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Public I Have the Power of the Force and Atrisian Graphic Novels on My Side





While the Sith ( Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis ) squandered their time, I Studied the Blade.
Whilst the master reminisces about battles of yore from his armchair, the novice sharpens his skills, ready to duel with in the coming dawn.

True Saber combat is not a contest of strength. It's a conversation. To engage in this dialogue, to truly understand the essence of saber dueling, is to listen as much as you speak. To observe the silent pauses, to anticipate the unspoken thoughts, and to reply not with arrogance, but with precision and respect.

In the end, the most profound conversations between duelists are those where nothing is said at all. Where the outcome is decided not by the loudness of the clash, but by the quiet decisive action of the blade.

Braze drew a slow stedying breath harnessing the energy from around him and clearing his mind as he let it out in a slow exhale.

Form I: Shii-Cho

Known as "The Way of the Sarlacc," it's the most basic form, focusing on fundamental strikes, parries, and stances. Characterized by wide, sweeping strikes and basic deflections.

As dusk settled, Braze took the Opening Stance, alone under the fading sun in a flowering grassy field. His lit lightsaber cast a glow on his youthful visage, his stance ready and his mind focused.

Beginning slowly, Braze moved with precision, his lightsaber tracing patterns in the air, each movement showcasing every strike, every cut, every thrust, and every block. You were only as good as your foundation. This much was true. The more sweat you lost in practice, the less blood you lost on the field of battle. He progressed from drills to his katas, his movements flowed together like water but careful, deliberate, and controlled.

Naboo was a world Jonyna had only visited once, under...less than ideal circumstances. Imperials kidnapped a scientist, her ex got his hand cut off by an inquisitor, but she did learn to shoot flame from her hands, so that was neat.

She had always been one to treat Braze Braze as one of the kids, so when he asked around looking for sparring partners on a training mission, she was happy to oblige. As she arrived, she found a boy in the midst of a well trained kata.
"Your form is looking good."


TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Thank you, Master Si," Braze chirped happily, his smile wide as he smoothly transitioned through each of his saber forms. He began with the simpler ones he had learned as a young-ling and an initiate.

"The Way of the Sarlacc is the foundation of all lightsaber combat forms," he mused aloud as he paced through his routines, echoing the teachings of his creche master and combat masters alike. "It serves as the cornerstone upon which all other forms are built, covering our basics."

why is it called the Way of the Sarlacc?"
he pondered, pausing in a neutral stance within his kata before seamlessly continuing. "I have come to the conclusion that the Way of the Sarlacc implies patience and endurance," he stated, moving into the next form.

"It embodies a timeless aspect, much like the Sarlacc itself—an ancient creature that waits patiently for its prey. This form teaches us patience, control, and the importance of mastering the basics before advancing to more complex techniques," he explained, settling into a deep-seated stance that would be uncomfortable for most, then suddenly stepping forward in a quick, smooth strike.

"These movements are about understanding the flow of battle and the Force," he continued, his form flowing with practiced ease, as if becoming one with his mental flow state, speaking between steps.

"Training in the Way of the Sarlacc involves repetitive practice of fundamental techniques, fostering a connection between the practitioner and their weapon until the lightsaber feels like an extension of their own body. This repetition is moving meditation, simplifying motion for mental clarity and inner peace."

He spun, twirling his blade in a palm spin before catching it and centering himself in a cat's stance.

"In combat, the simplicity of Shii-Cho becomes its strength, allowing quick adaptation. The form's broad movements keep multiple adversaries at bay, ensuring we never lose sight of our foundation, even under pressure," Braze explained, his voice purring with enlightenment.

"Just as the Sarlacc waits with unfathomable patience, so too does a practitioner of Shii-Cho, learning to wait for the right moment to strike or defend," he concluded, wrapping up his final Shii-Cho kata.

"At least, that's what my studies of Form One have led me to believe. What do you think, Master Si?" he asked, catching his breath after the intense session.


Jonyna ignited her own saber with a Snap-hiss, taking Form I herself. "I find it to be a good opening. Keep your opponent guessing. Everyone knows it, so we all can kinda get a feel for it. But..."

