Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction ILUMinate the Void | Junction of Ilum [GA], Pashvi [NIO], and Empty hex Northeast of Rhand [BOTM]

Invincible is merely a word.


Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | CLOSED



“Time is not made of steel, it is impermanent and unsteady.”

“But I am steeled. So this trial has elevated itself to match.”

Spoken like an Ashina. If there was any speck of doubt in his mind, it was now extinguished. He forcefully retained a blank expression as to not give away any tell that he recognized such rhetoric. If she was as sharp as he expected kin would be, it wouldn't likely take much to expose his purpose. Managing to get this far without evoking noticeable suspicion from Ishida was a feat he'd not squander.

When she pressed forward, he shadowed. Present, yet bordering an afterthought. A guardian awaiting danger rather than a guide or companion. The trial ahead was not his to interfere in, but he would regardless not allow harm to arise from skulking interlopers. He was attentive to every sensory detail of what was where, and who might be approaching. A sentinel.

“Your accent is very pure. Which part of Atrisia are you from?”

He knew that inquiry would come eventually. It was a pry he'd been prepared for. "A holding atop mountains," he illuminated. Vague, yet telling.

"Nowhere special."
"Nowhere special."

His reply perfectly mirrored that of another, all syllables sounding off simultaneously. The voice jarred him, as he'd not sensed any presence in the immediate vicinity. Inosuke's form absconded from the shadows, becoming clearly visible against the stone. Fingers twitched in anticipation for a grip upon circular steel. He regarded the third Atrisian with the same deadpan as always, though now with the slightest hint of inquisitiveness. She gave off no presence, and her approach had been beyond his ears.

It was unsettling.

"Logic would dictate a centuries-old temple with unstable foundations would make for quite the poor reunion location."

Reunion. If one could really call it that. For a moment, Inosuke wondered if he had said something too telling. The conclusion that the stranger was either sharper than his kin, or dangerously presumptuous was quickly deduced thereafter, dispelling his momentary lapse in certainty. He raised an eyebrow, breaking down the final filament of his indifferent facade.

"As would it dictate that you are an intruder. Explain yourself," he ordered sternly.




R E D _ H O R N E T
XESH | Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea
Ever was IVI IVI despicable and notorious with her plans, casting aside all morals in pursuit of her own agenda. Was that the Chiss in her? Cold and ruthless? Her analytical mind silencing any emotions? She didn’t even give a damn if her homeworld was selected for absolute destruction.

In conclusion?

“Chiss are fething weird.”

He had seen many weirder days, ever since being captured and later recruited to Xesh. Abhorring the idea of servitude to another against his own will, though he has gotten used to it were it not diverse individuals making up the secretive task force; M’s secret army.

“Guess M doesn’t care if she upsets Jedi with us lurking around, not like she’ll face the outlast...damn b*tch.”

Surprised he still had his head on with all the insults he said about their commanding officer.

“So we go in, take some crystals, try not to be seen, and head out? Easiest mission, so far.”

Was hoping that was the case. Though it could be much better without the cold.

Objective I: Hearts of Kyber

Location: Ilum, Brotherhood Crystal Mine
Tags: Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket


Explosions boomed on the surface far above, and the caverns shook with the force of each detonation. Small rocks, shaken loose from the tunnel ceiling, pelted the backs of the slaves who labored below. They hardly noticed. They had learned by now that to so much as look up, becoming distracted from their task for even an instant, was to earn a strike of the neuronic whip - a clever tool that left their flesh mostly unmarked and their muscles undamaged, but sent agony racing through every nerve ending. They would not willingly turn from their task, extracting as many kyber crystals as possible, until the Taskmaster ordered them to do otherwise.

They had other reasons to concentrate as well. Tu'teggacha had long ago learned that fear, while a highly effective motivator, worked best when balanced with manufactured hope. It was impossible to stamp out hope completely; like a resilient weed, it always grew back, part of the mind's mechanisms of survival. If you let the slaves decide what to hope for, they would hope for freedom, or for revenge on their harsh masters. But if you controlled their hope, offering good food and warm beds and extra rest to the crew that worked the hardest, they would strive for the prize on offer rather than dream of violence and escape. It wasn't kindness or mercy, it was strategy.

Tu'teggacha walked through the tunnels, his short frame bobbing up and down with each step of his strange, hobbling gait. His bulging eyes took in the efforts of each labor crew, silently judging... and not just based on what he could physically see. His powerful mind swept across the brain of each slave, infiltrating thoughts, locating threats and rooting out laziness. His commands brought both hope and fear, reward and punishment, and he liked to distribute each personally. These pathetic labor slaves weren't worth the effort of turning into slave-soldiers to join the ranks of the marauders, but they were still useful in their own way. The Maw was built on their backs.

The sound of movement caused him to turn, and he saw a group of marauder mine guards walking up the ramp from one of the lower caverns. A huge alien walked behind them, one foot stained with blood and brain matter where he'd smashed someone's head in. The Ebruchi's tendrils twisted into his version of a frown; he had no idea what species this newcomer belonged to. He seemed to be unarmed, at least for the moment... but he looked dangerous enough that it remained an open question as to which side was the other's prisoner. Whoever he was, he appeared to be a powerful specimen indeed... one worth examining further.

"We found it in the lower tunnels, Taskmaster," one of the marauders said. "It was taking kyber crystals." Tu'teggacha hobbled forward, getting closer to the hulking creature. "You have come from far away," the Taskmaster pronounced, walking in a slow circle around Tarok. "Yes... Only a few of your kind have ever set foot in this galaxy, I think." Completing his circuit, he stopped in front of the alien. "You seek riches, I see, and you have no fear of bloodshed." He peered up at Tarok, standing at less than half the extragalactic visitor's height... but radiating a strange power nonetheless. "I have a question for you, far-wanderer," he said.

"We live by a simple concept. Perhaps you've heard of it. Do your people believe that you keep what you kill?"
"We live by a simple concept. Perhaps you've heard of it. Do your people believe that you keep what you kill?"

Tarok had the bag of crystals over one shoulder. In hindsight he should have brought a padded case. As the bag moved he could hear them grinding against one another, possibly spoiling their finish. He had bigger problems.

"In this case what I kill...not worth keeping," he replied, casting a glance down at his foot. Tarok had a simple grasp of basic and his sense of humour mostly revolved around violence. It didn't always make him popular.

The sect that had followed his victim bristled behind him. They followed power, but they still didn't like disrespect shown for one of their group.

"But I think if someone wants my crystals...they try and take them," he said with a shrug. It was bluster and he knew it. Even if he didn't have to crawl through half the tunnels here, he was so outnumbered now that he would not as far as one of them.
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Post #4

Objective 1: HEARTS OF KYBER

Allies (NIO): Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Rurik Fel Rurik Fel
Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Izoshi Izoshi

Allies (NJO/GA/RGO): Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Enemies (BoTM):
The Mongrel The Mongrel Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Maestus Maestus Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon

Erskine's Loadout

Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapons: Gifted Brass-Knuckles from the Guv'Nah (Both Trouser-Pockets - akimbo wielding)

Blue-Heart Brigade (Mechanized-Infantry)
*Losses are always registered 1 post after the fact
158 Repulsorlift Tanks (-43)
16 Scout-AFVs (-6)
3 ACVs (-2)
1 Coy. Elite Riflemen
3 Plat. Quartermasters (Combat-Engineers)

1 Coy. Field-Medics

big ouchy, but well played in the air!


Another Ideal Battlefield VI - Frozen Insanity

'Oh, aye! She still runs, an' purrs like the engine wasn't even scraped by the airships' cannons.... Crew's definitely deid, though.', Erskine responded to Dante, having been asked if the AFV they'd found was in working condition. The battle ahead had definitely gotten the coordinators in a state of peak curiosity, seeking the chance to lay eyes on explosions instead of distant light-flashes that lit the snow around them; Corvus and Barran wanted more, they wanted entertainment but didn't want to go through the hassle of dealing with snow and jetpacks on their way there. Something they both agreed on, finding common-ground on their very first matter since all their differences began on Generis, and though the urgency of the circumstances had somewhat influenced the moment, both the Myrmidon First-Captain and the Free-State Brigadier-General would appreciate the small blessing for what it was under-breath.

<"Murdoch to Blue-Heart Alpha! We've found some respite behind a rocky-face, but it's just a tad worse than hellish o'er here, Milord. As far as I've been able to make out! We've only got three designated ACVs left to continue the fight, and we're in the only actual armoured command-vehicle of the three. Made more sense to find cover than it would for the other two, wanty know why? Oh, it's quite simple - WE WERE IN THE CENTER OF THE LINE WHEN THE AIRSHIPS DROPPED!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, MILORD?!?!?!?">

'Barran to Saga Actual! Thank your lucky stars that I'm in a good mood, an' thank First-Captain Corvus for finding us some wheels to move up t'find yees! So dae yersel a favour an' calm it 'afore we find ye!'

<"Fine, that's perfectly doable! Just hurry the kark up, Milord! Ye better be drivin' suhin' faster than a karkin' Goliath-tank! Nae time ti feth aboot, is it? Saga Actual out!">

The crewmen of the Saga were right to be worried, as any reminder of the TIE-swarms would've brought up all the horrible memories that befell them during the last battles of the previous campaign against the Sith; only this time, however, there would be no tunnel-networks, view-obscuring buildings or Sith incompetence that could offer them respite, only the mountains and snowdrifts of Ilum. Fortunately for the Lord-Commander's ACV crew, the Lord-Commander would be driving the lightest of the brigade's armoured vehicles, and their position was very useful in being obscured from view by a jutting plateau sticking out above them, but time (and their ever-evolving opposition) was working very effectively against everyone capable of protecting them.

'They were present for the Serenno-op - we can afford to cut them a break on this one.... Anyways! Good job ye found a Scout-AFV, by the way. Lighter than a Goliath, lighter than Cataphracts too; lighter than oor MLVs fae Nakaioma, lighter than oor ACVs anaw! Literally the best armoured-vehicle ye could've spotted, but ah've never driven one o' these before, so please bear with me if it gets a little lively on our way.'

