Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Imperial Thanksgiving

Kade Kol-Rekali


Processors whirred softly as Ikon raised a hand, causing his cloak to stir slightly.

IK-0N did not know why his programming directed him to wear the cloak. Or did it direct him at all? Unknown variable. Illogical. Inefficient. A garment for organics. The advanced technological properties of the cloak masked his signature, but this could be done by a spray on coating of anti-thermal paint.

Could it be that he... liked the cloak?

Error. Recomputing.

"Additional query: do you wish us to terminate this elite guard?" IK-0N asked in a synthesized monotone, his single red photoreceptor staring with all the malevolent design of its creators. Beneath this design, curiosity.

What looked like a vibrosword peaked over one shoulder, only slightly hidden by the cloak and obviously magnetically attached to the droid's back.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Peyton Steele IK-0N

"If Her Majesty or other important folks happen to be on board, stun and dump, maybe holding off if we need the escape cover. We're not tooled up for a royal hostage-taking unless it's, like, ten minutes to let us get to space. As for the guards, if there's guards...maybe start with nonlethals like the stun charges and glop grenades we handed out."

Jerec guided his swoop bike toward the warehouse door.

"But don't get killed, and if that means killing pros in the course of, say, a fighting retreat, that's all fair game."

Kade Kol-Rekali

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Peyton Steele

Killed - to cause the end of a person, animal, or other living thing. See also: murder.

The Confederacy-created droid sat rigidly on his speeder-bike and followed after the Ithorian.

To kill. This was IK-0N's design. His purpose. His reason for existence. But could he also be killed? Was he a living thing? What did it mean to live?

IK-0N devoted a subroutine to the pondering of such questions, while his primary processing power went into analyzing the world around him for potential threats and how to best eliminate them in a non-lethal manner.
"The fleet has been more than accommodating my King. I've met some interesting individuals..Some with more..flair than others..but all in the excitement of today's events. I'll have you know..I am here now and will be doing what I do best." I answered with confidence. Looking around slightly at the individuals surrounding the King I noticed certain looks of relief in their expressions as it was clear...I knew the King and he obviously knew me as well. "Now then.." (I cracked my right-hand knuckles with a simple closing of the fist and quickly opening it again.) "As my joints may reveal....You have what I need..." I said as the Vile was passed on to me. This was good. A delivery long time coming..And I knew I had to pay the price for it. Or have I already? Time would tell. Even in the midst of the public eye..It wasn't anyone's place to know exactly what this was..But a reminder that loyalty has its perks. As I nodded quickly and drank the contents, It tasted as it should. Medicine that you didn't want but would need. Cold and soothing down the esophagus and a warm tingle throughout my nervous system. As I waited for any additional effects i cleared my throat for flair nodding and letting him know that i could handle the contents. Expecting adverse effects? Possibly..But for now..It seemed legit and true. Placing the vile in my pocket, it was respectful to dispose of it on my own time. As I looked back at him I thought about the amount of security he could and should have in the area. My eyes quickly glanced around seeing a few service droids and patrons. I glanced over to the King quickly before uttering the words, "You have four eyes now. I'll be in touch.". I then awaited a response from the King but was prepared to survey the area and walk the corridors ensuring this night went off without a hitch for my King.

Tag: Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Credit Wizard Credit Wizard Peyton Steele Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Peyton Steele

So, an Ithorian that she thought she knew but was also probably someone completely different and lying to her as being Jerec, and a droid with a bit of fashion sense. This was who she was working with? Well, her normal partner was Cuan, but he still had that sense of good versus evil. This job should be a bit of fun and turn a pretty credit around. And well, if she could not murder people, that would make it fine, or mostly fine.

Looking over at the droid, though, she noticed the vibrosword and felt a little less prepared, with a blaster and stun baton pairing. Even during war time for the Alliance and OPA, she wasn't the type to go for a kill shot. People were able to be reasoned with, or if not, well, magma cells were designed to get them to talk… eventually.