She goes into a few basic slashes, before suddenly switching to Form V mid kata, going for a massive swing. "Because everyone knows it, no one really expects it when you switch things up." She smiled, offering her blade forward. "Shall we spar? I haven't had the chance to test you in quite a while,"

Tag: Braze Braze



Aris was here. There was no way he wouldn't be. He wanted to master every form, from the core seven that so many knew to the more obscure. He didn't hide his desire to become a battlemaster of the Order. So yes, he was here. He sat calmly by the side, his datapad in hand as he glanced over his notes, double checked his work and his own opinions compared to what Braze had said. They were in agreement on virtually all of it, but it was Master Jonyna that had brought up a part that Aris had been more focused on with the Form.

Not that he said anything. Right now he was more eager to watch the coming spar.

Braze Braze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Only if you don't mind me using two blades." Jonyna said, drawing Liz. "It's my preferred fighting style."

With Aris watching her, she wanted Braze to push himself. Jonyna always believed, in a spar, holding back only encouraged a stunted growth. One should be expected to fight as if it was a battlefield. Train someone to win the day, not train them so you can always beat them.

Tag: Braze Braze Aris Noble Aris Noble


Aris Noble Aris Noble was completely focused, but Zaiya knew that he had excellent hearing anyways. The Lovalla had reached out to Braze Braze to see what he was doing, and he mentioned doing some training on Naboo and that a few others would be with him. Eager to make more friends and excited to see both Braze and Aris again, the young teen got permission to travel on the multi-day overnight trip as long as she had a chaperone.

Doing her utter best to try and be as quiet as possible, Zaiya caught Braze's attention and used her finger over her mouth to indicate to be quiet. He was focused with his spar with Jonyna Si Jonyna Si anyways. Someone Zaiya hadn't met yet but hoped will soon. For now, Zaiya wanted to see if she could sneak up on Aris with all that she'd been practicing.

Tiptoeing every so carefully, she made her way over towards the young Noble. If she could do it... maybe she might be able to cover his eyes with her hands in a silly gesture and go, 'Guess who!?'

If it didn't work, oh well, she could plop up beside him, laugh and go, 'Surprise!' instead.

And yes, this time around, she wore suitable attire for training. She had pants!

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TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"Only if you don't mind me using two blades." Jonyna said, drawing Liz. "It's my preferred fighting style."

Form II: Makashi
'The Way of the Ysalamiri,' is tailored for dueling, emphasizing precision, control, and minimal movement, perfect for one-on-one combat.
This style, characterized by thrusts, lunges, and elegant parries, was Braze's current preference. Despite being down an arm, he had obsessively trained to perfect his nondominant hand within his body's healing limits. His right hand was becoming more fluid with every practice session. The calligraphy drills, meant to refine his gross motor skills into fine motor skills with precision and dedication, felt odd but tickled his brain in a peculiar way as he relearned what he knew.

Facing Jonyna, who wielded Jar'Kai, was a challenge Braze felt prepared for. He respectfully acknowledged her skill with a salute, then adopted a ready stance, signaling his readiness to engage.

"So it shall be. " He stated as to show his agreement for the dual. Makashi Vs Jarkai it would be.

Throughout his journey, Braze had immersed himself in various philosophical martial arts theories. These studies had deepened his comprehension and technique in combat. The core philosophies he explored included:


Harmony of Form and Flow

Theory: True skill combines disciplined movements with spontaneous reactions. It emphasis on thrusting attacks and the importance of timing and distance.
Application: Practice both structured techniques and free movement to adapt quickly in fights.


Circle of Awareness

Theory: Being aware of your surroundings and opponent's intentions is crucial. It is known for its geometric precision and the use of the circle to maintain the ideal distance from the opponent.
Application: Train in varied environments to enhance perception and reaction to threats.

And the

Paradox of the Defensive Offense

Theory: Effective defense includes offensive elements, and attacks require defensive awareness. Known as a strategic approach suited for uneven ground.
Application: Practice counterattacks within defense moves and prepare for counters when attacking.

Braze had taken to heart study in these theories carefully and their application could now be put to test against Jonyna. His focus was on her in the here and now not letting his attention presently be drawn to either Aris Noble Aris Noble Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti on the side lines despite his desire to engage.

