Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ice and Kyber does not a drink make

Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra took the words to heart, pondering them. A Jedi because I choose to be...that makes sense. One shouldn't be forced into it. They should do it willingly. The phrase made her think. Not because I have to be...I could easily choose to be a Sith, but it's not what I want. I was going to be a super soldier, but I was forced into it. I did it because I had to. But I've never wanted to hurt people. I've always wanted to protect them.

Tom Kovack

Tom's question about the meaning of the phrase prompted a few responses. Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan said it was about focus, Asher Sonata said it was about potential. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor stepped in and told them they were both right, and gave a sort of "life is what you make of it" explanation, or at least that was what Tom gleaned from his words. Master Vanagor was a man fond of inspirational speeches like this.

Trying to formulate a response of his own, Tom was a bit distracted by the arrival of Irridia Solensis , whom he recognized from previous training sessions and missions. She didn't add anything to the discussion, however. Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri had broken out of her meditation in order to listen; Tom could practically see the cogs turning beneath her Togruta headtails. Jorah zos Darnus was looking around, blinking, his horned brow furrowed as he absorbed the lesson like a sponge. Those two seemed to be the quietest of the group.

He waited for anyone else to speak, then shrugged his shoulders. None of the answers totally satisfied him, and he still didn't know what any of it had to do with lightsaber crystals. Well, he had the rest of the trip to figure it out.

Aveline gratefully held up the stack of mainly clothes as Des took half. "Thanks! Me too" she replied to Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan , returning the embrace. The presence of Des played a big part as to the reason why Aveline felt so merry and at ease. Aveline had smiled at Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri in thanks to her offer. From there Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor gave them something to ponder. Like Tom Kovack she felt stumped, and sat down stewing on its meaning in silence.

She internalised a lot of it. Much like Irridia Solensis, she hosted a debate on the topic inside her own mind. There were a lot of interesting points of view, but she had nothing substantial to say that hadn't already been implied. At least she was glad they did not all agree, it would have made for a boring discussion, and she would have felt bad about not having reached the same conclusion as everyone else. Asher Sonata kept things nice and spicy.

Aveline was only really aware of one Jedi Code, as her face was visibly engaged when Caltin recited the others he knew. It seemed that to history there was no one true way to be a Jedi. Instead it exposed a multitude of interpretations, although they all stemmed from the same base. Her first impression of the Code had been to avoid strong emotions if possible. That task seemed impossible to her.

'It's not about feeling no emotion. We get angry too, we just don't lose ourselves to it. We don't let it control us' she thought, repeating in her own words the sentiment shared by Caltin, as she understood it. "What if you're someone who gets riled up easily?" She hesitated to use the word 'emotional', it had been used dismissively too frequently. "You can say 'well just don't get that angry. Get a hold of yourself', but it's not that simple is it?" If words spoken out loud would make their meaning manifest within her, she'd find herself cured of all woes. It was a vulnerable moment, where she asked for guidance in something she knew she should have well under control, but it had become all to clear to her that she did not.

Jedi weren't supposed to struggle with anger like that. Always calm, and always approach a matter with reason before passion had time to get involved. Though she had not said in exact words 'I have this problem', it was implied. It felt like admitting defeat, something made especially difficult in the company of so man. All the same she wasn't sure she could do this alone.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Hyperspace
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan (unless specified)
Alright, we’re out of here.

Before long, the ship was lifting off and headed into the stratosphere. Caltin went to make himself a sandwich as he noticed that a few of the Padawans still seemed to be dwelling on what he was talking about. Oh well, it was more for them, than for him, and he would explain everything once they had gotten to the planet anyway. He had more than his share of time going things over in his mind about what the galaxy was and what his place was in it. Realizing who he was and what it took to bring him here sent all of those concerns away. That was why he didn’t really like the thought of “Flow-walking”, only to be reminded of it from the recent trip to Tython. Trying to change your past would change who you were in the wrong ways.

Not long was it that they were in hyperspace, the familiar purple and white trails sailing beyond the viewports showing just how fast they could travel. This was considered normal and was really not given a second thought to many, pretty much everyone, even Caltin, but he still enjoyed the thought of what it took to get to this point. Maybe that was the “old school” in him, he never showed it, but Caltin didn’t like how much of the Jedi of today were self-obsessed. It sounded like a contradiction to what he had just told everyone, but that was the “hell” in him, he was a part of something bigger than he was.

Sitting in the cockpit, the big guy let the “Paddie Pack” but he wanted to give Desbre a chance to learn something she had been hitting him up about. Caltin wouldn’t push the matter or call her for the thought of calling everyone (especially if they were catching a nap, or meditating) but he would wait until she might see him and want to check on him. This was in her nature, so he knew she would come on her own, so he waited, quietly and just enjoyed his sandwich, caf, and the sights of hyperspace.

When the Arkanian would finally come in, he would just look up, and show her the electrical burn on his right arm. Of course, he was controlling the pain so it was not an issue, but the point was so that she could see it. There would be no chance for any concern, after all, it wasn’t bad and he could heal it himself in a manner of seconds.

Uh ohhhhh whatever shall I do? I need a Jedi’s help. Ohai, Jedi. Please heal me.

Extending his arm, the big guy nodded.

Put your hand on mine, clear your mind, and focus on my arm. Focus on how it should look and feel, not necessarily how it is. Take your time, this is not the easiest skill to learn.



