Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I’ve got the brains, you’ve got the looks. Let’s make lots of money

Tmoxin listened to Gerion Ardik's proposal and it was all music to her ears. And this interest in her business, buoyed her confidence that stealing this piece of bio-tech out from under her annoying, self-righteous brother's nose was the right decision. It was a powerful machine, despite its obvious flaws.

"I like where you are going, Mr. Ardik. This is exactly why I need you of all people to help me. You have experience with this kind of distribution, production and marketing. We are at the precipice of, if not immortality, than at least a chance for some of our cherished galaxians to extend their lives."

But the truth of the matter was that the ARTC wasn't completely safe... yet.

"So you bring up a good point. We will need to conduct more clinical trials at length on the treatment center to make it safe for public consumption," she said. "There are very strict parameters in which it will work, but there are some drawbacks."

Tmoxin opened the door to the Treatment Chamber room. "Right now, like the rest of the lab, the chamber is not operational. First of all it needs to be sterile and second, we'll need to have the requisite supplies like the Abyssin and Swope Swope stem cells."

She walked into the darkened room. "But you can have a look at it if you want. You cannot try it without the proper technicians obviously."

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

So this was not nearly as tried, tested, and confirmed to be safe as he initially thought. At least she was honest about it. The only thing worse than making a poor investment was making a poor investment that ended up maiming an innordinate amount of people. And not just the hoi polloi like he usually did- the ruling, entrenched rich of the galaxy. The ones that actually had the means to conduct long, drawn out lawsuits or demand outrageous settlements. Gerion was a wealthy man, but it wasn't unlimited. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Gerion chortled lightly, following her into the darkened chamber. "I don't think I'd be trying it even if the proper technicians were here and you paid me to do so."

He wasn't familiar with the exact details of the procedure, but the details Tmoxin had sent to him apparently involved needles. Gerion was generally adverse to having his face jabbed repeatedly with needles in search of a ridiculous youth he didn't care to recapture. Frankly, he had never understood the general aversion people held towards looking their age. Lunatics, the lot of them. Vain, frivolous lunatics. And he was going to be taking their money, hopefully, so perhaps they had that quality to redeem them.

"As it stands, Commander, I don't believe we should bother refurbishing this laboratory. It will be more helpful to find or construct a building that can serve as dedicated research and development center. Sharing unnecessary space with an Imperial garrison can only hamper progress in the long run."
“You wouldn’t want to try it at least once?” asked Tmoxin, tilting her head and giving him a look of fascination. She planned on giving the treatment chamber a try but definitely not until there were a few more clinical trials on the machine, especially with all of the unpleasant side effects if used incorrectly. The Umbaran? Well, she wasn’t sure of their life span but it struck her as odd that he didn’t want to at least go in there for a few minutes. He appeared older than her, although again as she noted before, he was quite arresting visually and very distinguished. It was refreshing being in his company, since she was normally around raucous, young stormtroopers most of the day and reminded her of her dignified days at the Castle of Per'Agthra. “You are in statis after all inside of it,” she added.

At Mr. Ardik’s suggestion to build a new facility, Tmoxin started to say: “I agree with you...,” But suddenly the Sgt. Major burst through the door.

“Sgt. Major Ulysses, you are interrupting my important meeting with Mr. Ardik,” she said as though scolding a child.

“Commander,” he said nervously. “I’ve been given orders to… arrest you.” The Umbaran could tell that Ulysses wasn’t taking this news very well. But he wasn’t angry nor making any moves to do as he was ordered. In fact, his loyalty to her was visible on his face, despite the way she spoke to him.

Her eyes flashed angrily at her second-in-command. “Out in the hallway now!” She followed him out and shut the door behind her, leaving Gerion Ardik in the room alone with the ARTC. Through the window, he could see them having a tense exchange, both of them gesticulating with their hands. Finally, the Sgt. Major stormed off and Tmoxin came back in. She didn’t appear as calm as before but as if nothing strange had happened, she said to Gerion:

“Would you like to continue on with the tour or would you like something to drink or perhaps eat?”

