Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Begging You

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt watched her change with no small amount of satisfaction. He hadn't seen her in weeks, and they hadn't slept together in months, so of course he had certain...urges. He couldn't help but ogle her just a little bit as she went about putting on her swimwear, the scars upon her legs not bothering him in the slightest save for the idea that she had received them in the first place. He smiled as she pulled on her bikini bottom, somehow having remained seated on the bed through the whole thing.

"The Cabana huh?" Kurt said as he slowly stood and pulled off his own shirt.

He figured there was really no impediment to undressing here rather than by the pool, save for up here his clothes wouldn't get wet. Of course there was always the danger that Jamie's parents would suddenly come home and find him naked in the pool with their daughter, but in truth his mind was somewhere completely different for the time being. He kicked off his shoes, pulling his socks free a moment later as he comically hopped towards Jamie.

"Give me a little help?" Kurt asked as he wrapped his arms around her. "Clumsy fingers."

He offered her his most winning smile.
"You haven't seen this pool yet." She said with a smirk. It was rather impressive, at the very least one of the nicest of the nobility on Naboo. It had a cabana that housed both towels and on the opposite side, the side that faced the pool, a small swim-up bar with six seats inside the pool itself. She had always enjoyed that, or at least, since her parents had allowed her to drink. Before that she mostly just had smoothies and shakes at the bar. Unfortunately the staff had been dismissed until her parents returned so they would have to make their own drinks if they so desired.

Jamie watched as Kurt hopped towards her in some ludicrous way of taking off his socks, nearly knocking her over as he grabbed hold of her. "And you think I'm the clumsy one?" She pushed against his shoulders, sending him back onto the bed with a shake of her head. Her hands grabbed the top of the fabric by his ankles and pulled them off, dropping them beside her own clothing on the floor. Jamie then leaned over Kurt, her hands on either side of his waist. "Do you need help with these as well?"

Her eyes fell from his to the button on his pants.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Of course." He told her with another smile.

"Clumsy as I am." The Courier said with a smile, half leaning back on the bed. "I'm absolutely hopeless without your help."

That was of course ignoring the fact that just ten minutes ago he'd claimed to be the galaxies greatest chef. Apparently he had some failing that went alongside that, but apparently Jamie didn't seem to mind. She leaned over him, her hands slipping onto his hips and lingering there. Her hair fell in her face, Kurt lifting a hand to gently push it back.

"If you would be so kind Lady Pyne." He smirked at her, glancing for just a second.

She wasn't the only one who could take advantage.
Her lip found its' way beneath her teeth, eyes fixated on Kurt's blues while her hands set about releasing the button of his pants before tugging them off his hips and allowing gravity to take them to the floor at his ankles.

"Just look at all I do for you. Make you dinner--" Her hands laced around the fabric of his underclothing, "help you dress, and undress." In much the same manner pulled them over his legs. "You are helpless without my aide, aren't you, Kurt Meyer?"

Finally she used her foot to pull the fabric of both pants and underwear off his ankles.

"There. Free as the day you were born." She smiled, pulling herself back up. "Now come on, before you get any nefarious ideas."

Her face reddened slightly, realizing her eyes had fallen over his body in a familiar way before quickly turning on her heels and heading for the bedroom door again.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Maybe I am." Kurt said as he followed after her, the cold air within the estate hitting his skin almost immediately.

He shook slightly, his feet touching against the marbled floor as he rushed after her. A bit of paranoia gripped him as they wandered past the portraits, and quietly he wondered to himself whether or not her family had security cameras within the house. He hoped not, but decided not to ask lest he cause Jamie the same fear that he had. "I never get nefarious Ideas."

Kurt said as he slowly came up behind her, stopping her just short of the steps to the first floor.

His arm slipped around her and slowly he kissed her neck.

