Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Of The Storm

[SIZE=11pt]Clearly Ellie hadn’t been listening to him,didn’t he just say he couldn’t stop being an idiot. This time she called him stupid. Was stupid good or bad? Was it worse than idiot? If he had to go out on a small limb, Makai was going to say stupid was better than idiot. Even if he was wrong it still made him feel better. Stupid felt like progress. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Koa was meowing and giving both of his humans a look of ‘pay attention to me, feed me’. Obviously the Loth-Cat was annoyed at having to play second fiddle to [member="Myra Elspeth"] again now that Makai had her around. He had gotten spoiled by the girl (as if he hadn’t been by Makai already) and thought the universe revolved around Koa. Scale speckled hand reached out to scratch the pet behind his ears.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Breakfast in a minute, just finishing up with Ellie.” A grin back to the brown haired girl. “Needy little fella, kinda like his owner.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Scale speckled hands gently grabbed the lapels of his heavy jacket, pulling Ellie closer to him. Lips came down to meet hers. While it was still awkward, Makai noted it was feeling a little less so each time, giving him some hope that one day he wouldn’t be so nervous and unsure. Lips left hers and trailed down Ellie’s jaw and neck. Back on the sailboat he had thought she enjoyed his ministrations along her delicate skin. No time like the present to find out if he was right or wrong. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Did I mention I missed you?” Words murmured against pale flesh, stopping for the briefest of moments before continuing. [/SIZE]
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

[SIZE=9pt]This was the thing about being teenagers. New experiences. New sensations. New ways to feel absolutely and utterly embarrassed about bodily functions and reactions and how to even [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]deal[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] with it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It would have been easier if one could simply just upload all this information into their heads so that the awkwardness of adolescence could be entirely skipped. Or at least, that was a thought that often percolated within Myra’s mind. Well, when it was able to think -- which was entirely [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]sooo [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] not an ability she was able to do so at this present time.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Not when Makai had found a very ticklish and sensitive spot just along the curve of Myra’s neck that made the young girl’s knees weak and practically turn into a puddle of warm water before his eyes. Or more aptly, resulted in some rather embarrassingly half choked gurgles as her breathing spiked, her heart slammed in her chest, and yeah, eyes went wide. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was just how things would result for the pair. Life wasn’t meant to be uploaded and have all the growing pains simply skipped over. It wasn’t a holo-film where you can just get to the good parts. No, you had to experience them and [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]live [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]through them, to pour over the lessons so that one could be able grow in life. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Or in this instance, so that Myra eventually wouldn’t squirm and wiggle any time the younger Dashiell decided to experiment where to place his lips. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“I… ahh…. I.” garble garble. Squirm, squirm. “I… [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]YES[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]!” that last part came out as a high-pitched squeak. Immediately, Myra’s face flooded a bright, crimson hue. [/SIZE]
While [member="Myra Elspeth"] might be embarrassed by half-choked gurgles, Makai was rather pleased with himself. Pleased he had found the ticklish spot that seemed to elicit the most response. So he was on the right track back on the sailboat? It only added to the confusion of those events but his brain didn't have time to process while he was otherwise distracted.

Makai wasn't about to push his luck though. The 'spot' was logged into his brain, cataloged and filed away for later use with the girl. Scale speckled hands slowly released the lapels of the jacket as he came face to face with Ellie once again. There was a smug smile on his face, incredibly pleased with himself. If Ellie was embarrassed then he was on cloud nine.

"I'm going to go make breakfast before Koa attacks us. Just make yourself at home, whatever you need is yours."

There was a lingering smug smile before he disappeared into the kitchen, Koa hot on heels.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Truth be told, it was more than a minute before Myra managed to move away from the spot she’d been rooted on. Koa had happily gone trotting behind Makai, tail flicking in anticipation at the potential of being fed. In the meantime, Myrawas left trying to piece everything together while calming her thundering heart in the wake of Makai’s smug smile.

It didn’t help matters she had a rather stupid expression of her own. Beat red, flustered, and rocking on her heels. She had to tell herself to snap out of it before she managed to move.

That’s when the wave of ohmygoddidtharactuallyhappen crashed.

Hands came to slap her cheeks, cupping her incredulous face. No way, just no way that actually happen. Did it? As if to test the theory out, Myra gave herself a pinch along the delicate skin of her wrist. The sting confirmed it.

Oh kark!