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

"Stasis or not, a good reason to use it even once would be hard to come by." Gerion replied flatly. "There are more important things in life to pursue."

Like economic imperialism, expanding profit margins, and the reduction/de-radicalization of the galactic Yuuzhan-Vong population. All of these were the noble goals that Gerion made it his business to fulfill It was a daunting task, but the most worthwhile ones often were. And with the Tion Hegemony to help him, such things were more within his grasp than one would think. All that need be applied was a healthy dose of chutzpah. Tmoxin was about to agree with him, or at least it sounded like that, when they were interrupted by Sergeant Major Ulysses.

Tmoxin Temi, Commander of the Blood Monarchs, was to be placed under arrest.

But Ulysses sounded less than enthusiastic about this. Tmoxin ordered him out into the hallway. Umbarans lacked any sort of super-hearing, and so Gerion was forced to stand rather awkwardly in the chamber with nothing but his accomplice TA4 for company. Gerion really disliked being left in the dark. That is, both metaphorically and literally speaking. No one had turned a light on in this ghastly room. The primary source of light came from the room's sole window (which was now eclipsed by two arguing Stormtroopers). Other than that, the TA4's red photoreceptors were all he had.

Fortunately, Gerion wasn't to stand there for long. Tmoxin came back within a few minutes, deciding the best way to handle the situation was to ignore it. Gerion pursed his lips and scoffed blatantly.

"I can assure you the potential profits from this venture aren't so great that I would ignore your exchange with the Sergeant Major."
The Commander gave a deep sigh at Mr. Ardik’s comment. The Umbaran remained calm - yes, he was a bit miffed but not shocked or ruffled, which was promising, she thought. A business partner who would react to such news, not necessarily in a blasé fashion, but with an unshakable comportment, would be highly valued to Tmoxin. Because she honestly wasn’t sure if the Sgt. Major’s statement from Imperial Headquarters was the first in a long line of bombs to go off today or if the drama of her fugitive status would fizzle out. She had told the Sgt. Major to break the news to the Blood Monarchs and make arrangements for their re-deployment if that is what they wished, but more important to try and keep them as soldiers for whatever Tmoxin may need them for in the short term.

As if she finally noticed that it was awkward standing around in the darkened room with the ARTC she said, “Come to my office,” she said. “It’s more comfortable in there.”

Tmoxin didn’t speak until they were settled. Her office was spare and tidy with luxury furnishings, atypical from a normal officer, even one of high rank. On her bookcase, she had a small model replica of the Hapan Battle Dragon. A black orchid sat on her desk.

She let Gerion Ardik get situated in the room and then sat in a chair closer to him, not only the other side of her desk as he would expect. She nervously ran her hands through her red hair and tucked the stray tendrils back into place. “Mr. Ardik, I…,” she said struggling with the words. “I’ve recently defected from the One Sith. I don’t want to go into details and I imagine that you don’t really care of to hear them, but based on some of your earlier statements I can tell you are not a friend to my former organization. So I implore you to hear me out and give the Morpho a chance. Whatever it remains or turns into, you have my absolute word that this will not in any way, shape or form affect our business relationship.”

She paused, expecting to hear sudden blaster fire from the hallway or an explosion, or by the eternal core, some other unfortunate interference that would scare off Mr. Ardik right now. But there was only silence that surrounded them.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

They exited the chamber, making their way to the former commander's office. She was tense, but not frightened, which indicated to Gerion that she probably had a plan if he decided to reject any further business with her. It was to be expected, he supposed. No one became a Stormtrooper commander without making a few back-up plans along the way. That didn't mean he appreciated the trait any less. Competency was, unfortunately, hard to come by in this galaxy. As was honesty. That was more than apparent considering the current goings-on. When they arrived, he gestured to the TA4 and ordered it to remain outside. This was probably going to get interesting. No need to have the ominous droid standing vigil over them to ruin the moment.