"I'm innocent." A shiver ran up his spine, goosebumps running over his skin. The Estate's central air was making things quite cold for him, and he felt like he was about to start shaking from the cold. Slowly he let go of her. "Now I think you should get me to this pool."

She'd feel a gentle smack on her rear. "Before you get any ideas."

Her look hadn't gone unnoticed
The blonde yelped, skipping her way down the stairs; Stairs she had fallen down a great many times in her 19 years of life, but none she would tell Kurt of. It would only serve to reinforce the image of her lack of aptitude when it came to coordination. He already knew she was a bit of a klutz, no need to increase his awareness."I have no ideas!" She retorted indignantly, the clack of her flip-flops hitting the marble floor at the base of the staircase. "And you of all people, are hardly innocent!" Her head turned back to glare at him before quickly stepping forward to avoid another slap on her rear.

"You are filled with nefarious ideas! You've ruined my innocence, don't you remember!"

Kurt was, after all, her first actual boyfriend.

Before he could slap her again she grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him forward into a near sprint towards the back of the estate. A massive, canopied patio with lounge furniture, a huge outdoor fireplace, and a breathtakingly enormous oval pool surrounded by columns and statues greeted them. It was by far one of her most favored spots of the entire estate, second only to the garden her father had built for her as a child. The moment the doors pushed open the warmth of the Naboo air hit their faces, a stark contrast to the cold, conditioned air inside the manor.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt was rushed through the rest of the estate, his free hand half covering himself as he ran by a portrait of Jamie's parents which he gave a rather apologetic look. "I didn't rui-"

The Courier found himself cut off as Jamie opened the door and he caught sight of what lay just outside. The massive pool area that reminded him of some grand Olympic theater. The huge white columns, the marbled 'cabana', the huge statues that seemed to sit everywhere on the patio. His eyes grew to the size of saucers as he let out a breath.

"Holy poodoo." Kurt said more to himself than to Jamie.

The two of them stepped through the doorway and Kurt slowly looked around in disbelief. He'd never quite seen anything like this before, and that was at least somewhat impressive given that he'd regularly visited a Hutt's palace back on Tatooine. Amazement floated across his face as Jamie lead him over the patio, still holding him by the wrist. The hand that had been covering him slowly fell away as he was simply too distracted to actually care about any semblance of modesty.

His head shook slowly.
Jamie stopped when she reached the lounge chairs, turning to face Kurt, arms outstretched as if she was presenting the area for his approval in some kind of ta-da! fasion.

"What do you think?" She beamed with excitement. "I love it out here. We usually have big parties and invite dozens of people to come celebrate with us."

This wasn't just for nobility, Jamie's parents were very down to earth when it came to people they associated with. "I usually bring all of the kids from the YAFCIN club here once every summer for a big, fun day."

They certainly enjoyed that, being catered to, a giant pool to play water games in, plenty of room to run around. It was paradise for them. It was something incredibly special to her that she could do for them in her own way, even though it frequently was looked upon with some measure of suspicion by the other nobles. They assumed there was some kind of ulterior motive behind people inviting common citizens to their estate for more or less anything other than to scowl at.

Jamie slipped her feet from the flip-flops and headed towards the cabana for a pair of big, comfy towels to lay across two of the chairs. One for herself and one for Kurt.

"You can drag the chairs over to the edge of the pool if you want, they're on wheels."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"This is insane." He told her. "I'm pretty sure the pool is bigger than my house."

The moisture farm back home was relatively big, three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and of course the garage. They also had a barn, but most of it was rather scrunched together and dug deep into the limestone itself. Kurt had never really complained about, he liked his home, the isolation, but admittedly it was far less grand than this place. He couldn't help but feel like this place had been built for some great purpose that Jamie hadn't even been told about.

"Not that that's a bad thing." He finished as he continued to look around.

Kurt didn't want Jamie to think he resented her because of her wealth. It was a marked difference between the two of them, yes, but he didn't really mind it all that much. Sure certain times he balked at certain things, but that was really only natural.

