Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I pronounce you Man and Wife, you may change your spacebook status (completed)

Draco watched the Queen carefully, closely. He'd been hurt enough times to know that a parent didn't like to see their child miserable, but he had also been on his own a very long time. There were many hard lessons he learned without the guidance or thoughtfulness of an elder. That Faith still had that he was grateful, but he never felt part of her family. She was his only link to them, and so far they had been cold and Arianna had judged him harshly, seen him as nothing more than a consort or concubine at first. She had put the young couple through the ringer.

Her words and reasoning made sense, but it did not calm Draco or alleviate his fears. "I guess I can tell the groom's man not to pull side arms when they get to the 'are there any who would object to this union' bit, huh." He said jokingly, though the thought had crossed his mind and it had been at least roughly planned if not followed through.

Draco stepped back to the lounge chair and slid back into his seat. He would get used to Arianna one day, or she would get used to him. He would always be their barbarian in-law she looked down on some. Alyesa was the same, she judged him from her throne as though he was a pauper, but he wasn't. He was just a man in love. All his power, his wealth, his authority, he would trade for Faith, even though without it he would have never been able to treat her half as well as she deserved.

"So, Vilaz. My best man or what?" He asked with a chuckle to himself. It was time to move on from those thoughts and focus on the here, the now, the tonight.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
The J-Type Apailana-class Transport reverted to realspace at the edge of Alderaan's natural gravitational field. As it continued its approach to the planet, the gleaming royal transport undocked its four Soruna-class Interceptors which would escort the vessel through to its final destination. Having received the invitation from [member="Claire Organa"], a woman whom Marcello was not familiar with, the Monarch of Naboo had of course agreed to attend. He had rather fond memories of the last Organa wedding he had attended. Sadly, [member="Kiskla Grayson"] had been called back to her own world shortly after the coronation, and he'd not seen her in person since. She had been noncommittal to attending, but Marcello had not pressed her about it, understanding she had important duties just as he did.

"Your Majesty, we will be arriving in less than thirty minutes."

Marcello turned his glacier-blue gaze to his chief of staff and nodded appreciatively. "Thank you." As the man departed Marcello's personal quarters, he returned his attention to the report he'd been reading on his datapad. There was never any shortage in work, and it certainly had much more to do with his desire to be as involved as possible. Marcello did not micromanage any of the staff, allowing them all to execute their duties within the breadth of the authority he invested within them, but he was not so foolish as to fail to keep at least loose tabs on progress. Most of his reports, however, seemed to be generated by [member="Ajira Cardei"] and the hard-working people at Theed Hangar. It was good...progress was what the system sorely needed.

The former Jedi secretly would have preferred to be nestled-deep in weapons design and charting out the space around Naboo for the purposes of crafting greater defenses, but that was not his role. No...his role was to supervise such activities while maintaining relationships with other governments and influential families. As it stood, the Organa family was rather deeply connected to the Mandalorians. Reports of the ever-shifting nature of that area of space were...a touch troubling, but it was important to maintain nevertheless. Alderaan's Royal Guards had been trained by him directly, in fact, many years ago now. He suspected that was much more the reason for his invitation.

As the J-type descended just below the peaks of the mountains of Alderaan, the pilots banked smoothly to the left towards their final destination. Unlike many of the arrivals, they had been cleared directly to an estate that Marcello's security and logistical advance team had rented for his one-night stay on the planet. It had been a rather gracious offer arranged by a citizen of both Naboo and Alderaan. Within fifteen minutes, the vessel initiated its final landing procedures to the sprawling estate as the Soruna-class escorts settled into the grass around the landing pad.

Coming to his feet, Marcello picked up his the patterned blue jacket of his tailored tuxedo and pulled it on. Exiting his cabin, he was immediately met by the Captain of the Royal Guard and escorted to the loading ramp. The moment his feet touched solid ground once more, his glacier-blue gaze swept over the edifice. It was an impressive sight, and he appreciated the difference in designs from that of Naboo. In truth, him asking for an overnight residence was not so much to his benefit. He enjoyed the comfort of a rather spacious cabin onboard the spacecraft. The rest of the crew and staff, however, did not enjoy such. He'd even ordered his security to drop to simply two personnel at the event, the Captain and one advance officer. Everyone else would remain here or just generally have the evening off.