As the AFV roared into action, with the tracks digging into the snow for traction as the engine propelled the vehicle eastward, Barran would settle into his driving role whilst Corvus quietly tinkered with the onboard holonet-terminal. All four of the AFV's dead crewmen would lie across the floor behind them, with eyelids closed and arms crossed in preparation for the crude, seemingly-heartless cremation that awaited them when the coordinating duo found the Saga. Just a small fraction of the men that had been lost to the Battle of Ilum already, and the Free-State's high-command were willing to sacrifice the lives of many more in the pursuit of the victories that littered their growing list of achievements, but these losses (though Tal and Barran never let it show outright) would always weigh heavily on their hearts, and would probably weigh on them for the rest of their lives.
I can see you kneeling by those corpses, Thomas. They're not like you, they actually pass on to the afterlife with peace in their hearts.

Birrell & Brand II - The Horrors of War

<"Brand to Birrell! If you have any prayers to offer the souls of our brothers-in-arms, best recite them now.... And may God have mercy on our souls!">

What followed their orders would be nothing short of awe-inspiring to see in practice, though much of the same would be said on the other side of the exchange, as the opposing sides of the exchange would throw everything they could in each other's direction. From either side, at a safe distance from the center of the Galidraani advance, the Northern-Galidraani duo would see sky, snow, cloud and peak come alive in a fiery, almost blinding wall of light and destruction, and the only thing stopping them from marvelling at the horrifying magnitude of it was the fact they'd be losing friends and subordinates alike to it. Goliath tanks would go up in fuel-caught flames, with crewmen set ablaze in their attempts to escape their armoured coffins, all whilst aircraft fell from the skies in their attempt to sweep through and beyond the center of Barran's offensive line; a true test of the Commoner-Leftenants' resolve, though it seemed to both that it would take a miracle to survive long enough to see the operation's completion.

<"Just look at it, mate. We never did that on Hoth, Helgard or Csilla! If the Fighting-First get wind o' this, we'll be considered too mad for transfer-consideration. Because of this, we'll both be bound to the Blue-Hearts for the rest of our miserable lives.... The life of a commissioned commoner, eh? These vehicles serve as our proverbial beds, and mark my words - we'll both be lyin' in 'em today!">

<"So be it, Will. We've been empty husks since Carannia, it's about time we did something more meaningful than watching our mates bleed or burn to death! This is the true test of our leadership potential! Right here, on Ilum! AFV One out!">

With the aircraft eventually beginning to pass overhead of the mechanized center static-line, the flanks could do nothing but watch the destruction rain down on their comrades as the entire battle continued to make aggressive joint attempts to push east, flowing in a completely different series of patterns than most surface-to-air battles of the era but in a way that hinted none would come close to the events of that day for another decade or so. The Battle itself was proving costly for both contingents, but neither the airborne Mawites or the Commonwealth forces on the ground would have a butcher's bill to work with until the dust had settled on the engagement itself, however, all involved knew it wouldn't be a good result for either of the opposing contingents.

However, things would begin to get wilder when the oddly-welcome sight of the Mongrel's well-placed trenchlines (poised in wait fewer than 3.2km away) would force a complete change in strategic approach, and as fate would have it, Brand would be the one to bring this change about like a shot in the dark. Seeing the enemy bombers and fighter-craft in the distance, protecting their Mawite dropships as they veered around to make a wild charge westwards, the AFV-commander realized the Goliath-commander would be under pressure this time; seeing that the rotation in formation would turn to their right and likely aim all their remaining payloads at the far-right side of the moving Galidraani formation, Brand had no choice but to act in the only way he knew how. Lifting the comm-link receiver like it was his own flank being attacked, AFV One ground his teeth and then calmed his nerves before making his judgement call, fully aware that the wages of incompetence in battle often meant death for entire armies in the right circumstances.


It was a sound call to make, all of the tactical choices would work to Blue-Heart Battalion's favour, even going on to make the reset of their formation much easier, the undamaged vehicles would take the first static-line's impending workload and lead with smoothbore barrels rotating forward, all whilst the first-line's turrets continued to follow the flight-trajectories of their tormentors; anticipating flight-paths, wind-direction, distance and the behaviours of the priority-target bombers still covered well by the flagging screen of fighters. And yet, for all the good judgement of the AFV-commander, it wouldn't be enough to keep the remaining Mawite aircraft in the sky from raining hell and destruction on the far end of Birrell's designated flank; a horror that would change Brand in ways he just couldn't quite anticipate yet, as far too many surprises and horrors still awaited AFV One to even consider pausing to rationalize, grieve over or make his peace with the fact his friend would likely be dead before the bombers were done.

<"Birrell? If you can hear this - send my best to the lads in the afterlife.... I wager it won't be long before I join ya.">

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Halketh Halketh | Zachariel Steelblood

The Elder felt the scorching flames wrack against his enhanced but feeble body as he inched step by step closer and closer to the mighty warlord was he kept up the storm in defense more-so than attack against the Sith Lord. His opponent struggled to maintain the power unleashed at his hand, such raw potential. The Sith Master coveted the abilities of Halketh Halketh and even as he felt the pain coursing through him from what little slipped past his powerful barrier, he thought what could be if he was able to finalize his transition. To twist him into a full fledged Sith.

The storm faded and fizzled out, the powerful wave that had crashed against his body abruptly vanishing as the Elder nearly stumbled down from the lack of pressure back against him as inertia set in. A brief, eery wave of silence gripped over both of them for a moment as sound faded away. The Sith Master rose to a straightened posture with scorched hands and sweat from his brow. A grin of dark grimace overcame him as he glared deeply into the form of the Miralukan before him like a predator waiting to pounce.

As the Warlord summoned his weapon once again, the Dark Lord responded in kind with retrieval of his own from his hip. Crafted from Yorik coral, it’s Kyber crystal shining bright crimson from exposed brilliance, @Darth Solipsis’s lightsaber was a crude blunt instrument made for one purpose and one purpose only. To kill.

The miraluka took what precious seconds he was afforded to steady himself, wrestling against the tumult. Solipsis breathed slow and steadily, within moments pounding against his wounds to make the pain fester forth anew and breath fresh emotion into his body to fuel his rage. The Elder poured his anger and pain into the empyrean wind as he called upon the Dark Side of the Force. He languished in his wounds, felt the burning flesh on his hands, the savage cuts at his sides and focused inward to move his weak body to do what needed to be done.

If his body would not last here then it was truly undeserving of his indomitable spirit.

Strobing plasma raised decisively as he lunged forward, crossing himself with his blade and cleaving it in the Sith Lord's direction- fury guiding his hand. "You see me for what I am. You know that I've traded my freedom for power before-" he hissed, feeding on the virulent wrath blistering his veins, "know that never shall I again."

A guttural growl escaped him like a chained beast poked and prodded. A sharp hiss followed as he beckoned to Halketh Halketh , feeling the strength slowly return to his limbs as he did so.

“Peace is a Lie.”

The Elder took a silent step forward.

“There is only Passion.”

Another step followed by a loud thud as his foot bore weight.

“Through Passion I gain Strength,
Through Strength I gain Power.”

He closed in slowly but surely as his saber hissed to life.

“Through Power I gain Victory,
Through Victory my chains are Broken.”

The Dark Voice paused as the luminescent glow of his crimson saber illuminated his form in contrast with their surroundings as ice and crystal alike fell down around them. A sinister grin spread across his lips as he gazed upon the warlord with venomous eyes.

“The Force shall free me.”

Carried upon by the empyrean wind the Elder blurred into motion to meet saber with saber. Crashing into Halketh Halketh , the Sith Lord bellowed,

“I can give you a place to belong. Freedom of the highest form. We can discover the secret of life together my friend, we can bring her back as she was... if only you take your place at my side. As a Sith. As a Shadow Hand.”

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Libertas quae sera tamen


// ILUM \\
// CLOSED | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis \\
act. i
"That boy, Master Muwian, he possesses nothing that will contribute to our Order, try as you may to bend him into proper shape. He's weak. The Force barely acknowledges him. He cannot stay afoot with a saber in his hand for any length of time, he's often defiant and uncouth around his betters, and he's stubborn beyond belief. Even if he survives to achieve Knighthood, what makes you think he'll rise to status as a Master?"

Verdant orange clashed with hateful crimson, the collision barely staved off by the miraluka in his weakened state. His arm quivered, bolstered soon by the grasp of his right hand around his blade's hilt, applying equal pressure to meet the Sith Lord in full. Realizing then, he hadn't been breathing, he gasped, shivering against the echoing chill that was, at last, snaking across his sweat-soaked body.​

'It's easy to listen to the lies of the dead and fall into the Darkness.'
The distant voice echoed from his shattered awareness, coasting between the ridges of his resolve as easily as it had the day she had spoke them to him.

She had known about his clarity, that strange, twisted sixth-sense he kept under lock and key from the Masters who appraised and accosted him as nothing but dead weight where others of his people had served them far better. And she had known, perhaps, she had always known that she was his only hope for normalcy and resistance to the Darkness of the galaxy.​

"Allow me to begin." Carlyle paused again, waiting for any objections before continuing, "I believe particularly your words Halketh were disingenuous and reeked of a sort of... Jealousy and ineptitude."

The Warlord grit his teeth, summoning his strength to the lead-filled boot locking his stance into place, and swept it outward in a powerful kick meant to separate him from his opponent. He swaggered backward, knocking glassy shards from his steps.​

"I will show compassion when order is restored. There is no doubt in my mind, that as vast as these rabbles are that march in the streets we all liberated with our blood and toil, they work to disrupt the lives of those who work tirelessly to make a living and make up the foundation of what we have built. Those of our people who continue to work, to provide and sacrifice for our Empire, those are the ones who deserve our compassion. Not these people ripping apart our cities and streets like thugs. If there is to be compassion, there must first be order."

