Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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IC Character Quirks

Corvus has a few tells/quirks...

1. She's had an on/off fear of electrical storms

2. She flattens the hem of her robes with the palm of her hands if she's nervous (often before she meets someone new)

3. She has a new one - kind of a cheesy grin that is brought on by the proximity of a certain other person (no prizes for guessing who)

A very little known fact is that Danger is prejudiced against Force Users. She thinks the use of the Force is a horrible crutch. The only thing worse than that are Jedi Females.

Hypocrites. The Lot of them.

Danger is also rather hopelessly a mother hen.
Unless you are currently on fire, have explosives strapped to you, are shooting at him or trying to stab him, he's generally going to be alright with you. All the above would likely be his fault anyways, his filter is not that great for what/what not to say or do.


Seeker of Enlightenment
The fact that Five-oh even has a personality is something of a quirk. However, there are some others:

  • Despite being a droid, he often still wear robes and sandals.
  • He has a pet yak named Natsumi. No, seriously.
  • Five-oh often trails off half way through a sentence and then stares upward, as if asking the heavens to finish his statement.
  • His fighting style mostly themes off of using remote droids and other small arms to devise traps based around enemy movements. He also dances a bit.
  • He thinks he might be a god in the making. I suppose that's actually not all that quirky on this board, at least for the force-wielders.
  • He absolutely and genuinely believes the Jedi are entirely stark-raving mad. How can you possibly guide the galaxy while living in seclusion from it?
  • He is something of a kind, if somewhat overbearing person. No one has any idea why he's working with the Primeval!
  • He has this tendency to be very, very sarcastic when he is tactically engaged, either in a political or military sense. People find his dry, somewhat macabre delivery....uncomfortable.
  • He literally has no idea how human emotions work. "Love," "Loss," and "Intoxication" are particularly hard for him to analyze meaningfully.
  • I based the concept for this character in terms of personality and speech as a mix of the Optimistic cult leader Zhang Jiao and the deceptive villain version of Yoshitstugu Otani. This lead to kind of a revolving door where one minute he's monologueing about the enemies own failings and the next he's declaring a miraculous and divine power.
  • His favorite color is yellow, which is why gold finishes are so common on his weapons and tools.


Don't make me bite you...
  • Sleeps with the lights on, or with a flashlight
  • Loves expensive food
  • Hasn't paid for public transportation in years
  • Has a secret soft spot for children
  • Enjoys sappy romance novels

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Rawnie has extreme social anxiety. Can't talk to strangers, even her own bounties, without feeling nervous... but she could shoot you in the face without blinking an eye.

Also loves kids.

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