Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion I'm On A Boat [OS-Republic Invasion of Manaan]

Location: Ahto City, en route to command center.
Objective 1: Neutralize command center on the ground, assist the sinking of the city.
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Pubs
Music: Kentarch's main theme.

No one stopped the Sith Lord as he closed on the command center. He was able to slip past republic soldiers with his Force Cloak, and encountered no Jedi resistance en route to his target. Passing down another alley, he climbed over overall and moved around the corner, then suddenly stopped. In front of him way a large building with an advanced setup if satellites and antennas. Several Anti-Air batteries had been strategically placed around the building. Armor and soldiers had taken up defensive positions, or we rushing towards streets or other access points to save the city from the sabotage attempt city support structures, attempt to thwart the Sith's plan to sink the whole karking city. Not a subtle plan, especially since kolto was vital to the war effort. But there was nothing he could do to stop them, or would do for that matter. The republic now was nothing more than a diseased animal. The One Sith were simply putting the rotten creature out of it's misery.

He carefully moved forward. The Sith Lord timed each step and stride, avoiding passing soldiers who may accidentally discover him by simply bumping into him. After a few more paces Kentarch came round some crates stacked with military supplies, and the Sith had shifted from be completely invisible to the appearance of a young Republic communications officer. Now it was a manner of deciding how to maximize damage to Republic forces, and sow as much choas among the ranks as possible. Kentarch glanced up at the Satellite and antennas, first he could knock out several communication. With central communications down, the Republic's ability to organize coordinated efforts against Sith forces would greatly diminish.

The Sith Lord glanced about, and disguised as a Republic officer, made his way to command center. All to easy.
[Objective 1 - Keep the floater going]
Location: In a crowd
Allies: [member="Korsan Rung"]
Enemies: Soon™

The grandmaster’s speech was over. The mayor could take his place on the podium once more and Kana finally had her reason to not stay around. The crowd was running wild in celebration yet somewhere, deep down, Kana could not find peace. It was like something was hanging in the air, a bad feeling. Her eyes started to dart across the faces of each civilian around her. Eyebrows furrowed and teeth almost gritted she sought to get out of the crowd.

She had separated from her Padawan for the time being. For once they were actually off of Ossus and to hinder his freedom at this point wouldn’t work for either of them. She found herself a quiet corner, a small corner between the city square and the markets. Eyes closed and mind on to the bad feeling it came to no surprise that the crowd would eventually look up to the skies as dropships descended upon Ahto.

The sith were coming. The metaphysical bad feeling turned real and without uttering a word, not a single syllable, she set out in a determined stride back into the crowd as it stared in horror-mixed disbelief towards the skies. Her arm came to mind as a reminder of the last time she had faced a sith. The wound had healed, the poison gone. Hopefully. The situation called for caution, no not caution, constant awareness and vigil. Things were about to get bad and it was only a matter of time before hell broke loose.

The suspenseful silence was broken as the sound of a voice on her comm device chimed up. The Hyper-Buoyancy Generator? The bad feeling amplified yet she pushed onwards. The paralyzed crowd proved increasingly tough to navigate and it would only be a matter of time. She had to reach the generator before the sith, she just had to.

“Korsan, come in.” She held her comm unit to her mouth as she tried to reach her padawan. “Korsan, are you there? Where are you? The sith are coming in force. Stay out of any trouble you find. Find me at the generator and we’ll make sure they stay away. Do not try to approach or even think about engaging a Sith anyone else nearby.”

She lowered her device and continued her push through the crowd. Hopefully her padawan would heed her words. Hopefully.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Location: The Sea.
Objective: Objective Two.
Allies: [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Secondary Allies: [member="James Mathison"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
Foes: [member="Hion the Herglic"] - PRIMARY. 1v1. You hear me, do not even.
Secondary Foes: @Victor Romanov | @Darth Nephytes | [member="Lisa Ticon"] | [member="Darth Tsolan"] | [member="Selka Ventus"]

They didn't see him. They didn't feel him. He was invisible in the ocean.

He was no fool.

Master, you better be sensing this, Qae said, mind-to-mind to his Master, elsewhere on the planet. He had come here with Spencer a short while ago, one part for training, one part for relaxation during the Republic's festival. They never had much time to catch up. Why they'd split, the Force knew. The Sith are here to take this planet - and they're going after the kolto.

Lucky for the Republic, Je'daii Master Qae Shena, warrior of the Yuuzhan Vong Domain Bal, master of the ocean, was already down here and ready to help them. He had friends and powers to deal with this.