A little overwhelmed, all Myra could do is flop on the nearest seat. She needed time to process.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Koa found a perch on a stool Makai drug closer to the 'action' so his pet could watch. Tail twitched as feline eyes watched him, taking in every move. If the teenager hadn't put something for the Loth-Cat to perch on the creature would be trying to jump on his shoulder to help.

Ingredients were being assembled, Makai dragging out a few pans. He was attempting to make a Dashiell family favorite of extra thick pancakes. Dad always said they got the girl. Makai had never made them for Ellie before but no time like the present.

Enough sausage for a small army was placed in one pan while concentration was plastered on his face regarding the slightly complicated pancakes.

"Were you good for Ellie? You look chunkier bud, she must be spoiling you." Another twitch of the tail and Koa grunted, seemingly offended that his owner would call him pudgy. "You gotta go back with her for a little while but I should be home soon. For the long-haul."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Took her a few minutes but Myra managed to get herself out of her little zombie like funk. Well, more of her dazed musing. Taking a deep breath, she snuck glances over to Makai by his kitchen. She couldn't quite get a good look at him, but she heard him speak at Koa. A low murmur that was followed by the concuring meowl of a cat.

A shiver ran down her limbs and the young girl was brought back to the reality that she was literally still in his coat and quite chilled. It still had a light dusting of snow over it. Carefully she slid the coat off. The small apartment was slowly warming her bones. Giving it a light shake, the lingering snow flakes fell to the floor. In seconds there were tiny little droplets there. Alarm rose.

Aware that someone could slip, Myra took to looking around to see if she could find something to wipe up the water with. There were two doors. Which one had he said was his refresher??
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

[SIZE=11pt]Making the weird looking pancakes was a bit of a delicate operation. According to Grandma and Dad the recipe was a close Dashiell family secret. Apparently it was developed long ago in the Dashiell family line, a sweet dessert-like cake that was easier to cook in the hot Saleucami desert than say a traditional cake. With a few tweaks it was easy enough for a breakfast hotcake. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ring molds were a bit of a secret and Makai was waiting for things to heat. Having completed mixing his batter, comm emerged from a pocket of his lobster pants. The teenage half-Galan had promised to tell Miss Arceneau that Ellie had arrived.Both had gotten distracted once arriving back from the spaceport. He still hadn’t told Ellie someone was coming to escort her back. Probably wouldn’t go over too well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Head craned around to look for Ellie, catching a glimpse of the girl before turning back to his comm. Makai would make it quick, unsure how the brownhaired girl would feel if he was reporting movements to her mother.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ellie is here and is fine. Just arrived. I havent told her you are sending someone to bring her back.[/SIZE]
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Thankfully, Myra was able to find a towel. It was the refresher she'd entered. A brief, worried glance went over her shoulder, Did he see me? Really, the most random concerns arose for the young teenager when it came to the youngest Dashiell. From here Myra could hear the tinker of Makai cooking; the shifting of pans, the crackle of fat, the slight slap thud of a flip of pancakes. Soon, a pleasant, mouthwatering aroma would tickle Myra's nose. Her stomach made a rather loud rumble.

Embarrassment colored her cheeks bright pink. Quickly, the girl left the bathroom to go wipe up the few drops of water that had come scattering in during their entry. Koa, of course, soon joined Myra with a noticeable purr and a thud of his wedge-shaped head along her calf.

"Not now Koa." she whispered, giving him a little nudge. Koa was not to be ignored and knocked her own hand with his head again. A roll of her eyes and Myra said in concession, giving him a little scratch behind the ears.

"Yeah yeah... I know."
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"Traitor." Makai watched as the Loth-Cat grew bored of him and went in search of what was probably his rightful owner now. "Go on then."

While he was intently focused on making the ultra thick and fluffy pancakes, the half-Galan noticed Ellie was oddly missing. Makai figured she couldn't have ran far. The place was small and he hadn't heard the door open once. There had been rustling past the living area and perhaps she had found somewhere to settle down.

"Ellie did you run off? Foods almost done." Volume picked up slightly, calling for his best friend. Yawn escaped him. "I mean, if you wanna eat that is."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"No!" perhaps Myra said that a litter louder than she intended. In fact, at the end there she kinda gave off an abashed half squeak. Koa swung his flat head over towards the young teenager, cocking it to the side in a curious expression. As if to say, did you make that noise?

Once again, Myra's cheeks flamed.

Stop being so stupid! She told herself, shuffling along towards the direction of the kitchen. Really it was only a few feet away. Makai's entire apartment was little bigger than a suite. Truth be told, his entire apartment could fit in her bedroom back at the farm. It was small. Smaller than his own room back on Dac. Was he even comfortable here? It was so strange to consider this had been where Makai had holed himself up for several months.