It mattered not how much Halketh spoke out for compassion and mercy towards not their enemies, but their people, the powers of the New Imperial Order always spoke over him or dismissed him. It mattered not how he had painted the perfect example for leadership and demonstrated satisfactory control over the planets tucked beneath his influence, they were warmongers who were nothing without their conquest. He had felt sick to his stomach the day his equals on the Assembly had argued and debated in favor of keeping slavery within their territory, and even more so when The Imperator himself spoke of tightening the noose of terror around their citizens' necks to scare them into obedience. Once, he had thought he would sacrifice anything for them- for this New Empire- but now with his bias cast aside and his vulnerability exposed, he found himself confused.​

"You mistake what Empire is. It is not bloodlines...or lineage. It is an identity of many brought unto one. You are as Imperial just as I am, this is the beauty of our New Order. Something the Sith had always failed to understand...and the reasoning each great Empire of their make has crumbled to ash." Rurik said, peering out toward the blissful, frigid cold before them.


He was no Imperial.


That day, the one where he had felt his hope die for the last time and his heart wail in his chest. The day his people, his soldiers, his apprentice, had sacrificed everything to protect the Iron Sun which had only turned its back on them and looked upon them with disgust in their time of service. Even with an Empire to his back, he felt alone. He knew his time with them was short and would likely end with his head parted from his neck or a blade in the dark. Yet still... he served. He dedicated his energy and blood to the New Imperials--

--and had gotten nothing in return.​

“Sir, she didn’t make it...”(x)

Shaky breaths swelled his chest and he turned his head, jaw clenching as the overwhelming realization struck him. He was better off in the dark places of the galaxy, those maddening edges he had called home, where he could practice what he willed and do as he pleased to advance his journey. He never wanted Muwian back, never, had he once wanted her back. The galaxy had changed in ways she wouldn't be able to grasp in the time since her death and... she deserved more than to be pulled from her place of unity with The Force and left as a husk of what once was.

The same, as much as it pained him to admit, could be said about his apprentice.

Others had tried to fill the holes in his heart, to nurse the pain in his soul. Julian Qar Julian Qar and Ezra Dune Ezra Dune chief amongst them. Both men had done their best to overlook his cracks and damage and fill the void left by his loss. But there was only so much that could be done to mend such horrific fractures.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' words echoed through him, rattling his bones and upsetting the spiking heart leaping into his throat. An invitation to belong. A place he could finally be seen. He considered his position carefully, knowing the deja vu of this situation was no mere coincidence. Ages ago, when he awoke from the throes of his nightmares, he had seen this end. Perhaps, more than death, it was the one he feared the most because he knew what his answer was.​

"Maybe one day you'll stop lying to yourself, Kezec."

He was a force beyond New Imperial control. He had not stepped into the line they shoved him toward, nor had he committed himself to mindless obedience of their leader. He had never sworn himself to the oath of the Imperial Force Corps or to fealty beneath the Man of Iron. He terrified them with the reach of his capabilities, yet they had done nothing to urge him by their side. A whim could undo their slaughter of Sith Imperial loyalists by the thousands, and raise those Sith Lords slain during Kyber Dark. A word could see thousands of nigh-unstoppable troopers unleashed upon their forces and the life torn from their bodies, yet... they had done nothing to ensure the relationship was stable and beneficial for both parties involved.

He should have been a prize amongst their ranks- a weapon to confront the Darkness with and command it in their favor. But their fascination with the slaughter of Darksiders and fixation upon control had blinded them to the truth. Their hatred, in an ironic twist, would be their undoing.

The warlord turned his head back in the Dark Voice's direction, though he pressed no further offensive- his saber left to hum in the silence between them by his side.

He could not deny the truth in the Sith Lord's words further.

He would lie to himself no longer.​

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Objective I: Hearts of Kyber

Location: Ilum, Brotherhood Crystal Mine
Tags: Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket


Tu'teggacha chuckled, a wet and revolting sound that shook his wriggling facial tendrils. "No," he replied, glancing down at the mess of gore on Tarrok's foot, "I imagine not. But you understand the principle, I think. If you are strong enough to take something, then it should belong to you." The Ebruchi looked around, gazing pointedly at the many marauders that surrounded the two of them. "And you are strong, that much is clear... but there is greater strength in numbers." It was this principle, after all, that had allowed the Brotherhood to carve out their savage kingdom in the Unknown Regions, casting down half a dozen rivals.

"Above us," the Taskmaster continued, "are those who believe themselves to be strong through their supposed righteousness. They do not intend to allow any of us to leave with those crystals." He pointed at the crystals in the bag over Tarrok's shoulder, then swept his knobby hand around to indicate the entire mining operation. "Which leaves you with a choice. Fight against them and against us to take your prize... or accept the strength of our numbers, and add yourself to it." The implication was clear; Tarrok was welcome to keep his sack of loot, but his chances of getting past the incoming Alliance and NIO forces alone were poor at best.

It was a calculated offer. Tu'teggacha could see the towering alien's strength. It would be an asset to the Maw.

Objective I - Hearts of Kyber

Location: Ilum, Brotherhood Base
Allies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Maestus Maestus | Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor
Foes: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Izoshi Izoshi

Reaching the safety of the fallback trench, The Mongrel turned back to watch the carnage unfold.

It was the first time that the veteran marauder had witnessed the Athysian raiders in action, and he had to admit that he was impressed. Their ships, screened from attack by the swarms of Darkshears, unleashed a devastating barrage of heavy weapons fire on the approaching tanks... and when they had expended their munitions or suffered too much damage, they became weapons themselves, hurling their craft into the frozen earth in fireballs that would surely consume many of the Brotherhood's foes. It was a savage, fanatical act worthy of the Maw, and The Mongrel saluted them. "They glorify the Avatars!" he shouted, and launched into a holy chant. "War! Death! Rebirth! War! Death! Rebirth!"

Behind him, hundreds and hundreds of marauders chanted with him.

The valley's snowdrifts still glittered dangerously bright, though now they reflected the burning hulks of vehicles and crashed starfighters. Trickles of oil and lubricant left blue-black streaks over the once-pristine expanse, and impact craters grew steadily deeper as superheated wreckage melted the permafrost. The valley had been scarred by the pollution of the Brotherhood's reckless mining operations, but the battle had maimed it, left it utterly disfigured for all time. It had gone from resembling a scene from a meditative painting to looking like a particularly depraved artist's rendering of one of the Corellian hells, and the battle was only just getting started.

It was clear that the carnage from above was taking its toll on the Galidraani forces, who had advanced into this meat grinder seemingly unsupported. The Mongrel felt an uncharacteristic twinge of sympathy for his foes. It seemed that the Jedi were too concerned with restoring their sacred temple to assist on the battlefield, and the Galactic Alliance had not seen fit to commit any military forces at all. Meanwhile, the NIO had spared only this lone force to drive out the Brotherhood, perhaps preserving the rest of their fleets and armies for other conquests, more pressing wars. These brave men, born warriors, had been sent by some distant bureaucracy to die.

The Mongrel swore to give worthy deaths to all who fell before him.

Yet he soon found that he had counted the Galidraani out far, far too early. When he had drawn up his trench lines, he'd been assuming his enemies would act the same way that he would have when on the offensive: an all-out charge to overwhelm and claim the trenches. If they had, the same denial tactics used against the Brotherhood on Csilla would have worked here. But the Galidraani weren't fanatical barbarians; they were disciplined soldiers with access to a vast arsenal, along with the tactical knowledge to take maximum advantage of it. And The Mongrel, crouching in the second trench as he waited to detonate the first, suddenly found out that they didn't need to charge.

The heavy AP shells fell on the Maw trenches like hammer blows, blasting apart entire sections of the hastily-dug fortifications. Before the Bloodsworn sub-commander could even react, the line of explosives he'd planted in the front trench detonated under the barrage, prematurely destroying the entire dugout in a massive chain reaction that rippled out from the middle in two long lines of fire. The ground shook, and everyone in the second trench was thrown off their feet, eardrums blown out - or at least ringing. Then the barrage crawled forward, beginning to fall on the second trench... and on the stunned men who lay there, struggling to rise.

The Mongrel was a survivor, and managed to find his feet quickly. Shell-shocked, head still spinning, he clawed his way along the trench, searching for one of the tunnels that led back beneath the reinforced wall. It would take a long time for the enemy to crack that broad barrier, even with their heaviest shells; it had been designed to withstand the NIO artillery they had observed on Csilla. But everyone outside the wall... The veteran marauder quickly sounded the second fallback signal, informing all the survivors to retreat through the tunnels once again. Hopefully doing so would be common sense, for the constant explosions made the signal almost impossible to hear.

Emerging at last into the base's courtyard, The Mongrel took stock of the damage. His men's PLX launchers had taken their toll, but the plan to collapse the trench had backfired spectacularly, and their losses had been far greater than he'd hoped. The simplest option now was to abandon the prospect of inflicting any further casualties on the Galidraani forces, and to simply wait behind the reinforced walls as the cargo shuttles evacuated the last of the mine's crystal shipments. After all, the Athysians were doing an excellent job of harassing and delaying the enemy. But The Mongrel found that he couldn't stand the idea. Cowering behind these defenses wasn't how he'd earn glory.

Again he cursed the frigid conditions that kept the Gore Wasps from deploying. They would have been perfect.

So he improvised, quickly rattling off commands. "Round up every swoop bike in the base," he ordered, discarding his PLX launcher and strapping on more of his close-combat arsenal. If the enemy could pound them so grievously from a distance, then he would close that distance and destroy their long-ranged capability, buying the mining base ample time to evacuate every last scrap of kyber crystal. The first of the swoop bikes was brought out to him, a fast, lean machine modified by the Brotherhood's outlaw techs to be even faster than standard. The Mongrel swung his leg over the side of the vehicle and revved the engine. Then he reached for a new weapon.

The power lance felt good in his hand. Its superheated tip promised to rip the enemy armor apart.

Behind the marauder warleader, fifty more marauders mounted swoop bikes and took up their lances, preparing to race across the field toward Brand's artillery vehicles. It would be a dangerous gauntlet, full of wrecked vehicles and flashing fire - some enemy, some friendly from the Athysians swarming above, neither any less deadly to the Brotherhood warriors. But the potential glory was worth the risk. A massive gate in the base's heavy wall opened just a fraction, and the swarm of swoop bikes sped through the gap. They spread out as they hit the battlefield, dodging and weaving around obstacles, headed straight for the NIO's long-range ground pounders.