He reached out with the Force, to the nearest and most powerful mind - Kian Karr's.

I'm here to help. I need you to organise a defence on the kolto station. Bring me anything you can and come with rebreathers. I'm going to do something funky here in a few minutes. Hold the station.

It was an order, given to a Jedi Master. Most people would probably consider that some form of treason. Fish-face considered it necessity.

With the power of the ocean shaped behind him, Qae swam through the water like a perfect bullet, swimming faster than any aquatic vehicle could have managed. On his way, he had to tell her what was going on. This was an invasion army and Qae had a very bad feeling about this. The insidious powers of Bogan spread throughout this planet, corrupting, viciously twisting the knife into the seeping wound to corrupt this oceanic planet. Not that Qae was adverse to its used - but these were Sith. They worshipped the Dark Side, commanded its power. He would not permit their passage on an otherwise peaceful world.

I need to help them, Master. If I don't come back from this...

He stopped, then saw the form of a Herglic swimming with company towards the submarine bay of the kolto facility. He knew he had to deal with this.

Without a second thought, the water shaper raised his hands, conjuring the energies of this planet. A fish in water, doing what he did best.

The water churned beneath the feet of the Herglics - and then spun up, rushing above to turn into a super-cavitating whirlpool. Those who could not immediately resist or escape would find themselves swept away with the tide as it rose higher and higher towards the surface, aiming to knock them away and toss them aside.

It had been a long time since Qae had entered battle. Perhaps he was a little rusty.
Location: Ahto City, Kolto Facility
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] - [member="James Mathison"] - [member="Qae Shena"]
Enemies: One Sith
Objective 2: Hold the Kolto Facility

It seemed the longer Varus trained and grew into a Jedi, the less and less he was interested in personal pleasure or distractions like the many that were constantly being offered in Ahto City so far above his head. It was so far above him because it so happened that Varus was in the the Kolto facility staring out into the mass of deep blue waters that very moment when his comm chirped with static. He'd been there for hours busying himself any way he could, helping in the production and overseeing of the processes there because he knew that he couldn't get the kind of training there that he could on Ossus. It was all he could do to keep himself occupied with his burdened mind, knowing that he was changing and growing, yet still feeling as though he was being held back.

Perhaps he was hesitating. Perhaps he was suppressing himself, but he couldn't be sure. He felt as though no matter what he did, he was never giving enough. Never doing enough, and being so knew to the Jedi he was disappointed in just how much his opinions differed from so many of the others. It was alarming, of course, and he couldn't imagine that his opinions would change over night, as stubborn a man as he was, but he knew he did not possess a dark heart either. He wasn't mean to be a Sith or some kind of mercenary with a blade for higher. He wanted to do great thing. Good things. He wanted to help people, but there was no way of knowing where to start.

Making sure that his mind and hands both were hard at work at all times was a good way to forget such things, at least for a little while...

"The city is under attack. We need to rendezvous at the underwater Kolto facility. I repeat, rendezvous at the Kolto facility!"

Varus eyes shot down to his hip where his comm was hanging from his belt when he'd heard his Master's seemingly frantic message. He plucked it from his belt with one sweep of his arm and held it up to his mouth, his finger on the channel switch about to open it from his end when he realized that he was already right where he needed to be. He'd felt something off about that day since he'd even pulled himself from warm sheets and a soft pillow, but he hadn't been sure what. That feeling had actually, in part, been the reason he'd come and began working with the many Selkath and various other beings in the Kolto Factory that day, and he wasn't sure he wanted Kian, or anyone else for that matter, knowing that he'd been there for hours and hours.

"I'll meet you both there.", he spoke into the comm, switching it off the next moment as he turned and glanced over his shoulder at the hundred some odd workers making their way back and forth in the factory. He stayed like that for a moment, realizing that they might not all survive an encounter they had no idea was fast approaching, but if he had anything to do with it they would.

Rushing over to one of the towers stationed in the factory to oversee worker production, Varus pushed his way into a small room, about twenty fifteen feet long and twenty wide. He watched as three security guards turned to see him with faces stricken with surprise. He didn't explain right away, however, knowing that they wouldn't stop a Jedi as he moved for the panel and activated the announcement system and waited for the speakers to kick on. He then glanced around at the three of him as he said, "Please stop what you're doing and pay me your attention. I have an important announcement that must be heard.", he said aloud, his voice echoing through the facility. "Please remain calm, but be aware that Manaan is just now under attack by the Sith. They are, as we speak, filling up Manaan space.", he said, to faces that were growing concern.