When they entered the office, she seated herself in the chair closer to him rather than across at her desk. He raised an eyebrow for only a moment, seemingly understanding of the gesture. No one had done such a thing to him before. Gerion reclined slightly in his seat, listening intently to her explanation. This was a welcome development for multiple reasons, but it hardly changed the fact that she had not been as open with him as she ought to have been.

"I am more concerned that you did not inform me of your defection, or your intent to defect, as soon as you were able to." He said, matter-of-factly. "I should have expected as much. I doubt someone with your temperament or sensibilities could stand to remain with them very much longer anyway."

"I intend to remain with your enterprise, Tmoxin, but in this matter I would prefer there exist no secrecy between us. Why are you defecting?"

He was sizing her up for signs of dishonesty again, as he had done previously. This was something he had a very, very keen interest in.
To lie or not to lie? Should she be brutally honest and risk his harsh judgment? Or worse, a refusal to do business with her. After all, it wasn’t a good start to their relationship for her to be lying about something so grievous. Another option was to turn on her charm as she often did when backed into a corner. Should she try to seduce him? Or at least begin to open that door?

These were questions… well, frankly Tmoxin asked herself all too often, but most importantly right now with Gerion Ardik.

In the end she opted for the truth and hopefully a sympathetic ear as her sudden escape from Anaxes was still fresh in her mind. Because surprisingly he did want to hear the details and glanced at her with more interest than before perhaps reading her body language.

“I was involved in a splinter cell of Imperial officers and like-minded participants who sought to overthrow the Sith. I invested much of my time and credits with this group. A military operation on Byss was deemed suspect and with good cause as we were planning to overthrow the government,” she said, swallowing hard. Her pride was such that it was difficult to admit all of this but she continued on as Mr. Ardik nonchalantly leaned back in his chair, seemingly unfazed.

She stood and from another cabinet, pulled out a bottle of red wine and two ornate glasses. She poured a glass for both of them and set his nearby where it was within reach. She sat close to him again, leaning in conspiratorially. Tmoxin was so close now he could see that she had a spate of faint freckles on her nose which spread across her cheekbones.

“I was conscripted into the Voice of the Dark Lord’s service in return for my life to be spared,” she said softly. She shuddered and grimaced at the memory of Darth Carach confronting her in the Officer’s Club. “I couldn’t remain there, Mr. Ardik. I’m not a thrall, nor a puppet.”

Tmoxin didn’t touch her glass of wine yet. Baring her soul like this was nearly impossible for the Hapan officer, especially when the denouement of her rise and fall in the Sith put her in such a negative light. Although she indulged probably a little too often than was good for her, she mainly brought out the bottle to show some hospitality to Mr. Ardik. And it was a really expensive fine Corellian vintage.

“I apologize for my deceit,” she said. “Will you trust me that there is no more to this?”

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Suddenly Gerion had a glass of wine in his hand, and Tmoxin's conspiratorial lean-in had him leaning forward too. Now, and only now, did he decide the current seating arrangement was far superior to sitting across one another with the desk in-between. Gerion didn't sense any lying on her part. This was good, and he found himself enamored with this Hapan. Not only did she have the gall to conspire against the galaxy's largest and most powerful amalgamation of psychopaths, but she had the tact to escape them when confronted. Gerion could hazard a guess as to which Voice of the Dark Lord decided to try and coerce Tmoxin into working under him rather than killing her outright.

Typical Carach. The Umbaran made no note of his guess and nodded sympathetically.

That would probably make his association with Tmoxin more risky if Carach had attempted to claim her already, but Gerion opted to dismiss the threat of such risks. If Carach neglected the good sense to be diplomatic in his recruitment drives, Gerion was not about to feel bad for picking up the ones who didn't buckle under him. It was rather strange that the galaxy was small enough that someone perturbed by Carach, a close colleague of his, had ended up approaching him in an effort to bounce back. Life was full of coincidences.