Location: Dorm area then cockpit​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses​

At Asher's choice of trying to assert himself, Des found her jaw clenching, though she stopped her drawing. The little prick. She wasn't wrong, it was just a different way of phrasing it. But she kept her mouth shut, despite the small flare of agitation anyone paying attention with the Force would pick up on. With Caltin's interruption illustrating that they and the others were all correct in their assessment. Then went further to elaborate on what it meant to him. And on the Jedi Code. That fell in line with her own thought process. Her head bowed a little more. It was an object lesson of sorts, as much meant for the others as it was for her.

As Aveline asked quietly toward Caltin but received no answer, she looked at her friend. "You may not always be able to choose how you feel. But you can always choose how you act, and in what manner. You maintain control. Do not let it control you," she said quietly. At the same time, she placed her hand on the other young woman's shoulder, taking the sting out of any harshness to her words. It was advice she needed to focus on more as well. "Baby steps though. Don't forget to breathe. And make sure you can look yourself in the mirror."

Pushing her weight up with both hands she broke most contact with the bunk while kicking her left leg forward followed by her right one just a bit higher. and pushing forward with her hands in a seated forward vault that cleared her of the bunk. She landed lightly on her feet. Slipping away from the group she made her way over to what refreshments had been prepared and gathered herself up a bottle of water so cold it had ice chips floating in it. Snagging some fruit, she slipped it into her pocket and went to go check on Caltin. In part, she wanted to check on him, but also in some ways already found his presence to be mostly soothing, and her feathers were a little ruffled.

Slipping into the cockpit she made her way to sit in the right forward seat, copilot. The ship was one she could handle rather competently, even though Caltin could fly on his own. Plus he had Roller and Music to help. She wasn't really needed. Though she silently hoped she would. Hyperspace wasn't flying though. Not really.

Sitting in the seat she swiveled to study him as he snacked, seemingly content. Then she spotted the electrical burn on his arm. A deep frown crossed her pale features. She could even see the slight increase of heat from the inflammation. "What did you do," she asked. Or almost accused.

When his tone of mock surprise and distress shot back with mirthful sarcasm she shook her head. She had no immediate response, she found as she pinched the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger. Part of her wanted to yell at him for doing something stupid and reckless. But, she might as well yell at herself. He'd sustained an injury, just to give her something to do, something to work with. Realizing the why, she felt a little stab of guilt. She hadn't wanted this. Not for him to hurt himself. Though she appreciated the gesture in an effort to help her out. They could have just gone to the medical wing at the Rest and helped one of the patients.

But no, she just sighed, then reached out, taking his thick wrist in her left hand, drawing him closer, mindful of the damage. Slowly closing her eyes she gave an equally slow shake of her head. The Arkanian was a mixture of emotions. She wanted to hug him tight in gratitude and appreciation for the effort and sacrifice. Scold him for obvious reasons. Just get it fixed so he didn't have to deal with it anymore.

Sitting, she listened to his directives while reaching for the stillness, the silence of her mind. She put away her feelings in that regard and went to the place she always did when she trained. Her left hand slid under his big paw, while her right hand rested atop it.

Some Force Users felt cut off from the Force in space, and in hyperspace. Des knew that was a limitation imposed on their own mind. As an energy field, it surrounded and penetrated the entire galaxy. It was no harder to reach here than in the teeming jungles of Kashyyyk. Her initial training in the Jedi ways and the force had been on a shuttle on the way to Kinooine with her first master. So it was that she opened herself to the Force in that silent place. It came in a rush, a flood filling up a two-liter bottle with four liters of life and energy until it felt like it would explode.

She Saw, not with her eyes, but her mind as she sat there. Her feelings, her Sight narrowed down on his arm. She saw the raggedy edges of the wound, and how the cells were burned, inflamed, and even after a few moments began to notice the damage to individual cells. She noted red blood cells and white that were charred and deformed. Skin, muscle fiber, fat, bone, bone marrow, various other lifeforms, and bacteria, some were seemingly beneficial, others were being actively killed off by Caltin's immune system.

Exploring the edges, she continued seeking out the damage, getting a three-dimensional representation of it in her head, holding it on a large scale, like a gash in the side of a Super Star Destroyer, but at the same time, seeing it as the small wound it was. She knew it's width, length, depth. She knew what cells could be saved, and what couldn't.

Still touching the Force, she created an image in her mind even as she began to direct the Force into Caltin, sending it following the nerve pathways and the blood vessels. Ten kilos life in a five-kilo box. She'd seen his arm enough to know what a flawless, undamaged version looked like. But more than that, what the cell arrangements and structures should be. She poured her energy and focus into the wound, and into the image of it healed, the knowledge of the blueprint for it to return to normal function.

Damaged cells were attacked by white blood cells, breaking them down and back into proteins and structures that could be used for replicating new cells. Those that could be repaired were filled with new life and reasserted themselves. Cell division rapidly accelerated. On the normal scale, nothing seemed to happen as she sat there, breathing. But already Caltin would feel the increased itching of flesh mending. If his pain hadn't been blocked, he would feel that ease as the nerve endings began to repair and correct. Each generation is built on the next at a geometric, if not exponential rate. In moments the wound began to shrink. Gently, she passed her right hand over the damaged area, removing some scabbing and dead skin that was in the way but it did not break her concentration of flow.