"The Republic is gathering to defend the planet as we speak, but if you have loved ones to collect I understand that you might want to find your respective vehicles and find your way to the surface. I would strongly suggest that you think this over carefully, however, because a portion of Jedi are in route to this facility to protect it. It very well might be the safest place on the planet at this time. You have been warned.", he said, looking down at the floor with a concerned look on his face before he looked back and forth to the security guards.

"May the force be with us all."
Location: Exiting Dropship
Objective: Objective 1 [Destroy generators, sink Ahto City]
Allies: [member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Reverance"], all other Sith at Objective 1, [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Enemies: Republic Forces

The dropship clamored as it hit the ground and Overlord Vaas found himself once again at the precipice of another battle. His uniform and allegiance had changed slightly, and yet his goal remained singular. His enemy was still the same.

This time, Vaas was in personal command of a battalion of Darth Vornskr's personal Blackblade Guard, which had been assigned to assist in the destruction of the generators that kept Ahto City afloat. Although he would be linking up with the rest of the Sith forces on the ground, it was not his first priority to report to them directly as such. Accordingly, as his own dropship touched down on the surface of the city, Vaas reached for his comlink that was patched in to [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s frequency while his other gloved hand held an above railing, to steady him from the turbulence of the landing.

He activated the holocommunicator.

"My Lord," He greeted Vornskr, "The Blackblade Guard has landed. Commencing with a surface attack. Over."

The Overlord, for his part, was armed to the teeth in the fashion befitting an Imperial officer, yet not neglecting weapons from his years as an Agent. His trusty standard-issue blaster rifle was supplemented by a sidearm pistol, a number of vibroknives kept hidden at various extremities of his body, corrosive darts attached to his wrist, a personal cover projector, and a utility belt containing two flash bangs and two concussion grenades, respectively. He would spare no expense when going up against Jedi.

The doors to his dropship opened, and Overlord Vaas stepped outside. Death possibly waited around the corner, and yet Ludolf felt nothing short of alive. Soon this city would echo with the cacophony of his favorite symphony. War.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Gravity Gens
Objective: Defend the things that keep everyone alive
Allies: The republic
Enemies: The sith and [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] [member="Darth Inferno"]
Musical theme

Patricia was holding her Czerka assault rifle at her hip with the barrel pointed up towards the incoming sith forces, she had switched out her high heels for some more comfortable red sneakers. While it wasn't as sexy it was more effective to run around in, a mistake she was not going to make again. Swaying her hips as she walked forward the blonde had a face on that one part angry hungover queen and one of pure manipulative feminine wiles. The red dressed woman got a few stares from republic marines as she walked up the front lines of the facility. Reaching into denim coat as she strode forward she produced a magazine of basic Czerka slugs and slammed the magazine into the well of the rifle. With a added tap she secured the magazine switched off the safety and cocked the rifle back to chamber the round with a satisfying sound. Popping open the under barreled grenade launcher Patricia loaded an explosive round into it pushed back the barrel to cock and prime the explosive. It was time to rock and roll.

Behind her was the road that lead deeper into the city where the generators were that she was tasked to defend and in front of her were two things. First was the line in the metaphorical sand that republic forces had drawn to defend the city. It was already getting hammered by incoming Yuuzhan Vong and sith troopers, and more than likely the damn Sith Lords would be here to kill everyone with their brains. Blaster bolts and organic rounds spewed from both sides Patricia had to get into the fight. Shouldering the rifle she aimed down the sights and with a chatter of rounds she blew the head off a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, "Yahtzee queen!" She said while watching the black blood spurt from the Vong's dome piece, he fell over to have his brains splattered over the ground coated in it's black blood. Refocusing on a new target Patricia let go another burst of fire and took the arm and head off a sith trooper. Again she shifted still walking forward and laying down rounds. Chatter after chatter of rounds she hit her targets watching them fall over on the ground dead or bleeding out soon after. Reaching a piece of cover she popped the dry magazine out of the rifle and loaded up a magazine of armor piercing BANG slugs. Quickly pinning the corner she popped the corner afterwards and saw a target that looked important. [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"].

She fired a few rounds and took the head off a sith trooper next to the man. And then she focused her aim on the man and politely said to him.

"Hey!! €&@$ Face!! Get off my god damn island!!" She quickly opened fire on the man letting out two chatters of accurate burst fire at him. The BANG slugs were meant for piercing armor and she was certainly hoping they would pierce his. They could punch clear through durasteel so hopefully this guy wasn't wearing anything fancy like ultra chrome or some other bull crap metal that force users seemed to be all the rage about these days.