"You're very brave to have sought the overthrow of the Sith. I admire that. Consider your apology accepted."

Brave, but also foolish. Incredibly foolish. Gerion did not know the details of the plan, but considering it hadn't worked...

"These men stationed here on Lok with you," he paused momentarily to sip the wine that had been given to him. Hopefully not poisoned. "How many of them are loyal to you above that of the One Sith?"
Satisfied that Gerion wasn't about to bolt out of the room like a skittish Keffi, Tmoxin finally took her own wine glass and began drinking. She knew that the red wine would make her tired, especially since it was the afternoon and she was running on so little sleep already, but it was time to finally relax now that she had cleared the air with her new business partner. She nodded as he accepted her apology.

"Assuredly, one platoon is extremely loyal," she replied at his question. "They have been conditioned by IX serum and with a catchphrase would easily return if one were to suddenly go rogue." She neglected to mention that they were originally slaves, also purchased from the Coruscant Tourist Center where she had picked up Marta that night. He didn't need those unsavory details.

"Perhaps 25% of the other platoon will stay with me. There will be some that will leave, but I can recruit again. Ulysses is extremely loyal," she added.

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs so that the pant leg of her black uniform was slighly brushing up against Mr. Ardik's leg, not obscenely, but enough for him to notice its proximity. Tmoxin was no longer the standoffish leader that greeted him when he had first arrived. She appeared much more comfortable now in the Umbaran's presence.

"I do appreciate your counsel," she added. "Do you think we should just raze the garrison and rebuild right here on Lok? This planet leaves little in the way of resources, and with the unreasonable climate, I've found myself unmolested for the most part."

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Conditioned with IX serum. Gerion had absolutely no idea what that was. Seeing that it had apparently played an integral role in ensuring an entire platoon's loyalty, it was safe to assume it wasn't something most people would dabble with willingly. Gerion often frowned on such practices, but ultimately it would make the job of leaving this place easier. He glanced down briefly when he felt something brush lightly against his leg. Just the commander's (or ex-commander's, rather) pant leg. Gerion decided it was just a symptom of their atypical seating arrangement and thought little else of it. Only a quarter of the remaining platoons would support Tmoxin in her bid to defect. Not a majority by any means.

"The One Sith will inevitably seek to retaliate against you. Particularly once others have defected alongside you. When they do, they'll almost certainly come here." Gerion paused, apparently out of unease with the idea of a One Sith task force appearing on the Techno Union's doorstep. "As it stands, I'd like for you to be elsewhere when that happens. Kamino is renown for its research facilities. I can facilitate your relocation there."

This was a rather tentative situation. Securing Tmoxin's safety in Techno Union space would almost certainly cause a rift between the Union and the One Sith. Gerion would have loved to see such a rift form. It would give the Union the political leeway to pursue a much more pragmatic alliance with their criminal neighbors. But Gerion was the only one who harbored such aims, to his knowledge, and so something more clandestine would be necessary to throw the One Sith off this fetching, ambitious woman's trail.

"We'll have to give the One Sith reasonable suspicion that you are deceased or otherwise not worth pursuing. Destroying this garrison base and making it look like a rebel raid can accomplish just that. Unless you would prefer that we let those who wish to return to One Sith space simply... Leave?"

He was curious to see how she would respond to that. Did she have some fondness for the men who worked here that she would just let them go, or was Tmoxin more inclined to have them all killed? Decisions, decisions.
Tmoxin listened quietly to Gerion, her eyes staring off as she processed the information.

But occasionally that stubborn Hapan derisiveness towards men came out and with a tone slightly more dismissive than she intended if she really thought about who she was speaking to and how many credits were at stake, she said, “You would like for me to be elsewhere. You make it sound like I have no choice in the matter.”

