The Wolf
"I think I'll be fine with just seeing the one at a time. Reminder- not a distraction. And I've been shot at least six times this week. You should see my armor- I literally took the most protective option I could get."He didn't know how to say it, he didn't know what he wanted to say. He just knew he wanted to say something. Then, it hit him. It hit him like a blaster bolt, or a hit from a leviathan."I want to come home to you. That way I'd actually have something to come home to, you know?"He stood up proudly. He was a Mandalorian Field Marshal. He was a lot of things. He was the god-damn Wolf for crying out loud. But he had never faced a challenge like this.
"Can I be yours?"It was an innocent enough question, four simple words that meant so much more than he let on. It was hard to describe how much she meant, but she meant more than anything he had in his possession. Or even would.
[member="Aditya Amadis"]
"Can I be yours?"It was an innocent enough question, four simple words that meant so much more than he let on. It was hard to describe how much she meant, but she meant more than anything he had in his possession. Or even would.
[member="Aditya Amadis"]