Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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IC Character Quirks

Sibar Laval

If the food Sibar is about to eat is flammable, he must light it fire and then quickly put it in his mouth (The weird part is that this has nothing to do with his pyromania)
Wears his mask for a falsely perceived necessity to keep everyone else at easy with his "fearsome" (adorable) appearance.

Will purr uncontrollably and nuzzle mercilessly into your hand if you manage to find and scratch the perfect spot behind his ears.

Hates when people try to distract him with shinies. Kark those guys.


Six-O's life started as a G0-T0 Infrastructure Planning Droid, so he spends vasts amount of time analyzing and wandering off on large internal monologues. His main goal in life is the continuation and adaptation of his swollen memory core, but he makes his scratch as a mercenary and all around terrible entity, which in contradictory fashion puts him in direct danger of failing that goal. He also began his life with feminine programming, which upon achieving full self-awareness he vehemently disagreed with. It could be said that while he is cruel to all organic life, he is grudgingly, and exceptionally cruel to female organic life. He also obsesses over knowledge of Force Magicks and Alchemy, even though he can do nothing with them as a Droid.

I could actually spend a lot more time listing everything wrong with the Droid, but in the end this is just further giving me reason to procrastinate. and is not helping me through my stage fright of posting my first Dominon XD
Kyber can fall asleep anywhere as well as standing up. Sometimes when someone is really boring he'll fall asleep in the middle of them talking without meaning to, but as he usually has his helmet or flash-goggles on it leads to many'a'keks.
Don't give Triam a pen. She will, by habit, start taking it apart almost immediately. Until you take it from her, or until she needs to use it, she will repeatedly take it apart, put it back together, and take it apart again. No one's really sure why she does this.

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
Roshki loves to push people's buttons. Though she might say it's because pushing people is a] fun or b] something to do when bored, the truth is she does it to test how hard it is to drive someone away. Granted, not all people are subjected to the same amount of button-pushing, but the harder you resist the more and more she will continue to try and break you.

See, part of it stems from the fact that the people she most cared about left her. Roshki's parents, for instance: as a girl, she had a love-hate relationship with them because while they WERE her parents, usually they were too busy with work to pay her much attention. And when they finally brought her back home, the first thing they did was cart her off to some distance place. Aka, the Order. While there, her friends appeared never bothered to figure out what happened to her or try to contact her -- thus leading to another group of people seemingly abandoning her. In truth, though, most of them had been killed during a heist gone wrong that'd occurred right after her parents shipped her off.

In any case, from the moment she arrived at the Order, Roshki began to test people's patience and tried to keep herself from making friends, believing they'd either a] abandon her or b] get in the way of her return to Commenor. However, her Master, Kian Karr, refused to crack under her barrage and subsequently became the one person she truly trusted and respected.

However, when he disappeared (his writer went LOA), Roshki's world once again went upside down as she was abandoned for a third time. As of yet she refuses to acknowledge it, but deep down she isn't certain as to whether he returns or not. As a result, she's become more pricklier than ever, particularly to her current master [member="Barrien Siegfried"] and to any other Masters she might encounter, especially those on the Council.
His dark sense of humor is a coping mechanism. It is a long story (kind of) and is also related to the reason he carries a viridian bladed lightsaber on his person (the two tie into the same story arc). While he prefers to keep all but a few select people at a distance, he does have a surprisingly gentle personality in most situations. He hides his intelligence behind seeming insanity and/or outright disinterest (gives him the ability to observe things around him without anyone thinking he could prove a threat due to the inanity of most statements). Latent sensitivity (never trained in any fashion) that he attributes to 'luck' or 'bad feelings' depending on the situation, even if his sensitivity was revealed to him now (in the past he was engaged to a female Jedi who mentioned in passing that he may one day be able to be trained) he would think you were crazy, he loathes the fact that he could even possibly be and would never dedicate himself to either side if he did pursue training (good luck convincing him to though).


I can summarise Ricochet's character quark in one word:

Technology and I don't get along, really. Coming from a world with a feudal type society, where technology was at the level of horses and plows, Barrien often finds that he struggles with tech, though he's quite adept at reckless driving (minus the less because he's very good at getting in a wreck).

His main quirk is his stoic nature, and willingness to poke the bear when it comes to his apprentice: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"].

The girl gives him no end of trouble, constantly badgering him and doing what she can to undermine him, but he doesn't break under the pressure because that's how he was bred. As a Baron he cannot crack under pressure. He's only ever done so once, and it was so egregious to him that he now refuses to take a life. He would rather see himself die than kill someone at this point in his life. Could that change? Most certainly.

But yes, the stoic attitude, and the constant focus on doing what's right for the galaxy is his main quirk I think. He does not think of himself, he things of others, which these days is strange among any Jedi.

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