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I See a Blood Moon Rising [Mandalorian Dominion of Gromas]

[member="Mrrew"] [member="Darth Odium"]

Oh Darth Odium would find that Danger Arceneau wasn't a girl to walk into a room with a known Sith infidel without a measure of protection. That necklace that hung between her breasts was a Taozin Amulet, and that wasn't counting the Zeltron perfume dabbed at the pulse points of her skin. For one who would be so keen on pheromones, that of a Zeltron would waft in a seductive cloud were he to get closer.

Granted, the touch of that tendril of drain life would be felt. Like a shudder of waning strength, she would feel it. But would she show its effect?

When the Void froze over.

She would paste a cordial smile upon her face, walking right past Odium towards [member="Mrrew"]. "I am glad you agree, Mistah Mrrew." she'd coo out, that turadium backbone that saw her through her start and to where she was now keeping her focus.

She'd move to a desk, where she had the legality of the contract and buying of stock prepared. Slinking into the seat, she would open a drawer, from it's depths she'd pull a datachip that would be attached to another datapad. She was grateful for sitting, it would allow her a measure of rest. It was only through sheer grit and practiced determination that she managed to work through that subtle draining feeling. A Sith Lord whose speciality was to drain the life and the Force of other beings was not one to bat their eyes of.

A push of a button would reveal the contract. She would slide it over to Mrrew to review with her left hand, her right upon the drawer. "Then if we have a deal..... sign here. Your credits will be transferred forthwith."

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
Kila laughed when the Initiate mentioned Dathomir. "I remember that." She offered. "One of the Dathomiri men picked a fight with one of the soldiers who had come along. Someone recorded it...never did find out what happened to the recording." She mused, then remembered the 'Breeder Horak' line and had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing again.

Kote shook his head. "I miss all the good ones." He muttered. Kila glanced at him. "You missed Elrood and the Sith campaign too, don't feel sorry for yourself. And who knows, maybe you'll get the famous Cadau Knee Injury on your first go. My buir has one, your buir has one, their buir had one, I have one..."

Mrrew stepped over to the desk, careful to stand in a way where he could see [member="Darth Odium"] out of the corner of his eye. Something was off about the Nautolan. He dind't want to turn his back on him. Mrerw read the contract over briefly, focusing on the fine print just in case, before removing a huge pen from one of the pockets on his belt. He'd learned to bring his own pens- nearly every single one in the galaxy was smaller then his pinky finger. Ever tried to sign a contract with a pen you can barely hold? Mrrew nodded to [member="Danger Arceneau"], and scrawled his name on the dotted line. "The stock is yours." Mrrew stood back up from huncing over the document. He hoped that he wasn't losing credits int he long runby doing this- selling his stock in the only phrik firm in the galaxy... Hopefully the eleven million creidts and uspply contract would even itself out.
As the rest of her team took seat next to her she could help but smile she would have to thanks [SIZE=13.63636302948px][member="Captain Larraq"] As she look at the ones being from Mandal Hypernautics security. As she could see this was going to be a fun ride. As there ship carried something more then just weapons. It came to be that they had mining [/SIZE]equipment[SIZE=13.63636302948px] already to go after the area ready. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Opening up a commlink to the Captain Larraq, "This is Rally Master Calum, we about ready with our part. ", pausing before she knew him more then a lot of her vod. "I hope your enjoying that hot tea, save me a cup after this is done, dear." [/SIZE]
Satine looked at her comm and then looked at the message. He was going off into battle she did not worry for his safety she knew him to be the most capable in handling himself and if it were his time while she would lose her soul she would know he went doing what he did best. Still though she would answer him, and give him thoughts to make him tread carefully.

[member="Nolan Detta"] I am waiting having just finished shopping for something small, light, and sheer. Be safe cyar'ika.

Ok, maybe she was a bit worried.

Darth Odium

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Odium clapped happily for them both. His arms outstretched and his smile broad. She was doing well, very well, he liked that....he liked her dedication to herself. He liked how she took control from the moment she walked in despite the fact this was one place she didn't own. He liked that she didn't panic when she began to slowly lose life. It was refreshing in a small way. Despite her soft exterior she had the stubborn determination he....(gulp) Quinn.