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
Location: Selkath Submersible
Objective: Objective 2
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Qae Shena"]
Enemies:[member="Darth Praelior"] - Don't steam roll me homes
[member="Vaermina"] [member="Darth Tsolan"] +[member="Yusan Fenn"] = Puppy Love
[member="Darth Vivaldi"] - love your music Vee [member="Lisa Ticon"]
[member="Selka Ventus"] - This can't be profitable
[member="Darth Carach"] - Kark @Luminara Rikanti [member="Xilo Gale"] [member="Hion the Herglic"] - *blubbers* [member="Viktor Romanov"] [member="Darth Layil"]

The small submersible fighter squadron tore through the water as they headed toward the rift. Vaudin had noted the old Mon Cal tech and wanted to play but had to divert when the warning of incoming enemies came through. The sound of the Sarcastic Umbarans blared in the background as he streaked over a reef with the 11 (squadron = 12) other ships in tow.

"This is Vaudin Miir of the republic defense force I am in bpund hold tight I think they mean to overwhelm the rift before you can respond."

His weapons armed as they shot passed some selkath skinny dippers trying to rush away.....people never should see nude selkath.
Location: Silk Holdings
Objective 2: Secure the kolto
Allies: One Sith, [member=Selka Ventus]
Enemies: Republic

Viktor continued down the hallway as the employees began to exit the building and Viktor used this chaos to move down the halls towards security quickly. He dodged to the Employees only area which was now completely evacuated aside from the Republic security, they were disposable. Viktor looped some of the cameras using his connection to the security system, so that he could move through the system unseen by security. As he turned the corner he came face to face with a security man who was shocked, but Viktor wasn't shocked. He couldn't be. The look of shock never left the guard's face before the knife managed it's way into his throat, then Viktor dropped the body to the floor and continued his way down the hall.

There was very little resistance between Viktor and the security room for the rest of the walk, due to him controlling the security there were no more surprises only more bodies. There were two Republic Guards blocking the entrance of the security control room, but Viktor made short work of them as well. He tore a pipe from the wall with minimum effort and chucked it into the chest of one guard pinning him into the wall. The other one took a bullet to the head, killing him instantly. The security door didn't last long either as Viktor had all the security codes downloaded into his memory. He walked in and grabbed the final guard snapping his neck, and thhen he simply left the body in the chair and locked the door after destroying the communications and isolating the building. He was headed to the kolto room.
OBJECTIVE: Secondary - Kolto Production, Infiltrate the Sub Bay
LOCATION: Ocean Near Ahto City
Commander: @Darth Balaya
Enemy: [member="Qae Shena"] [member="Vaudin Miir"]
Teams involved: Gamma, @Darth Carach @Selka Ventus.

The ocean spun with sudden violence. The deep blue roiled with bubbles and white froth. Orcus watched sea troopers disappear as the whirlpool tore apart the formation. He found himself sucked into the vortex, spinning higher and higher, flippers flailing without purchase in a foaming sea that would not let him be. He spun 'round and 'round, losing all sense of direction amidst bubbles and white foam. At last, the water cyclone spat him out.

The orbalisk encrusted form of the Herglic Sith Lord breeched the surface of the ocean, sailing briefly into the open air, a jet of spray behind him. Orcus took the opportunity to suck in a truly massive amount of air before he came crashing back into the ocean. He cut through the water with intimate familiarity. Every current, every pull and tug felt almost more innate to him than the Force itself. Orcus continued his dive, deeper and deeper below.

The sea troopers and Dark Water security force would continue with the mission. They knew the primary objective was the sub base. He would deal with the interferer.

Whirlpools did not spontaneously spring to life on their own. Another form lurked about.

Orcus knew the ocean. This was his domain, here in the darkest. coldest depths. Glittering black eyes swung about in the dimness of the ocean. Sight would avail him little here. He opened his maw and released a clicking noise, the trill cut through the water, bounding again and again as the sound waves carried before bouncing back to him.


Echolocation enhanced by the Force proved the Nautolan's undoing. Orcus' eyes swung toward the anomaly and he surged forth, flippers pulling him through the water.

There were reasons why people feared the ocean's depths. Here be whales.
Location: Skarr-Ro'ik Carrier Analogue Antimone, flanking "Vornskr's Claw".
Objective: One
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"][member="Invicta Zambrano"][member=Khallesh][member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Foes: None

Khallesh and her team of Hunters sat in silence aboard their Yorik Trema. Her last squad had fallen in battle at Alderaan during the Omega incursion. There was no dishonour in death, it was expected that Yuuzhan Vong warriors would fall before retreating. However, as Subaltern, questions had been raised on her fitness for command. She hoped to assuage those fears with her performance today.