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Jonyna watched with a keen eye. After years of fighting, her mind had honed to pick on things. Small things. Things a trained fighter needed to pick up on.

She held her stance, waiting for Braze to make a move. First rule, allow the enemy to make the first mistake. She held her lightsaber in Form One, while her katana held above her head in a stance completely unfamiliar.

Jonyna wasn't just a trained jedi. She was a trained swordswoman. The lightsaber, a blade of the jedi, had it's own techinques. It's own ideas. So did the traditional blade, entirely separate from the lightsaber.

Tag: Braze Braze



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Facing Jar'Kai's unpredictable dual-wielding, Braze knew he needed to use Makashi's precision to find and exploit the smallest openings. His strategy was to stay focused, conserve energy, and wait for the right moment to deliver a decisive strike.

Aware that Jar'Kai could be used to overwhelm with its barrage of attacks from multiple directions, Braze prepared to counter this with Makashi's efficiency, aiming to remain composed under pressure and strike with precision at the opportune moment.

Jonyna was hesitating...

Braze initiated with a feint— a deceptive Makashi thrust aimed towards an exposed area towards the lower body, trying to force Jonyna to defend with one saber and momentarily revealing their preferred defensive pattern. This would test their reaction and provide Braze with valuable insight into their defensive strategy, setting the stage for his precise and calculated engagement.



".. Zaiya?"

Aris was focused. The spar between Jonyna and Braze had completely taken his attention. He could hear a lot, for sure, but his ears weren't fully healed just yet. They would be, in time, and he was just far too focused on the fight to realize Zaiya had been sneaking up behind him. He blinked his now covered eyes as he tilted his head. He hadn't expected this.

Neither her sneaking up on him or her even being here for this kind of training. Was she actually going to join the Jedi? He hadn't talked to her since he suggested it at first, but now she was even here.

He smiled at the thought that, just maybe, she was. He reached up to take her hands from his eyes, leaning back to glance up at her for a brief moment. "It's good to see you here, Zaiya."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Braze Braze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

There it was.

Jonyna knew the inherent weakness of Makashi, a form designed to exploit precision and technique.

Jonyna was taller than Braze. She had the better reach. Maskashi was, primarily, a defensive technique. It was designed to keep your opponent at bay.

Taking a step back, Jonyna got out of Braze's reach, and swung with Liz, aiming for Braze's hand with the flatside of the blade, while switching to an Ataru stance with her saber. Liz was longer than Braze's saber, by design. It was a two handed blade, technically.

Tag: Braze Braze



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze was well aware of Jonyna's superior reach and her transition into an aggressive Ataru stance qued Braze to quickly adapt. Makashi would serve him well in this moment of challenge. As Jonyna steps back to exploit her reach advantage and swings Liz towards his hand, Braze sees his opportunity not in evasion, but in precise engagement.

Braze executes a swift, minimal movement to parry the incoming attack with his lightsaber. He redirects Liz's energy away, using Jonyna's momentum against her, ensuring he remains just beyond her striking distance himself. This parry is a setup for his counter, and potential block of her follow up.


A delighted - and victorious - giggle, along with the dazzling ripple of gold-flecked teal and light blue hues over Zaiya's face, relayed that she was ecstatic that she had managed to sneak up on Aris. In the distance, Braze Braze and Jonyna Si Jonyna Si were already sparring. She wanted to ask questions about it but first wanted to be delighted that her sneak-up worked.

"Heh he heh, yep!" The Lovalla exclaimed with giddy cheer, giving his hands a delightful and affectionate squeeze. Iridescent blue eyes would twinkle in mirth, looking down at Aris Noble Aris Noble as she added, "Surprised you, huh?"

Seeing him from this angle brought back memories of their playful challenge to see who would grow taller first. His bright green eyes seemed to fill with hope as they met hers, and a warm smile graced his lips. The sun glinted off his hair, giving it a silvery sheen that made it look like spun silver and of course, every strand of hair was perfectly in place again.

It made her want to touch it.

