Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Iella Renz

Basic Information
Name: Iella Renz
Allegiance: The Sith Empire
Rank: Major
Species: Dathomirian
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Height: 1.7 m / 5.5 feet
Weight: 120 Lbs
Eyes: White/blue
Complexion: Pale
Force sensitive: Yes, but likely to never be explored


Iella is what some may call heartless. To her it's just business. So many lives has she taken on the field of battle, little emotion remains, or surfaces. Everything she does is swift and full of purpose. She is able to take her time and ensure a mission is completed with the utmost precision. But this requires her to care, something Iella has little knowledge of. She prides herself in her accuracy in all things, and sometimes lets that pride go to her head.

While Iella is a very serious individual her wardrobe varies greatly. She has a multitude of dresses and armors she wears. Her face is slender and has a look of innocence and mild undertones of murderous zeal. Since she survives on a diet of the bare essentials for her body to function, she remains slender there as well. Her arms are long and flow like lace in the wind. Despite her smaller features, under her skin lies muscle of a barbaric warrior.

Biography (WIP)

"Chill out," Iella said smiling at her younger brother. They both laughed despite the both of them having said that joke dozens of times through the years. Iella brushed some snow flakes off of Razen's forehead. She was two years older than her 6 year old brother and always felt responsible for keeping him cleaned up. Their parents were usually busy running their business and had little time to properly take care of Iella and Razen.

The siblings were walking down the path from their house, the ice towers in the distance weren't giving off too much light with the snowfall blocking light. The crunch of snow beneath their feet was a sound that they had heard so much through out their lives it was almost as if the sound wasn't there. But today the snowy valley seemed very quiet and the crunch was registering more so in Iella's mind than usual. Razen was oblivious, running off towards the small cluster of buildings at the bottom of the valley.

Razen was headstrong but the valley was safe from dangers for the most part and Iella was more relaxed with her brother's carefree attitude. Mygeeto could be dangerous but seldom posed any real threat for those with enough wit about them would be able to stay the dangers.

Towards the bottom of the valley houses of the small village they lived in started springing up. The geography of these buildings was set about with little care, buildings standing wherever someone could put one at the time. That was only the outskirts of the village, as the center of their community drew nearer, there began to be a bit more of organization to the placement of things.

A noise began to be heard, stretching to Iella's ears from the town's center, growing with each step. Razen turned a corner and slipped from sight. "Razen!" Iella called out, a sudden fear leaping out of her mouth. No response. Her pace quickened, climbing in speed until she was nearly running. Turning the corner that her younger brother disappeared around, she scanned for him, finding nothing. Now in a full sprint Iella rushed toward the center of town.

Iella sighed as she turned down the hall leading to her next class. Classroom work was her least favorite. She preferred to be outside, feel the wind, smell the air, and lining up her next shot. The Imperial Legion Academy, though, was very strict about having a center number of classes be held inside. Tactics and whatnot. Iella did not enjoy them but nonetheless put her full effort into each of them, scoring high marks. More often than not when test results rolled out, he name was in the number one position. The fact that she was so consistently on top of all of the other cadets and a woman did not always bode well for her.

The halls were empty and Iella strode silently to her class. She was always early so as to avoid having to be around other people. She didn't particularly care for other people being, well, near her. The last corner that would take her to the doors was just ahead of her. Whispers came from around the corner, stopping as Iella approached. Three other cadets walked around the corner, with smug grins on their faces. Iella quickly put her hand up as if to tell them to stop. "Before you begin, I believe I know what this is about," she said, exasperation clear on her voice. "You all have some sort of sexist notion that I should not be successful as a woman here at the academy," as she said this their grins grew bigger.

A few moments later, Iella turned the corner to her class, the groans of pain rising from behind her. More often then not those at the academy that thought they were better than her only had rich parents but held little worth themselves. Ever since her home had been decimated on Mygeeto, Iella had to survive on her own wits. Thirteen years had passed since the destruction of her home. The blast had nearly killed her. Razen and her parents had never been found in the aftermath. But then again, many people's remains were never found.

This led Iella to learn how to fend for herself struggling for survival on Mygeeto, scavenging resources to survive. Knowing full well she would not be able to live on Mygeeto much longer, she worked up enough supplies to make the journey to the nearest settlement with a spaceport.

About the time she turned 22 she got off of Mygeeto. That was seven years ago.

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