The living vessel fell into line with the mechanical vessels being disgorged by the Vornskr’s Claw. Much of the Hrosha-Gul hoard would be forming up on the outskirts of the city and throwing themselves against the walls. Many civilians would fall at the hands of Chazrach blades today. The reptoids were being whipped into a battle frenzy, ready to fearlessly rush the enemy. Great warbeasts would follow, their powers of control keeping the Chazrach in line.

The planet was a small blue marble below. It had a smooth surface, barely even blemished by clouds. Even her keen eyes couldn’t make out the city of Ahlto at this distance. The cloud of landing vessels descended, the inexorable march of the Yuuzhan Vong towards their objective. Already bright blue and red bolts lanced through the vaccum towards them; the longest range defences of the world – heretic machines – belching forth their fury at the attackers. They passed clouds of metal debris, and organs and pieces of more Yorik Trema, but they carried on regardless.

She snarled in defiance, mentally preparing for the test ahead. She noticed another of her Hunters mirroring her expression. He had shown himself to be a skilled warrior, another member of Domain Val. They nodded to each other knowingly and then punched each other hard. The crack of Skerr Kyrric on Skerr Kyrric echoed around the ship. They were riling each other up, soon their aggression would be unleashed.


Soon the city was visible beneath them. A grey blip on a wide ocean. The laser fire intensified now. Several bolts were absorbed by their ships genetically enhanced shell. Coralskippers screeched past them and began to directly engage the city’s orbital defences.


They flew low near the walls of the city. Khallesh’s keen eyes picked out a horde of Chazrach marching on. She watched as one of them fell behind and was immediately caught from behind by the head of an amphistaff. It fell to the ground writhing, the other’s surged on. Blaster fire poured down upon them, but the advance continued.

Khallesh wasn’t going to join them. Several smaller groups would be assembled to strike at the generators at the heart of the city whilst the Chazrach hordes tied down the majority of the defences.


leave no one behind
Objectiv 2: hold the kolto facility
Allies: the republic
enemies: the sith

Reaper heard from his coms that the sith was attacking ahto city and they were making there way here. He ran quickly to his quarters then quickly put on his Phase II armor, he took his dagger and sword and put them on his back, then he grabbed his rifle. He grabbed his helmet and put it on and quickly grabbed a couple of grenades. he put on his cloak and covered his helmet then ran out and activated his coms "this is reaper, im making my way to the underwater facility, does anyone copy" he put aside his rifle and layd it on his back with his sword then started sprinting.
Location: On board the Immortal.
Objective: Objective three
Allies: | [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] | [member="Melakoth Tyrin"] | [member="Sophie Gustav"] | [member="Sophia Walsh"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="James Maar"] |
Foes: | [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Keanu Shan"] |

One Immortal-class Star Dreadnaught, the Immortal
Armament: One Proton Beam Cannon
One Hundred Heavy, Long-Range Turbolaser Cannons
One Hundred Heavy, Long-Range Ion Cannons
Seventy Five Heavy, Energy Torpedo Projectors
One Hundred Twenty Flak Gun Cannons
Seventy Five Defense Laser Cannons

Hangar:Twelve Annihilator-class boarding shuttles
Twelve Yorik Trema
Ten Yorik-et
Four Neutralizer II-class bomber squadrons


"Jam communications coming from this system. Inform pilots to go to their stations and have our shuttle craft loaded with regiments of Vong warriors. I am confident that they will want a piece of the action." The warrior caste was what the Sith Lord spoke of. The Annihilator-class boarding shuttles the Sith Lord also spoke of was what they would be boarding. Darth Ayra was aware of the Vong's distaste for technology and in summary...

She couldn't care less.

Her devised strategy for boarding Fredrich Stahlmann's forces was simple. The Katarn Maneuver, named after the old boarding shuttles, was a strategy that the New Order had come up with for spacial warfare. As the former Chancellor of the New Order, before it's dissolution in the Outer Rim, Darth Ayra would now bring the technique into effect at Manaan.

The Katarn Maneuver came in three phases. The first was boarding of the Annihilator-class boarding shuttles that the Sith Lord had instructed the Vong warrior caste on board the Immortal. When the shuttles were ready for take over, the stygium cloaking devices on board their craft would activate, cloaking the shuttle from detection. The effect here was that Fredrich Stahlmann and the men and women under his command would never see them coming.

