Spark Finn
Encrypt Code: Eras//
Location: Generators - Objective 1
Objective: Slice the system to protect the generators and the city and use technopath skillz
Allies: Jedi - [member="Qun Vell"]
Foes: Sith and bullies who beat up nerds with glasses
"I'm glad you feel comfortable here. Swimming isn't my thing. I really thought about renting some floaties, you know, just in ca-." She frowned as alarms blared around the city. An uneasy feeling like she ate one packet too many of red-razzles settled at the pit of her stomach.
"Qun," small-hand went to tug the edge of her friend's shirt as they crossed over a threshold of double blast doors. A door at the end of the hall lead to the generators. Emergency alerts streamed on her datapad.
"I don't think Master Shule taught us enough about what to do in an invasion."
[member="Meeristali Peradun"] (assuming you'll be around the generators too)
Objective: Slice the system to protect the generators and the city and use technopath skillz
Allies: Jedi - [member="Qun Vell"]
Foes: Sith and bullies who beat up nerds with glasses
"I'm glad you feel comfortable here. Swimming isn't my thing. I really thought about renting some floaties, you know, just in ca-." She frowned as alarms blared around the city. An uneasy feeling like she ate one packet too many of red-razzles settled at the pit of her stomach.
"Qun," small-hand went to tug the edge of her friend's shirt as they crossed over a threshold of double blast doors. A door at the end of the hall lead to the generators. Emergency alerts streamed on her datapad.
"I don't think Master Shule taught us enough about what to do in an invasion."
[member="Meeristali Peradun"] (assuming you'll be around the generators too)