"Always set for stun, and if we have one or two important peoples, can't hurt to hold them until we're ready for take off. Dealing with fighters though… we may want to just be very persuasive on what… or who we have aboard." She checked her side bag, she had the glop grenades all ready to go. "Cant hurt to at least scare them." The blonde followed suit, moving her swoop towards the street before starting it up.

The hum of small repulsor engines was always fun.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N
"If it's alternative hyperspace lanes that you'd need, I do have access to those. I was given them by my old mentor, to use for both myself and for shipping supplies. They are old hyperlanes that are no longer in use. I don't have them on me at the moment, but I could share them with you, if you'd like." Credit Wizard Credit Wizard was offering her a world; as well as a system to call home outside of Mnemosyne. She had to repay him for that.

She glanced over to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun as he spoke, giving him his own time while she nibbled on what was a much smaller plate of food than their guest partook in. Normally she could stuff her face too, but not tonight. Right now she had to act more....befitting of royalty. Besides, it wasn't as though she was on her own in one of her ships right now.

Now it was her tirn to speak as the subject of the pirate guild was brought up. "Oh yes, please fill us in. I'm sure that we've got quite a few tricks to deal with them."

Meanwhile outside of the Embassy were parked various little landspeeders, small shuttles and Lori's first ship the Grey Sparrow. Being on her own planet, there was no need for arriving from the Elysium fleet in anything that packed a punch. And unlike a lot of royals, she didn't travel in the lap of luxury. Such events were the only times that she'd dress up, otherwise she'd be in her armour or spacer clothes.

Keeping an eye on the Embassy grounds was Lori's co-pilot and bodyguard Arla, as well as a half dozen armed Mnemosyne security officers. Even on a peaceful planet, one couldn't be too careful. Arla herself was connected via direct links to the Elysium fleets nearby. Lori's first wedding had been attacked here before and Arla wasn't going to allow such a thing to happen again. Her charge deserved to have a good day.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N Peyton Steele Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Meanwhile outside of the Embassy were parked various little landspeeders, small shuttles and Lori's first ship the Grey Sparrow. Being on her own planet, there was no need for arriving from the Elysium fleet in anything that packed a punch. And unlike a lot of royals, she didn't travel in the lap of luxury. Such events were the only times that she'd dress up, otherwise she'd be in her armour or spacer clothes.

Keeping an eye on the Embassy grounds was Lori's co-pilot and bodyguard Arla, as well as a half dozen armed Mnemosyne security officers. Even on a peaceful planet, one couldn't be too careful. Arla herself was connected via direct links to the Elysium fleets nearby. Lori's first wedding had been attacked here before and Arla wasn't going to allow such a thing to happen again. Her charge deserved to have a good day.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N Peyton Steele Var-Sulis Var-Sulis

THE CREW: Peyton Steele IK-0N on various speeders and bikes
THE TAKE: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's Grey Sparrow starfighter (two-seater, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, won't we Peyton)

That little probe droid sent images to the crew's datapads: the speeders, shuttles, and that beautiful old Commenori Grey Sparrow — the obvious target even without a sparkly crown icon superimposed. The images included a couple of security guards, nothing crazy. Jerec glanced at his pad through his fishbowl helmet and tucked it away as he eased the swoop bike through an ornamental garden of some kind.