The Annihilator-class boarding shuttles would then, with their Vong warriors on board, would then leave the Immortal to their intended targets. As they made their way towards the forces of the Galactic Republic, Darth Ayra would prepare for phase two of her strategy.

"Target the Redoubt cruiser with our long range turbolaser cannons. Tell gunners to aim for their shield deflectors. By the time my forces arrive at that damned cruiser, I want those shields depleted. Move the Immortal forwards on a bearing towards the cruiser. Leave no quarter."

Here, the Sith Lord would utilize the Immortal's immortality against the Republic's smaller craft. The Annihilator-class boarding shuttles were deployed, their movements covered not only by their cloak, but by the mass of their mothership. When it was time, they would fly out from beneath the Immortal to their target and begin phase two.

"Relay to Lord Zambrano and the rest of the fleet that I am targeting the Redoubt cruiser and I am requesting ships allocated to the flank of the Immortal."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Location: Kolto Facilities
Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Darth Praelior"], [member="Viktor Romanov"], [member="Hion the Herglic"], [member="Darth Carach"], etc.
Enemies: [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Qae Shena"], @J. Reaper, etc.

As Shatterstar's voice faded, another took over the intercom.

"Thank you for that," said the voice, this one from elsewhere, and very dry. The voice belonged to Selka Ventus, of the board of directors of this corporation, and both secretly and recently a Sith. With a history in AgriCorps -- she'd washed out for low Force potential -- and as a Republic partner in the revitalization of Ahto City, Ventus was an established voice here, and one that the Republic had no reason to distrust. "If the Jedi wish to guard our ongoing evacuation procedures, that would be helpful, only please don't get in the way. We've been doing this rather a long time."

By this point, the evacuation was already underway, and had been for some time. What the Jedi might perceive as lassitude, ignorance, lack of information on the part of the kolto facility's employees was actually-

Well, no, she reflected -- there was nothing about the orderly evac that resembled what they seemed to be perceiving. But it wouldn't be the first time the messianically well-meaning (a subset of sentience not infrequently caught overlapping with white men) had perceived a need for leadership and compassion where no such need existed. Between Silk Holdings and its longtime Selkath partners (no clear-cut distinction, that; Silk employed many Selkath), a wide variety of evacuation scenarios had become part of corporate culture, the hard way. Kolto, employees, and the most vital machinery continued to be loaded into transports, and some of those transports began to lift off, escorted by literally the best and deadliest starfighters in the galaxy. The One Sith might have the most powerful capital ships around, the Republic might have the fastest small craft, but pound for pound, nothing within ten thousand light-years came close to matching the Rassilon-class.

It wouldn't do for the kolto to fall into the hands of Sith, after all.

An edge of stress entered Selka's voice as it percolated over the intercom. The security holocams weren't looking good. "Attention, attention. Security breach."

The evac accelerated. Republic guards constituted the outer line of defense, but Silk had its own security assets and personnel. Her connection with the rebuilt Order of Shasa went back a long way, to a time when Velok and, oddly, Tahira Solo had-

Well, storytime could wait. For the moment, she continued to do what she could to aid the evac, which mostly involved staying out of the way of the people who knew what they were doing.
Location: Dark Blade Class Star Destroyer Reignfall.
Objective: Objective three
Allies: | Darth Arcanix | Mordecai Zambrano | Melakoth Tyrin | Sophie Gustav | Sophia Walsh | Harley | James Maar |
Foes: | Friedrich Stahlmann | Keanu Shan |

"My lord, the Immortal is moving into attack position." Reported the conning station. Melkaroth nodded. His face remained impassive as always, but he was pleased that Lady Ayra was taking the intiative. They needed to destroy the Republic fleet now, before reinforcements could arrive. "Maintain our relative position." Ordered Melkaroth. "All batteries, stand by. Open a channel to the Immortal."

"Channel open, sir."

