Pull out a book - study the EU - find weaknesses about the Vong - exploit them - You win!
There is always a bigger fish.
Their armor has weaknesses, they just aren't going to tell you. Sometimes it takes digging deeper. I for one, find the Vong an interesting challenge. Do I dislike them? Absolutely, but I don't hate the advantage that has been taken.
It should be seen as a challenge that should be accepted and rose up against and beaten mercilessly.
*shrugs* I remember fighting a very large Maelibus in Vonduun Crab Armor on Empress Teta - twas a good fight with a good writer who acknowledged the weaknesses and understood I knew them.
That fight was also five on one - including a former Jedi Master (Well, two technically.) So much fun! *cackles with excitement* I look forward to many more of those.