Rise and Rise Again
Now that the mission had started and her vod was busy in their various missions (and the writer turns around to see 52 posts in a day! URK! Sorry guys how am I late again!?), Ginnie Ordo crept out of the dropship and started looking around. She was on one of the Gromas moons, but the child didn't know which one. Hadn't gotten that far, it seemed, when she snuck aboard. Sure her Dad could pull at the blood trail linking father to daughter, but Ginnie hoped he was a bit too busy protecting people and helping the Mando'ade to notice his thirteen year old had snuck on the mission.
Then Ginnie saw her Mom. "Aw sticks and vinegar I forgot Mom was here. I'm so gonna get in trouble." She plastered herself behind a wall and sighed. Mom was even better at that sort of thing, with her Jedi powers. Just as Ginnie began thinking up a really good excuse as to why she'd snuck onto a dropship and had run off from her chores on the Ranch again, Wembley sniffed her hand. "Shh. No boy, sit. I mean it, sit down." The Tuk'ata sniffed the air, catching the scent of familiar bodies.
"Oh no. . . no. . . Wembley come back here!" The Tuk'ata pup raced off straight for [member="Ordo"] and took a position beside the hulking man, Wembley's body standing protectively beside him, growling and snapping his jaws outward toward the distance in an attempt to help Ginnie's Dad. "Wembley!" Ginnie yelped, running after her pet before seeing where the Tuk'ata ended up. She skidded to a halt as her HUD did a 360 degree sweep and lo and behold there was Rianna be Ar'klim looking outward. "Mom! Wouldn't you know my puppy ran away!? I just had to find him, Wembley might get hurt!"
Hey, it might work. . . Maybe. . . "Ah. . . need help? Does 'he' need a bodyguard?"
[member="Ordo"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Evi Sohl"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]
Then Ginnie saw her Mom. "Aw sticks and vinegar I forgot Mom was here. I'm so gonna get in trouble." She plastered herself behind a wall and sighed. Mom was even better at that sort of thing, with her Jedi powers. Just as Ginnie began thinking up a really good excuse as to why she'd snuck onto a dropship and had run off from her chores on the Ranch again, Wembley sniffed her hand. "Shh. No boy, sit. I mean it, sit down." The Tuk'ata sniffed the air, catching the scent of familiar bodies.
"Oh no. . . no. . . Wembley come back here!" The Tuk'ata pup raced off straight for [member="Ordo"] and took a position beside the hulking man, Wembley's body standing protectively beside him, growling and snapping his jaws outward toward the distance in an attempt to help Ginnie's Dad. "Wembley!" Ginnie yelped, running after her pet before seeing where the Tuk'ata ended up. She skidded to a halt as her HUD did a 360 degree sweep and lo and behold there was Rianna be Ar'klim looking outward. "Mom! Wouldn't you know my puppy ran away!? I just had to find him, Wembley might get hurt!"
Hey, it might work. . . Maybe. . . "Ah. . . need help? Does 'he' need a bodyguard?"
[member="Ordo"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Evi Sohl"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Rianna be Ar'klim"]