The swoop burst from the manicured trees and vaulted over a fence to land among the parked vehicles. Steering with one hand, Jerec hefted a bulky coma gas grenade and lobbed it in the general direction of the first guard he saw. IK-0N was immune to gas and Peyton could take care of herself. A fog of knockout vapor across a good chunk of the parking zone ought to kick things off nicely.
Wes "GunHawk" Fontain stepped off of his ship The Stallion" and into the relatively quiet hangar, bounty puck in hand. On habit, he pulled a hand rolled cigar out of his left breast pocket, slipping it between his lips and sparking a lucifer on the butt of one of his twin DE-10 slugthrowing revolvers inhailing a lung full of the narcotic. He's always been a simple man, solid build with sandy brown hair down to his shoulders. and a few weeks of growth tugging at his jaw. suddenly, an old maintenance droid came limping toward him, its grey paint chipping exposing the layers of rust it had been coated over.
"Greeting Sir would you like me to take a look at your sh-sh-sh-ship?" the droid croaked.
"No," he answered, not liking the look of the crumbling old droid.
"very well sir, parkings 15 c-c-c-c-credits a day, 35 for three days." the droid said, sticking out its rusted hand, squeaking on its frame from long uses and little maintenance. grunting, Wes gives the little droid a few credits. after looking down at the measily amount of credits, the droid looks up at Wes," have a wonerful day s-s-s-sir." and turns to do whatever a droid will do.
When he is positive that the droid is gone, he opens the Bounty Puck and examines it closely, it showed a holographic image of a trandoshan Mercenary by the name of "Pollock". Wes has been hunting this target for well on two months, and its getting mighty frustrating. Almost catching him on Yavin IV two weeks ago, he escaped, but not before Wes placed a tracked on his ship. After several days of hyperspace, the beacons final ping was here. Until it vanished. Wes assumed the lizard found the device, destroying it. but instead of trying to plant another, Wes is going to finish this once and for all.
walking back into his ship, he comes out riding a heavily modified speeder, including a military grade weapons package able to penetrate the majority of police vehicals. He began his long journey to the festival, hoping the lizard may be there.

TAGS: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
LOCATION: The Elysium Embassy on Mnemosyne
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

Monkrove would peer over, to the Heir of the Elysium Empire. Once he had decided to speak once again, he listened intently and nodded his head in recognition of what he said. He noticed that the Heir of the Empire was slightly confused through simple body language analysis as to why he had mentioned pirates and he correctly figured out that the heir had no idea of their previous subject. He watched with interest as the man ordered more food and the servant brought it to them. This made him want to order more food and he promptly did so, and after a short while of waiting. He was given 100 plates filled with various types of food, which crowded around the table that they sat upon at this time. He began to dig in into a platter of chicken wings and french fries, waiting for the consort to the heir to explain the current situation with her husband.

Monkrove turned away from his food, once the queen of this world had begun to speak again to him. Nodding his head in agreement and smiling towards her in a very grandfatherly way. "I'd appreciate any alternative hyperspace lanes that you can give me. Just send them over to the nearest terminal on this world, they will be sent straight to the Galactic Bureau of Astrology & Astrogation since they have downloadable content on the terminal which can be useful for ships." Monkrove said to her, grabbing a cake and eating it whole. Turning on the holoprojector to promptly explain to the heir of the empire about what they were talking about earlier. "You might have not been aware, Heir of the Elysium Empire. But we were talking about a request from myself to eliminate a fearsome pirate guild that is currently threatening my region of space. It wouldn't do good in good consciousness for me to hand over a homeworld to you and not tell you about a guild that could cause you serious problems down the line." Monkrove explained, turning the dial a little as the next image would appear before them, showing an emblem of two golden axes crossed upon a jolly roger style flag. "The Pirate Guild is called the Golden Axe, as you can see promptly by their emblem. While not typically a threat to large fleets and patrol defense forces. They have immense power within the underworld of the region and have established many warehouses right underneath the noses of planetary governments. Soon enough they will have enough corruption to be granted control over the world without force of arms." He explained, waiting for a sign from either of them that they understood this. Before proceeding to spin the dial again, to show a fleet above a undisclosed world at this minute in time. "The Golden Axe Fleet is compromised of many ancient but modernized vessels that aren't considered a real threat to the current galactic powers because of their age. There main battlecruiser is the Ajuur Class Heavy Cruiser, which is a heavy armored cargo vessel which is used as a front line cruiser. They are mainly dangerous because they have enough space to house tons of supplies for sieges and ammunition for their cannons. They lack the weakness of supply vessels because they can defend themselves with their huge number of guns. As for their fighters and the like, they mainly used old droid fighters from the CIS purchased from the junkyard planets after the clone wars. The present danger to us is their 3 Azalus Class Hutt Dreadnoughts, which are immensely powerful on their own and have enough guns and shields to go up against enemy capital ships without requiring support." Monkove explained, turning the dial once again to show a figure, his skin was pale white with red eyes, decorated in luxury red and golden pirate coat, with a large feathered hat to go along with it. "This is Ekurn Vagabond, Pirate-Admiral of the Golden Axes. He is a dangerous energy vampire not unlike the Sagnir Species which haunt the galaxy." Monkrove finished explaining, before turning his attention fully to them. "If you need more details, I would be happy to explain more." He said, digging into his meal that was in front of himself while waiting for either of them to respond.