"Lady Ayra, I assume you intend execute the attack as planned?" During the planning for the attack, the commanders had agreed that the enemy flagship would be boarded if possible in order to ensure the swiftest possible victory, bearing in mind that they would need to cause as much damage as possible before more Republic ships could arrive. He was wary of the formidable firepower of his ship, and if the Immortal was to launch its boarding shuttles as planned, Melkaroth intended to make sure that they would have a whole ship to land on. If he was to open fire on the enemy cruiser, he would have to aim to disable only, thereby ensuring that Ayra's troops could find a safe path to the areas they wished to capture. Besides, he had no intention of spoiling the Vong's sport.
Location: En route to Ahto City / Deploying ground forces
Objective: Destroy the Hyper Bouyancy system.
Allies: The One Sith, [member="Invicta Zambrano"], [member="Darth Vitium"], [member="Khallesh"], [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]
Enemies: The Republic, specifically [member="Kiskla Grayson"] (Comin' for you bby)
Music: When Death Comes Knocking by Primal Fear

From the gullet of the Star Destroyer erupted forth a tidal wave of sleek dark silver dropships that after leaving the vessel's hangerbay turned down and began to stream into Manaan's atmosphere, and began their journey towards Ahto City. The last dropship to leave the Star Destroyer would be Vornskr's own, and would be moving with all haste towards the raging battle on the horizon. As the shuttles began their final approach towards Ahto City, they were met with a hail of anti-air fire at the last minute as the Republic soldiers below got over the initial confusion of the Sith's blitzkrieg and began to fight back against the stream of transports and shuttles descending on the floating city. Several of the transports next to Vornskr's own exploded into bright stars of light and fire, while others were clipped by enemy fire and either tumbled into the dark ocean or crashed into the outskirts of the city. By the design of fate or the will of the Force, Vornskr's dropship managed to weave through the barrage of explosions and enemy fire long enough to land in Ahto East.

The dropship idled over one of the courtyards in Ahto East as it's landing bay opened wide and deposited a few squads of Blackblade soldiers and Graug followed by Darth Vornskr and Invicta, and afterwards it was eradicated by a short range hand-held surface to air missile launcher. Most of the soldiers avoided the flaming debris, and began to fan out through the city in squads as the battle began to rage all across the city. Vornskr stayed behind for a moment as he activated his comm and received the message sent to him by his newest servant, Overlord [member="Ludolf Vaas"], and replied quickly:

"Confirmed, Overlord. Target the infrastructure of the city, and leave no one alive. Bathe this city in fire."

Vornskr cut off his comm system as he turned to his wife, "It is time to bleed the Republic together, beloved." Just as he uttered those words a squad of Republic soldiers emerged from one of the intersecting streets and began to open fire on the two Sith. Vornskr merely activated his lightsaber and assumed a Shien stance as he began to deflected the blaster bolts directed at him and his wife, before lunging high into the air with a single leap, and coming down right in the middle of the squad. His speed was ferocious, and he was merciless in his assault as he used his lightsaber to carve up each individual soldier one-at-a-time until they were nothing but smoldering body parts littering the street. They would only be the first of many to fall on this day to Vornskr's blade, and he hoped the drown out the flames his Blackblades would cover this city in with the blood of those he shall slaughter.

"Kruso tave Jen'ari!"

Kyla Foy

Location: Back on steady ground - Ahto City West - Moving East
Objective: One - Send the city to the depths of the ocean
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] - [member="Reverance"] - [member="Darth Vitium"] - [member="Nulgath Zardai"] - [member="Darth Inferno"] - [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]
Enemies: Aaralyn Rekali -:- Other Pubs at Objective One

This was only the beginning from different parts of Ahto City, vessels were dropping down. The worse thing was, they all possessed a great amount of energy from the Dark Side of the force. One of them was brought down by the Jedi Master Aaralyn through attacking them off-guard while they were still located within the dropping vessel. It didn't matter, they were only but, a small squad of the Sith's huge arsenal, soon enough...the game would've been over.

"Powerful opponents are awaiting us..", he thought while the drop-ship seemed to take ages, but it was only time moving slow. Every heartbeat of every being; civilian, soldier, scientist and any creature, that had died that moment would leave with an undescribed scream. The scream could not be heard by the people, but it was their force energy, their soul to be taken by the force and ripped away to a place which, he did not yet possess the knowledge over.

The vessel finally came to a stand still and from the vessel would escape a handful of soldiers, together with the many allies. He inhaled and exhaled calm while the seventeen year old Sith Acolyte unstrapped himself together with Matsu, Reverance, Nulgath Zardai and Logan. They all were strong within the force, the sith lords far more powerful than the acolyte's. Nobody came out to play, they were all serious rushing with adrenaline, rushing with tension through their veins.

The beautiful light emitting from the sun came down onto his skin. He looked up and around, "The sun is only but, an illusion of the true face of this planet. Everything is an illusion as long if it is covered by the sun." He looked around for the moment and he tried to sense the Jedi's around him. "Hmm.." When Matsu was heading to her location, Hyper-Buoyancy System. He decided to go walk towards the East by orders of his squad leader. He didn't seem to have any weapons by his hands, but he did not attack the running civilians either. They were only time wasting and he shouldn't be the one to kill them as it had no meaning in order of doing so.

