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Public Imperial Thanksgiving

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Now, Jerec had never particularly wanted to be Force-sensitive. He'd only become such due to an incident involving his Twi'lek Sith Lord ex-wife, an exploding crystal called the Heart of Palpatine, and a drugged-up, terminally unlucky ysalamir. Good times. In the ensuing years, Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara had taught him to use the Force in practical and straightforward ways before the old Sullustan died.

Grab crashed swoop bikes with brain. Drag them along. Use as cover for Jerec, IK-0N, and Peyton Steele while closing in on that Commenori fighter.

Though Jerec was willing and mostly able to get said fighter properly shipthieved, Peyton had those skills too, and she wasn't currently engaged in Force-dragging a couple of swoop bikes. Jerec added a few basic stun shots just on general principle, but keeping the swoop cover in optimal positions occupied most of his attention. His back thumped against the fighter. They'd made it, insofar as they could be said to have made it before making a successful run for orbit past the fleet and suchlike obstacles.

Eh, I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
As the swoop bikes were dragged and put into position for cover quickly, I saw this just made my job a lot easier as I approached. Quickly surveying the area I could see some person with a bowl over his head, and two others..However..The scanner revealed something non-organic..A droid...My right eye closed as my left was open wide through the scope of my blaster..From behind a few supply crates I took aim carefully...deciding my best target was the one that seemed attuned with the force..In which case..I'm all too familiar with it...I decided he was the best target..Being distracted with his back to the fighter was a perfect flank opportunity..Single fire...locked and loaded...Three rapid triggered shots left my blaster about fifteen feet from his location, aiming for his back. It would take two at most to successfully stun and immobilize. Depending on his armor of course. As The shots fired off, my right hand reached into my right side pouch taking out several smoke pellets..and next it would be shield time

Tag: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N Peyton Steele

TAGS: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
LOCATION: The Elysium Embassy on Mnemosyne
RELEVANT LINKS: Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova

"There isn't much that can kill him, I'm afraid your grace. He has been killed before but always manages to come back to cause problems within a few months. You defeating and killing him will not end the threat entirely to the new throne world of your empire. However defeating him now will keep the region stable until he pops up again. That is why we have so much trouble putting down this threat, because he can simply unite his fragmented guild back together more powerful than the last time." Monkrove stated to her, with a sigh. Shaking his head a little as he ate the 100 plates in front of himself. stacking plate after plate as they were devoured into his gullet. Peering over to the heir of the Elysium Empire as he began to speak finally after the conversation between himself and his wife was over with. Proceeding to respond once he finished his own statement, pondering about what to say.

"I am handing over my planet as a sign of good faith to you and provide you with a safe haven for your fleet, my one absolute condition is that you keep the regional government the same as the populace will react with hostility if they discovered that their official ambassador was handing over their affairs to complete strangers.. But we can figure out the details and engage in negotiation at a later time. But I do thank you for your support in handling the pirate that currently harass the system" Monkrove spoke, putting down his fork as the 100 plates would be empty. Cleaning up the plates would be passing servants who promptly took them back into the kitchen area to be cleaned. Lifting up his robes a bit to see his watch, he had figured that it would be best to leave the event at this time and proceed back to the Industrial World of Spindle VI. Standing up with a sigh, he would bow his head in respect to the two figures before him. "I do thank you for your invitation, but it is getting late. As for the situation involving the Pirate-Admiral Ekun Vagabond, we will have to discuss when we go over a battle strategy on my personal flagship: The Stormvermin." Monkrove said to them, before walking his way towards the exit of the Imperial Embassy on Mnemosyne, along with his regiment of Household Guardsman of Moldova by his side. His eyes furrowed a little underneath the moon light of the planet itself, as he stepped his way into the carriage that had brought him here, as his guardsman followed himself inside and one took the reins to the Andronius War Boars.

The clanking of hooves on the pathway, would indicate with a slight yeah from the driver as the andronoius war boars would proceed to exit the embassy grounds with the carriage in tow. Making their way back to the dockyard of the planet and into his private shuttle which was large enough at this current time to have his carriage inside. Exiting from the carriage and making his way up to the bridge of the shuttle, as it lifted quickly from the surface and entering into hyperspace after clearing atmosphere.

Thank you for the good thread, this is my last post for this. The Situation involving the Pirate Guild of the Golden Axes and the Energy Vampire Ekun Vagabond will be handled in another thread. I will be bringing along the stormvermin and roleplaying with monkrove there, but my main objective is playing the enemy forces. Take care and see you there at the thread.

With care, Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova


Peyton Steele

Firefights where she was seen were not her favorite. What she really needed to do was to replace her personal cloaking unit. If she could get through places while minimizing her time as being an actual target. "Uh boys? We got more coming…" She shouted as she slammed another powerpack into her blaster.

At least they had the grenades, that was great to scatter people, or hold them still and she could pick them off with a few stunbolts. She wasn't going for kill shots, but regardless what she was doing she was going to keep moving to the ship. When the swoop started moving, and she could feel a Force tug on it, she kept moving with it. Light body armor would catch a glancing blast, or even a fairly solid direct and let her keep moving.