Within twenty minutes, the staff and various pieces of equipment and luggage had been offloaded. Marcello ascended the loading ramp once more and departed with his four escorts to Okonomo Island. The transit was very brief - no more than fifteen minutes until the vessel was descending to the ground once more. The Interceptor escorts would not remain on the Island, instead positioning themselves across the crystal waters at an improvised staging area in case there was need of an expedited departure. At the base of the loading ramp, Marcello paused and took the time to shake the advance agents hand. "Thanks buddy. The Captain and I can take it from here. Be sure you get something to eat onboard if you need to. Other than that, just relax and we'll be along when we're wrapping up."

The officer smiled and shook the King's hand - his facial expression indicating that he'd grown accustomed to Marcello's more...personable nature.

Inhaling softly, Marcello tucked a loose strand of long hair behind his ear as he progressed down the illuminated path towards where others were assembled, glacier-blue gaze sweeping the area for anyone that he might recognize.
"You know me, man. Ain't no way I'm gonna say no to that offer," Vilaz said to his friend as he was offered the position of being the best man of the groom. It contradicted to his traditions when Mandalorians got married. They weren't mandatory, but usually a couple would get married in private, say some oaths and vows to each other, and then they were officially one together. There were no best man, no maid of honor, no bridesmaids, no groomsmen, no anything of the elements that were in this royal wedding. Sure, it'd be a surprise to the guests to see the groom in armor as well as his best man, but they'd have to respect the culture and traditions of Vilaz and Draco.

"I don't have to give a speech, right," the Cuir Rekr asked to the groom. Now, he did give speeches of war and to boost the morale of his warriors in the heat of combat. He never gave a speech of love, happiness, joy, and all that funk.

"You know I ain't the type of guy to make speeches at these events."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Jack Sparrow was Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, and would remain so, at least until the newly-announced election was held. Jack had made it public that he had no intention of running for a second term, content to rest on his laurels and turn over the tedious, not to mention much more dangerous than he'd imagined, work to someone whose temperament was better suited to the job. But because he was still Supreme Chancellor, it meant that his entrances remained grand things, flanked as he was by bodyguards. And so it was that the Supreme Chancellor entered the wedding of [member="Faith Organa"] and [member="Draco Vereen"] as quietly as possible, which was to say commenting to the galactic press, shaking hands, acknowledging associates, smirking at enemies, and nodding at neutrals. Faith was one of his closest associates; he had counted on her level head, honesty, and friendship while the Republic was reeling from its series of battles and betrayals. But that would all be someone else's burden soon enough. This day was for happiness. And an open bar, the once and future pirate hoped.
Rianna was dressed up this evening a lovely sleeveless green dress that swept gently across the grass as she walked.

It had been a long time since there had been a wedding to celebrate. Not since her own had the family gathered. This time she watched her own children moving about Maeve and Dral already trying to figure out where they belonged in the grand scheme of life. Maeve asking when she got married would it be like this? Rianna smiled, "it could be, why don't we wait and see how you feel when its time"

She told them to go and eat something she'd be long soon. She felt naked though without [member="Ordo"] here to sing a bawdy song, have some shatual and make the grand toast. Arianna had told her earlier that Draco would be named Duke of the Apalis Coast region.

Clan Ordo had land holdings in the Valley now near the Vinerium. She loved it there, it was much like the garden house from the House she was born in. Claire was seeing to that being rebuilt perhaps one day she would go back there. But not now, her life on Alderaan was completely separate from her life as a Mandalorian. Much of what she did was within the Clan territories except for Alpha Mae.

As she thought about these things she noticed long blonde locks, she paused to make sure. "Marcella Matteo" She said his name a little louder she was not aware of his change in status and would have to talk with him to find these things out.

"Are you lost Marcello?" Rianna held a hand out to greet an old friend and when he got close enough she would attempt to hug him. It was just her way to do things.

[member="Marcello Matteo"]
"No, no. No speech, just keep a hold of the ring and have a stun pistol just in case." Draco laughed, clapping his hand to Vilaz's shoulder. He was a little dissappointed none of the Betna's showed up yet. He enjoyed [member="Arrbi Betna"] running around, hunting and such together. The Rekali's he didn't expect. Not here with members of the Republic here. But, if [member="Alec Rekali"] did show up, it would likely cause some sort of trouble for Faith and Draco, having to put down an incident.

Draco could see Rianna speaking to a well dressed man that had just made his way in, but he didn't yet make his way over to introduce himself. He wasn't exactly here for that anyway. Instead he surveyed the room. A few members and ex-members of the Republic had wandered in over the last few minutes, including the current Supreme Chancellor, who had announced his retirement. In Draco's mind, Jack was one of the few good ones left, and now he was making his exit. There would have to be something to take the Republic's place, and the Mandalorian Clans, for all their vigor, wouldn't be setting up major governments or trade deals. Perhaps the good eggs would all band together and make something of it. Faith would like that. Hell, Draco would like that.