“The Morpho Lab may be a charity case, but I most certainly am not,” she snarled.

Then she remembered, he wasn’t her subordinate and added more sweetly: “Of course, Mr. Ardik, your ideas are greatly appreciated.”

Suddenly she rose up and walked over to the window, gazing out of it for a minute. “Since I used a decoy in my escape, the Sith may already think I’m deceased. Unless she escaped as well," Tmoxin said.

She moved across the room slowly and came to rest behind him. From her vantage point, she could see the sunlight gleaming on his fair hair as it fell around his shoulders. The Hapan officer walked around where he sat, running her hands along the back of his chair, brushing those same shoulders with the tips of her fingers.

Tmoxin sat back down beside the Umbaran and finally said, “I do like the Rebel raid idea and I suppose destruction of material and property is the only solution.” She gave a heavy sigh and added, “Including the Sith sympathizers."

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

His eyes widened noticeably when Tmoxin suddenly snapped at him. Gerion's back retreated into the chair, wine glass rising back up to his lips. Maybe another few sips of wine would act as a nice buffer between the storm he unwittingly set off. Hapans were not exactly renown for their tolerance of helpful men. His own apprentice was a Hapan, but she conducted herself as if she were raised far away from the prevailing culture of Hapes. Judging from her career as part of the Hapan Queen's royal guard, Tmoxin was as close to the epicenter of the culture as anyone could feasibly be. Lucky her. The storm he was expecting never came, and instead her tone abruptly sweetened.

Then, with equal abruptness, she stood to meander about the room. First she paused to look out the window, and Gerion seized the opportunity to take a massive gulp of the wine he had been given. Well, with the kind of temperment he felt he was in for, he was probably going to need it. Perhaps it was the sudden intake of wine, but she looked unmistakably regal moving about the room as she did. Very dignified. She circled his chair next, also finding the time to brush his shoulders in doing so. He liked this fiery, independent, Hapan temper in this newfound colleague than he did in his apprentice. Oh, and the inherent ruthlessness to use sacrifice a decoy for her own escape?

Oh, my.

By the time she sat back down, Gerion had almost forgotten he had been yelled at. Also his wine glass was conspicuously near-empty. Strange. He had never been much of a drinker, except until now.

Never mind that, he had a demeanor to re-assume. "The Techno Union intends to capture this world before the Rebellion can gain any ground towards the core. I can dispatch the necessary necessary soldiers to ensure it looks like a raid took place and help you and your allies against those who still hold a misguided sense of loyalty."

If he had been thrown-off by that wolfish snarl before or beguiled by her ways subsequently, it didn't find its way into his voice. Gerion had assumed a proper posture again.
This entire time Tmoxin had been watching Mr. Ardik carefully, appraising his reaction to her outburst and his calm composure afterwards as though nothing had happened. She wasn’t sure what to chalk it up to and first uncharitably assumed he was more malleable than she originally thought. But then she settled on his Umbaran racial traits as part of the reason he was so unreadable. This is likely to be a challenge, she thought. But perhaps she just needed to get to know the businessman and his quirks.

Tmoxin noticed his wine was nearly empty, so she leaned over and topped it up. As she stretched across him to fill his glass, he would be able to smell the floral hints of her Nova Starlight perfume. And although her Imperial uniform wasn’t overly revealing, it was tailored perfectly to fit the Hapan officer and displayed her trim figure and maidenly curves.

When Gerion admitted that the Techno Union was hell-bent on capturing Lok, it would be his turn to explain himself. “So you came here to my garrison, knowing that your organization was going to capture my planet?” Of course, Lok wasn’t technically hers, but since there was no reason for any sentient beings to be on this hot, dry, and uninhabitable rock, she had adopted it as her own. She wasn’t giving him the third-degree over it though. The Commander was drained of ill-will and the wine had relaxed her, her cheeks flushing from the alcohol.