Kade Kol-Rekali

NON-HOSTILES: Peyton Steele | Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
HOSTILES: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
NON-COMBATANT?: Wes Fontain Wes Fontain

IK-0N did not notice that the target only held the capacity for two individuals. Or at least, his processing unit merely filed it away as a fact irrelevant to the current scenario.

The current scenario... which involved whipping in on a slick, MK-34 SoroSuub sled doing 100kph inside a 50. IK-0N came in "hot" behind the fog bank of knockout gas, pivoted his sled at an odd angle to the security guards, and decelerated rapidly. This all caused the droid to whoosh in with his sled and smack the chassis at low-speed into several hacking, half-dazed guards, scattering them like tossed dice in a Canto Bight casino (which IK-0N had never been to but seen holos of online.) IK-0N's calculations concluded that this was entirely non-lethal, 40% bone-bruising, and 60% (as he had heard an organic on Tatooine remark once) "cool."

The droid dismounted his sled and looked for Jerec and Peyton, his photoreceptor flicking to infrared due to the knockout gas.

Peyton Steele

Peyton had an inkling on what they were heading after. The fighter they were after was a two seater but they had the droid. They could … tape him to the outside? Droids could survive in space. At least that was what she thought… Didn't that one who helped get the Death Star plans literally punched the shield gate at that Imperial archive world, and then he … okay, maybe that story was a load of bantha poodoo. But droids could survive in space, was what she was getting in.

Human hybrids and masked Ithorians, not so much.

As her datapad beeped, she tapped the small screen on her left wrist. The image that was sent to her datapad was imposed there, she saw the other ships, and saw the Sparrow. That was the take. The rest, well, if they could get them moving, it'd cause a bit of chaos, for sure. She kept close to Jerec's swoop and noticed him prepping a grenade.

Gas she hoped… As it flew she nodded, it was. Calling on a little of the Force, she was doing what she could to keep clean air moving close to her face.

Her main intent was keeping up with Evil Ithorian and the Crash Test Dummy on the SoroSuub. She was good at riding swoops, but not to the extent a droid was. She tapped her ear, and a rebreather folded out around her mouth and nose. Something designed to help with breathing at depth, even as a Brubreen she was only half. Her blaster pistol was also in her hand now, as she slid her swoop to a stop, giving herself a wide profile to be fired at, but with most toppled by Ikon, she was identifying targets for stun shots.

Not even 60% cool. At most, 60% poser.

IK-0N Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Wes Fontain Wes Fontain Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Lori nodded to Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , making a mental note to pass along her hyperlane routes for him when she could. To get up from the table and do so now would of course be rude.

And boy could he eat. Just when she thought that maybe he had his fill of food, he went ahead and ordered even more to be brought to his table. It made her wonder if he was part Hutt or something given his enormous appetite. She didn't find it appalling however, instead she found it quite entertaining. Lori often found herself amongst strange characters and she figured that that was because she was one herself. So it was all the more perfect.

Her attention turned to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun as Monkrove started to give more details about the pirate guild pestering what could be their new home world. It sounded like a fun problem to deal with, or at least one that would help quench her thirst for adventure. And it could be one that could help Rex feel more at home with his role and be able to do something for the people. They had sparred and she knew that he could handle himself in a brawl. No doubt he'd even have fun with it. It was hard to tell what he was feeling from time to time for the man seemed disconnected from such things. But maybe that was due to the awkwardness of the arranged marriage.