The Mongrel's shock of hair flapped in the wind as he hit the accelerator. He gripped his lance and grinned.


M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin | Lightsaber



Ilum. A sacred, derelict world. Generations had seen this frozen earth cherished by several groups, governments and creeds through the Galaxy's humble existence. Both Jedi and Sith vowed for it in its wealth of Kyber and the Imperials, the First Order in-exile prized its then isolation. But new grounds unearthed across the Galaxy diminished its value over time.

The Galactic Alliance cherished the legacy of this world however and its ties to the Jedi Order. Not that the New Imperial Order lacked the vision of the value that came with sentiment, historic claims. Bastion, Dantooine, Serenno and most recently Mandalore all had been large scale military actions attached to prior emotion, connection.

For Rurik, this was a struggle and drive as real as any. Bastion was the claim of his ancestors, the proud ruling house of Fel. Serenno...was the place of his birth and upbringing. As much as he sought to be the man of metal, devoid of lingered. And not with the shadow of a presence, with a vengeance.

He'd planted himself in a large opening within the caverns buried in Ilum. He sought to...commune, with a spirit of The Force, using this place's deep and strong hold of the space between spaces to construct that tether. But in that same vein, he tapped into a greatly disturbed...insidious entity.

A familiar being, the very same that he'd reached out and touched when he was born again in the Twilight, when the mortal Rurik Wymar had been charred by the fire around him and trapped within his visage of metal.


The fire that burned around him...did not burn as bright as the fire within. Ren was coming...for him and soon enough that foreboding marauder of death and misery rounded the corner to come into view of the meditating Lord Executor, his eyes screwed shut before snapping to life.

They were going to meet again.

He slowly brought himself to his feet.

"Kyrel pains me to see you in misery, brother." Rurik said unto the man, solemn in his otherwise frigid voice.

He kept his saber at his waist.

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

High Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order


✠ Objective: I. Hearts of Kyber
✠ Location: Aboard The Phalanx, entering Ilum System
✠ Gear:
Agema-Armour, Lancer-pistol, lightsaber pike, holo-transmitter
✠ Assets:
The Phalanx, the White Flame, two Paladin Banners (FG) (181), Skytroopers
✠ Tag(s):
Adversaries: Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor Allies: Open

Adversaries: The Mongrel The Mongrel , Maestus Maestus Allies: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran , open

The Phalanx did not continue firing on the fleeing destroyer and instead kept the focus on taking out the next small target with as much firepower as possible, blue turbolasers firing a never ending stream of massive bolts, torpedoes rushing at the enemy as well as large concussion missiles intending to shred the hulls of these raiders.

Meanwhile as the ship would get in between the destroyers, dozens of small objective would leave the large hull, boarding pods intending to pierce the hulls of the destroyers and delivering cold greetings from ancient Zakuul. Two squads of Skytroopers in each, a few equipped with heavy weapons like grenade launchers and flamers to open the way for the others with blasters.
The droid starfighters which were engaged already immediatly returned to the ship to cover the boarding pods, intercept fighters or draw fire. Three groups were heading to the nearby destroyers. But the capital ship weapons kept shooting, they destroyers would be annihilated, one way or the other.

"Maintain the frontal deflectors and catch up to their flagship."

"We will receive armor damage in twelve seconds, High Imperator."

"Reactors to 105%, cut the power for the ventral shielding, steering thrusters 10° dive. Front deflectors and main engines are priority. Inform Princeps Vrihedd to enter the pods. Horizon Protocol to 10%, prepare four more squadrons to launch."

✠ ✠ ✠

The ships hull was protesting, loudly protesting as it was in flames due to the fast atmospheric entrance. The Captain was not fond of this maneuvre, it was stressing his ship beyond what was good for it, even though he knew what it could take. The boldness and audacity behind the movement was remarkable, the White Flames captain was at first speechless when the Princeps issued the command, but it was not his to dispute or oppose it, the crew had checked the chances and they were in their favour.

With flaming hull and structural noises, the cruiser sized warship descended through the clouds, propelled by both the engines and gravity. It darted towards the battlefield, the flames slowly fading as it was lowering the altitude ever further. The captain was watching the sensor readings, the ground forces were hard pressured by the enemy air superiority but managed to advance, seemingly and successfully fighting the dig in enemy. It was until the swoops launched and counter-attacked, seeing a large group of enemies counter attacking all the while the enemy kept harrassing from the skies.

"Raise shields, prepare all ventral guns to target the aircraft, prepare for overall anti-air defence. Bring us to a position above the enemy base to intercept escaping aircraft."

Marcus was listening to the captains orders and looking at the situation himself through the HUD, with a gesture his lieutenant was giving the order to the pilots to heat up the engines of the Stormeagles. They were already sitting in them, his warriors, his banner, their equipment was checked and they were in their pre-battle rituals, preparing for the coming assault. But Marcus was never satisfied, never believing to have approached perfection and he was checking his Lancer-blaster again and if the blade was loosened in its sheath. It was why his company was the best, why his banner was best performing and his warriors respected him, they were embracing the same doctrine.


Objective: I
Hearts of Kyber

Part 3A: Clash of Titans

Allies: -
Foes: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

"Steadfast, Caedis... The battle has just begun..."


The fallen corsair launches his legs against the invisible form of Pain which stood over the dismembered body. He lied amidst the pool of his very own blood, boiling against the hot deck of the destroyer. The blazing fire reaches out towards the scattered munition across the deformed durasteel, as the very walls over the cannons have cracked. The void's hungry beast wrestles the life support's failing systems to storm inside the wounded ship. she dives down, aiming her quadriple cannon spikes against the Phalanx.

"Prepare to fire". The witch-captain intoned, staring on the distorted projection of the holoscreen before her iron throne. Her arms tightened into fists, pushing against the table's frame. Around her, bodies of officers decorated the deck over the blood-splattered wall of the bridge. The price of defiance; A sin untold in the Athysian world. One with the ship, one with the Wrath. The Wrath Dhefiron, the Sleeping King fuels upon the fires of battle, embuing the minds of the Athysian warriors with bravery. to back down from such a worthy foe was nothing but cowardice. Cowardice was the shard of corruption. What the Athysians have warred for untold centuries, moulded and anviled against hordes of darkest horrors and unimaginable odds in the Wild Space. There is no space for defiance. For it is a demon on its own; Tamed by the mightiest of warlords, ready to challenge the very will of the Ancient Ones. A mere officer; A servant of the Witch-Captain, was nothing but this. A servant. And there can only be one way to cleanse the mind of the wicked from such seed of corruption. Only one way, the Athysian Witch-Captain would walk through. The skull-tearing sensation of the horrors that lurk beyond the judgement of the Hegenika. The only path down the spiral well of the Dark. Death. And so it happened. Now on her own, bending the very aluminium-forged frame of the holotable with the thousand invisible grasps of the Force around her, shrouding the ship in Arcane essense. "Never challenge the Wrath of the Kirkian witches" they say on Athys... For the horrors they can unleash, break the will of any who may stand in their way....

The numberless boarding shells swarm around the destroyer like a claw of iron and fire and death. Yet the Athysian will bends not before the odds of defeat. Instead; It is there.... Where it is fueled the most. The destroyer's hell-freeing cannons release the deadly beam towards the bow of the massive foe, as it seems careless of the coming chaos on deck. She fires. All four remaining destroyers fire, one after the other, swarming in high speed alla round the roaring warship. Their beams always concentrated. Two at the bow. Two at the engines of the Phalanx. Relentless strikes one after the other, before they turn, rushing away for moments to pass, before they reach out again, for the following strike. They blaze, as two are wounded by the barrage. Careless of their bleeding fire, the Hunter Dogs bark, biting the enemy again and again, up until the wound is wide enough to reveal the bleeding heart. They attack... even if their pack is already wounded... For they know... What comes next... And they shall not yield, in their moment of glory...

"BOARDING PODS INCOMING! SWORD!" screams the quartermaster as he rushes through the destroyer's main deck. The alien crew rushes across, as the cannons fire their deadly load in the void. The very ship takes sharp turns and spins, accelerating as power is diverted to the engines to push forth the ship in an attempt to outrun the boarding pods flying against her, preparing yet another bite of beam for the enemy's hull. Point defense guns and cannons alike spit shinning death upon the enemy durasteel, as they reach out for the grasp.

The quartermaster walks over the screaming corsair. He grasps him by the chest, lifting his torso up. The corsair's hair falls onto the quartermaster's grasp, soaked by blood, as he screams onto him. Cries of pain. The wounded man grasps the quartermaster by the throat, grinding his teeth. "GIVE ME THE BLADE!" he screams, with blood being spat against the quartermaster's face. The quartermaster turns his gaze, looking to the torn arm, resting few meters away under a flaming tube that fell by the Rim-Guard's furious barrage. The Quartermaster stares the corsair's bloodied eyes as the man starts choking. The Dark Side blurs the deck, with the nearby lamps flickering, up until the corsair's last breath is let away... The quartermaster's tainted yellow eyes turn, as he draws his vibrowblade, flourishing it towards the nearby crew. "JOIN ME BROTHERS!!! FOR I SEEK NO HOME'S WORMTH, OR WIFE'S TOUCH TO RETURN TO!" he screams towards them, as he looks towards the walls of the deck, deformed by the heavy barrage... "No life to live, but this. CAPTAIN'S WORDS ARE THESE! LET OUR BLOOD RUN THE STARS RED! LET THE LIGHT FADE BEFORE OUR SMOKING BARRELS! LET THE ENEMY WEEP BEFORE THE CARNAGE THEY SHALL FACE ONBOARD THIS DECK! CAPTAIN'S WRATH FUELS ME! FUELS US ALL! LET US ALL CLAIM OUR GLORY UNDER A CRIMSON STAR!!!!!!!!!"

The howling warcries of the crew onboard the wounded destroyer echo across the near void, as her cannons fire ever raging, as the boarding pods finally close in for the kill... a kill... Which they shall bleed most to feast on!

