Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 I think Annihilations were a bad idea.


Tefka Tefka One compromise might be to allow us to do "Restoration" thread types where we undo the damage caused to annihilated worlds. I'd be satifisfied with that as an option, given Byss and Alderaan have both been restored in our site lore anyway.


here for your dad
I'm a pretty big private threader and the solution I've come to is to just ignore it all. Just pick up and play, no need to do homework.

If you're just here to have some stories with pals I don't think you should feel the onus to study the history and consequences of past PVP actions, especially as time goes by, I don't. I like to think I'm on a separate PVE server with me and my chums most of the time.
I'm a pretty big private threader and the solution I've come to is to just ignore it all. Just pick up and play, no need to do homework.

If you're just here to have some stories with pals I don't think you should feel the onus to study the history and consequences of past PVP actions, especially as time goes by, I don't. I like to think I'm on a separate PVE server with me and my chums most of the time.
This has always been a possibility, and always will be. It's what I'd point to for everyone who's concerned.

Personally, I love researching the Chaos canon histories of planets. When I launch a dominion / junction / invasion / annihilation or whatever I'm launching, I spend hours looking through old threads with the search function, reading codex subs and roleplays of yesteryear, to make sure that I honor a place's history and incorporate it into my writing. That's fun for me. I know it's not fun for everyone, and it would be silly for me to get upset when people just want to do their writing on a planet from the movies without any research into Chaos history. There is nothing in the rules that requires you to acknowledge anything that's happened in Chaos's past.

If you want to go do private threads on Csilla, go nuts! I ain't mad. But it's out of the map game, and I'm going to keep using its destruction to tell stories. We worked hard for that. Csilla is dead, long live Csilla, because it's immortal now; not only does it get mentioned in stories constantly, its ruins are the site of a current Junction. I'd like all the people who are saying "oh, it destroys all roleplay potential" to take a look at that. Csilla has been used and referenced more since it blew up than at any other time in Chaos history. I'm not here to spit in anybody's corn flakes and take away their toys, I'm here to tell a story that builds lore and has consequences.

A story that you are free to ignore in your own writing.

If Korriban blows up, and that's a big if, I suspect its destruction will also fuel some amazing new narratives. But if you want to have your Sith show up there and thread about some old tombs, I have no intention of policing your fun, and I don't think site staff does either.

One compromise might be to allow us to do "Restoration" thread types where we undo the damage caused to annihilated worlds. I'd be satifisfied with that as an option, given Byss and Alderaan have both been restored in our site lore anyway.

I would respectfully argue that this would turn Annihilations into nothing more than really difficult, gimped invasions. If you succeed, you take away a hex from another faction - or not, if you're attacking an unaffiliated world. But you don't take the hex over for your faction, you just take it away; the only benefit over normal invasions is you can target it inside faction borders. So then another faction comes in and does a Restoration thread, and boom, the planet's back? In Star Wars canon, nobody can do that. In Chaos canon, only Omni can do that.

If we're going to take away the permanent consequences of Annihilations, then we should make their requirements the same as invasions: 100 posts, five unique writers minimum per side. They cease to become in any way special if they're basically just an invasion that can then be undone with basically just a dominion.
Restoration of Annihilated planets is not planned at this time and if it was, it’d be a Dominion on crack that nobody in their right mind would want to do due to the lack of excitement surrounding it.
To expand, I think rebuilding planets isn’t accomplished via organic roleplay. I think it’d have to be a scripted event that the community wants. And given we’re on our second Annihilation that has successfully met the requirements for judgement, I’d wager the community majority vastly supports Annihilations over the alternative.

Its been six months and we’re only on our second Annihilation as a community. I daresay the concept is progressing exactly as it was designed, Staff’s enjoying them despite the burden of judgement, and the majority of the community is enjoying partaking in them.

I’ll sacrifice a dozen more canon planets to continue that brand of entertainment.
These are a few of my thoughts on the issue. They do have some down side which I will point out later.

Pros for Annihilations:

1. Realism: In fiction as in real life there needs to stakes and consequences. There are groups out there that destroy history, legacy, and things we hold sacred. Sometimes those things get destroyed in war or even on accident as well by sides that didnt intend for such a thing to happen. We cant just say well I like it to much it shouldn't get destroyed in real life nor should you be able to do that in fiction. Even fiction needs some ground rules in reality. Basically people are zealots and warmongers in real life they should exist in fiction as well imo.

Also I learned from disney nothing in starwars is sacred. Lol

2. This more from a writers perspective but Annihilations longer format lends to better thought fleeting and ground war posts. I dont think invasion lend enough time to that. I personally enjoy the war posts in the two annihilation threads but in invasion I find them quick and unsatisfying. Hell I even participated in a little war posting ground combat in this last annihilation and found it enjoyable.

3. Variety: it is just another type of thread for people to enjoy. Also I'm sure if it gets out of hand there are ways to put breaks on it like extending the period of time between annihilations or even putting them in time out for awhile. Simply put it's another activity to keep people posting dont take away from those who enjoy it unless it gets out of hand. You say having them might alienate people taking them away would have the same affect.

4. Less toxic: As of the moment I find annihilation less toxic then invasions granted there have only been two so not a huge measure to say they wont be in the future. Yet what I have found with annihilation is good communication between participating parties and also a very different ooc mentality when it comes to annihilations. OOCly it might seem odd but with Csilla The maw went to with the mentality of losing ooc we didn't want to see csilla go we wanted the good guys to win and succeed. Our characters wanted to destroy csilla for a variety of different reasons one being sending a message to the NIO to back off ic (cause ooc they be awesome).

We also went into knowing if we won the majority of the galaxy would hate us IC. OOC we work with every group participating so they wouldn't hate or resent us ooc as well.

This second annihilation we given a a basic concept by the crusade and we went with it the basic idea behind it was that crusade would be pushed to the point where they would do something catastrophic. The Maw would be on the opposite side though of sorts they care little for Korriban ic but the crusade is there to wipe them out so they have to survive. (Not excluding others contributions here as there were a lot of great stories going on just explaining the orginal outline). Basically a no more hero's story arch we are all the villains. So no true winners even if the planet gets destroyed.

That's the difference from invasions and Annihilations. Annihilations dont really have a winner story wise no one wins anything technically I mean if you succeed in saving a world you get personal satisfaction but that's it. I think that the fact there are stakes but no real winners makes it less toxic drama filled but I may eat these words sometime in the future.
Forgive me for asking, but I'm curious. It's been mentioned several times that the most recent annihilation thread went through by a slim margin. What parameters constitute a successful defense in an annihilation thread?

I am ambivalent about annihilation threads. Mostly because they are newly proposed and we haven't had many of them yet. My primary concern (ignoring the fact that annihilations face the same sort of disparity in resources as invasions and pvp events in all forms of media; that of size, number of members, time to post, people who give a toss vs the opposing force, etc (just personal opinion)) is to avoid them losing their impact becoming, the interest of mutually assured destruction, a gimmick or ultimatum. I do have faith in this community to refrain from that, but we shall see.

Though the story threads built from this will be great, and I do have to wonder what the Cold War era of Chaos that we are about to set foot into would be like. Tensions are sure to be high and that is excellent. <3
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