Joyful that her plan had worked out as intended, the Lovalla pulled one hand free from Aris's grasp to run her fingers through his hair in a cafune. If he let her, perhaps she would confirm if it was as soft as it looked. Otherwise, she intended to plop down beside him shoulder to shoulder with a content smile.

"Braze said he was going to do some training with you and others on Naboo. So I talked to Dr. Izak, and he allowed me to do a multi-day overnight as long as I tested out of my finals early." she explained, "I wanted to see you again, and train a bit more, so Braze helped me surprise you."



"It's a really good surprise, Zaiya." He was practically beeming at seeing his friend again. Especially here on Naboo. Away from the violence, the trouble of the brewing wars. It felt like they hadn't had a lot of time to just hang out, despite all their planning for the opposite.

At least here he could show her a burger joint here. Maybe even his master's favorite. Surprisingly, his hair was just as soft as it seemed to be. Aris had been made to be the perfect form of Kahlil, after all. He leaned against her shoulder briefly as he looked back to the spar, nodding.

"I'll have to thank him, then. When he's done I think."

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Braze Braze

It was as soft as it looked! With a joyful grin, Zaiya returned Aris Noble Aris Noble 's playful shoulder bump with one of her own, simply content in the moment and the sheer pleasure of being able to hang out with friends.

"I'm glad, then, for the extra hours I put in to finish it all on time." Zaiya relayed, taking a deep breath as she turned to pay attention to the fight. She sat with her knees drawn up close to her chest, arms wrapping around her legs in a relaxed posture. Since she had close proximity to Aris, it sated her need to be close enough to touch without having to bother Aris with holding her hand since he seemed to be taking notes.

"So... how does this all work?" the Lovalla teen asked him, curious as she watched Braze Braze and Jonyna Si Jonyna Si fight. Braze had conducted a parry while the Cathar used two sabers to fight against the Half-Echani.

"Whoa...two sabers?!" as someone who had no clue what the forms were or what they were good for, Zaiya thought it seemed like really cool choreographed movements.

"Oh, is she your master?" asking about Jonyna Si Jonyna Si .



The life of a Jedi was not always one of l adventure, excitement, and daring do. Some days, it was mundane enough to keep one doing mundane tasks. As was thr case for Taneon Darr, Jedi Knight as he entered the training dojo. He had just come back from a mission dealing some minor piracy out in the Tingel Arm. He had intended to come to the dojo to keep up on his lightsaber skills. Yet, when he entered, noticed a duel already comenced. A padawan and a master, plus two on lookers. He moved to the side, near by the young couple as he observed the spar.

”The lad's got good form.” He remarked openly, Chandrilan accent tinging his words, ”Has be wary, though. Precision is not always the victor.”

He knew that from experience. Taneon himself favored Makashi, but he knew that he sometimes relied on it too much. Elegance, and pinpoint strikes are for naught if you underestimate or do not pay attention to the circumstances of the duel. He overheard one of the teo ylung couple, the girl, questioning about lightsaber forms and how they worked. Ever the lover of swordsmanship, Taneon decided to chime in.

”I do not mean to intrude, but I may be able to offer some insights.” He gave a wry smile before bowing, almost like a nobleman, ”Taneon Darr, at your service. Jedi Knight and follower of the Guardian Path.”

He took a seat next to them, in a respectful distance away but close enough to be heard.

”For the basics, lightsaber combat is divided in seven traditional forms, all hailing from different times in the history of the Jedi.” He began explaining, ”Each with its own philosophy of movement and goals. Some meant for disarming an opponent, others for defending from the bolts of a blaster.”

He paused there in case the girl had any questions from there. He may have been swashbuckling duelist, but he knew it was getting close to when he would need to start passing his knowledge on.



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Upon successfully parrying Jonyna's aggressive swing with Liz, Braze would temperately opt for a strategic bind and control maneuver. He angles his lightsaber in an attempt to catch Lucy against its blade, not just stopping the swing but in a forceful attempt at actively pressing against it to control its direction. Theoretically this maneuver could force Jonyna to engage in a push of strength, momentarily locking their weapons together.

Braze intended to utilize the locked blades as a pivot to channel the presumed push back momentum into a controlled flourish gliding straight in to a sharp counter.

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