Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Implementation of Order [Imperial Remnant]


With extra reinforcements, the brute could make an assault on the bunker, finally delta could strike back, after being pinned down for so long. Alpha had then yelled to his squad before sprinting " For the emperor! For the empire!" , the crys of war had become loud, every man in delta had fear. Yet, they still pushed forward, toward the encampment shots were fired from the soldier's heavy repeater. Blasters roared from the charging warriors. An occasional blast soared past the valiant leader, but for the most part the commandos had allowed their advance to continue smoothly. The grass like terrain was filled with mud were they were fighting, many of the imperial soldiers armor had muddy stains on their armor, the captain could see that the farmer had no fear of leading as the first man, even the commandos could barely keep up with him. Many of alpha's shots assisted in keeping the enemy pinned down, until they reached the entrance. The planetary sun grew bright in the battle, making the massive, brute's, reflective gear blinding to enemy snipers that could ever have thought of targeting him. This light was enough for the muscular tank, named Raganar Hoffman, to make it to the bunker. After twenty second the rest of the men had followed, the advance lasted twenty minutes, most of delta was gassed out from running through the tough terrain, only the weary leader, and the commandos were conditioned enough to continue attacking. Immediately, they were fired upon, forcing the men to get into cover, even if the men were being covered by the other commando teams. The rebels were at a close enough range were they could fire upon delta, in cover.

Immediately, jasper, one of delta's riflemen was hit right at the shoulder, the wound was cauterized, but still the squad mate was in danger of losing blood. The rest of the team circled up around their wounded comrade, Alpha began giving orders, first to the commando's " Take cover! " more blaster fire rained down on them, hoipefully the captian could find the traces of fire, and elimanate them more efficiently. " You Five protect Private Riley, while he helps private jasper, hes our only medic we have!! I dont want a single shot to hit ethier of them! Devin, get those explosives on the entrance, we need to get out of the open! Everyone else, pick a target and light them up! . The situation was simple, they would stand their ground until they could get inside, or die. The weapons specialist, shot down a close group of five rebel solders firing at them, the shots were extremely accurate, even with a heavy repeater like the weapon he was carrying. The men were dead, and had fallen off the roof, they were now confirmed kills , as the captain could say he witnessed it, Zama was someone the soldier respected. He would be the type to report the confirmed kills. Hopefully he would not lose count, the stormtrooper was just getting started.

@ Zamza Ra'Kira
Aboard The Victory II-class Star Destroyer Requiem
The hooded figure walked along the corridor of the Star Destroyer, multiple soldiers stared at him as he made his way through the interior, he pulled the hood up some more trying to conceal the tattooes on his face. Some of them still stared so he began to finger the Vibroblade threatingly as he walked towards the bridge. He entered and went towards the captain's chair, he knelt down before the Emperor and the Admiral and then he said in a nuetral-tonned voice "My lords, I am the new acoylte of the Remnants and I am here in your service, is there anything at all you would have me do at this moment?"
Jax's ship departed from the Star Destroyer once they were close enough to the planet. He stared intently out the transparisteel window as the ship descended into the warzone below. Every couple seconds, the ship would rock as it was hit by enemy fire. But it kept moving. The Imperial war machine wouldn't be stopped. Jax made the call to land near some stormtroopers who were charging. (@Alpha) He hovered in an open area behind them and The Immortals on board started to jump out. They used their jet boots to slow their descent, now moving to help the stormtroopers. Jax remained with the ship for now.

Iram Arkada

The admiral counted down as Grand Moff Arkada watched out the viewport. In a flash, they were in the battle. The Admiral said to focus fire on a large cruiser, and some of Arkada's men looked at him as if asking for approval. "You heard him, fire!" He shouted at them before growling orders at the pilot to keep alongside [member="Mason Deschart"]'s star destroyer. "Ready my shuttle, I wish to go and discuss strategy with the Admiral and Emperor" He said before turning on his heel and walking to the hangar


News They Don't Want Heard
Aboard The Victory II-class Star Destroyer Requiem

Mason looked over at the strangely tattooed warrior of the Knights, [member="Vincent"], when he appeared. This one was beyond his control, though, so he turned his attention back to what was going on around him. The Emperor was not too busy to take command of one of his Knights, however, and he pointed a finger down towards the planet below them, past the myriad of ships that were blowing each other apart, including the cruiser that was now a smoldering hulk under the firepower of two destroyers.

"Your leader is down there in the capital, Initiate, but I have a special task for you," the Emperor said. "Take a detachment of SpecNav troops, fly down with them, and drop into the Rebel's main stronghold. Crush their capital and we'll strike them down through fear."

