleasure, Naedira." The Minister allowed his gaze to divert from Naedira's soft features only a couple very brief times. However, when she was speaking, Nae would find that she commanded Aiden's full attention. Rather, it certainly appeared that she commanded his full attention. There were moments naturally when Aiden's presence roamed far beyond his present location, attempting to maintain as firm an understanding of his surroundings as possible. Aiden chalked this simple reality up to a life of brutality and manipulation. "Well I'm happy not to be taken by such empty and unnecessary gestures."
As Naedira's comments turned to that of Srina Talon, Aiden found his active interest wavering. It wasn't a true concern of his to what end Naedira did or did not work with or for the Exarch. This was certainly not due to some hidden hatred or disapproval of either woman. Quite to the contrary, he judged them both to be highly effective at their present duties.
In that moment, Aiden did busy himself with a question. Why did he care at all? Why had he cared to ensure Naedira, and only Naedira, received an early relief such that she could mingle at the party? Why hadn't he merely...had the information relayed and went about his business? Certainly there were any number of political and military officials present that the Sith could have chosen to interact with. In fact it would have been prudent for him to do just that.
As it was, Aiden's internal monologue subsided just as Naedira uttered the words thank you. The preceding question had, obviously, been insightful enough to prompt the Minister to search for a logical answer. "You've earned a break for at least one night, I think."
Watching as Naedira presumably situated her own internal thoughts, Aiden arched a curious brow. By the time she had turned around to face him, his expression had neutralized. In that very moment, Naedira did something that he outright did not expect. It was so unexpected in fact, that if he had been paying any attention to the scratching sensation at the back of his neck, he stopped completely. "I..." There was literally no reason for words to falter in his throat in this moment. She was hardly the one and only attractive female in the galaxy and most certainly not even close to the first with whom Aiden had...interacted. Yet, falter the words did. "...yeah it would be my pleasure. I do suppose it's the least I can do as the ultimate reason for you requiring such."
Stepping forward, Aiden offered the armored woman one of his comparatively large arms. As he did, he leaned his head down to whisper something to Naedira, thin smile settling onto his lips. "Besides, you can help keep the undesirables that only want to talk of money, power, and politics away."