She did not try to force it. Nature did not work by force but at its own pace. Growth was effortless and intuitive. And for this, she was simply restoring the natural order of the arm. In maybe half a minute the mark was in its last stages, being little more than freshly healed, new, pink skin. Des ran one wrapped hand over it one more time, clearing away the left-behind gunk, and slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a little when she saw the arm.

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.


Location: Ilum
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan (unless specified)
It took a lot to surprise Caltin, a LOT, after all he had seen and been through in his lifetime, let alone all he had researched, the big guy had a wealth of knowledge in that Rock he called a head. The thing is, every now and then, he could still be surprised though, it did not happen often, but it did. This was one of those times. He didn’t expect Desbre to get the gist of healing others right away, he himself said that it was not an easy skill to learn, having delved into his own history and difficulty learning the ability. Yet somehow, just like that she had gotten it, first try, it was either genuine inherent skill, luck (which in his experience there was no such thing) or she was playing a joke on him saying she had never learned it when she did, which would have been a great one.

Or… maybe it is… let’s try this again.

He burned his arm again, this time with Conservator and held it out, and again she healed his arm. She did it rather squeamishly, but that was okay and expected. They agreed that they would revisit this at another time, but it was clear in his mind that she had this skill under her belt. This would not be how their training went, he would spend more time on each skill, but they just dropped out of hyperspace, and “Music”, the pilot droid was bringing them into Ilum atmosphere.

“DIRECTIVE- We are entering the cold-weather climate of the planet Ilum, if you plan on exiting the ship, please dress warmly.”

Thanks, buddy.

Getting up and getting her to follow, Caltin grabbed his coat. As the ship set down, Caltin did a check on the Padawans to make sure that they were all prepared for the cold and they set out. They were not at all far from the old Jedi Temple, but they were being followed. He did not know it through the Force, but Caltin could just tell, there was a feeling. There was also the fact that he saw footprints that were fairly fresh headed in the direction of their ship. He knew who they were, and hoped that they would not interfere, it was a good feeling that they wouldn’t but “hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” This planet was full of surprises, and he had not even looked at it since the last time he was here, so anything was possible. He also did not have any others to back him up in case there were issues. Right now their only ally was the problem that they were dealing with and trying to avoid at the moment, bone-chilling cold.

Reaching, and walking into the Temple itself, Caltin lead the team of Padawans down to the mouth of the caves. There was, what looked to be a frozen waterfall that overlapped the mouth itself. Sitting in a lotus position and giving the others the nod to follow, Caltin began their lesson and prepared to send them on their quests.

Behind me is the opening to the crystal caves. Inside you will see thousands of them, and it will be tempting to just grab one and go. That is not what you will be doing though as the inside is “your” crystal, meaning one will call out to you, each of you through the Force. This can be dangerous, so you must be prepared for the possible peril of your quest. In a moment, I will open this gate and you will be on your way. You must make the trip from this point on by yourself, you will not be able to help each other.

Trust in yourselves, and trust in the Force.

Closing his eyes, Caltin centered in the Force and slowly the frozen waterfall began to thaw and turn back into a rush of water. A moment went by and he began to freeze the overlook where the flow would begin to fall. Soon the mouth was open, and the Padawans were free to walk in.

You are on a time limit, I would say maybe two hours before that flow reopens and covers this mouth again. When it freezes, be out here, or you will be stuck inside.



Location: Crystal Caves, Ilum​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, aquata breather, Hush style comlink, stim pills, nutrient/food pills, liquid cable launcher​

The second time Caltin burned his arm, this time with his primary weapon she frowned. The studious concentration she'd put into it the first time had taken all of her focus, to the point she'd only been aware of the act of healing. She'd completely lost any sense of the surrounding environment, or even the time it took. Much less Caltin's shock. Often when she was first learning a new skill or ability she poured all of her attention into it. Over the years her concentration and focus had been intensified and sharpened to such a degree that she could block out all other awareness. She supposed it was one of the things that gave her an edge. That and the intensity and clarity of thought of her intent and her visualizations. And it seemed she had a strong connection with the Force, even among her peers.

She'd gained some healing ability through learning how to Hibernate, but it was slower, took more time. But doing it in a conscious manner like this was not easy. Even as she finished the first, healing that small wound, coming back to herself left her feeling somewhat drained. When he opened up a new wound her shoulders sagged. By the time she finished with the second round, it came faster, though her focus wasn't quite the same. her hand shook a little by then, and she'd begun to build up a little sweat on her brow, and down her spine. Sweating was very bad, as far as Arkanians were concerned. Mostly because in a frozen environment, sweating meant that when you stopped you lost more heat, and opened yourself up to getting sick rather rapidly. But on the shuttle, it was a safe enough place.

Letting her hand drop she seemed a little more drained, but Caltin was intact once more. It was then that the announcement came through from Music that they were almost there. She checked the chrono on her wrist. "I thought this was supposed to be a long trip?"