He smiled and reached into his satchel, unzipped a small, pocket and palmed a datachip. He didn't have an interest in her money, it meant nothing, her figure was not attractive to him, and her pride was irksome, but she had moxie, that he wouldn't deny. He set the datachip on the table with the stock portfolio on it and the signed over rights to the silly mine. His comlink had chirped his ship was loaded ten minutes ago and he had no desire for the brutish Ordonculous to come find him.

"One ship of your choosing, one full fuel tank, and one possible favor in the future and the ten percent is yours right now."
Down goes the river, as it streams down yer face,
Down goes the world, down goes yer grace!
Oh, and falling is yer soul, falling is yer fate,
Down goes it all,
As we stand by heaven's gate.
Oh! Down goes the river, and down goes you!

Being the new one felt odd. After years of living alone (in a frozen wasteland, of all places) Kraigmiir had forgotten all about being... social. Thanks to her appearance, none of the others had really been to keen on speaking with her either. That was alright though. The hulking red-eyed Null was okay with that. Fighting was her choice of 'conversation'. Hmm... that sounded very Echani. Our large friend here was not an Echani warrior though. No, she was (now) a Mandalorian. Before that she had been a bounty hunter. Now she was a member of the strongest force in the galaxy. Here she was, with her... what was the word in Mando'a?... Vods. Yes, her kin. Her kind of people. It made her smile. Of course... if she hadn't been wearing a helmet, some might have been disturbed by the site. Scars littered her body. Her face was not spared. One half appeared to have been horribly burned, her eyes glowed red, and her teeth seemed unnecessarily sharp. That, of course, is what happens when one is taken by a rogue Sith Lord. So, yes, it was a good thing she wore a helm like her vod. Even if she stood out because of her lack of Beskar'gam. It was better to have the wrong armor than to have no armor and look like she did.
Or so the lass thought.

"We're Mandalorians, vod. We'll all see great battles someday. Just fight hard and true, never let anyone slow you down. Someday you'll be the one telling the stories about our greatest fights." It was the first time she had spoken since getting on the transport. But when [member="Kila Cadau"] had started speaking to the cadets... she felt the need to chime in, however briefly. After a moment she regretted it. Her voice sounded low, rough. More like that of a demon's than one of a once-peaceful, God-loving girl. At least her Basic wasn't as broken as it usually was. She'd been practicing quite often. Being nine-feet tall was awkward. Being nine-feet tall and not knowing how to speak the most commonly spoken language in the galaxy was really awkward. At least Kraigmiir was good with a blaster (and blade). They'd accept her after she proved she could crack a few skulls, right?... Hopefully. Eventually she'd worm her way into their hearts as if she was a little parasite. However, it would be their enemies who'd suffer for her arrival into Mandalorian culture... That got really weird, really quickly. Good thing this was all in her mind, and not out loud for the others to hear.
[member="Ordo"] | [member="Azrael"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Naast'ika Laaran"] | [member="Evi Sohl"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | @Anyone else

Anija sighed and lifted two fingers to rub at her visor for a moment. Sure, she was good at negotiating, but this, was wearing even her patience thin. She frowned for a moment and glanced back at Muad, giving him a nod before she turned back to the discussion with the group of businessmen across the table. She didn't even really care what company they were with didn't now.

It was odd. The Mandalorians were a warrior culture. As a whole, they thrived on it. There were a few exceptions to that generality, of course. And she counted herself among them. Since Teta things for the Mandalorians had been in a state of flux. They had lost their leader. And the process of selecting a new leader had been more drawn out than most had expected. That had been resolved when Preliat had named Azrael as his choice. She chuckled slightly. He had given voice to what most of them had been thinking.

Shrugging mentally she turned her attention back to the task at hand. Gromas. A system on the edge of Mandalorian space. And, it contained a material that many, including the Mandalorians used in shipbuilding and armor construction. Phrik. Right now, most of the mines were controlled by a company called Mohc Extractives or some such. She hadn't paid much attention.

What she was more concerned with now was, securing access to, several of the small moons for Mandalorian mining interests. If they could gain access to enough, they should be able to take control of the majority of them. And that, was exactly what she was after.

Note: My group is not on Gromas 16
[member="Mrrew"] [member="Darth Odium"]

"A pleasure doing business, Mistah Mrrew," she'd say in turn after his use of the ID probe to take a drop of his blood for ID purposes, but that throaty drawl would have an edge of a tremor. It was taking all her willpower to keep herself focused and to face Odium squarely. Breathing in and out.


