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I'm On A Boat [OOC][OS-Republic Inv. of Manaan]

[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

I'll post when Stahlmann does. I'm assuming we can fire then since they can fire on us.

Mind letting me know how you're doing your dicerolls Val? I'll try and do the same and keep consistent with you.
Sarge Potteiger said:
If that's an NPC quip, it's probably because no one feels like throwing them around. I've found only certain types of characters use them, and not every writer feels comfortable writing them.

If that's a snide remark about the state of the Republic in this invasion... well, now I'm sad.

Congratulations on not using NPCs. Round of applause for Sarge.

Anyway, it wasn't a snide remark.

So feel free to relax any time, buddy.
| [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] |

It is my opinion that the Cornet is up podo creek without a paddle. But of course that's entirely up to you to decide as to what happens to it.

Phase one of the Katarn Maneuver, the strategy that I devised for the Annihilator-class boarding shuttles, has been executed against the rest of your Corvettes and the Frigate.

Phase three has just begun. Vong are now on board the Adamant.

The Immortal is facing the reinforcements that have just arrived. It is powering it's Proton Beam Cannon. It is using it's Point-defense lasers to intercept the long range shots you are firing on it. A starfighter screen of Coralskippers now surround the Immortal.
[member="Alicia Drey"]
Alrighty then. So I see you've boarded the cruiser. Good, no problems there.

I'm guessing you won't be able to board any of the other frigates and corvettes because they remain shielded. So until they are not, I guess those shuttles will just tag along.

I'm assuming the Immortal took some damage to its shields from being fired at by several batteries of long range, heavy turbolasers? Since this is the first time I've actually had occasion to shoot at the Sith fleet I was hoping for...something. :p

I'll reply in a bit.
| [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] |

Sorry if I didn't convey it, but yes, the Immortal's shields have taken some damage. Keep in mind that the Immortal was built to take a lot of damage.

Annihilator-class boarding shuttles possess an ion canon each. These are not enough to deplete an enemies ship entirely, but they were fitted for two purposes: the first was to punch a big enough hole so that the shuttle could fly through it before hole reshielded. The second was to ionized the breached sections of the ship so internal turbolasers and shields could not activate and allow the vacuum of space to suck crew and security out before the boarding party boarded.

I hope this clears up any issues pertaining to the shuttles and the Katarn Maneuver.
[member="Alicia Drey"]
Okay. Well, it only worked on the cruiser because the shields were already down, so if the shuttles do uncloak and try to attack the other ships with their ion cannon the results will not be, hmm, as effective.

We'll see how much damage it was built to take and how much it actually does take once I have over 150 batteries of weapons firing on it in my next post....
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

Sorry for my absence, guys. I'll modify my original post to be coming about to target the reinforcements, as it would be literally impossible for me to target the Cornet. I will then fire on the Ebbing Heart in the same post, and I think that brings me up to date.

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