A good assignment for the Initiate. Success would do well for him.

With the cruiser now in tatters, and the friendly forces advancing over its ruins, Mason surveyed the battlefield for a weak point in the enemy lines. He spotted it where another cruiser was defending against three frigates, while an enemy frigate was turning to run away. Behind that cruiser was a clear line to low orbit above the planet, and from there they could rain hell down on enemy positions. Hopefully the ground forces, with their AT-AT's, juggernauts, and other craft, would make a serious dent in enemy morale.

"All ahead full, right ten degrees. Focus fire on that cruiser and push us through the enemy lines. How are the shields?"

"Holding steady, sir. Their weapons are weak compared to ours."

"Good, press our advantage. Keep the two corvettes covering troop movements until all ground forces are deployed, then have them swing in and assist wounded friendly vessels."

The ship rocked as it fired, lances of green energy racing out to strike enemy vessels. Fighters mingled, and some shots pinged the shields, but they were going to be hard pressed to take down the Victory II's shields unless they attacked her in numbers, which they couldn't do because there were too many Royal ships to fight.

"Sir, Grand Moff Arkada has just arrived. He wishes to speak with you and the Emperor."

Lovely time for a chat.

"Bring him to the bridge."

[member="Iram Arkada"]
[member="Alpha"] [member="Jax Malric"]

Zamza watched Alpha and the rest of the troops push forward a unstoppable force for a unstoppable empire. Was this how the rest of the battles would go? Just overunning other enemies with pure numbers and strength? The stormtroopers pushed on even through the danger and not one man fell. Zamza had a great respect for these soldiers putting their life on the lines the way they did. Especially Alpha who led the charge like a true leader. Though trouble arose as they reached dangerous grounds a soldier being dropped by a shot to the shoulder. The stormtroopers had dug in bt kept fighting. They couldn't keep it up forever though.

Hopping out of the tower Zamza used the armor turning the fingertips into claws as he slid down the tower using them as a way to slow his fall. Finally when he was low enough to jump to another roof he kicked off the building enhancing the movement with the force where he landed in a crouch on a nearby roof the camoflauge activating for his armor. Zamza didn't draw a weapon but reverted back to his training that had took up his whole life. He darted across the roofs using his speed and the force to cross the distance between him and Alpha's troops in a short amount of time. Zamza saw first hand as five rebels were mowed down by Alpha.

Jumping down and joining their numbers Zamza deactivated his camoflauge allowing his troops to see him in his Specter Armor. Of course they couldn't see his face but he was the only one on the field with that type of armor. Drawing his Songblade, Zamza rushed forward using the sword and his precognition to deflect and dodge blasterfire as he ran towards the rebels. Using the armor he transferred all available Nano machines to increase his strength by over 500 percent. This did lower his armor though and make it to where he might as well have been wearing basic armor. Once among the rebels Zamza switched to Run'war sheathing his songblade and switching to the martial arts. He delivered open palmed strikes to one rebel in a quick sequence the rebel died on his feet not even able to react to the martial arts while Zamza had his armor increasing his strength and was using the force to bolster his speed and strength even more. His precognition helped him predict when to dodge and where to go as he reached out grabbing another rebel and turning just in time using the man as a shield as the blasterbolts impacted his body.

Zamza dropped the corpse to the ground and engaged another three soldiers The first he got up close to and stuck him straight in the chin with a open palm. The sounds of bones breaking and the man's jaw being destroyed filled the air while his limp corpse went sprawling to the ground. Turning Zamza swung out his foot meeting the next rebels stomach with enough force that his ribs could be heard breaking. Before that rebel could even hit the ground Zamza turned on the last of the group but was to late to dodge the blaster shot as it came towards him htting his left side burning through and cauterizing the wound but Zamza continued the attack while his nanoarmor prioritized his condition and retreated to begin sealing his wound and performing first aid on it. This time though he had a closed fist and completely penetrated the rebels chest his fist blowing through the body and blood splattering everywhere especially back on Zamza's armor. He widthdrew his fist from the man's chest just in time to see squads two and three come from the west flanking the rebels and reducing their numbers even more. "Ok squad four, you're to watch over the whole group as we advance. Find new positions as well."

