Respectfully, more difficult how, exactly?
Currently, Annihilations are BY FAR the hardest thing to pull off on Chaos. Destroying a planet requires:
- 400+ posts, vastly more than anything else (next closest is an invasion or capital change at 100+ posts)
- 10+ unique writers from the attacking faction, who must all post within 72 hours (invasions require only 5+)
- A successful judgement for the attackers at the end (and the only one so far won by only 1 category)
I keep seeing posts talking as if launching an Annihilation instantly means a planet is destroyed, and that is
emphatically untrue. Just because the first one succeeded doesn't mean another one will. How would we make it more difficult? Require even more posts? Even more writers? Stack the judgement against the attackers?
It's already hard, and with a four month cooldown (and most factions apparently not interested in launching them) they're not at all common.
I guess the big question underlying the question of Annihilations is this: do we want Chaos to be a
place, a sandbox where people can play their characters against any backdrop from Star Wars without worrying about what other characters have done, or do we want Chaos to be a
timeline, a series of interwoven stories where our characters' choices have meaningful consequences. Personally, I'm in favor of the latter. I want to see a Chaos that forms its own epic story, not a generic backdrop.
That said, if you want to roleplay on Csilla (even though it's been blown up), there is nothing in the rules to prohibit you from doing so. Lots of people plunk down threads on planets with long Chaos histories without looking into what has happened there at all, and that's fine; so far as I know, no one has ever been banned for not doing their research. If (and it's a BIG if) Korriban goes kablooey, and you decide to fire your ignore cannon and roleplay there, I don't think staff will stop you.
Annihilations motivate people, and whether they succeed or fail, they create meaningful stories. Isn't that why we're here?