The ship settled down onto the icy surface. Most of the others were bundled up heavily, but Des simply wore her regular robes. Stepping out into the frigid air the blast of cold was familiar and even welcoming. She stretched her arms out as though greeting an old friend. The icy chill raked at her senses and ripped away the cloying extra heat. Her robes adjusted themselves to shelter her from the environment and warmed a few degrees, but even that wouldn't stave off the cold forever. Focusing on the Force she felt for the sources of heat around her and drew them back in, seeping back into her skin. The heat at the small of her back and the other warm places on her body. The friction from every movement. She poured the Force into these, focusing on heat, and also channeled it through her body. Within moments she seemed as comfortable as she had been on the ship.

Following Caltin she could feel his unease at something elsewhere, elusive. But he seemed to brush it off. Though her quick eyes caught the footprints as well. They were not alone on this iceball. But that was to be expected in a way. That was a matter they would face whenever it came about. For now, they had other, more important, matters to attend to.

Outside they came to the massive gates that guarded the temple. Desbre found herself staring up at them for a moment. They were both beautiful and imposing, and an edifice to a much older time. The actual passage into the interior was much smaller and less grand. She along with the others followed Caltin forward.

The group pressed on into the interior of the temple. She let her gaze take in the large atrium all around them. Two hooded Jedi figures stood watch over the interior, stretching many meters overhead. Floating above was a large crystal, presumably kyber, where a couple of lenses on a device were with it. Caltin opened the way after giving his instructions then warned of the time limit. Kuxirra was the first to make entry. Des watched the girl go, then turned back to regard her master for a moment. Reaching down to her belt she unhooked her saber, then spun it through her delicate but clawed fingers and offered it to him.

"Hold on to this for me," she requested. "I don't want it interfering with my senses. And this is something I should have no need of while in there." She paused for a moment. Trust, both in herself and the Force, right?

Turning she began walking for the crystal cave entry, then broke into a lope, letting her legs eat up the distance at an easy pace. The dim interior of the temple turned almost pitch black at first to most people's vision. After their eyes adjusted would they realize some light filtered through the ice. For Des, it was dark in the 'visible' light spectrum, but her eyes adjusted as they shifted to seeing more of the infrared spectrum. Still, as cold as it was, it was a challenge. So it was that she stretched out with the Force, using Sight and Sense as she quested about. She could see warm but rapidly cooling footprints on the cavern floor from the other students ahead. But this was no race.

For the moment, she pressed on.


Tom Kovack

"What if you're someone who gets riled up easily? You can say 'well just don't get that angry. Get a hold of yourself', but it's not that simple is it?"

Lying on his bunk, Tom overheard the conversation between Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin and Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan as the latter reassured the former. He was familiar with the difficulties Aveline described, although he had mellowed out considerably since… since things had changed for him.

He rolled over on his side, facing the wall, and was surprised when in what seemed like just a few short hours one of the droids announced that they had arrived at their destination. Hadn’t Master Vanagor said this would be a long trip?

Getting up, he pulled on his warmer clothing. Even compared to the others, he likely looked a bit overdressed—covered from head to toe in thick furs, only his eyes were visible through a slit above the cloth mask over his nose and mouth.

He followed the other Padawans out into the icy wasteland, frosted over with shades of milky white, pale blue, and silvery gray. It was cold to him, even wrapped in all these warm layers. Sighing to fog up his mask with moisture, he kept walking, hoping the movement would generate some heat.

They came upon the grand and ancient entrance. The history lover in him wanted to linger and examine the statues and the structure of the Temple, but there was no time. Well, perhaps on another occasion, there would be. As they reached the opening of the cavern, he sat and watched in wonder with the others as Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor melted the frozen waterfall.

The search had begun. They’d have to go alone. Seeing Desbre give up her lightsaber, Tom reached for his belt, where he had stowed the lightsaber he normally used. He wasn’t sure if it could interfere with his senses, but given how weak his connection was, he didn’t need any more obstacles in his way.

Master Vanagor,” he said, approaching the big guy after Desbre had left. “I… brought this along just in case. But if she’s right, and it might interfere…” He held out a very old lightsaber with a rather ornate hilt covered in elaborate carvings. “Would you mind holding on to mine as well?

After the Jedi Master had taken his saber (or refused), Tom turned and headed into the caverns.


Asher Sonata



It seemed that Ashers' entrance had ruffled a couple of feathers, he was a little surprised, he'd hoped to spark some debate with the direct challenge, but it seemed that the idea of that kind of confrontation merely pushed their minds inward. But a few others announced their thoughts on the matter, a little more choice heavy than Asher would have liked, it seemed his idea wasn't the popular one today, but C'est la vis. However, Asher couldn't help but have to bite his tongue at the mention of sentients when Caltin gave his explanation, the urge to correct him rising as Asher mentally processed that the word he was looking for was Sapience. The boy didn't like being compared to an ant, but he quickly felt a surge of anger within him he didn't expect to feel, squashing it down and swallowing that pride the Caladin boy would attempt to keep himself stalwart as this Master Caltin continued his lecture.

'Your choices determine your life, trust in yourself,' Asher couldn't help but take those far too personally, his mood within the confines of the ship would alter drastically, especially after the latter turn of phrase as the Master painted himself with the brilliant jade of Asher's ire at the words poisoning the remainder of the lecture. Nominally, Asher would have quite enjoyed the history lesson about the Jedi and their codes. Many of which were drilled into his mind but with how he was feeling, a lot of it was processed through a bitter lens as the young lad made his way to stand beside the other Dathomirian in the ship, however, he couldn't help but catch the glare of the Master as he moved past.