"Who will be foolish enough to stand in our way?"
Location: Dark Blade Class Star Destroyer Reignfall.
Objective: Objective three
Allies: | Darth Arcanix | Mordecai Zambrano | Melakoth Tyrin | Sophie Gustav | Sophia Walsh | [member="Melakoth Tyrin"]| James Maar |
Foes: | Friedrich Stahlmann | Keanu Shan |

Harley was on dark blade as Melakoth opened up channel to darth ayra, she waited in the background for orders. She could see the fighters being launched, and she was tracking dropships going down to the planet. She was waiting for order to fire, at her consul. She really wanted to press that button, for gun batteries to open fire. Then to see what a republic scrap pile looked like, she smiled at the prospect of it. She stood by and waited her orders, to open fire on the enemy ships. Though the idea of waiting was beyond her why, when opening fire know would be easier.
Location: Ahto City - Generators (Outside blast doors)
Objective: Protect the Hyper-Buoyancy Generator from Incoming Forces
Allies: All Republic | [member="Odeyseis"]
Foes: All Sith

A familiar voice rang out as Sera opened her eyes, still sitting cross-legged. She noticed it was [member="Odeyseis"] . Smiling as he approached she stood, nodding in response to the knight's question. "I am as ready as one could hope to be. I just hope it is enough. The smell of Sith makes me sick. Why must they bring death and tragedy everywhere they go? Can we not rest but a moment and enjoy peace and celebration for once? I don't understand their disgusting taste for the destruction of life." She shook her head as she looked at the ground beneath her.
Location: East of generators, close to [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Objective: One
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Invicta Zambrano"] [member=Khallesh] [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Foes: None

Khallesh’ stomach lurched as the Yorik Trema rapidly decelerated and dipped low on the far side of the wall and weaved between several of the low structures of the city. It weaved between several low structures, before crashing down in the east side of the city. She uttered a silent prayer of thanks to the Twin Gods. Despite the almost indestructible nature of the underside of the organic vessel, the chance of being downed over the inner city had been high.

A squad of Republic troops advanced on the vessel. An unfortunate choice. As the Yuuzhan Vong Hunters prepared to depart down the worm tubes the Yorik Trema lashed out with them, flinging the soldiers far and wide.

Something part way between a grin and a snarl was plastered across her face. She charged the nearest Republic soldier. She could see the fear in his eyes. She imagined he had been making his way to the walls, not expecting this. She struggled to judge human ages, but he seemed young.

He brought honour to his kind. Despite the fear in his eyes he held his ground. Blaster fire clipped off Khallesh’ Skerr Kyrric and he did not cry out as he died. She shoved the body aside and reached for her villip. It came with the biots to interact with the One Sith mechanical communications systems.

“This is Subaltern Khallesh of Domain Val. Several squads of Hunters have landed,” she sullied her tongue with the basic language of the Galaxy’s inhabitants, but she was reporting to both Sith and Hrosha-Gul members.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Location: Kolto Facilities
Objective:Treat wounded and survive
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: The One Sith

with no Jedi training there was still there was still a use for me, the Jedi have seen my abilities at treating wounded with little supplies and under pressure.
sure this was a new environment but the supplies was there without having to make a compromise. Fully aware that there will be an imminent attack and no way to fight back
i felt like a target and expendable. I patch in to the holocom channel "I'm not sure about this but my abilities will be where most needed. Just tell me where and ill be there"

Clenching the holocom in my right hand walking up and down the halls near the kolto facilities waiting for orders yet almost seems non existent with a thousand thoughts running through my head. "i'm out of my league here" saying under my breath. Walking back down the halls I look up to see James Mathison bolting out the turbo lift accompanied by two others, I wanted to ask for some sort of guidance to help me with what is about to happen but it seemed as a bit of an inappropriate time, he was clearly in a rush to do something important, after all I i'm been classed as a civilian and the only reason I'm allowed to be apart of this is faith. At least that is what i thought, i'v not gained any trust amongst my peers. I crouch down with my back against the wall wrapping my arms around my legs reciting the Jedi code a few times to clear my, this is my chance to prove i can be trusted.

The holocom bleeped frantically. "Everyone know's their orders. its time to move into positions" I didn't know who's voice it was but all i knew is that I'm not prepared to face what was coming our way.

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