L Admin
On another note, I did see mention of concern for the RPJs.
I do very much appreciate the concern for my Staff peoples, and I am now assuring the community that I will be lessening their workload, not adding to it.
Edit: For reference, the last Factory Administrator did the math last May of how many subs a single RPJ did out of the whole month. It was "80% of 350+ subs for the whole month." The well-being of the RPJs, as well as the Factory Team as a whole, is one of the highest priorities for me. I would retort to anyone expressing concern now, why did you not express concern then? A rhetorical question, as you likely were not paying attention, and rightfully so - you're not held responsible for the reason why that RPJ was in that position, nor are you held responsible for the situation's solution.
I assume full responsibility for these failures, as they have lasted far beyond any one Factory Administrator, Head Administrator, or Staff Member.
I do very much appreciate the concern for my Staff peoples, and I am now assuring the community that I will be lessening their workload, not adding to it.
Edit: For reference, the last Factory Administrator did the math last May of how many subs a single RPJ did out of the whole month. It was "80% of 350+ subs for the whole month." The well-being of the RPJs, as well as the Factory Team as a whole, is one of the highest priorities for me. I would retort to anyone expressing concern now, why did you not express concern then? A rhetorical question, as you likely were not paying attention, and rightfully so - you're not held responsible for the reason why that RPJ was in that position, nor are you held responsible for the situation's solution.
I assume full responsibility for these failures, as they have lasted far beyond any one Factory Administrator, Head Administrator, or Staff Member.