"I haven't come across any energy vamps before, but I had heard a bit about them. I've got a few tricks in mind that I can use against their fleets, but Ekun Vagabond might be not so easily removed. Does he have any bounties on his head? What do you know about him?" Lori dove into some of the meat on her plate, her eyes fully on Monkrove now in eager anticipation of his response.

Meanwhile, the swoop bike coming out of the trees caught the attention of all of the guards on hand at the landing pad, including Arla. The coma grenade from Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr let out it's volley of knockout gas, making it all the easier for IK-0N to barrel through them.

Arla (link in sig) was knocked down too, but not out. And when she fell, she did so on purpose. Bringing out her DL-44, she fired some shots at both Jerec and IK-0N's swoop bikes through the smoke in what likely would be in surprise. Then she rolled into a crouch a dozen feet to her left, using the gas as cover for her movements as she let out a volley of shots at Peyton Steele 's swoop as well.

Internally she was sending out a distress call to the Elysium fleet. The attack seemed small, but appearances could be deceiving, so some extra gunpower was never a bad thing.

It wouldn't take long for the smoke to begin to clear, so Arla stood up straight on her feet, her blaster raised and trained on Jerec. "Well what do we have here....Party crashers....If you know what's good for you, then you'd turn right around and leave. If not, there'll be consequences..."

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Wes Fontain Wes Fontain

TAGS: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
LOCATION: The Elysium Embassy on Mnemosyne
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

Monkrove would peer up from his current dinner plate, having eaten at least 100 meals so far. Looking towards the Queen of Mnemosyne who had decided to speak up after a while of silence. He would listen to her as she spoke about having tactics to deal with the Golden Axe Fleet and having some knowledge about the energy vampires, and correctly assumed that the Pirate-Admiral Ekun Vagabond would not go down so easy. He himself didn't have much information regarding him, but he would tell her all he knew so that they could prepare. Once she finished speaking did monkrove respond in a polite tone, after cleaning his mouth and beard of crumbs.

"I trust your experience in battle, to deal with the their fleet of warships. You are correct in that regard, he will not go down so easy. Even if he is injured he can simply consume the essence of someone else to heal himself. Be they simply a bystander or a force user. He has accelerated senses, enhanced strength and speed and can turn others into mindless zombies with his bite. He used to have a bounty on his head, for quite some time by the Hutt Clans. However after murdering a hutt within his own palace and consuming his essence to empower himself. That bounty has been lifted by the Hutt Ruling Council, it must have been quite a sight for the hutts to simply abandon the hunt for the murderer of their own kind. I don't actually know all that much about him outside of rumors, but what I can tell you with absolute certainty is that he is a formidable warrior on the battlefield, and an expert tactician when in charge of fleets. When you are immortal like he is, you can study all the tactics and recall them that have ever been made on the battlefield by any fleet in galactic history." Monkrove said to her, digging into his plate again and finishing the last plate that he had ordered in a matter of seconds. Waiting for her to respond to him, or the heir to the empire to speak up about his opinion on the subject. He turned slightly and waved the waiter down again, ordering another 100 plates to be put on the table. Waiting for just a few minutes as the servants cleaned up the 100 plates he had already devoured. Turning his attention back fully to the heir and the queen of mnemosyne once his other 100 plates had arrived and were spread out on the table in front of them both.

As I nodded to the King once more and didn't want to take up any more of his time i began to walk towards the outskirts of the room. Mental note..Who is calm? Who looks a little nervous? Who seems to be oblivious? Call it paranoia but in my profession...You just can never tell..until you do. My hands would find their way into my pant pockets once again as I let a smirk form on my face and took a nod at one of the patrons approaching. "Ah...The bubbly...Not a party without.." I said as i would take the flute of champagne off the tray. The man looked at me with his rather beaded eyes and would give an awkward smile through his yellowed sharp-like teeth. As I sipped from the flute slowly i realized he may not fully understand my language..or gesture..He was a Chagrian..Interesting fellow nonetheless. I continued gazing the room and separated the flute from my lips. I would crack my neck slightly as the vile of liquid i had taken earlier was coursing through my veins. (This Dank Farrik blue griss is AMAZING) I said to myself as I felt strong. And full of energy. As I reminded myself to talk to the doctor in charge of such a product, suddenly (PING)..