Mindlessly he dragged the chairs to where Jamie had pointed out, though in truth he was still much more interested in just looking at everything, having completely forgotten about his nudity.
Holding back the innocent laughter proved to be a bit too much for Jamie upon hearing Kurt's comment of the size of the pool.

"It was intended to be pretty large, I assume. It was built before I was born though, and before my father was born. So why it was built this large I am not entirely sure."

Jamie set the towels over the backs of each chair before wandering between the pool and Kurt. "There is a steady slope from this side of the pool to the opposite. At it's deepest, it's about four meters deep." The end closest to them had an easy walk-in surface, while the center of the pool on either side had ladders, and the far end a large diving board. The water itself was crystal clear and sparkling blue, a series of lights beneath the surface barely noticeable now, but would illuminate the pool at night., along with a small remote that could change the colors of the pool to make a more party atmosphere.

"I remember you told me you can't swim, so this will make learning easier."

That, or she would save him from drowning. One or the other.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"I see." Kurt said as he slowly began to move towards the pool and Jamie.

He acted nonchalant for a few moments, still marveling at what was around them. The Courier still couldn't swim of course, he hadn't learned in between now and Spira, but that wasn't really that pressing of an issue. They were here at a pool after all, not in the middle of the sea. If he got stuck in the deep end then he'd just splash his way over to the edge or whatever. Kurt wasn't all that worried about drowning, even if the pool was twice as deep as he was tall.

"I'll be fine." Kurt said as he slowly moved closer to her. "You don't have to get me floaties or anything."

Kurt joked as he finally reached her.

As soon as he came within a single step of her though Kurt suddenly moved a lot lot faster. His arms quickly reached out and grabbed Jamie, fingers wrapping around her as he scooped her off the marbled floor and suddenly broke out in a sprint towards the pool
"Are you su--" Jamie's eyes suddenly went wide, feeling herself lifted from where she stood rather forcefully by Kurt. As her feet left the ground she let out a scream, her hands immediately trying to push herself free of Kurt. There was only a single moment of confusion in her mind until she realized what he was intending on doing. He had a good, firm grip on her already though, meaning there wasn't a whole lot she could do to pry herself free or escape the inevitable. Still, she hadn't intended on getting her hair wet.

Before she had gone in she intended to use the elastic around her wrist to tie it back and away from her neck and shoulder line.

"Kurt no!" She screamed, almost begging. "Don't! Don't!" Her feet tried desperately to set back down but it was of little success.

Jamie pleaded one last time to a clearly not listening boyfriend, "Kurt Don't! I don't want my hair wet!"

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

By the time Kurt answered they were already mid air. The Courier had never really been the greatest when it came to cardio, but running just a few steps and jumping was hardly going to kill him, even with his heart being a bit wonky. A wide grin set on his face as he bounded into the air. "Too laaaaaaate!"

Kurt said as his feet hit the water.

There was a sudden splash as both Kurt and Jamie were instantly submerged within the water, The Courier having jumped in right in the middle of the pool. The water was just barely too deep for Kurt to stand in, though he didn't really seem concerned with that as they instantly submerged.

His eyes popped open beneath the water, glancing at Jamie to see her expression.

A wide grin pulled at his lips, as if that would somehow make it better.
The moment she felt her body touch the water Jamie tensed, eyes scrunching closed and nose blowing outwards to prevent the influx of water rushing upwards. She shivered from the sudden change in temperature, and quickly kicked her feet to return to the surface, never opening her eyes to see the smug grin on her boyfriend's face. Instead, the moment she breached the surface she let out a disgruntled groan. Her hands wiped the water from her eyes and she quickly glared at Kurt as he came up.

With pursed lips she glared long and hard. "You!" She sneered, pointing her finger as she waded towards him. "I said don't!"

Her arm dragged a massive wave forward, splashing Kurt in the face as he looked at her.