"Good evening Supreme Chancellor, thanks for making it out here. Faith will be delighted you made it." Draco said casually as the Supreme Chancellor made his rounds as his position required of him. That, was not something Draco looked forward to having to do.

"If you need me, I'll be speaking with Rianna and her friend, your welcome to join us until the ceremony starts." And the Mandalorian made his way over to his soon to be Aunt, putting his arm on her shoulders. "Hey Auntie!" His voice cheery and joyful, especially considering the circumstances the last time they had spoken. "How are you and who is your friend?"

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello was destined for the food. However, the sound of his name touched the air just as he turned his head to catch sight of [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"]. It had been...years since he'd last seen the former Jedi Master, but he'd not forgotten their interactions both before and after her marriage.

The Captain of Marcello's guard, on the other hand, did not know Rianna at all and demonstrated this fact by taking a step closer to his protective charge as the woman rapidly approached with an outstretched hand.

Marcello ignored the movement, stepping inside the handshake to embrace Rianna warmly. "Rianna. It's a pleasure to see you after all this time. As for me, I was actually trying to make a beeline for the pre-ceremony refreshments, if you will." He actually had no idea if it was supposed to be for before or after, but he figured he would discern the truth in due time.

No sooner had he greeted Rianna than another individual approached. It took Marcello a brief moment, but he was able to identify the groom quickly enough. Good thing as it stayed the glower of irritation that would have inevitably manifested otherwise. When [member="Draco Vereen"] turned his attention to him, Marcello maintained the pleasant smile, this time extending a hand. "Marcello. It's a pleasure to meet you and congratulations on your pending nuptials."
"Good cause I don't want the in-laws to hate you more," the Munin said to him, chuckling as he made a joke of the groom not having the best relationship with his bride's family. He wasn't married, but he knew that most in-laws were just a pain in the rear end especially to a man and when his wife's family were royals and nobles. After that, they parted into their own direction as Darco went to socialize with Faith's family and the guests, and Vilaz went to the bar to get a drink. The Mandalorian could see that there were Republic senators and officers attending the wedding, and Vilaz did not like that at all. He thought of it as a bad idea, but he would just ignore them. This was Draco and Faith's moment, not his.

However, he would keep his guard up and try not to cause a ruckus.

"Use stun weapons only. There are Republic peeps in here, but let's not try to kill someone," the Cuir Rekr said to his son and clansmen that were attending the wedding via commlink. While he didn't trust the Republic at all, he was sure that there wouldn't be a mess at all and that this wedding would go smooth and straight.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Forlon nodded at Kays comment. They would indeed be unpopular but Willam had been assured his safety if he attended. He had never directly fought the Mandalorians in battle. Sure he had ordered troops to engage them in the defense of worlds but never fought them. He did not see them as an enemy. He knew they looked on the Republic as an enemy but he was no longer A republican. Now here he was among them, many of their eyes bearing down on him. He was used to that, he was just as unpopular int he senate and somehow knew that more members of the galactic Senate had wanted him dead then the current guest list here. And now, after what he had done he was sure the Senate, at least a majority of it, would want his head on a pike. That thought made him smile, the senate was an impotent legislative body at best and Forlon knew many if not all of the senior military staff would not raise a hand to him.
Forlon waited for Kay to finish then gave a slight grunt before he spoke.

"Forgive me, Madam President, Congratulations on your position." Forlon said correcting his mistake. "Yes Happiness, In this galaxy if one can find such a thing one must hold onto it. It is not something one finds often in this time. I wish them the best" said Forlon

[member="Lady Kay"]
Rianna laughed "well we can't have you starving when there is all this food" It was then that Draco came up, she laughed "Auntie huh well I may be your Aunt once your married."

Fortunately Marcello spoke for himself he never had an issue with that as she recalled, a bit amused to see the tall blonde standing with who was his complete opposite. It would seem from that very first meeting on Coruscant so long that she and Marcello were the only ones left. Of course they had gone on made other friends, and changed alligiances as the galaxy shifted.

But they were friends still after all that, "I'm glad you could come Marcello it has been too long. Draco are you hungry? Or do you have other guests to greet? There were very few Mando'ade there no unusual, ceremonies of this type did not usually appeal to them.

