Iella Renz

Basic Information
Name: Iella RenzAllegiance: The Sith Empire
Rank: Major
Species: Dathomirian
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Height: 1.7 m / 5.5 feet
Weight: 120 Lbs
Eyes: White/blue
Complexion: Pale
Force sensitive: Yes, but likely to never be explored
Iella is what some may call heartless. To her it's just business. So many lives has she taken on the field of battle, little emotion remains, or surfaces. Everything she does is swift and full of purpose. She is able to take her time and ensure a mission is completed with the utmost precision. But this requires her to care, something Iella has little knowledge of. She prides herself in her accuracy in all things, and sometimes lets that pride go to her head.
While Iella is a very serious individual her wardrobe varies greatly. She has a multitude of dresses and armors she wears. Her face is slender and has a look of innocence and mild undertones of murderous zeal. Since she survives on a diet of the bare essentials for her body to function, she remains slender there as well. Her arms are long and flow like lace in the wind. Despite her smaller features, under her skin lies muscle of a barbaric warrior.