The stare was a warning, a proclamation to never act in that way again, but, defiant as a Terentatek, Asher's response was a simple blank stare, meeting his gaze in an unblinking challenge as he would almost lackadaisically cock his head slightly to his side with the implied question of 'or what?' The sheer sum of nonchalance to his actions would be palpable as he confidently moved to be beside the witch boy, thumbing something on his person as Asher would give him a smile. Attempting to engage in polite conversation as a Droid announced itself loudly with a series of alien bleeps and whirs. Asher almost leaped out of his skin at the surprise, unsure of what to do other than the fact he had heard someone else greet it prior. "Uh, hi? I'm Asher... ... How are you?" He would say with the most awkwardness possible as the Droid would happily tell him exactly how they were, in no uncertain terms. Sadly to deaf ears as Asher was unable to speak the binary language of the droid. But there were more people to meet, as it would roll on by, thankfully leaving Asher be.

By now, people had moved to their own sections of the ship, generally preparing for what was to come as Asher awaited liftoff, a small satchel bag at his side held the things he deemed to be important. Cold wasn't something he was particularly worried about, he had been in frigid temperatures before, and had the smarts to look up Illums climate on his datapad. Nights of 76 below, days of about 20 below were standard for any arctic world, so the warm fur lined coat, thermal skivvy and the military thermal bodysuit he wore underneath would serve him rather well on the planet beneath his fatigues and boots meant he could likely go camping here and remain fine, if not very uncomfortable.

Sure enough time passed and they would land after not a long jump through hyperspace, touching down on the icy world as the cold crept through the steel frame of the ship like a toxin, gracing their skin as more insidious than the cold of space. There was no friction there to transfer the cold as directly, no moisture to layer the ship with ice and suck the heat from it through direct contact. But as they landed Asher would pull his hood up, leaving his jacket open for now as wind failed to spiral into the open port of the ship, the calm of daylight crept over him as he himself would be struck dumb by the sight of the colossal gateway before him. It was intense, the weight of the history of this place crushed him, it wasn't like the Temple they had manufactured on Caladin, it was like the places they had found in the Kashyyyk shadow-lands, mired in the swamps; Ancient, hoary and grand.

Snapping out of it, Asher would listen to the small presentation before moving forward, patting the Dathomirian amongst them on the shoulder as he went on by, "Lets go brother, can't leave destiny waiting, right?" He would say rather chipper as he began marching towards the opening of the cave, hands in his pockets with a surefire confidence. He had left his pack in the ship, only the circular bladed disc hitched to a belt would pat at his side as he walked. Asher didn't like the idea of having to do things alone, but, if that was the task, there was little he could do about it. This world was alien enough he doubted it would cause a relapse, as long as he was careful. But as he passed Desbre he couldn't help but give a sly smile. "Good luck." He would almost sing with a smung tune of snark while the words passed his lips. He had noticed her spending a fair amount of time with Caltin on the ship, by association, The boy couldn't wait to attempt to outshine her, her acting as an extension of Caltin himself in his own mind.

Two hours however, was not a lot of time... so without so much as gracing the other Padawans that were around him, he would close his eyes and begin to turn his focus on the caves themselves. Thankfully his mind was quiet, as long as it didn't wander to de-

The train of through he had attempted to keep was interrupted by something not unlike breeze through the caves he felt through the force, whirling around him, drawing him towards it as Asher would take an early turn giving a wave to the others "Well, im pretty sure I'm heading this way, choose wisely friends." he'd proclaim with a chuckle as the path of the mysterious pull would lure him down a frozen water chute. Taking a single step, and then gliding gracefully down a couple of meters to a level below the main entrance. If anyone wanted to follow, he'd wait a moment, not putting much weight in the 'go it alone' theory of their master.


Jorah zos Darnus

The Dathomirian had spent the remaining time on the journey with his head in his book.

It seemed that the author had included some thoughts about the Living Force that the Jedi believed in. That chapter was not fully intact -- after all, the text was now over eight hundred years old -- but what remained of the work was still somewhat enlightening, even if it just reinforced what Jorah had been able to observe himself in his time as an observer for the Clan among the Jedi.

The announcement of their arrival prompted the boy to set his book down on his bunk, and then follow the others to where Caltin greeted them before they disembarked. As the others began to don their cold weather gear, the youth prepared to do the same. The Dathomirian's gangly frame was swallowed by the parka that he now wore, as the boy fidgeted with the hood that kept snagging on his cranial horns.

He had the fire totem tucked inside the jacket as well, as a just-in-case added bit of magic. After Kattada, the last thing he wanted was to be caught in a harsh environment without the proper foci.

A hand tapped him on the shoulder. "Lets go brother, can't leave destiny waiting, right?" It was Asher's voice, as the older male passed by the smaller Nightbrother and out into the cold.

"Vi," the boy uttered, his distracted thoughts lapsing back into Dathomirian for a moment. "Uh, I mean, yes," he corrected, fumbling with his languages for a moment as he hurried after the man's longer gait.

The Ilum Temple was beautiful. It was difficult, if not impossible, to determine where the structure ended and the ice began. Instead, the temple and the ice seemed as one. A crystalline palace, which would have been impressive enough without the melting icefall that gave way to become their door.

"You are on a time limit, I would say maybe two hours before that flow reopens and covers this mouth again. When it freezes, be out here, or you will be stuck inside."