"Then I suggest you take one of the Nexus-E Starfighters in the hanger bay, Mistah Odium." she would reply, emerald eyes looking at him straight in the eyes. Don't you dare look away, Danger. Don't you dare!

"One starship, full tank of gas, and a potential favor is yours if you sign it over," she'd tell him in turn, her index finger swiping across the display screen of her datapad. There she would have a small Identity probe - that would take a pinprick of his blood to Identify him. Had to dot her i's and cross her t's.

"Verify identity and we have a deal."
Once [member="Danger Arceneau"] turned her focus back on [member="Darth Odium"]m, Mrrew stood up. He knew danger was good for her credits- he didn't need to stick around to wait for her to transfer the credits. And he didn't much like the idea of sticking around to have a chat with Mandalorians. Not that he had anything against them, but... Who wants to deal with two hundred guys in indestrucitable armor and assault rifles? No thanks. "If we're done here?" Mrrew asked Danger, eyeing both the door and Odium.
[member="Kila Cadau"] [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]

Ordo was on his feet as quickly as he had ever been and out the door. His heavy boots crunched the rocky soil beneath him as he shouldered his shotgun and moved to take a knee covering the others as they came out of the drop ship. The engineers and other techies started to get comm gear into place along with setting up the prefab base that had been deployed along with the troops. This was just one of the many moons and they may be leaving vode here to hold the base of operations while they continued along to other moons but he didn't want to start guessing at what their new Mand'alor had planned.

"Should we set up a perimeter and start patrols?" he ask over his shoulder.
Rianna was in the process of taking the Thranta from the frigate to transport a responder team below. This group she had not sent a team with for one particular reason, it gave her opportunity to spy on someone.

In moments she was turning to set their ship down she could see soldiers fanning out and the engineers putting up the deployable buildings. She smiled for some reason. On the ground she walked slowly out taking in the landscape it was harsh and crunched under her feet.

She turned to the team, "Ok you should have what you need but check. Just in case, I don't know how quickly we will be back, it's important to have everything" They nodded and headed toward the prefab their pallet of supplies and equipment waited.

Rianna watched for a familiar movement. Lumber. Gait. Instead she saw him on his knees covering everyone. Back in protector mode. She crossed her fingers that this would help calm his doubts and thoughts of self incrimination.

She switched her comm to private " Jas'ika if you wanted to be on your knees I would have put you there". She teased him.

She watched around them. Just to be sure there was no danger. And not to interfere with his duties. Much. :)


Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
[member="Ordo"] [member="Kraigmiir Hijiin"]

Kila nodded at the man who'd spoken and did a quick count of the number of combatants. Jare - five, her - six, the two initiates - eight. Two patrols of three each would leave two to defend, two patrols of two each would leave four to defend, three patrols of two each would still leave two to defend but the patrols would cover more ground in less time. Wait, no, there was the transfer from Red Legion - so an extra soldier guarding the techies while they constructed the prefab base, no problems there.

For the patrols, pair the rookies with the experienced ones. First patrol, heading north Kila and Krag, second patrol heading southeast the veteran initiate and the Kote, third patrol heading southwest Corr and Red Legion transfer. Vila, Tvyark, and Mattis would stay at the base.

I need to learn some names pretty soon. She decided. For a moment she hesitated, wanting to bring Kote along with her and sent Krag off with the veteran initiate, but she shook off the idea, deciding that it would be good to push Kote to put his trust in someone he didn't know. As she thought, she drummed her gauntleted fingers against the hilt of the knife strapped at her thigh - the one Ordo had given her, and the one she'd given to Kara. The girl had left it behind before she'd gone to Bimmel and vanished into thin air. Probably dead. Shame, but she was marching in another field now.

"Krag, you're with me. You, I don't know your name, I'm sorry - " she pointed at the veteran initiate " - you and Kote are scouting out the southeast portion. Corr, you and him - " she indicated the Red Legion transfer " - you're scoping the southwest portion. Krag and I will take the north portion. Vila, Tyvark, Mattis, you stay here with the techies and try to keep them from dying."