A Small ping in my comms unit. My ear receptor went off..You know..The kind of signal I'm only meant to receive when there is danger. No time to think who else could have received it as well..Surely the call to action for the security unit will be known immediately. Using my watch I would quickly ping the location of the distress signal as my pace picked up on my way out of the room. (Coming from below. There's something happening..Origin...Elysium Embassy..Landing pad..Many important figureheads down there..) I quickly ran down the hall and looked at the backhand of my watch pushing the triggered button that would remotely start my interceptor. Good thing my punch I called it was all ready to go and onboard. I could change quickly in there..Suit up in your armor...Grab your Weaponry..time to get going. The latch would open and I ran inside to the cockpit immediately. Using the auto-nav system a charted course for the Embassy and sent out a signal received pingback to the origin of the sender.

Tag: Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Blasterfire smacked into Jerec's swoop bike and punched through. He retained just enough control of the dying bike to throw it and himself, into a flat skid. The control vanes impaled a luxury speeder and the bike's momentum torqued both vehicles around. By this point Jerec was flopping along the pavement and deeply grateful for his riding gear. That kind of road rash would have decimated his chances of a clean getaway.

Jerec tumbled to a halt in the crux of the ruined bike and messed-up speeder. Not terrible cover, at least for the moment. As the coma gas fog began to clear, he lobbed a second grenade in the direction of the gas-immune kid with the gun. This was one of the glop grenades, nonlethals built to immobilize.

Hoping that some combination of the glop grenade, Peyton Steele, and IK-0N would keep the chatty gunslinger occupied, he blitzed for the Queen's fancy Commenori fighter. His bandana disguise came off inside his fishbowl helmet, which was really just the icing on the cake.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis

Kade Kol-Rekali

Blaster fire peppered IK-0N’s sled, ruining the anti-grav propulsion and causing it to collapse to the ground in a shower of sparks and a heavy, metallic thud.

IK-0N watched Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr ‘s speeder do something more… what would the organic call it? Spectacular, adjective: Beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.

Query. What made something beautiful?

Query. Could destruction be beautiful?

IK-0N removed another glop grenade and hurled it at the source of the blaster fire, his aim calculated for maximum glop coverage in conjunction with the Ithorian’s. Then he ripped free a metal spar from his damaged swoop and backed toward the target of their illicit acquisition.

Peyton Steele | Var-Sulis Var-Sulis | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Peyton Steele

What she didn't want to have happen was to have people shooting at her. It was definitely one of her least favorite things. But she was shooting back. Couldn't she just go back and work for a government as an agent again, like soon? No? No government that she could out right support in this galaxy? Seemed fair. She had brought herself to a stop a bit after she entered firing range.

As her stunbolts were going off she heard the woman speak. She wasn't going to listen, obviously. There were credits here. And she was Robin Hood. Or whatever. But mostly, she wasn't speaking because Jerec was running up the cool-o-meter with the work he was doing. Big trick was, could she outscore the droid?

How many droids had she worked with since the Outer Rim Coalition days? A lot.

Some were just programmed to be cool.

From her vantage point behind the swoop, she was hoping the droid would draw fire. Then she could move in, release the landing hold, and get the ship airborne.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
" this switch..and here we go," I exclaimed as my comms link would switch to a private frequency. The hologram receiver scanned my body for those with visual access to my message. "This is your savvy Security Captain checking in. Distress signal pinged from the landing of the embassy. All available units engage the situation and rendezvous Northbound. Moon coming in hot." I followed up with a flip of a switch engaging thrusters coming in for a landing. I knew I needed to move fast. I quickly checked my inventory and would bring my interceptor to a smooth landing as an incoming message was pinged to my comlink. "Roger that Sulis..approaching sector now. Ready to engage. Set to stun only. We want these bastards alive.." One of the officers below responded.