"Now my hair is soaked!"

Her other arm followed the same pattern, splashing Kurt again.

"And a mess! And it's all your fault Kurt Meyer!"

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Hey hey hey!" Kurt called as another splash of water struck him in the face.

He sputtered slightly as he tried to get some of the water got in his mouth, the taste of chlorine sliding across his tongue and causing him to gag a little. He coughed once or twice, then half hopped forward so that he would actually be able to stand on his own two feet. The moment he managed to stand however Jamie splashed him in the face.

"Hey!" He repeated again, his hands quickly shooting out to grab her. "It's fine!"

Kurt had no idea why she was so upset, it was just a little water.

The Courier gently pulled her closer, pressing her arms to her side so she would stop splashing him. "We'll take a shower after this! I'll personally shampoo your hair."

Kurt said with a small smile, puppy dog eyes growing.
"You are in big trouble now!" She yelled, "You wait and see!"

Strands of gold clung to her cheeks as she shouted, small streams of water running off the dampened hair, finally ending with a firm sticking out of her tongue and another piercing glare.

Jamie wasn't really mad at him, but she did want him to feel bad about the act, which seemed to be working. When she eventually wiggled her arms free of the man her hands pulled the now messy, tangled locks back into a bun behind her head before settling her hands back into the cool water. She gave him another small scowl before

"You're gonna get it." Jamie warned, throwing her arms around his neck, locking him in place before settling a kiss on his lips.

One thing she forgot before coming outside? Sunscreen. If they stayed out for any great length, she would certainly burn within the hour.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Am I?" Kurt asked as Jamie pulled back just a little bit.

His own fingers floated beneath the water, hands slowly sliding over her lowers back, pulling her tight against him. The Sun didn't bother him so much of course, even living out in space for the last few years he still had an incredible tolerance for any suns ray.

Tatooine did that to you. "Exactly what am I going to get?"

Kurt asked as his fingers slowly swept lower, pulling her into him as he pressed his lips against hers in a deep kiss.

"Because if you make a threat." His hands tightened as he kissed her once more. "You'll have to follow through."
A slow nod followed. "Mhmm." Another wipe of her hands cleared the still falling droplets of water from her face.

"It." She said, elusively. "You're going to get it."

Jamie hadn't quite decided what it was yet, but she was most certain it would be adequate payback for throwing her into the pool with him.

Her left hand splashed him lightly once more, the work to hide her smile becoming more and more difficult. She then placed both on his rear, nails digging into the soft skin.

"I will follow through when I'm ready to." Jamie then released him, backing away towards the deeper end of the pool. "You still need a swimming lesson though."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Before she could get too far Kurt stepped forward, grabbing her and pulling her back. "Oh no you don't."

His arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her from her feet and dragging her back towards the more shallow ends of the water. There was a smile on his lips and more than a little bit of mischief in his eye. He pulled both of them back to where he could stand, his fingers resting on her hips as he kept her from floating away from him. Water dripped from his hair and the scruff on his face was smoothed, his eyes floating over her as they came to a stop.

"I don't get I want to get it." He told her quietly as he spun, turning her so she was facing the shallow end of the pool.

His fingers slowly floated over her skin.

"I think I'll have to pacify you." He told her as he kissed her again, this time his lips floating to her neck. "Make sure you forget all about this little incident."
Both hands found their way to the back of Kurt's head as he caressed her neck. The softest sigh fell away as the ripples of the water were sent away from them in all directions. Her head fell further back, eyes closing up towards the midday sun. The warmth of the rays heating her cheeks. Almost without knowing it she stood on the tips of her toes, leaning the rest of her body against Kurt. "I won't soon forget this offense, no matter what you do to me."

Her fingers tightened in the mess of his hair, drawing his eyes to hers for the briefest moment.

"You don't have what it takes to pacify me."

A wide smirk appeared, a challenge.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

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