"Our guns are useless! They are taking out my Hunters. If they wanna board... I shall give them something to board on...!" Caedis' growling barks are spat behind his grinding lips. His tainted yellow eyes spark like clashing flame, as he observes the battle. His pacing ever ceaseless back and forth. His fists bleed lightning, as his blade whispers the seed of madness.... Echoes in his mind no mortal would ever wish to hear. Yet to Caedis, it feels as a mother's word. Pushing him towards the fight. Pushing him, to the higher prize... "Where are my squadrons!?" he shouts towards the operator. "My lord prince, we have sent transmission to all squadrons to return to the ship. They have been taking heavy casualties!". "CALL THEM BACK! I want all guns on that ship!". The operator hesitated for few seconds, before replying the Prince's furious order. "Lord prince... We have done so... They... They have refused to withdraw"


"We are on, boys!!! Time to show these fools how a real war feels like!" The tall, musclar Nautolan shouts, as he walks across the narrow deck of the gunship. Left and right, half-geared corsair warriors arm themselves. Vibrowstaffs, blasters, hooks, electroblades, granades and plasma cannons are sheathed and hanged over the tattooed warriors. Their bodies shinnign against the dim light of the malfunctioning lamps due to the thick layer of sweat, while their armors range from beskar to cloth and from techno-barbaric to powerarmor. The one-eyed nautolan maintains a wide smile of satisfaction, as he urges for the battle to come. He climbs through the narrow hatch ladder up the deck. There, several warriors are loading and maintaining the large cannons of the ship. He walks through a thick durasteel door, entering the bridge. There, a tall, thin figure stood. A woman. Her eyes yellow by the taint of the Dark side that empowered her, while a lightsaber hilt hanged by her belt. She looked forth, from the narrow window, to the already engaged fleets. "The Umbrammors have them in place... Just as the Prince predicted..." she muttered. "Are we ready, captain?" the nautolan spoke. "Signal the fleet... We push in"

The roaring of the engines of the Baron-Class Gunship shake the void on her path, as her spiked hull progresses towards the orbit of the frozen wreckage... Head of an eight-ship squadron... One, out of three squadrons, spanning in a vast attack formation...

"Well well..." The low voice of Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon was heard, as his ring-loaded fingers tap the top of the hilt. His colorless lips slit in a slight smirk, under the sparkling light of his yellow eyes, fiery by the Darkness that surrounds him. "The cat is in the bag... Send the sacrifices to the temple... Its time..." he spoke over his shoulder. The cloaked figure behind him bows his head before leaving. Without even making eye contact, Irratar turns his gaze back to the void battle at the far distance. "Let the games begin... All weapons charge, prepare for long-range attack. All fighter squadrons on deck. Signal the Parriah to launch ships. They won't enter the battle. Keep her escort at the reserves. I do not want any uninvited guests to my feast...".

The Black Prince oversaw his plan unfolding flawlessly, atop of the bridge of the Blood Spear. Sailing just abit behind the gunship vanguard, along with six more Hunter Dogs, orbiting his flagship in a circular manner. Behind his ship, sailed the Parriah. A Lernea-Class Carrier, having four more Destroyers behind her, as escort. The monsterous capital ship accelerates as they come closer and closer to the engagement. In time, the shadowing swarms of 100 HSF-97 "Buzzer" starfighters are visible around the attacking fleet...

And so...

The Hemstagon Raider Fleet reveals itself...

Part 3B: Inferno frozen Red

LOCATION: Ground War
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel Maestus Maestus
Foes: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

The engines of the HAF-33 "Starbane" shuttles that had made landing inside the Brotherhood's base remained silent for long... Too long.... As the battle unfolds outside, whatever troops could have been sent for reinforcements seem not to have partaken in any action.... Yet...
As the Maw troops venture in a heroic exodus, strange screams start coming from the several Athysian tattooed shuttles on the platforms...


The berserk cries of the techno-barbarian figure is deafening within the small cabin of the shuttle... Hardly twenty warriors fit inside the shuttle. Their balck thick armors reflects none of the dim light of the cabin, as the warrior chief lets the naked body of the slave hit the iron deck, with the throat's cut voming a river of pumping blood. The barbarian lifts his knife, as he screams.


The marauders onboard hit their black towershields with their alchemized machetes. Their armors and gear stained with blood-red tattooes and symbols, resembling chains and distorted jaws, within a seven-pointed star. The chieftain throws the knife on the deck, grabbing violently the arm of the still-dying slave, putting his heavy boot against the spine. With a sudden move of his spiked-armored hand, he tears the slave's arm clean from the torso.


The barbarian screams. This warriors answer, by hitting their black-iron machetes against their shields, grinning their artificially sharpened teeth ever tighter.

"LET THESE SHIELDS BE YOUR IRON BONDS! LET THESE SWORDS BE YOUR CLAWS! AND THESE BARRELS YOUR FURY!!!" the chieftain keeps screaming, as he swings the slave's torn arm, smashing its bleeding side against the shields and armors of his warriors, who embrace the blood splatter caused by the bludgeoning of the cut flesh against themselves in a berserk tension.
The chieftain then, after turning towards the blastoor of the shuttle, he brings the torn arm to his mouth, where he bites off the ruined flesh. His sharpened teeth bite deep, cracking the very bone. His eyes blaze yellow like fire possesses the warband...

"Give us your rage, as we deliver this world...." the chieftain spoke in much lower, draconic-growling voice, before putting on the spiked helmet, with the monsterous jaws fixed onto the bulk of the gear... Following, his words bleed an infernal growl, twisted by the berserk taint of the Dark Patron...

Y̴̨̛̮̥̱̲͓̪̪̭͕͍̹͕̭͇͎̜ͯͩ͗ͪ̄͒̓̀̌ͦ̍ͫ̚̚O̵͍̻̩̲̟̖̎ͧ͗̐̓́̚̕͞U̼͖̝̻͕̮͍̥̹͕̻̗̓̑̈́͑ͭͭͣͤ̂̉̑̚͜R̡̢̼͖̤̪̬͖̗͉̬̤̀͊ͩ̂ͦ͂̃ ̶̸̨̛͙̠̱̺̼̙̰̦̯̩͙̘̖̮̩̣̗ͥ̏͆̑̈̈́̍͂͊̇̎ͪ̔̅́C̙͖̠͙͎̙̠͓̲̥͕͍̼̟͈̳͉̠̽ͦ̀ͧ̓̅̽̚͢͡A̽ͪ͑̈ͥ̔͆ͮ͐̇̐̆̚҉̺̜̥̳̩̲͜R̳̝̼̺͈̟̞͓̗͍͈̜̺̣͔̳̦̿̓͛ͭͩͦͥ͠͝Ṋ̨̡̫̻̬̭̤̝̱̙̗̠͓͎̟̮͆͋̀͘̕A͈̝̞̩̝̹̼͌̾̃͛̒ͫͧ̑̑͆̔̒̂ͣͮ̇̆̚̕͟͢G̶̶̡͚̺̠͙͚̲̹̰͚̟͙̮̯̭̖̮̥̊ͦ̅̉̎́́E̸̴͔̩̠̤͉̗̝̭̥̞͕̠̺̲̒ͣͦͫͥ̇̓ͦ̊́ͤ̆ͥ̆ͭ͑ͧ̂̚̕͢͜ͅ

The Erevosian Warbands charge out from their grim shuttles. One after the other, they disembark their grim shuttles, bringing the omen of slaughter as they march across the baily, straight to the battle, as the enemy stood at the gates...

About a hundred of these Dark-tainted warriors marched. A large, square formation, with most holding their tower shields forth, while they screamed their savage warcries ont he march, hitting their shields and flourishing their dark machetes...

Above them, a squadron of Athysian Starbanes flies, heading once more back to the battlefield, beyond the walls, synchronizing their charge out of coincidence, with the exodus of the Brotherhood's marauders.

Left and right, all across the field proton bombs and heavy fire blazes. Bodies fly torn, while the remaining fighters fly low, barraging the enemy charging lines as they go, mere meters over the frozen earth. The red fog of the troops impaled by the thick fiery beams of the Buzzers creates a transparent shroud over the snow, descending long after the dismembered, half-burned bodies hit the earth. Seconds later, as the fighter steers upward, the enemy closes in, still in pursuit. The rapid fire overheats the very cannons of the fighters. Yet, it finally pays off, as the Buzzer's screaming engines catch flame. As it flies in high speed vertically up, the engines blast, filling the cockpit with blood and fire. The burning fighter slowly ends its darting climb, before it drops lifeless, soundless against the blizzard.... A vast fuel-infused explosion blazes the battlefield, amidst the sea of charging troops. A final strike of the fallen warrior, reaching out for the Glorious Death.... A Warrior's Death.


The bomber's concussion missiles are launched against the lightning-fast fighters of the enemy, leaving a smoke-trail as if they emerge arcane snakes from the belly of the Starbane beast, to grasp the enemy in a deathly embrace of fire. "Kill the bastards! THIS IS WHERE THE GODS HEAR OUR WARCRY!!!!" the screams of the zealot pilots melts down the very frequencies of the Athysian fighters, while they barrage the ground with reckless savagery. Missiles fly, fighters blast, bodies fall. Blood rivers, meeting the burning fuel in a fiery union of horror screams and crows of durasteel, feasting upon the souls of the living. War is Hell, they say. And the Athysian pilots are determined to spawn its greatest of demons upon this once "Holy" world...

Their reckless barrages of missiles, repeater cannon fire and lazer beams shapeshift the very frozen earth into a burning pit of infernal turmoil, careless of the damage sustained. The Athysian fighters challenge the enemy, throwing themselves with passion into the brutal dogfight, above the hellscape. Veterans of a hundred raids on a hundred worlds, having fought as many times as they have drawn breath, the Athysians knew only battle; Raiders, by race, warriors, by birth, their journey to eternity peaks in the moment of thrill, where the challenge of odds hundred times over against them and yet still, carving a deep mark against the history's flesh, of the blood they spilled on their fall. Fall... No... Athysians do not fall in battle... Many believe such warriors can only do so much... But they are mistaken...