“What would you have done to the Morpho if I was not such a fugitive?” she asked with a smirk.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Oh, for petty's sake.

Now she was leaning over him to re-fill his wine glass. Imperial officer's uniforms weren't revealing (as they should be) but they always seemed to be very flattering towards the women who donned them. Tmoxin was no exception, especially when she was accented with a lovely perfume. He was beginning to question whether this was all a very intentional test of his ability to control himself. Gerion was glad it had been him who was called here and not Irani, Starchaser, or Cavill. If it had been any of those three lechers the room's furniture would have already been draped with hastily discarded clothes. And nothing of significant importance would have gotten done.

After what felt like an eternity, she returned to her seat. Gerion had to repress an exaggerated exhale, listening as she posed a question of her own. The Umbaran shrugged his shoulders. This wasn't exactly a "gotcha" question. There was no byzantine conspiracy to bombard all the Imperials from orbit in the Techno Union so far as he knew. As a matter of fact, he hadn't even been aware there was a garrison base on Lok before Tmoxin had contacted him about it. The individuals who would lead the annexation of the planet were likely aware of it, but he doubted their plans for it extended beyond just a benign acknowledgement.

"I did, though our communication was the first I'd heard of your garrison." He replied, coolly. "I can't vouch for the entirety of the Executive Board, but considering their alliance with the One Sith, I'm confident 'the Morpho' would have been left alone."

Gerion returned that smirk.
Ah, now it made sense as to why Gerion Ardik wanted to hide her away on Kamino for the time being. If the Techno Union executive board had a strong alliance with the One Sith, and the Umbaran was doing business either outright or surreptitiously with the Hapan officer, then both of them would have a big problem. Especially if he were the Director of the Department of Law. And it dawned on her that he was willing, to some extent, to put his life in danger for her.

But if it’s something Tmoxin absolutely dreaded it was being hidden away. When her embezzlement from the Ravens came to light, she had a rather large bounty on her head, and for days on end, was squirreled away in a Coruscant apartment surrounded by Mirari Droids as her only company. And again she made her devil’s pact with Carach which would keep her chained down on Anaxes. She wasn’t good with being kept behind the scenes – it only made her restless, rebellious and more likely to put herself and others in danger.

But Tmoxin supposed she didn’t have a choice in the matter right now and the Umbaran was offering her an arrangement which had nothing to do with his whims, although he stood to make a fortune along with her on the ARTC. Unlike Darth Carach, she would have her independence and a chance to rebuild the Morpho into something entirely different. And more profitable.

“Well, I don’t see the sense in staying here much longer. I’m prepared to leave with you right now, Mr. Ardik. We can arrange for transport of the Treatment Chamber and anything else deemed salvageable on the property.” She was fairly certain this didn’t extend to the AT-STs, defense turrets or other valuable materials restricted to an Imperial garrison. Those would most likely be destroyed in this “rebel” bombing.

“But I hope you don’t mind if I change first. The dust of Lok is terribly harsh to my skin as it is to yours, I suppose, and I’d like to clean up before we travel.” She rose from the chair and went into the corridor of the adjoining room where there was a refresher and the ex-Commander’s private quarters. In the hallway, she called out to him, “There’s more wine in the cabinet if you like.”

He would then hear the sound of the shower running in the refresher and the door closed, with the Hapan officer inside.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

"Right now? Are you sure that's-"

Too late; she was gone. And Gerion found that maybe he had been watching too closely as she left. For all his talk of principle and proper behavior, he still found himself leering like an uncouth primate as soon as an opportunity presented itself. Once he heard the water start running, he let out a self-disgusted huff. This was hypocrisy at its most low key, but being that no one was around to witness, he hardly cared. The Umbaran briefly glanced around the office. Noting the distinct lack of cameras, he opted to poke around. Any sleuth work he did would be purely superficial. He wasn't about to rifle through her cabinets and read whatever files he could get his hands on. That would be incredibly unprofessional of him.