A most intriguing scenario. It shared elements with the Dathomiri Trial of Fire. A limited time in which to achieve one's goal, placing themselves at risk should they fail. He had not expected the Jedi to have such a test. Sometimes the similarities between their two religions could be startling.

Sliding down into the crystal cave after Asher Sonata , the young Nightbrother was awe-struck a second time, as he could see hundreds if not thousands of sparkling lights dispersed among the caverns ahead. It was beautiful. Even if he did not find that one of these Jedi crystals spoke to him, the journey was worth it just for this glimpse into their sacred traditions.

Turning to regard the older male, the boy placed one hand over his heart and extended the other toward Asher. "Oen mai'ul," the Nightbrother uttered, a blessing of his people. One that hoped that the traveler would have a good journey.

With that, the Dathomirian just started on the path in front of him. His amber eyes large as they looked around.

He had no destination in mind. For now, he would simply walk and see where that would take him.


Desbre found a way to ease Aveline’s mind. Her opinion mattered, and the hand on her shoulder conveyed more than she probably knew. Baby steps. Breathe. And remember the choice is yours, always. Excuses meant nothing. No matter what the situation was like, her choices were her own and she would need to stand ready to meet the concequences. “Thank you, friend” she said with a smile. It was not as if with one line all her troubles were solved, but it was nice to be reminded she was not alone in dealing with them.

By the time they sat down on Ilum, Aveline was ready! The hulk of clothes and supplies now manifested themselves onto the Padawan, dressed in thick beige coat, with white fur along its edges. Underneath her regular tunics she had changed into an under-sweater and long-legged stockings, both of a thin but warm material. As if that wasn’t enough, she wore another thin sweater ontop of her Jedi tunics again. Tucked neatly over her ears was a warm hat with what looked like a fluffy rabbit’s tail on top. A white scarf was wrapped around her neck, and pulled up to cover her mouth and nose. Naturally she wore fluffy beige mittens. Her black boots with white fur sticking out from the rims completed the outfit. Did Aveline come prepared? Oh you bet your tiny Jedi butt she did!

The trip up to the temple wasn’t so bad, and she could barely feel the cold! She might have gone a little overboard, but the way the cold bit at her cheeks on the very edges of her scaf told her she’d made the right choice. Aveline travelled unarmed, as was her custom unless someone shoved a weapon into her hands. She watched the ice turn into a waterfall and open a path to them, absolutely mesmerised.

“Well, no use in hanging around here”
she’d said, after Caltin warned them of the time limit and the others began shuffling in. It was a task to be completed individually he had said, but she took great comfort in knowing they weren’t alone in the temple. Though all exploring their own corners, they were somehow still together.

Aveline shuffled inside, less than graceful with her entire getup, but her mobility wasn’t that bad. She watched where the others went. Did they know where to go, or did they just pick at random? Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes… The Force flowed through this place, that much was certain. She could feel the presence of the others, but beyond that… Nothing. Oh well. Opening her eyes again, she began walking in a direction none had explored so far. Good luck me

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
The caves were meant to be a test of each individual who enters them in their own need for improvement. No two trips were or would be alike. This seemed to be lost on some of the Padawans who entered.

Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan - The Arkanian would soon find herself still distracted in her search as if the crystal that was meant to call to her was already in a lightsaber and clipped to her Master’s belt. There was a faint calling, but it could not be centered, not yet. She seemed to be on her way through, down the icy slope that was in front of her.

Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri - She a rough go as well, as the crystal was calling to her well enough, but it was a fair distance away. She would have to traverse an ice-cold river somehow. Then find it among a large cavern full of crystals.

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin line, and Jorah - They both would feel their crystals as they reach a ravine, the same ravine. It looked too difficult to cross on your own, maybe there was something they could use? Jorah’s crystal was hanging from the ceiling, Ave’s was buried deep in a patch of ice.

Tom Kovack - The Padawan also had a similar issue to Desbre, his calling was hard to center on, almost like the saber he had brought to the mouth was interfering somehow.

Irridia Solensis - Where Kux had to traverse a river, somehow Irridia’s crystal was plunged down to the bottom. She would probably have to swim.

Asher Sonata - Asher was fast and graceful, but his crystal seemed to be mocking him, almost as this part of the story was being written tease him for being arrogant. The crystal seemed to change with each room, and would only be centered once he reached the furthest mouth in the cave. He would be able to get it, but it would not be easy.

Meanwhile -

Caltin was sitting at the mouth, meditating and keeping a mind's eye on each of the Padawans. This was their trial, and they must face it alone but he could keep watch. In the meantime, a team of 6 in what looked to be first-generation Katarn armor with full Old Republic markings stood over him, weapons at the ready.
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra walked through the caves in, and soon, she heard...a song? It drew her to it, a beautiful sound that spoke to her. Called to her, though not audibly. It called to her heart, to the essence of who she was, to her Force. She followed the song of her crystal, coming to a river. She removed a glove and dipped a hand in the running water. Sure enough, it was freezing, and numbed her hand a little. The Togruta stood, drying her hand on her parka and putting the glove back on. The Padawan looked across the river, wondering if she could make the jump. After a moment, she chose to trust the Force, and she jumped.


