I'm a pretty big private threader and the solution I've come to is to just ignore it all. Just pick up and play, no need to do homework.
If you're just here to have some stories with pals I don't think you should feel the onus to study the history and consequences of past PVP actions, especially as time goes by, I don't. I like to think I'm on a separate PVE server with me and my chums most of the time.
This has always been a possibility, and always will be. It's what I'd point to for everyone who's concerned.
Personally, I
love researching the Chaos canon histories of planets. When I launch a dominion / junction / invasion / annihilation or whatever I'm launching, I spend
hours looking through old threads with the search function, reading codex subs and roleplays of yesteryear, to make sure that I honor a place's history and incorporate it into my writing. That's fun for me. I
know it's not fun for everyone, and it would be silly for me to get upset when people just want to do their writing on a planet from the movies without any research into Chaos history. There is nothing in the rules that requires you to acknowledge anything that's happened in Chaos's past.
If you want to go do private threads on Csilla, go nuts! I ain't mad. But it's out of the map game, and I'm going to keep using its destruction to tell stories. We worked hard for that. Csilla is dead, long live Csilla, because it's immortal now; not only does it get mentioned in stories
constantly, its ruins are the site of a current Junction. I'd like all the people who are saying "oh, it destroys all roleplay potential" to take a look at that. Csilla has been used and referenced more since it blew up than at any other time in Chaos history. I'm not here to spit in anybody's corn flakes and take away their toys, I'm here to tell a story that builds lore and has consequences.
A story that you are
free to ignore in your own writing.
If Korriban blows up, and that's a big
if, I suspect its destruction will
also fuel some amazing new narratives. But if you want to have your Sith show up there and thread about some old tombs, I have no intention of policing your fun, and I don't think site staff does either.
One compromise might be to allow us to do "Restoration" thread types where we undo the damage caused to annihilated worlds. I'd be satifisfied with that as an option, given Byss and Alderaan have both been restored in our site lore anyway.
I would respectfully argue that this would turn Annihilations into nothing more than really difficult, gimped invasions. If you succeed, you take away a hex from another faction - or not, if you're attacking an unaffiliated world. But you don't take the hex over for your faction, you just take it away; the only benefit over normal invasions is you can target it inside faction borders. So then another faction comes in and does a Restoration thread, and boom, the planet's back? In Star Wars canon, nobody can do that. In Chaos canon, only Omni can do that.
If we're going to take away the permanent consequences of Annihilations, then we should make their requirements the same as invasions: 100 posts, five unique writers minimum per side. They cease to become in any way special if they're basically just an invasion that can then be undone with basically just a dominion.