As unprofessional as, say, ogling the backside of a newfound and valued colleague as she left the room.

Gerion would mentally scold himself for that later. For now, that model Hapan Battle Dragon on the bookshelf caught his immediate interest. He set down his recently-refilled glass back on the desk and rose to inspect. The shelf itself was crowded with an assortment of datapads, most of which were of the professional nature he didn't want to read. A few Hapan literary works, a historic account of Hapes, a strange black mask wedged between two thick datapads and the battle dragon...


Gingerly, Gerion pushed the battle dragon aside, taking careful note of its original position. He gripped the strange black mask and began to tug it out for a closer look. He didn't remove it completely, fearing he wouldn't be able to put it back properly, but now he had a much better view of it. It was a monstrous, skeletal thing. Something he would expect straight from some sort of horror show. Needless to say, he had questions, but what kind of bizarre attire Tmoxin decided to don in her spare time was absolutely none of his business. He shoved it back into place and moved the model Battle Dragon back to its original position. Gerion would do his best to forget that he had found the ghastly mask.

There were enough redeeming qualities to Tmoxin (how she looked in that uniform probably closer to the forefront than he would like to admit) that Gerion would not permit himself to fret about a bizarre mask. He'd worn his fair share back in the day, but for good reason. He couldn't imagine why a non-Force Sensitive, especially a stormtrooper, would have need of it. Gerion sat himself back down, took a final swig of the wine afforded to him, and remained there until Tmoxin returned from her impromptu shower.
Although it was a bit of an imposition to invite herself along with the Umbaran, Tmoxin reasoned that they were business partners now, each with a reason to keep the other close at hand. She owned the valuable piece of bio-tech, he had the credits to fund a mass production venture beyond the prototype phase. She wondered these things as she hastily showered.

Plus, she still wasn’t sure if the minute Gerion Ardik shuttled off, he wouldn’t turn right around, with a slew of orbital bombs and raze the Hapan officer along with the Morpho facility. No, she would accompany him to Kamino or wherever he deemed safe and they would bring the ARTC along with them provided it fit in the cargo hold, which she assumed it would.

Yes, the more she thought about her bold move to tag along, the better of an option it seemed.

Eventually, Tmoxin came back out in a simple, black knee-length dress, holding a small carrying case, presumably of her belongings. She set it atop her desk and he would see her retrieve the Hapan Battle Dragon and the mask, which she tried to tuck into her suitcase so it wasn’t overly visible to him. She closed the suitcase with a snap.

“Shall we go?” she asked, motioning for him to stand. She pulled out her datapad and sent a couple of quick messages as she waited for Gerion to gather himself up. “Kamino...,” she started. “I’ve never visited though I’m familiar with the planet's unusual properties. Where on Kamino are you stowing me away?” she asked.

She knew the planet had an all water surface, but Tmoxin still naively pictured somewhat of a Coruscant at sea, with its normal luxuries and stores… perhaps like a giant oceanic mall. Or even small quaint underwater villages like the Gungan race had built, although neither option appealed to her greatly. But she would be able to tolerate her existence there if the normal luxuries were nearby.

The Planet of Storms was certainly not what the Hapan woman was envisioning.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Tmoxin returned, now in a black dress and seemingly packed up for the trip. It seemed she didn't have much to take with her. Imperial officers, he reasoned, didn't keep much in the way of personal belongings on base. With the exception of the fetish masks and model Hapan Battle Dragons, obviously. He would note that as she stowed both away in her suitcase. Again, better to not ponder it too extensively. If it were at all relevant to their business relationship, it would come up on its own. Otherwise, there were no issues to be had. Gerion stood himself up at her gesture, giving the wine glass a parting sip before setting it back down.

If she had no idea what Kamino's weather was like, he was probably going to need that extra bit of wine in him later.