That annoyance at his departure came rearing back again.

"I'm here." she added, the brown haired girl appearing just off to the right from the younger Dashiell. Her nose picked up on the deli8cious scents of the pancakes. Her belly growled.

"Can I help in any way?" she asked, looking to see if she could at least make herself useful. Myra might be an heiress, but Danger hadn't been keen on spoiling the girl as Alric would. No, her daughter had to learn to fend for herself. Ain't no other way for an Arceneau.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

There was a little squeak at the end of her very forceful 'No!' and Makai couldn't help but to chuckle. He didn't mind her being a little rough towards him - it was only fair at this point and to some extent he was used to it after all. Ellie had always been the bossy one in their friendship and lucky for him he had enough of his fathers easy going attitude to roll with it.

Suddenly the brown-haired girl of his dreams had appeared by his side.She looked a bit....flustered? Mad? Sometimes it was difficult to tell. Either way he didn't need her help and merely pulled out the chair opposite of where he typically sat as indication for her to relax.

"Sit down. You've already done enough."

Plate soon appeared in front of her with sausage and the extremely thick and fluffy pancakes. Warm syrup was included and it was quite clear the young Dashiell had pulled out a few culinary stops to impress Ellie. There was enough food to feed a small army between them.

Tiny saucer was set down for Koa containing the same food before the scale-speckled teen sat across from Ellie. He offered a small smile.

"I hope you like it. If you don't, I can make you something else." Makai was eager to please, like a lost little puppy who had found someone to pay it a bit of attention. "I miss everyone. How has your family been?"
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Everything looked amazing. Myra was a little impressed. Well, as impressed as a girl who was just kissed by her long time childhood crush and who was being given breakfast by the same guy. She practically glowed.

"This looks amazing," she beamed, flashing Makai a wide smile. Under the light, one could catch the smattering of freckles that covered the top of her nose and cheeks. Her hair was still a windblown mess, the snowflakes and ice crystals that had caught on the mahogany waves already melted into the strands, leaving a few damp spots here and there. Now that she was in his room, she was warming up nicely, and getting sensation back on her finger tips.

At the question of her family, Myra had the decency to look a bit chagrin. After all she had managed to get herself to Chiss space without asking for permission.

"Ma and Pa are alright," she began, taking her fork only to idley hover over a fluffy pancake. The young teenager knew she was going to get in trouble.

"Rose is traveling and Lily... " well Lily was doing Lily things. Like abdicating the throne of Empress Teta for someone who made her heart thump.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

The young half-Galan was lost in his own world,staring at Ellie as if he had never seen her before. Food was left untouched for a moment - rare for any teenage boy to do as he listened to her relay information about her family. Well, he wasn't exactly listening. Gaze was transfixed on her lips as she spoke while his mind wandered to kissing her once again.

Awkward silence drifted between them, his mind finally registering that her lips had stopped. Makai was certain she had talked about her family but what he wasn't certain was if she had asked him any questions in return. He felt like a bumbling ogre who had caught the eye of the best girl in town. Realizing he had been quiet for too long, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." Makai cleared his throat slightly, trying to get back to the topic at hand. "Siblings sound fun, sort of. Would have been cool to have someone during everything."

There was a small smile towards her.

"What about you? How have you been since I went crazy."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

It was funny how things could take a turn for the awkward even when they weren’t supposed to. Maybe it was because Myra was just used to one constant emotion; yelling at Makai for one reason or the next. It wasn’t that she was mean or prone to anger fits, just that the pre teen had no real experience being able to properly convey that she held affection for the younger Dashiell.

It was easier to be upset at him for being stupid and oblivious than trying to be romantic. And to be honest, even if she did, it probably come out all wrong and awkward.

Growing pains and all.

At the very least, it appeared that Makai would still live up to his silly pockets of awkwardness. He kinda stared blankly at her for a few seconds that made Myra wonder if she had syrup on her face. Enter a couple of nervous wipes of the back of her hand over her full mouth and chin.

“Umm,” now she felt stupid. Mainly because her time had kinda been a blank. Yes she’d done things but her energy had been spent focusing on knocking Makai on the back of the head forbeing an idiot that the rest kinda turned blank.


“Just helping ma with some social gatherings.” Get together and mingling events. Fundraisings. Boring things really, but that was because Myra was slowly getting introduced to larger crowds.