Leadership, she'd discovered, was easier when you knew who you were leading. She switched over to a private comm line with Kote for a moment. "Take care, Kot'ika. I'd rather not explain to ba'vodu that I sent his kid off to get blasted." She joked. Kote laughed. That was good. "I will." He promised with a certain amount of cheerfulness mixed in amongst the nerves. Kila smiled behind her helmet as she cut off the link. He was a good kid. He'd be a good soldier, too.
Countess Calum Teramo said:
[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Opening up a commlink to the Captain Larraq, "This is Rally Master Calum, we about ready with our part. ", pausing before she knew him more then a lot of her vod. "I hope your enjoying that hot tea, save me a cup after this is done, dear." [/SIZE]
Rygel Larraq pulled the steaming cup to his lips and took a sip of the warm beverage. He allowed himself to savor both the taste and the smell of it before returning the cup to its saucer on the arm rest of the captain's chair. He had only switched to the tea after multiple crewmembers had brought up their concern over his drinking and smoking during combat operations. His men needed to know that their commander was clear eyed and ready to lead them wisely. So... He has put away the whiskey and gotten addicted to the caffeine from his expensive brand of tea.

A single beep of acknowledgement would be routed through one of the Concordance Mining Barges and directed at Countess Teramo's transport. The woman, ever eager to prove her acceptance of the Mandalorian way of life, had chosen to be among the front lines for this mission. She had no need to check in with Larraq, the woman was free to take actions as she saw fit. As best as Larraq could tell, she would be leading ground survey teams personally into the dark interior of one moon or another.

Brave and commendable.

But as always, Larraq was of better use in a command center than on the battlefield.

The first and second survey ship attained close orbits over their assigned moons and reported that they had begun scanning for overall planetary density, magnetic, sonic, and radio pings from near-surface mineral pockets, and the dozen or so other ways in which they would identify the most valuable balls of rock and metal that orbited Gromas. The first three of the slower and less specialized mining freighters signaled their arrival at each of their assigned moons. They too were initiating the same scanning process, though they would likely take longer to achieve the same effect and move on to the next target. The remaining eleven ships continued to race through the dark void of space to reach their intended targets. It would take time... More than Larraq would like... And less than one would expect. But it would take time all the same.

For the duration of the time, the pair of Concordance-class Mining Barges would slowly approach the first cluster of moons, the two hidden companion ships would glide forward silently, and a team of lawyers would work from within the Skira-class CIC Battleship to draft up a very special pair of documents.

Darth Odium

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He smiled broadly and slid the data card across the table.

<<No need.>> he told her stopping his game with her life, <<I had a contract drawn up before I arrived. The mine was yours>> he checked the wall chrono, <<fifteen minutes ago. Have a nice day Mizz Arceneau.>>

He turned and walked casually toward the door.
[member="Mrrew"] [member="Darth Odium"]

Danger would narrow her eyes, but would call after the Nautolan. "I still need an identity confirmation." her finger would tap the datapad. She'd done it for the Togorian and she'll need to for Odium.

"Legal is legal." just a press of his finger was all he'll need to do to confirm. She wasn't taking any chances.

"After that gentlemen... we are done."
Mrrew Darth Odium [member="Dissero"]

It was at that time that the insistent beeping of her comm would take her attention for the moment. Thankfuly, the Darth had put to a halt the siphoning of her life, but she felt exhausted, weary. It took great intestinal fortitude to keep it hidden behind that cordial expression.

Still keeping an eye on Darth Odium so that he would complete the identity scan, she would pick up the call.

[ Good evening... Danger Arceneau speaking. ]

Darth Odium

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He looked back, his hand reached hungrily for the lightsaber beneath his cloak and he stopped.

"No, deal then." he said and turned back to the door and began making his way back to his ship. The data chip still lay on the table, legitimate as anything. He didn't blame her for not trusting him but he wouldn't be giving her more than the finger prints on the card and lighter, not that easily.
[ Miss Arceneau, my name is Ereza Kep. I represent the owner of the last 16.6% shares of Moch Extractives, here forward to be referred to as Mr. Black. ]

The call was, if Danger had any inclination to do so, traceable to the planet of Coruscant. Not entirely curious, given the very high population of wealthy individuals on the planet.

[ I understand there is a situation at the Headquarters. What exactly are we dealing with here, Miss Arceneau? ]

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

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