[member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Draco Vereen"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was not in the same boat as [member="Willam Forlon"] . She was not guaranteed safety. And she had not been a part of the Republic since she was fired as soon as Jack Sparrow took office. But the truth didn't always matter in the grand scheme of things.

She had noticed surprised looks from others, as well as not so happy ones. And she didn't wish to ruin anyone's day just for being there. "We all deserve the best. If more people were happy, then there'd be less conflict. Speaking of which, I really should be going. I'm unsure of when my visitor's visa expires and I would want to be back home when it does. Enjoy the ceremony and festivities. I'm sure that I'll see it on the holonews."

Not waiting for a reply, Kay bowed her head and then walked back along the path towards the dock where The Free Lady was waiting. She signalled her pilot with a few short beeps on her commlink to let him know that she was on her way.
"A pleasure to meet you as well, Marcello, and thank you. I didn't mean to interrupt anything, just making the quick greetings since I will be ignoring everyone once Faith comes out." Draco took that man's offered hand in a firm handshake and offered him a warm smile. It was hard for Draco to be dour right now, though he was a little worried about what the queen mother, Arianna was doing behind the scenes. She had welcomed him to the family, but he wasn't sure. Plus Alyesa had come out of the woodwork all of a sudden, and neither of those two were especially fond of the Barbarian. "Again, it was a pleasure meeting you Marcello, and its always nice to see you Auntie." Draco said, giving Rianna a quick, friendly kiss on the cheek and bowing as he departed from the pair that seemed to go way back into the days long before he ever thought of hitting the galactic scene.

The Mandalorian groom made his way across the room to the former Supreme Commander, waiting long enough so that he's companion had gone. Draco had liked Kay once, but ever since he had fallen he couldn't look at her for very long. Perhaps that would change in time. "Mister Forlorn. How are you this evening?" Draco asked, clasping the older man's forearm as a greeting as he situated himself on a stool.

There was a lot he could say to the former Supreme Commander, but he was better than the last one, and better than the current one, having sustained the position well throughout the Cold War process. Now he was around, and Draco had some doubts about his leaving and where his loyalties would lie once the chips fell. Besides, in the end this was supposed to be a happy day, and Faith liked Forlorn enough to invite him.

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Willam Forlon"]
Arla had gotten lost in the background, she didn't mind though all of this was nice but it felt a bit hollow. She could only think of how many people this could have fed somewhere else, or what the credits could have bought in ways of machinery, supplies, and necessities.

if this was what it meant to be royal it was a nice place to visit but she didn't want to live here. She put some other foods on her plate she wanted to try different things for certain, they looked interesting, colorful, but would they taste as nice.

Arla wandered towards where the ceremony would take place, lots of chairs, lots of light, ok this part was pretty nice, simple. She could see more guests filing in, having drinks eating with their fingers. Somethings were always the same.
Marcello managed a smile at Draco as he returned the greeting before hastening his departure. The Naboo native could understand, though he'd yet to be in the man's position. In time that would undoubtedly cease to be a reality. Though...Marcello rather desperately wanted something simple and small. He rather doubted the reality of either his or [member="Kiskla Grayson"]'s position would permit that, however.

Once the groom had departed, Marcello returned his attention to Rianna. "Oh I'm certain that I will get to it." No seriously. He was positive that he would eat food in rather short order. "What have you been up to lately? I don't think we've even had the opportunity to speak since your wedding, and I daresay that a great deal has transpired since that time."

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] | [member="Draco Vereen"]
Claire watched as [member="Lady Kay"] departed oh that would make Faith unhappy, she wondered why she had left. There was safety here, and plenty of food, and company, she frowned unsure of what she could have missed that would have made the woman leave.

She watched the blonde locks of the King of Naboo, [member="Marcello Matteo"] escort her cousin Rianna in to get something to eat, oh good. Hopefully there's plenty in there. Nobles of Alderaan arrived nodding and Claire smiled, not knowing one from the other really, well she had all the pictures she greeted when she could but mostly observed.

And now look oh goodness [member="Draco Vereen"] was talking with guests. What was he going to say? Oh he won't make any of those crude ball and chain jokes will he? She'd have to smack him for Faith.

Course Claire just saw Arianna walking around too, and rumor was [member="Alyesa Organa"] was in with Faith now so...and who is that redhead in the mando armor? And whose the other guy running around with Draco, [member="Vilaz Munin"] he looked like he could use a suit and the redhead could use a dress, right?


She saw the Supreme Commander [member="Willam Forlon"] oh yes that is who draco was speaking with good.

OMG was that [member="Jack Sparrow"] the Chancellor?????!!!!!