But with Jerec making a point to grab focus, she had an idea. Cover me. She shouted in the Force as she made a run, a bolt fired here and there as she dove and rolled her way. The ship wasn't that far from where she now was. As a Matukai she was a bit more athletic than say, a robe wearing Jedi. As she got out of the role she vaulted herself to the ship and got to work on bypassing the cockpit controls from her datapad.

"Just a second…" She called, her voice almost sing-songy despite the chaos as she kept working.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr IK-0N Var-Sulis Var-Sulis

Kade Kol-Rekali

Blasters bolts whipped back and forth across the port in sizzling packets of superheated plasma. One smacked into the upper torso of IK-0N, jerking him to the side and leaving a patch of charred and melted metal. A damage assessment informed the droid that he was still fully operational, though internal system integrity would degrade rapidly with further damage.

Swoop bikes began to move of their own accord, creating a barricade that caught another flurry of blows.

IK-0N began processing how and why the bikes would have moved in such a manner, but his calculations received a swift answer summoned from the core of his CIS programming.

Incident such as this were caused by Force users.

What is the Force?

A field binding and permeating all living life forms.

Did IK-0N have the Force?

While processing this, the droid took out all his remaining coma gas grenades and hurled them down at once, creating a ten meter fog bank of knockout fumes in front of him.

Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Peyton Steele Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Lori wasn't too keen on the idea of the pirate lord coming back all the time. Carbonite could work. Or maybe tearing his body apart in bits and pieces and placing them in carbonite in different corners of the Galaxy could work too....

She nodded to Credit Wizard Credit Wizard as he excused himself, glancing to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun before she spoke; "We look forward to that. I'm sure the King will be highly pleased with what you're offering."


The disabled swoop bikes moved on their own. Arla took that for what it was; Force users. She knew of them well enough for they were becoming more common than not.

The guards took their shots at the trio, and it seemed that their target was becoming clear. Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr , Peyton Steele and IK-0N were after Lori's fighter. Or maybe they were after just anything there that worked better than their busted swoops.

The coma gas and smoke did nothing on her, while the guards did their best to steer clear as they continued to take their shots. It was the perfect distraction as Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and his group came up from the behind the fighter to cut them off and take them by surprise.

Arla saw Peyton working on a datapad. She narrowed her eyes and fired at the thing, wanting to disable it with a couple of bolts from her blaster.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
From behind a few supply crates I took aim carefully...deciding my best target was the one that seemed attuned with the force..In which case..I'm all too familiar with it...I decided he was the best target..Being distracted with his back to the fighter was a perfect flank opportunity..Single fire...locked and loaded...Three rapid triggered shots left my blaster about fifteen feet from his location, aiming for his back. It would take two at most to successfully stun and immobilize. Depending on his armor of course.

Cover me. She shouted in the Force as she made a run, a bolt fired here and there as she dove and rolled her way. The ship wasn't that far from where she now was. As a Matukai she was a bit more athletic than say, a robe wearing Jedi. As she got out of the role she vaulted herself to the ship and got to work on bypassing the cockpit controls from her datapad.

While processing this, the droid took out all his remaining coma gas grenades and hurled them down at once, creating a ten meter fog bank of knockout fumes in front of him.

The coma gas and smoke did nothing on her, while the guards did their best to steer clear as they continued to take their shots. It was the perfect distraction as Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and his group came up from the behind the fighter to cut them off and take them by surprise.

Arla saw Peyton working on a datapad. She narrowed her eyes and fired at the thing, wanting to disable it with a couple of bolts from her blaster.

Under cover of the crippled swoop bikes, Jerec sunk down to catch his breath. The tidal wave of coma gas provided decent visual cover, rendering a good deal of the incoming fire inaccurate. As Peyton sliced away, Jerec yanked out his last-ditch things-are-escalating pocket whammy: a scarred duranium lightsaber that had spent much of its working life in his toolbox.

When Var-Sulis Var-Sulis came up behind him, it wasn't really 'behind' per se since he was down with his back to the bikes and such. The Force grumbled something ominous. Jerec turned on the laser sword's burnt-orange plasma blade, caught the stun shots, then whirled to bat away the blast that Arla had fired at Peyton's datapad.

"LASER SWORD, SCHUTTA! Peyton, move that ass!"

Using her name out loud was a rookiee mistake. Dammit. To make matters worse, the bandanna had come off entirely inside Jerec's fishbowl helmet, making him completely distinguishable from any other Basic-speaking, lightsaber-swinging, swoop-bike-flying, ship-stealing Ithorian.

Peyton Steele

The Brubreen was good at a few things. Stealing, forging, and gathering information. All that broke down to a strong skill in slicing and hacking. Her stunt was doing its job as it kept reading into the system, but not as fast as she was hoping for. She was seeing the clock count down, 99%... The hiss of a cockpit opening.

And that was when the blaster struck the datapad.

"Feth!" She called out, all in the same second that a lightsaber lit up, carried by Jerec. That was something she hadn't expected. She knew the Ithorian was a Forcer, but not that he was seen with a lightsaber. How dated was her information?