I smirked as I would release the hold hatch and pulled the exhaust valve for engine cooling. As I leaped to the ground, My helmet was on and I was ready to go. Gripping my E-11 with its zoom scope..I set to stun..With my finger anxious to use live cells...."Let's see what we have..." I said aloud but in a lowly tone as i activated my radar for hostile signatures.

Tag: Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun IK-0N Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
Lori's brows furrowed with concern as Credit Wizard Credit Wizard described more about Ekun Vagabond. No doubt he'd be difficult to take care of and it sounded as though her bodyguard Arla and others much like her were better equipped, for droids could not have their essences stolen. They had none to begin with. Nor could they be turned into zombies.

"How can he be killed? Surely there has to be a way? Decapitation? Some kind of starvation? Being blown into a million pieces? Or jettisoned into space?" Maybe he could be set on fire. A flamethrower would be lovely. She couldn't set any of her hunter friends after him. It'd be too risky.

Maybe Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun would have an idea.

Meanwhile at the landing pad....

Arla's internal system caught the PING back from Var-Sulis Var-Sulis . Reinforcements were coming. It wouldn't take them long to reach the landing pad given that the fleet was in orbit of the planet.

She fired a shot at the glop grenade that Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr threw, only to see it explode in mid flight. Bits of the foam flew everywhere and hardened within seconds of contact. Tiny bits of it lodged onto her pantlegs and solidified the material. IK-0N threw the next grenade mere seconds later. Arla opened fire on that too, forcing it to explode early and spill out it's contents. The hardening foam splashed in front of her, forcing her back away from them as more bits of it latched onto her clothing, slowing her movements down with the added weight.

What or who was the intended target? She wasn't certain.

The erupting firefight caused more security guards to arrive. Seeing the scene before them, the added five opened fire at the trio, hoping to draw them back.

Peyton Steele
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex's P.O.V.
The Elysium Imperial Embassy, Mnemosyne

Rex was still a bit confused as to just what was going on. However as Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Credit Wizard Credit Wizard spoke, he quickly began to catch on to things. Essentially there were some pirates to be dealt with. Dangerous, Vampiric pirates that can suck energy out of people. Sounded like something The Navy could handle. A few Makashi cruisers here and there could decimate most unprofessional fleets. However he decided he would ask Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch for an opinion before making such a call.

He took a few bites of his meal while it was fresh, trying the hot foods first, and leaving the cooler foods for later. With a few bites of food to satisfy his growling stomach, he finally spoke up. "I am not completely caught up on what is going on are ceding a planet to The Empire? Clearly I have missed something, but I can promise Imperial support to deal with these pirate scum.

Heath Valhoun's P.O.V.
The Utopia

Var-Sulis was gone now, and Heath was left alone again. However he was not idle. It was time for the toast. He rose to his feet, straightening his trench coat and standing straight. He had his glass of whiskey near him as he cleared his throat. The room quickly became silent as thousands of eyes stared at their king.

He had a few key points planned, but nothing too complex. This should be easy.

"Well I'm happy to see you all here. I will admit I have no grand speech to give today. I know that times have been tough lately. The Evil Confederacy of Independent Systems has pushed us away from our old territory in Dagobah. However, we have seen tougher times. Some of you may not have been with fact most of you weren't with us when I first declared The Empire. Times were worse then. We had no new ships, no MandalArms backing, no Admiral Keatoch winning time after time against the lawless forces around Mandalore. But now...we do. So let me promise you one thing. Everything will be okay. We are growing more every day, and today is the time to recognize all the blessings bestowed upon us. Thank you, and please, enjoy the meal"

Every time he gave any kind of speech, he was applauded. It was no different this time. It was a nice thing but it always made him wonder if his speeches were truly good, or if he was just being applauded as a courtesy. The King shrugged, and began eating. No doubt he would have company soon.

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