"Tipoca City. It's the largest of their platform cities and also host to the most human residents and tourists. Plenty of artificial arboretums and parks if you get restless." Gerion explained, approaching the door. "All things considered, I believe you should blend in well."

The door slid open at his approach, but Gerion did not walk through. Instead he waited for the Hapan, gesturing to the open hallway. "After you."
Tmoxin furrowed her brow at Mr. Ardik’s description of Tipoca City and its faux arboreal parks. She realized it would be a choice location for a research laboratory due to its proximity to extensive cloning facilities. Supply lines, exporters, energy shields, even Kaminoan scientists – all of these already existed in the city and they would be likely to tap right into the network created for the manufacturing of clones already on the planet. But the description of the city itself? Unless you were a droid, an entire park full of artificial plants did not sound to her like an enticing attraction for visitors or residents.

Tmoxin and Gerion walked through the Morpho and back to the landing pad where his shuttle was parked. He would no longer see the AT-STs patrolling or even stormtroopers moving back and forth across the garrison grounds. The Morpho was beginning to look abandoned already, except for some activity near his shuttle, where half a dozen workers and soldiers were attempting to load the ARTC into the shuttle cargo bay.

“Wait here,” Tmoxin said to the Umbaran and strode over to Sgt. Major Ulysses who waited by the Morpho entrance. She talked through some final plans and came back to his side. To outsiders the two of them – the Hapan with her suitcase in hand and Gerion with his droids – were just a wealthy couple about to depart on a vacation. Judging by appearances, no one would suspect that he was harboring a fugitive. Tmoxin’s reddish brown hair was down and the hot, desert wind blew it across her face. With one hand she tucked it behind her ears and looking up at Mr. Ardik she said, “I suppose this is the last time I’ll see my garrison.” It was said with a hint of wistfulness but more resignation than anything. She was utterly exhausted and hoped to shut her eyes and stretch out during the trip to Kamino.

“Are you ready?” she asked him.

[member="Gerion Ardik"]
[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

The ARTC was already partially loaded onto the shuttle by the time they arrived at the landing pad. The tour must have lasted longer than he thought, as the activity at the base had apparently died down. Either that or the Sergeant Major had ordered everyone retire early to keep news of the commander's arrest warrant from spreading. Futile, really. If they didn't know before, they would know when rumor spread of her absconding aboard that platinum hair'd stranger's shuttle. Not without taking her pet research project and getting all dressed up, no less. Gerion was prepared to board the shuttle, but Tmoxin ordered him to wait while she shared some parting words with the Sergeant Major.

Touching, really. Gerion checked his watch twice while they were speaking.

Even all gussied up as she was, the stress of the past week or so were evident on the woman. Maybe the melancholy weather of Kamino would do her some good. Or send her spiraling into rage, insanity, or depression. Perhaps all three, even. The sky was the limit. New arrangements could probably be made if that was the case, provided she didn't kill anyone. He opened his mouth and almost said something when she brought up her garrison. If she had sentimental value towards these people... Well, that wasn't a discussion to be had openly. In the meantime, Gerion reminded himself that distinguished gentlemen did not let distinguished ladies carry their own lugga. "Of course. Allow me?"

They entered the shuttle via the passenger loading ramp. It was clear this wasn't one made for long, arduous flights to and from the core with dozens of passengers. There were no crew quarters or lodgings- just a small social area for the passengers. It consisted of little more than a few cushioned seats surrounding a small coffee table. It was more of a living room than anything. The droids Gerion brought with him wordlessly abandoned the two as soon as they entered the vessel, heading for their charging stations.

"There are other options, you know." He said as he lead her into the area, placing her luggage down by the entrance. "If you would rather not see any in the garrison dead, there are alternatives."

Most of them costly and rather risky in the grand scheme of things. But a guiltless shareholder was a happy shareholder, Gerion usually found.

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