From the four millennia old dynasties of warriors, the Athysians do not fall in battle....

They Ascend


There are darknesses in life and there are lights,
and you are one of the lights,
the light of all lights.



At the mention of mountains, her memories fondly retraced through the environment she’d been born in. Her family was from the mountainside too, surrounded by rocky crags and stone’s strength. In an instant, she was a decade younger –– hopping and skipping between dips and peaks and exploring for other homesteads in the Ashina region. Somewhere in the mountains? Which other families lived in such lofty heights? Certainly not many. And the way he carried himself was as postured by conditioning of rigorous training –– even fewer families had the affinity for The Force as hers did.

And how old was he? He had to be around the age of her exiled brother –– the one she'd never met. hmm-- no families at the fore of her mind met the criterium he offered. She'd have to dive deeper.

Her reflection and curiosities eroded swiftly at the foreign interjection, the arrival of someone unseen until they’d chosen to be.

Layered responses came with further explanation, two voices overlapping –– the distinctions were well apparent, and the only similarity was the words themselves.

"Nowhere special."
"Nowhere special."

A trill of surprise coursed through her and she halted in her steps –– surprise hardened into readiness, and then distaste. The new arrival had no Ashla about her, but no hostility either. This couldn’t have been the interlopers her guardian had suggested. Nevertheless, he took the lead on interrogating while Ishida sorted through the implications.

“The sanctity of this temple has been greatly compromised.” She deduced, peering over the shoulder of the new arrival. As if to reinforce her suspicions, and the earlier prophetic indication, the cavern shook from the explosions above. Silt and ice trickled down the walls and she deepened her frown and focused.

“They’re deeper still, down in the caves themselves.” Grey eyes flashed toward the other Atrisian. “And they are darkness.” Sucking in an angry breath through her teeth, she flashed another look toward the woman encircling herself and the Knight.

“Are you here because of them? As much as you aren’t supposed to be here, you don’t feel evil. They...the

They must be stopped.”

Oddly enough, it would be the lure of those of the Darkside that would draw her to the crystal caves. Not Ashla’s beckon.


ALLIES | GA | NJO | Inosuke Ashina Inosuke Ashina
UNIDENTIFIED | NIO | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro
ENEMIES | BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW | PENDING Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket

Last edited:


Post #5

Objective 1: HEARTS OF KYBER

Allies (NIO): Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Rurik Fel Rurik Fel
Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Izoshi Izoshi

Allies (NJO/GA/RGO): Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The Mongrel The Mongrel Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Maestus Maestus Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor Irratar Hemstagon Irratar Hemstagon

Erskine's Loadout

Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapons: Gifted Brass-Knuckles from the Guv'Nah (Both Trouser-Pockets - akimbo wielding)

Blue-Heart Brigade (Mechanized-Infantry)
*Losses are always registered 1 post after the fact
126 Repulsorlift Tanks (-16)
12 Scout-AFVs (-4)
2 ACVs (-1)
1 Coy. Elite Riflemen
3 Plat. Quartermasters (Combat-Engineers)
1 Coy. Field-Medics



Birrell & Brand III - The Last Farewell

The enemies in the air had only just passed back the way they'd arrived, successfully pushing through Birrell's edge of the Galidraani right flank on their way to relative, snow-obscured safety, though it was painfully obvious they had every intention of returning to sacrifice the last of their numbers on payload expenditure, or (the more-destructive method) on suicide-crash impacts that would wreck multiple vehicles within range every time. Such a wild attack was only a precursor to a grander finale than that expected of lesser, saner pilots, and Brand had no intention of letting that happen; too much counted on his successful breach and overrunning of the opposing trenchlines, and though the first battle-line of tanks and AFVs were meeting varying degrees of accurate smoothbore success, the Northern-Galidraani Leftenant was completely adamant in his refusal for the remaining Blue-Hearts to become sitting-ducks to other waves of aerial ground-and-pound raids.

Debris was lying all over the place, that of Mawite and Imperial circulation alike, with colliding smoke-plumes that struck two-toned shrouds across the frozen landscape; bodies strewn across the valley floor, some dead, some twitching in their death-throes, and some writhing around in burned or dismembered agony, it was all becoming so hellishly familiar to Leftenant Brand in that moment. However, understanding that seeing such carnage so early on in the battle was instilling a fearful urgency that was beginning to affect his ability to focus properly, bringing out a hasty sense of urgency that was threatening to unravel the Brigadier-General's best-laid plans. Compounding these hastening fears soon after, with a sound the Blue-Hearts knew all too well, was the not-so-distant echoes of speeder-bike engines growling from the hillside trenchlines in the east; a sound the Galidraani learned both to love and to hate when they fought the Sith Empire on Generis, an auditory reminder that the threats laying beyond could still sally out and outmaneuvre the Free-State's offensive-line.

'If we can hear that over the AP-shellings, means there'll be more than those Sith had, much more. I can only hope you know what you're doing, sir.'
Same 'ere, Corporal. Same 'ere....

Yet something turned the tide for the Blue-Heart right flank in that moment, and though it was completely unexpected, (and from a faction they never even knew they could count on before) the sight of the Rimguard Order's personnel-carriers approaching orbit had dragged their morale from a routing-precipice and instilled a hope the Commonwealth forces thought would evaporate to fatalistic extremes. The Galidraani contingent wanted to push on, willed more than most to wipe out as many Mawites as humanly possible, but being rocked so early in the battle threw doubts into the ranks like never before, a brand new challenge for Blue-Heart Battalion to overcome, a fresh roadblock that stood in the way of their perpetual fight for survival. Little did the rankers know at the time, but the shock and awe was yet to awaken their collective fighting spirit, and in a way that would give them courage (and resolve) enough to retain the fighting advantage once more.

<"Birrell to AFV One! Can you hear me, mate? Please tell me you do-">

And the shock and awe would arrive in the nick of time, like a beacon in the night, in the form of a familiar voice on the local comm-link channel; one such that awakened every sense like a jump-starter had electrified the very essence of Brand's soul, one such voice that AFV One was sure he'd never have the honour of hearing again. Yet something was off, the voice of his friend didn't sound as strong, or as confident as it did before the Athysian radier's aircraft had turned to fight their way back to the west, and in that moment, the AFV commander began to understand that the blessing would reveal it's true face as the ugliest of curses. Horror, grief, and despair, parading around in the skin of his mortally-wounded friend, proverbially waving Birrell around in Brand's face in an effort to tease the AFV commander for holding to his naive hopes and prayers.

'-Brand to Goliath One! Loud an' clear, but there's something in your voice that tells me it's not all good news. Please tell me I'm wrong.'

<"Birrell to AFV One! Genuinely wish I could, mate. Me guts are 'angin' out, left 'and is mangled, legs are blown off - it's not lookin' too good for Goliath One. So I'm just patchin' through to make me fare-thee-wells, as everyone else in 'ere feels just as chit as I do, an' we want the agony to end. Is that too much to ask, Phil? Is it?">

'Brand to Goliath One! Of course not, I'd ask the same of you in your shoes.... But what exactly is it that your heart's set on doing, mate?'

Even with the intensifying noise of the swoop bikes' engines in the distance inadvertently threatening to distract the AFV commander, he knew, deep down in the farthest recesses of his soul he knew exactly what Goliath One was planning, but Brand still needed to hear it from Birrell's mouth personally. The Northern-Galidraani duo were too busy to give voice to their silent assumptions, as at the time they arrived to see the Mawite trenchlines in the distance, both Birrell and Brand correctly surmised the first trenchline would be rigged to detonate like FN-999 had on Csilla, understanding without a second thought that these raiders, marauders and cultists were quicker learners than all their previous opposition combined. A moment that brought every semblance of joy crashing down, though in those moments before the Mawite aircraft made their fateful u-turn, the duo had no chance of knowing, nor were they even given enough time to consider it for discussion; a sad moment that would later be recalled with regret as one of the unavoidable constants of war at the time, though expressed with caution for future generations of Blue-Heart officers.

<"Was good knowin' ya, Brand. I'll be sure to send me best to Davis and Co. Just 'old the line until the very last moment, you'll know it when ya see it. Trust! Last communication: Goliath One out, archiving callsign for reallocation!">
This galaxy is fething cursed! From one corner to the next, the cosmos I've grown to love has condemned me to an 'orrible death. So be it....

Turning back to his top-down blip-display of the battle, AFV One saw thirty Goliath tanks and two AFVs pushing off from the line; driving slowly towards the first trenchline from the far-right flank of the formation, the ugly truth of Goliath One's intentions was beginning to rear it's truest, most grotesque of faces, one such that took everyone else by surprise in that moment, flooding Brand's comm-link unit with calls for reasons why the other Commoner-Leftenant was making a suicidal charge for the rigged Mawite trenchlines. Uphill, where all the swoop-bikes were readying to descend the mountain, all the forces under direction from the Mongrel could see all that was happening with their own pairs of eyes; thirty-two armoured Galidraani vehicles, badly damaged and barely running on the broken bodywork-plating, spreading out and bearing down on the first trenchline with patience for the deaths they were soon to enjoy.

'Goodbye, Will. God can handle the rest! Good luck out there, mate.'

Another Ideal Battlefield VII - The Fog of War

Arriving on the scene at the alleviated former center of the first line, the Saga would feel more confident to cross the open ground to meet their Lord-Commander's eastern approach in the middle to save time. As soon as they were comm-linked properly, the report of Birrell's actions brought out a pride, and sadness in Barran that he never expected would kick him so soon; having never been able to admit that he called Goliath One,"Friend", the severity of the kick to his soul also hit harder than Lord Erskine expected. To grow accustomed to losing colleagues was easy fare, but Barran always welcomed the adversity that came with rejecting that trained acclimatisation to it, as it made him stronger in battle, stronger in the knowledge that he was fighting for survival, for peace, but mostly in the hopes he could exact retribution with all the more prejudice in his heart.