Location: Deep in the caves​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, light-filtering lenses, yadda yadda yadda​
Des continued walking for a time, her footfalls normally lost in the background around her. Here everything was so still they echoed off the cavern walls. Her breath tinkled and twinkled in the air, freezing before it even traveled a dozen centimeters. Occasionally a pop traveled through the caverns close by or echoed to her pointy ears from the distance. It was at once familiar as home and at the same time foreboding in its own way. But yet, she felt no threat, only immense ... something. Power, awareness, presence. It was quiet, cool, but welcoming. Even if she were trapped in this place, she did not fear it. She could free herself, and even if she didn't she could exist for quite a time on her own.

She could feel a tug at her heart. Part of her wanted to go back, and as she explored that, she realized part of it was drawn to the connection t her saber. It had been by her side for years. Her constant companion. Her hands bore the marks of its use, worn with soft but pervasive callouses beneath the wraps around her forearms and palms. She'd trained day and night, pouring her joy and pain through it until it was every bit an extension of her body and will. It was a part of her. More than that it had passed through the hands of her ancestors. It did belong to her. But it was not of her own making, despite how many times she'd taken it apart, put it back together, charged it. Even made a modification or two.

Coming into another chamber it was expansive and filled with glittering crystals among the ice. here she moved toward the center of the space and sat, cross-legged. Hands rested over her knees, palms up. For the moment she sat. Des began reflecting on the saber and the crystal within while touching on the Force, just a trickle but that was more than enough. No, she wasn't turning her back on the weapon passed to her by her grandfather. That she would always have and keep until she saw fit to pass it on to a descendant or maybe a student of her own one day.

Forging a new saber or pair of sabers was her purpose. She had come so far. Learned so much. There were still many kilometers to go on her journey. She would never stop learning, stop growing. But she stood on the cusp, at a crossroads.

As her mind turned toward the saber she left behind she felt a growing presence. Caltin. That elusive feeling was back but now it made her gut tighten. If he was in danger? ... There was nothing she could do for him from here. She wanted to, but he'd been a Master for so long. Anything that was a threat to him, she doubted she'd make a terrible difference. Not right now. If he died... as painful as that might be, that was not up to her either.

She would have to get her fellow padawans back to Kashyyyk. That was the responsibility she bore, being the most senior. Briefly, she reached out to him, stretching out to make contact. There were no words, only a gentle hope that he was alright or would be alright. And then she withdrew, not wanting to distract him if he needed to truly focus.

For the moment she focused back on her meditation. She opened herself up to the Force and, more importantly, the area around her, feeling the vibrations, listening quietly, not so much in a physical sense but mentally still, placid. Being still was different than doing nothing, and in this case, she wanted to 'hear' and sense what she could. What crystal or crystals called to her.

Tom Kovack

It wasn’t as dark as he expected it to be. Everything was dim, sure, but the overwhelming presence of blue in the color palette somehow made it seem less bleak. It was quite beautiful, actually. Peaceful. Serene. Very Jedi-like. No wonder why they had brought generation after generation of their students to Ilum to find their crystals.

The Force was strong here. Soon, he lost all sense of the other Padawans wandering through the caverns, his weak connection overwhelmed by the energies around him. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor was swallowed up by distance; he had no inkling that the Jedi Master was in danger. Tom slowed his pace, suddenly sharply aware of these absences. He felt profoundly alone, and yet… he wasn’t lonely. Far from it.

His lightsaber and the focusing crystal within were the barest pinprick against his consciousness. He hadn’t developed anywhere near as strong a bond with the weapon as Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan had with hers, but it had been with him long enough that there was some vague tie. Tom ventured deeper into the maze until he felt even that thread snap.

He was alone and at the mercy of Ilum.

That was when he felt the pulse. It was faint, but enough of a beacon that he could follow it to its source. The flickering heartbeat drew him into a large chamber with a tall ceiling, a cathedral of ice and rock. At the center was a light, little more than a candle in the darkness. He walked toward it, each step slow and cautious—

The ground crumbled beneath him. He pitched forward, unable to stop himself, arms and legs flailing, a gasp catching in his throat. His body collided with something sharp as he fell, and he heard a tearing sound as the layers of warm clothing covering him were mauled by jagged shards of crystal. It didn’t break through to his skin, so he felt no pain… at least, not until he hit the ground.

A groan escaped him as he dragged himself into a sitting position. He’d fallen into a pit. Far above him, he could still see the glimmer of his crystal. His extra-warm clothes hung in tatters from his slim frame, the complete destruction of the outfit almost comical.

Tom clambered to his feet, already shivering. He needed to find a way out of this hole fast.

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Aveline stopped. Suddenly she felt as if she could feel something. Like a soundless voice prodding at the back of her mind. Before there had been nothing. Now she actually felt something. She walked towards the source, a little eagerly. It had to be a crystal, right? Her crystal. It seemed Jorah zos Darnus was headed in a similar direction, although they naturally felt the pull from different crystals. At the end of the day, their journies were their own.

There was a loud crack, and Aveline froze. What... Was that? She turned slowly, to see if she could still spot Jorah or someone else, but it seemed she had ventured too far off to the side. Then the ground gave way. Aveline let out a cry, though it was quickly silenced as she collapsed into a puddle of snow and her body was swiftly carried away. It had collapsed all around her, and she fell down onto what could only be ice. Where she was going, she did not know, but she was picking up speed as she descended in a spiral.