She needed another glass of champagne.
Forlon watched Kay step away without a word and walk out of the hall. HE watched as she disappeared around the corner and out of sight. He wondered if something had spooked her or worse, if she knew something he did not. He doubted she did, Willam had paid a hefty sum of money to get any and all information he could on the wedding and its participant's. He knew the formor Republican was not liked in many circles, but she had been invited. Maybe she just needed to find less hostile surroundings. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Draco walking up to greet him. The man extended his arm and shook Willams Hand.

"Ah Good thank you. Congratulations on your nuptials." said Willam as the two men released each others hand. "I hope my presence here doesnt cause too much drama. I know many here might rather see me on a pike than in a suit." said Willam with a grin cracking the edge of his lip.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Thanks." Draco said and leaned against the bar, "Eh, you think you are out of place?" Draco waved a hand around the room they were in, filled with nobles, dignitaries, aristocrats, and diplomats, and a small corner of Mandalorians off on there own, terribly out of place. "Please, I'm a barbarian marrying a princess. If it wasn't for the fact that I was the groom, they wouldn't have let me past the doors." He laughed a little, but in truth, he was out of place in venues like this. He enjoyed going with Faith places, but he didn't really fit in many of them. Draco was working on it, being more presentable so she could show him off to her friends.

"I heard about you parting ways with the Republic." Draco said, "I know it hurt Faith a lot when she left, but, she felt like they weren't listening, like they were too stubborn and set in their ways, and with Alderaan under the protection of the clans, and you know, the cold war we were kind of in, it was a lot of stress on her. I'm glad she's not there anymore, that her reputation isn't hinged on the Republic anymore, but I'm sad she's not getting to do what she loves as much as she used to." The Mandalorian frowned a little. It was a hard change for her, but a necessary one. It would have only been a matter of time until they began using her as a hostage in Draco's mind.

"Well, you can stay for as long as you like, just don't have your boys start any trouble while your here. You might should consider applying for work, to pay the bills while you are here." Draco nodded at the man, his voice fairly clear on his intent. "I know getting a job is difficult these days, it all depends on the people you know, the people you can get to put in a good word for you."

[member="Willam Forlon"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

"well let's see how long has it been. hmm. Well as you can see we finally got Alderaan back to normal no thanks to the Republic, the Mandalorians now serve as our protectors which you can imagine makes us very happy. I've had two children, Maeve and Dral. Ordo has almost retired from the warrior life and now directs much of the farming activities for Alderaan, and Aldera, and I'm building medical facilities"

They walked towards the buffet, "I see many things here you might enjoy, oh and there's emerald wine from the Organa Vinerium, you should be sure to have a glass" She picked up a plate handing one over to him and one for herself, "So what is new with you?" She began putting items on her place.
Marcello accepted the plate from [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"], but he didn't immediately respond to her own question. "I have to be honest, and I mean no offense, but I can't really see why it is that accepting Mandalorian dominion makes anyone on Alderaan 'very happy'. The reality of galactic governance exists, of course, and I completely understand the need for protection. However, I should think that Mandalorian culture is rather...opposite to Alderaan culture, historically." With a free hand, Marcello waved dismissively. "I'm sorry. Talking politics seems to be an increasing trend for me. A disturbing one, to boot. I've been well."

New? Well...yeah quite a bit.

"I've recently retired completely from my duties as a Jedi. I spend most of my time focusing on giving back to my people on Naboo." Marcello managed a hesitant smile. "Rest assured it's no easy feat. I think the ceremonial training is the worst. Seriously...who needs that many forks to eat a meal? It's just ridiculous."
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

"we have been friends too long to mince words Marcello, and yes you are right the historical peace loving citizens of Alderaan who believed in natural beauty and conservation to save their world for generations. Got abandoned by the Republic and spent time occupied by the Sith who altered our homeworld into, well an abomination."

Rianna picked up fruit and a few vegetables, "So alliances made with those that look to have the good of Alderaan at heart, who marry into our House to create stronger ties and honor the requests of Alderaan citizens, yes, the Mando'ade were wel comed. They have invested in Alderaan just like we have. Besides Alderaan hides their fighting spirit behind the premise of being a tree hugger."

She looked up at him, "and don't sweat the etiquette classes, I took them for a long time before I joined the Jedi, no one looks at what fork you have once you're done. They are too busy eating and drinking at your expense." She smiled at him.

"If Naboo needs anything Marcello, House Organa will be there. Alderaan remembers the service performed and the help offered by its King when others turned away."

Yes they remembered well.

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