“So how long you gonna stay here?” Well at least she didn’t mince any words.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Makai tucked into his food as he listened to Ellie now, trying to make things less awkward. The girl knew him well enough to pick up on his mood and his tendency to be more than slightly awkward. Keep his mouth full of pancakes and a piping hot cup of caf in front of him would hopefully keep the awkward moments down.

Eyebrow quirked at the mention of social engagements. Ellie was anything but social. How many times did they run away together when their parents drug them to another corporate event? Now she was helping organizing them? Makai tried and probably failed to keep a smirk off his face.

Smirk quickly disappeared at the mention of his time here. There was a swallow of the pancake that suddenly felt thick in his mouth.

"I...I don't know. Not much longer, I promise." Eyes went downcast, staring at his caf. "Not sure what I'm going to do....don't want to go home for awhile."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"Why not?" as blunt as always, there wasn't time to mince words when Myra had anything in her mind. If it came to the forefront of her mind, then she simply said it. The only problem was that it more often than naught got her in trouble.

Or in this case, put Makai in the spotlight.

She set her fork down beside her plate, pancakes momentarily were forgotten. Well, it was a rather easy question to answer. In her mind at least. Myra didn't understand that things were a little more complicated for Makai to answer. Or, at the very least, he hadn't the foggiest notion at all himself.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"Well..." Makai set his fork down, trying to figure out what to say. "After years of thinking my Ma was dead apparently she was alive on some farm. Dad was still paying this detective in case something came up, you know there were no details. So there's that....we meet again. She sends me messages but its not like having a real Ma or anything, doesn't feel like it. Dad and Her and at each others throats constantly. Makes me wonder why they even bothered having me."

Broad shoulders shrugged, the teenage half-Galan both confused and defeated.

"I quit school and came out here so I didn't have to deal with it. Don't really like it here either but its better than being at home honestly. Not sure what I'm going to do now. Maybe I can join one of the salvage crews working in the deep Outer Rim."

Eyes finally came to meet her gaze.

"I would have told you but I suspected I would sound like an ungrateful brat. Most would be happy to find out their mother was alive. I know you would be."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"Wait what?" Well that was one way of making those large grey eyes of Myra's get even larger. As wide as saucers, the young girl gaped at Makai for a few seconds, jaw falling open much like a fish before quickly snapping back shut.

For as long as Myra knew Makai, the younger Dashiell rarely spoke about his ma. Not that he didn't miss her, but more that there was some sort of story behind it that he just didn't want to tell more than what he'd wanted to. To hear that she was alive and now sending messages to Makai was a whooper of an information bombshell.

He was right. It was strange, and to an extent, Myra could see where he came from when it came to being grateful of his ma being alive. Myra's own parents had died protecting her during the Drumond Kaas event that raised the dead. Well, in her mind at least. Myra had no idea that they had been creatures summoned by a Sith Lord.

It didn't matter where they came from really. The end resulted in her biological parents deaths. It had been such a traumatic event that Myra hadn't spoken for years. Some thought her mute for the longest time. It was the love and affection Danger, Alric, and even Makai and his dad shown the girl that managed to coax her out of her shell.

Although now she rarely kept her mouth shut.

"You okay?" was her first question. Her second, well, her own mind was racing with loads of questions. The kind he likely didn't want to drown in.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"If I was okay I wouldn't be hiding out in a frozen hell."

Makai had wanted to act out. In some ways he had. In some ways he was an insolent child, spoiled rich kid pissed off that didn't get his way. Chiss space was a bit of rebellion - quitting school and going off on his own. In some ways it had come to bite him in the rear at the same time. Makai supposed that was what he deserved anyway.

Scale speckled hand came to pick up his fork once more, quietly eating his pancakes in an awkward silence. There wasn't really anyone he could confide in beyond Ellie and even then he wasn't sure the girl would understand. Maybe Miss Arceneau but she wasn't his Ma to be burdened with problems of his own.

Shoulders shrugged.

"Not much anyone can do about it."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

He had said that so abruptly that Myra gave a slight flinch. He made her feel a bit stupid then, what with him saying that if he had felt otherwise why would he have come hiding out here in this iceball of a planet.

The girl bit her lower lip.

"Sure?" the single inquiry seemed so loud over the awkward silence. Whatever sort of yelling that they both might go through, or whatever sort of crazy befuddled mess, at the very least at the core of things, Myra cared about what Makai felt and how he was doing.

And it was pretty evident that while he said there wasn't much of anything that could be done, didn't mean that the had to just go on feeling like he did without at least trying to cheer him up.

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