But the real cause was that the cockpit was stuck and as she reached down she could get the controls. Reaching a hand for a piece of debris, she moved it into place and gave a heave, both physically and with the Force, feeling the cockpit move enough to open on its own.

She gave a sharp whistle to her team.

IK-0N Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Var-Sulis Var-Sulis
“Well now….” I responded quickly and immediately turned my gun towards the fighter noting Peyton Steele movements. It was clear what she was attempting to do. Clever..but not clever enough. Seeing the positioning of the individuals of interest an idea came to mind. As I put away my smoke pellets I would aim carefully at the controls inside the cockpit. Several shots went off and then….well…time to disable the thruster engines….with a click of my rifle auto shots would fire rapidly at the engines on the side. They would get no where if the fighter couldn’t make it off ground…”Focus fire!” I screamed as several other troopers would continue suppressive fire on IK-0N and Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Tag: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun

Kade Kol-Rekali

As the coma gas obscured the vision of many of the oncoming organics, the sound of a snap-hiss and blaster fire from behind caused IK-ON to rotate his head 180 degrees so that his photoreceptor could analyze the new threat.

At the confirmed visual of a glowing bar of orange plasma, hidden programming stirred within IK-0N. An organic might have called it a sudden and overwhelming urge to lash out in anger.

IK-0N merely said, “Annihilation protocol engaged.”

Then the rest of his body rotated around. The droid reached an arm back and hurled the metal spar he’d ripped from the speeder at Var-Sulis Var-Sulis . The jagged end hissed through the air like a thrown javelin.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Peyton Steele | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Between the smoke cover and Jerec batting away blaster fire, the fighter was still in great shape when Peyton Steele whistled.

Until, that is, a precise shot took out something critical.

"Ah, feth. Yeah, that's not going anywhere." The next shuttle over wasn't a Queen's personal boat, but it would have to do. Fortunately, its owner turned out to have invested in luxury rather than security, and the lock clicked as soon as Jerec looked at it sideways.

"Get in," Jerec said to Peyton and IK-0N. He stowed his laser sword gracelessly and squeezed into the alternative shuttle's cockpit. The urgency of the moment stole all possible romance. Pity.

Under cover of the coma gas cloud, the shuttle roared to life and accelerated away. At the controls, Jerec took a steep angle toward orbit. There was a fleet up there, but space was fething huge.

"Have yourself a merry little Life Day, let your heart be liiiight..." His voice reverberated in the fishbowl helmet. Like feth was he taking the helmet off just yet.

EDIT: Took alternative ship by request.
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Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex's P.O.V.
The Elysium Imperial Embassy, Mnemosyne

Rex simply nodded along as Monkrove explained the situation. But the man had to leave, so Rex refrained from inquiring any more than he already had. He could ask Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun later. For now he had one more guest to visit. He turned to Loreena, "That was certainly interesting. We'll need to tell Heath about this as soon as the feast is over. But now I have to speak to one other guest." He rose to his feet, "You're doing great, Lori." Then he walked away. He made his way to a corner where he could oversee the entire feast. Then he began to scan the room. No Dobsons, that was good.

He continued to look around for Holly Starstorm but couldn't see her, yet. He frowned, moving back into the crowd. He walked from table to table, checking on the guests, making small talk occasionally, but ultimately he continued looking for the reporter. He needed to speak to her to address the Dobson Incident. It was a bad look for the entire Empire when Severus Dobson, the favorite son of Arken, attacked Ms. Starstorm, and was later kicked out of a meeting on Alderaan where he was trying to donate funds to refugees. Rex had to be just though. Severus, as The Heir understood, was simply defending The Queen of Alderaan, Faith Organa Faith Organa and a few guests ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez ) when Dorthea Dobson insulted them. At the time, the queen knew nothing of Severus' assault on the reporter, and having him kicked out was a bit unfair. However The Elysium Empire was in an internal war with The Dobsons, so Rex had to turn a blind eye to this injustice. Besides, Severus had it coming.

Lori nodded in agreement with Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . They'll have to tell Heath about this soon and discuss it. She kind of figured that they'd get to discuss it a bit now, however Rex was quick to leave her. The two weren't yet comfortable together, it seemed. Yet once Rex gave her a compliment, she smiled. "Thanks. You too." Compliments were rare for her, and so whenever she got them her spirits were lifted.

As Rex went off to talk to the other guests, she did too, although she wasn't looking out for anyone in particular. Unlike he was. Lori shared stories of her goofy exploits, avoiding being stuck into chatting about her parents or brother. She could never live up to them by following their paths, so she struck out on her own.

Meanwhile Arla, Var-Sulis Var-Sulis and the others were still dealing with Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr , IK-0N and Peyton Steele . The trio were hell bent on taking one of the ships. No doubt it was their only escape given that their swoops were damaged.

With the Grey Sparrow's controls fried, the training fighter wasn't going to be anything but a lawn ornament until it was repaired. And one unlucky guest was going to have to be compensated as the thieves took off with their luxury shuttle.

Arla's eyes narrowed as she stored the images of the thieves to memory. She'll have to have them hunted down. They'll need to pay for their theft. Crime isn't supposed to pay, but it only adds to the chaos of it all.

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