<"This is gawnty hit Leftenant Brand like a sledgehammer..... Poor lad, but this is the stuff that forges wartime behemoths! Thrast even said so himself, mind? Saga Actual out!">

When the two vehicles made contact, Captain Dante Corvus mobilized his Myrmidons, and prepared to move into position when Barran bade kindly farewells and strategic advice for their part in the fight for the mountain surface of the Kyber caves. Corvus had gone up in the Woad's estimation since arriving to help, and had thus lifted the reputation of New Imperial stormtroopers in the process after the reacquaintance, showing grace and respect to the Galidraani dead to throw all of the Stormchaser's doubts to the wind on the matter. The First-Captain of the 173rd Legion, though his past with the 2nd Brigade's Brigadier-General had gotten off to a shaky start, had proven his worth in the eyes of his colleague; and after that moment, Dante would use jetpacks to veer out of range and circle round to the mountain's eastern face, taking their time to properly flank and cut off the Mawites' unlikely retreat.

Alone with his crew finally, they would aid in preparing scant, meagre funerary honours for the dead AFV crew, though almost dishonouring them by engulfing them in the flames of an incendiary grenade with the doors and viewports shut. Cremated in the coffins they'd driven less than an hour before, with all the vim and vigour of the Commonwealth's youth, reduced to bony, tormented ash; moments like this, in all their morbid distinctiveness, would be carried wherever the Saga's crew went, weighing heavy on heads, shoulders and hearts with all the rest of the horrors they'd be forced to recall in times of peace. Death, destruction, blood and agony was easy, for it ended just as quickly as it began for some, but actions such as these were the real lashes to the heart, actions that faithful men such as the crew of the Saga would have the hardest time reconciling with.

'Milord, your top-down's gawn a bit mental. Haud oan.... Milord! I think you might need ti see this!'

Another Ideal Battlefield VIII - Forward, Only Forward!

The latest arrivals on the Athysian dropships would even the balance of power on the field of battle, everyone inside Barran's ACV could tell, just by making one little glance at the Lord-Commander's map-holographic display; a new development that both frightened and encouraged the crewmen, ever searching for the perfect battle, but also constantly keeping their trained sense of static-line preservation as acutely prominent as possible. Though the Rim-Guard Order were yet to play their hand, all the warriors on the ground knew it was expected to greatly impact the balance of power, and implemented to a shock-and-awe effect. Everyone fighting both sides of the battle on the snow could see that the struggle for Ilum's orbit was raging more violently than ever, and even with all the smoothbores firing, tanks exploding and the likes, all the debris of Athysian and Rim-Guard construction had become eerily visible as the burning metallic chunks of death rained down around them; shimmering down to the pockmarked battlefield, intermingling with the blizzards and the smoke like it were an addition to a macabre festival of firepower, and suffering.

Though Deaney and Johnstone had no choice but to marvel at it in their push forward, the others were compelled to operate elsewhere within the Brigadier-General's ACV with the rising tide of hostility erupting around them on the map, but there was nowhere else Lord Erskine wished to be in that moment, unscrewing the cork of his Cladhan-filled hipflask and drinking the last remnants before he formulated his strategy on the spot. Running all the likelihoods, losses and damage-inflicted so far, their positioning and the likes in his mind, the Stormchase would settle into the role everyone in the New Order had attributed solely to him; adopting his glorified image as Tal's very-own bloodthirsty war-dog, as the Mongrel adopted his own for the Maw.

'Barran to AFV One! Head in the game, Leftenant! We'll discuss Commoner-Leftenant Birrell when all is said an' done here the-day, understood?'

<"Brand to Blue-Heart Alpha! Loud and clear, Milord! And thanks for that, was beginning to think I'd been left in the cold like you've been. Everything alright on your end, Milord?">

'Perfectly fine, Leftenant. Don't mention it.... Now, as for our immediate issues, record and relay as following; rotate the entire line rightwards, ten-degrees! Goliath One's forlorn hope will end as such, but not in vain. We charge the enemy lines, and we charge - as one! DIA SAOR GALIDRAAN!!!! DIA SAOR GU WOAD-MACUSHLA!!!! Blue-Heart Alpha out!'

Watching all thirty Goliaths and two AFVs almost two kilometers ahead, advancing at the highest gears their broken, mangled vehicles could give the broken, mangled crews operating within them, Barran and Murdoch couldn't help but purse their lips and nod in appreciation for the bravery of Birrell's forlorn charge, and silently vowed to make them proud in the following hours of the battle. The struggle for control of the Kyber-mining cave was finally in motion, and though their numbers had depleted drastically in the process, the crew of the Saga were readier than ever to get back at their opponents, readier than ever to grace the eternal crucible once more; and when every vehicle and infantry-position had finally shifted their arcs-of-fire to the right, the Lord-Commander knew this collective pivot would ensure the whole line could still engage their enemies' entire east-facing array without leaving their right flank open to sallying maneuvres.

'Barran to AFV One! It's time - order all units to advance at high-gear! Let's give these Mawites a proper Woadish riot!!!'



V E N O M _ S N A K E
STARRING | Izoshi Izoshi

<"The most important thing-"> <"-is to convince yourself of who you are. Don't doubt it. Shove everything else to the rear of your thought. You're supposed to be here.">

<"I've convinced myself doing things much worse than this, nothing I can't handle,"> this wasn't his first mission, after all. He was already carved and molded by his occupation, all this was an infiltration and sabotage assignment with mandatory instructions to oblige. They had passed by a convoy loaded with crates of kyber crystal. That would be there ride out of here, he wouldn't risk taking a cargo corvette from the Zealots in case of any uncertainties were to arise. There were always uncertainties in this field; the less, the better. Being in control was always optimal for the unconventional.

<"Don't think we'll be pulling the trigger anytime soon,"> and later would be much better. With the immediate assault on the Maw's operations here, there would probably be less paying any mind to those entering the mines.

<"When you find the central harvester, let me know, we need to sync these charges else this whole plan goes belly up.">

<"I hear ya.">

The tunnels of the mines expanded in diameter as the two operatives advanced further until coming to a complex cavern with industrial equipment vacated from use.

<"Looks like much of the crystals have been harvested here, there's probably more activity further down from here."

ALLIES | NIO | Izoshi Izoshi


Aortic Aneurysm
+ + +
LOCATION: Celchu Starfighter Base, Coruscant

Folks | Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , Enlil Enlil , Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | NIO - GA - CA


Reluctance would not be the hill he lay on. Not today, not when the clock was ticking faster than the doctor could keep up with. It felt like cauterizing a hemorrhaging wound, blood, and ichor spewing out without any end in sight. If anything, he was more equipped for that...not this, surely nothing in this space was familiar to him. As much as those anchors pulled at him, his feet had carried him faster than he could manage without even thinking twice. Those feet took the doctor to the one familiar face he knew in a sea of political bodies - Irveric Tavaler. It was a shame the men around him were about to see that hot-headed side of Julian Qar.

The doctor, drew a breath, filling his lungs to the point in which he could hear the machines clanking about in the solution-filled space of his chest. “Sovereign Imperator...I’m Lieutenant Julian Qar..of the Carlaci Corps.” He stuffed his hands behind his back, standing rigidly at attention. A relay of information rushed through his mind, the HUD flashed its warning through its brilliant crimson optic, reminding him to breathe. There was no fooling anyone, he wasn’t the political type - key player, yes, but mostly behind the scenes, this was an awkward place for him to be in. “Much as I wan- Sir, you and I don’t got much time for formalities and small talk. I’ll cut right to the chase’ere.” that particular drawl of his clear as day, even though he tried to cut it back to sound somewhat proper for the occasion.

“Ya see, Sir - Lord Halketh has gone missin’ since Csilla an from what I seen not a single finger has been lifted outside our rescue organization to locate him.” The heat started to rise within him, tiny beads of sweat rolled down his brow. It was hot in there and he wasn’t properly dressed for any space outside of Carlac. “It is imperative, actually it’s damn near dire that we find’im. Our small group can’t do much heavy liften’ alone.” The doctor clutched at the end of his ivory cloak, metal onyx fingers actuated into a steady fist. He was fuming. “We need all the help we can get.”

█ █ █


Brotherhood Mines

"Strong by being right?" Tarok asked rhetorically, tilting his head to one side. He hasn't quite understood what was being explained. Even if he had, it would have sounded foolish to him.

He cast his gaze towards the roof of the cavern above them. The light bounced around and refracted through the crystalline structures. It irritated his eyes, but not as much as the cold bit into his extremities.

"If they are between me and leaving then I fight," he said. "But after..."

The cavern shook and interrupted him. Loose chips of stone rattled across the ground.

"...if we get out, hah!"

Apparently the notion of being buried under all this rock amused him.

"I want a sword, like your man had. But less...tiny."

Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

Objective I - Hearts of Kyber

Location: Ilum, Brotherhood Base
Allies: Maestus Maestus | Caedis Umbrammor Caedis Umbrammor
Foes: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

To The Mongrel, the battle on Csilla's surface had felt... clean. The Brotherhood's screaming, frothing masses of barbarians had charged across No Man's Land in an unbroken line, their scavenged walkers churning up clouds of snow as they pounded along behind the tribesmen and Moon Children. There had been a clear division - our lines, their lines, and the rapidly closing space between. Even the flanking maneuver he'd attempted from the ridge had followed those rules, just another formation striking the defensive lines from a different angle. The Brotherhood's own trenches had never even been touched; all the action had been among the defenders' trenches.

He was beginning to see what it'd been like for the enemy.

Everywhere, everything was chaos. They were being engaged on all sides, with the mighty Myrmidons moving around the back of the mountain to cut them off and an enemy warship now descending from the skies. With the savage Athysian warbands charging across one part of the field while the swoop bikes launched across another, the defending barbarians were scattered all across the icy plain... and what a battlefield it was. Clouds of smoke and churned-up snow obscured everything except the flashes of blasterfire. Everything was tinted in deep shades of orange and red, and the snow glittered blindingly with reflected flames. It was hard to get a sense of who was winning.