Finally she was tossed out from the slide, rolling and tumbling onto the cold floor, a level or more below everyone else. "Feth" she cursed, brushing excess snow off her, and doing a quick check to see if everything was as it should be. No limbs broken, that was something. "Hello?" her voice echoed into darkness. "Of course" she said to herself in a sarcastic tone. Perfect. This couldn't have gone better...

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan | Tom Kovack | Jorah zos Darnus | Irridia Solensis | Asher Sonata | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Sarah Candor Sarah Candor

Asher Sonata


Asher would watch as the dathomri boy would slide down the ledge behind him, looking to him with a coy smile, he was glad that someone had the wit to follow him down. Indeed, Asher was arrogant, assured, he'd fought in battles in breadth and scope that seasoned Jedi Knights had yet to witness in his young early years. With his innocence slain upon those battlefields, so too was his adolescence. In his minds eye, he stood six and a half feet tall, and while his mental stature did not perhaps meet eye to eye with Caltin, it matched tall enough to question his judgment. Which was a dangerous thing in the hands of someone who was slightly capable. A little bit of knowledge, prestige, experience and power was a deeply dangerous thing after all. But, taking upon the leader role here that he felt he was born to, his charm wouldn't waver for a moment.
"Uth'rak tar mahal, e' coy sehr und." He would speak in Dathomiri, keeping his smile as he did so in a way informing the witch boy that he was fine in speaking his native tongue from now on if he wished, that way the two of them would be able to talk more openly. Thankfully, Asher was in a sense Dathomarian himself, though it seemed that his Arkanian blood was a little more dominant than he would have initially thought, to one with a keen eye, they would be able to note the almost scar tissue like markings on his face which would appear little more than a contrast. 'We should work together, these trials may be dangerous.' his intentions directly in conflict with the master from before, however, in his mind while it was true that these trials were to be something that was to be undertaken alone, if it were his prerogative to ask for aid, take leadership in actively working together. Then he was undertaking his task in doing so.
Focusing, it wouldn't take long for Asher to feel the pull of a crystal, whispers moving through the halls, almost audible. It was close, damn close. Breaking ranks, he would move to a small cavern like room a little down the hall. Peering through the gate-way, he could see the diamond-like glimmer of a crystal before him thrumming in the cold light. Turning sideways to squeeze into the veritable freezer-box on the other side, Asher would step into the room, struggling a little to move on past as the ice would unfortunately freeze to his clothing, catching him there as he would attempt to tear his coat free unsuccessfully as the fibers had fused with the permafrost. "Wait... what? I'm trapped! Help!" He would shout, looking back to the boy behind him. With every moment more and more of his clothing was freezing to what it made contact with, and Asher was beginning to look a little unsettled. He felt like he could break it, but he could also damage his crystal...
If the boy helped, the two of them would pull free, as Asher would look up to his Gem, to find it no longer there. Confused, frustrated, but still full of conviction he would fight through the disappointment. "Could have sworn it was..." He would mutter before attempting to focus again on the sound of the gem he had heard a moment ago, and sure enough, he would hear its voice, close again as he would fill with excitement, confidence and bravado. Was it a mistake? Or wasn't it? Asher had no idea... blinded by his perhaps a little more advanced abilities than most as he would stride form the room, brushing himself off as he would begin moving deeper into the caves.
"So, what brings you here? I'm sorry, but i also think i missed your name..." He would ask in Dathomirian yet again.
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra made the jump, just barely. She steadied herself before continuing for a bit and finding herself in a cavern full of crystals. "It's amazing..." She said to herself, looking around at all the crystals. "Beautiful." She murmured, distracted by it. She caught herself after a minute or so. "C'mon, Kux. Focus." The song seemed to bounce around the room, echoing like her voice. "Focus."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
OOC: Irridia is having muse issues like we have all had at one point or another, so I am going to write the end of her quest.

Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan - It took reminding herself of her responsibilities somehow for Desbre to focus. Thankfully it seemed to work and the crystal that would be hers was not that far away. It was near what looked to be a very big, very deep pit. Was that Tom’s voice she also heard?

Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri - It took focus, a lot of it as her training was limited, but if she tried hard and did not give up, Kux would find her crystal. Where? That remained to be seen, but she had the right cave. (up to you where it is, but it is not in easy arms reach)

Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin line, and Jorah - She may be sore from that little slide, tuck, and roll, but if she paid attention, Ave’s crystal was right below her, about a foot down in the patch of ice. (gonna have to do some form of digging)

Tom Kovack - Patience, like Desbre won the day and his inherited lightsaber was not calling to him, the crystal that was meant to make his own weapon was. It next to him, about 4 meters up along the wall of the pit he was in. It was also right next to the “ice vine” that could be used to climb out. Luckily the familiar voice of Desbre was not that far away. (it’s frozen rope)

Irridia Solensis - It took a clear mind, but the woman, at home in the water managed to grab her beautiful crystal and exit the water. Sure, she was freezing and when returning to the mouth, Master Vanagor had dry clothes and blankets for her, but she survived.

Asher Sonata - Maybe he was realizing that this was not a contest, maybe he was just that good, who knows but the crystal was not that far and he was able to pinpoint it. It wasn’t an easy climb, but it was doable if he focused on his safety and not his hubris. {about 4 meters up, no way of jumping up to get it)

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