Just then, lurching out of the smoke like the grotesque monsters of a children's story emerging from beneath the bed, Goliath One and its mangled followers came into view. The Mongrel sucked in a breath, his respect for the Galidraani once again rising; damaged and near death, they had clearly chosen to earn their glory in a final, suicidal attack on the mining base's outer defenses. The veteran marauder nodded approvingly; it was what he would have done. Still, it left him with an important choice to make. The enemy armor was rapidly closing on the front trench line, obviously aiming to clear it - at the cost of their own lives, if needed, to disable the Maw explosives.

There was just one problem: the Galidraani artillery had already blown up most, if not all, of the charges rigged in the front trench. The same barrage that had forced The Mongrel and his PLX teams to fall back had totally disrupted their plans to reenact FN-999's trap. If Goliath One and its column reached the defensive line, they would discover that no explosives awaited them... and their path straight to the mining base's walls would be open. As soon as that information reached the Galidraani officers, there would be nothing to hold them back from ordering a general charge of their heavy armor, and the walls would not withstand that. The Mongrel looked wistfully at the artillery he'd wanted to charge, envisioning the damage to the Free State's lines...

But Goliath One couldn't be allowed to reach the trench.

With a quick hand signal and comms ping, the marauder warleader redirected his swoop troupe, readying them to charge straight down the hill. They streaked forward in a deadly race, speed and agility their only defense against Goliath One's turrets. Even wounded, the beast was dangerous... perhaps more so than usual, for a certain grim, fatalistic determination would focus the crews and strengthen their resolve. No doubt many swoops would be lost before they reached the foot of the mountain. Still, The Mongrel was confident. They had everything they needed to rip apart their armor-plated foes. The power lance thrummed in his hand, and its superheated tip glowed, steaming in the gelid air.

Fifty swoop bikes flashed down the mountainside, cutting through clouds of drifting smoke, leaving trails of kicked-up snow behind them. The whine of their engines combined into a sound not unlike a swarm of Gore Wasps descending on their prey. Lance heads flashed, points of deadly light that stood out against the dark streaks of the red and black swoops and their fur-clad riders. In their off-hands, the marauders picked out and primed their anti-vehicle grenades, readying them to be thrown into the deep gashes their lances opened up. The wounded predator that was Birrell's detachment was flailing in its death throes; it was time for The Mongrel to put it down for good.

With a sound like screeching thunder, the lines collided.

Within the mining base, the Heathen Priests continued to direct the Darkshear fighters, using them unsparingly to shield the more powerful Athysian fighters and bombers. But then Darth Imperius Darth Imperius 's White Flame descended from orbit, its powerful weapons beginning to target the raiders' aircraft. It was a clear attempt to regain, or at least balance, air superiority... and it might just work. Nothing else that big was on the field, and the Starbanes and Buzzers were busy keeping the Galidraani advance from totally overwhelming the ground defenders. Furthermore, the White Flame was blocking the crystal transports from their planned escape route. That could not be permitted.

The Brotherhood's swarm fighters made good screening craft, but they had never been intended to win battles - or escort priority vessels - on their own. The crystal transports had their own escorts, squadrons that had been held in reserve so that they could protect the freighters when they finally lifted off. But there was no point in holding them in reserve with the White Flame hovering over the base, waiting to blast the transports on takeoff. The new weapons might as well be unleashed now, when they could do the most good. And so, at the Heathen Priests' command, three squadrons of Doomsayer-class Fighter Bombers took off from the base, engines roaring.

The remaining swarm fighters fell back to cover them.

These unusual craft were not piloted by mere slave-puppets but by veteran Maw aces, survivors of the Namaadi Corridor raids and the Battle of Csilla. Although each squadron was small, the craft were tough without sacrificing speed or mobility... and their odd weapon loadout might be perfect in this situation. Rather than any blaster weapons at all, each carried fire-linked ion cannons, ideal for shredding shields and neutralizing subsystems. If that barrage was successfully unleashed on the White Flame for long enough, gravity would do the Brotherhood's work; the crippled starship would lose engine power and crash to the planet below. Their concussion missiles wouldn't even be needed if all went according to plan.

But they had to actually hit it first, and keep hitting it.

The Doomsayers streaked forward, flanked by Darkshears to soak up as much incoming fire as possible before the cheap starfighters were annihilated. The base's turbolaser defenses - hastily erected and limited in number, but still capable - also turned skyward, covering the fighter-bombers as they closed in. The turrets were far from sufficient to cause real damage to the White Flame on their own, but might at least weaken the shields... and it wasn't like a ship as big as the White Flame could really dodge in atmosphere, could it? The Brotherhood would thus use much the same tactic it always did: open up with overwhelming force, and keep up that force until the enemy broke.

But the Darkshears' movement meant no more cover for the Athysians...
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Objective I: Hearts of Kyber

Location: Ilum, Brotherhood Crystal Mine
Allies: Tarok Vassket Tarok Vassket
Foes: Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Izoshi Izoshi | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline


The Taskmaster shrugged, but his eyes glittered. He coveted the strength of this specimen, this casually brutal warrior who would fit so well into their ranks. He could be a champion of the Maw, if only he could be swayed. It was clear, however, that ideologies and long-term arrangements meant little to him. His needs and wants were firmly anchored in the present, and only present rewards would tempt him. Some of that, he could certainly provide. Tu'teggacha produced an ornate hilt of leather-wrapped bone, the circuitry within curled around half a kyber crystal in a tangled cocoon. "Wield it well," the Ebruchi said, "and you may gain plunder and glory in this fight."

The shimmering red runes of the Dread Blade awaited activation.

Tu'teggacha considered reaching out into Tarok's mind, twisting memory and desire, making the creature more malleable... but even as the thought began to form, it was pushed away when something far more urgent appeared in his awareness. He could sense Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina in the temple far above the tunnels... and he knew that she could sense him as well. "You may have your opportunity to wield it even sooner than expected," he said, turning back to Tarok. "The Jedi know we are here, scurrying through the veins of their sacred world. They will come, trying to burn out our corruption. If we stay here, they will be upon us in minutes. If we do not..."

He shrugged. "It is difficult to escape a zealot of the light."

This might be Tarok's first great test, then. Tu'teggacha was strong in the Dark Side, but his gifts lay in breaking minds, not fighting battles. He could not conjure lightning from his knobby fingertips or grip an enemy's throat with an invisible hand, and he had never wielded a lightsaber - or indeed a blade of any kind, save the scalpels and knives he used to cut the victims strapped to his table. His marauder escort was savage and devoted, but a Force-warrior would cut through them with ease. If the Jedi found them, it would be up to Tarok to fight back. "They will never let you leave with their holy crystals," the Taskmaster pointed out, "unless you make them."

As Djorn Bline Djorn Bline and Izoshi Izoshi advanced down the tunnels, they were indeed aided by the mining base's general state of distraction. The last of the crystal shipments were being hastily loaded onto transports, ready to launch as soon as the skies were relatively clear. The mining and processing tunnels had been left largely empty, with all the frenzied activity focused on the hangars and outer defenses. But the tunnels were not entirely vacant, for the Brotherhood had decided to leave a little present for the Jedi when they inevitably reclaimed their now-defiled home. It was a thoroughly unpleasant gift, one designed to be difficult to root out... and even to kill the reclaimers, given the chance.

In several of the processing chambers, where whatever industrial equipment could not be quickly scavenged had simply been blaster-slagged and left behind, empty cages sat at the edges of the cavern. The cages had solid metal walls rather than bars, so that no creature could wriggle out or strike at those walking nearby. Their cramped interiors were stained red, the mark of utterly-devoured meat, with clean-picked bones scattered at the bottom. A few of them contained a dozen or so small, spongy-looking structures - fungi, or eggs, or maybe cocoons. The fist-sized things occasionally twitched, their exterior pulsing oddly with each movement, like skin pulling tight over bone.

What came next began as a scuttling sound, hundreds of little claws tapping on the rock walls of the cavern. This was punctuated by the rustle of leathery wings, and the occasional high-pitched chittering. It was getting closer and closer, and the chittering more frequent... more excited. Then, all at once, they boiled out of the nearby tunnel: a swarm of skitterwings, tiny nightmare predators imported from Lao-mon. This was the surprise awaiting anyone who tried to reclaim and restore the halls that the Maw had defiled. The blood-hungry creatures swarmed through the industrial cavern, hunting for the two NIO agents, eager to latch on with their bone-cracking jaws and inject their neurotoxic venom.




Halketh Halketh | Zachariel Steelblood

The air of intensity had reached it's climax as the battle came to a defining moment, a tipping point between the two sorcerers now locked in lightsaber combat. Each of their blades had pressed against the other in saber-lock as the crimson hue burned brightly along the orange plasma in spectacular wicks of brilliant light flickering around them. The Dark Lord had finally played his hand by extending an offer to the Miralukan in his moment of weakness, offering him a place to belong and seize his own destiny. His words held merit, they were no lie conjured from his silver tongue, no this was the utter truth that was needed to be told. Only by coming as he had could Halketh Halketh achieve true freedom, true purpose, the power to make things as he saw fit.

He had made the sacrifice so long ago, the greatest step in Sith training and arguably the most impactful. To deny his pain any longer without gain, to continue living the lie he had built for himself would only end in ruin. The Sith Master could see this, even then he offered a choice to his enemy, this moment long foreseen. He knew not the ending but the road to get here to this defining moment and would seize the opportunity, so much potential could not go to waste.

The Warlord grit his teeth, the Sith Master mimicking this gesture with a wicked grin as he did so. With a lead-filled boot the Warlord launched a swift but powerful kick separating him from the Sith Lord. The Miralukan swaggered backward as the Elder tumbled back in a graceful glide back skidding his boot against the ground as he caught himself after a brief tumble. There was a brief moment of silence as Halketh breathed deep with his saber at his side, the Elder slowly brought himself up as his eyes washed over the warlord struggling with his own thoughts.


The warlord turned his head back in the Dark Voice's direction, both their weapons placed before the other at a distance yet neither moving on the other.

"Embrace who you are, who you were meant to be."

Wicked talons attached to the decrepit fingers and withered left hand of the Dark Voice came into clear view as they stretched out in gesture, opening his hand in invitation.

"Search your feelings.. you know don't you? You were born for this.."

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