Hearing the sounds of more troops Zamza turned to see the transport that had arrived to help the immortals joining the battle so he knew who it was. Activating his com Zamza connected to [member="Jax Malric"] over the coms. "Glad to see you out here general." Zamza offered knowing that his kindness would probably upset the general but he didn't care they were both on the same side there was no reason for them to fight.
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Serco Savar"]

Lanax approached their war room with the Royal family and pulled up a map of the building taking note of it's structure, entry points and escape routes. As his apprentice spoke Lanax sneered, but did not comment. He was free to act as he pleased, but the niceness and heroism was over kill. Lanax closed the screen. "Apprentice, secure the area and set up a grid formation making sure to cover the north, south east and west entrances. The rebels are to the west so keep your eyes personally on that area. Failure will lead to death, so do not fail. I want none of our men dead, is that clear?" Lanax honestly didn't care if troops died, it was war, but if they died then the mission wold fail. Lanax stepped out into the main hall where an infantry of some of the Imperial's finest stood. Lanax wished he had stronger troops, but the Imperial Knights did not control the army or navy. Lanax then ignited his crimson blade as the force told him that they were expecting company soon. He smirked as he let the dark side become his weapon and prepared for battle..


[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Jax Malric"]

It seems, the immortals were on the ground, the sergeant smiled, the more reinforcements, the better. The demolition expert of the squad had blown the main entrance of the bunker, everyone but the medic, and the wounded squad mate poured in. The outside was more secure now, leading first, the farmer had moved in. Firing his heavy repeater suppressing the men waiting for them, the rest of delta poured in with the joint commando's, blast's flared the room.The rebel's inside had no chance, they were less trained, and equipped compared to the empire, they were lucky to shoot down the transport delta squad was on. One thing that was on the soldier's mind was how combat effective the alien officer was, he had taken on a group, with just melee weapons. Part of the man of muscle, was glad he was on the right side, while Alpha would have put up a fight, it would be a long and gruesome one, with Zama. Halls were being cleared, the squad separated in teams of two, with the fearless brute alone. Hopefully, his temporary superior would be right behind him, firefights were everywhere, yet the stormtrooper's route was clear.

Suddenly, the brute was punched by the butt of some rebels rifle in the back, the huge tank stumbled right into a wall before turning around. He had dropped his weapon, the rebel would shoot him if he did not react, with pure force the brute tackled the smaller rebel, crushing his foe with pure force, and weight. Hoffman had almost lost his life, out of anger,frustration, and pure adrenalin, the large monster stabbed the dead individual with his commando knife, bought right off a retiring imperial commando back when the empire was larger. Blood splattered the room, never had death come this close, all the NCO could do was stab the enemy . After several minutes, he rose up to retrieve his heavy repeater, before moving forward, his eyes more aware, he was on high alert. His bloodied visor, scanning extra carefully, he did not realize he was leaving a trail, for others good and bad to follow.
Vincent nodded towards the Emperor in respect before getting up and making his way out of the bridge. He looked at a map on the corridor wall, his eyes scanning for the nearest place that he could find some Specnav troops on board. His eyes found them quickly and he made his way over to the place then beckoned to the troops, they followed uncertain of this cloaked person. But Vincent didn't notice this, he was deep in conversation with the man who appeared to be Captain of this small squad. Vincent suddenly signaled for the people to halt then he turned to the soldiers and said "For now I am your general, you obey my commands without question and if I find that any problems are found with this I will not be kind, for you have been trained to take orders of your general." Vincent then gestured them to continue moving forward.

After about ten minutes of walking they came to the hangar bay, Vincent looked around for a ship that would be suitable for this. He found one and took the pilot's position while the Specnav troops seated themselves in the back. Vincent pressed some buttons as he told the soldiers to hold on. Soon the planet came into view, Vincent pressed a few more buttons in the cockpit then said "I have the co-ordinates for the Rebel Base. Prepare yourselves for the assualt, we are going to strike with an iron fist and bring them to their knees with fear" then as an afterthought he added as morale support "It has been a long time since an Galactic Empire has stood in power, but now we rise from the ashes to bring hell to the galaxy." He began to guide the ship forward as he went over battle plans with everyone, and it seemed like no time at all before the ship came to a halt and the filed out into the surface of the planet. Vincent pointed towards two of the soldiers and said "You two keep guard, I am going to try and get a visual on the Rebel base..."

Serco Savar

Serco turned looking at [member="Lanax Blood"] as he spoke sizing up the cross sections he had been given and wondered how in the deepest pits of the galaxy was he supposed to cover this much ground with just him and a few troops to work with.

Serco gave a small nod anyway as Lanax turned and left trying his best not to wonder what the heck was going through the man's mind assumming is was probably to go torture gizka's for kicks or something.

Looking over at what he had to work with Serco did another quick walk around putting no less than two troopers at each point in the line where an attack could originate from leaving himself at the bottle neck as the last line of defense. He hoped it would be enough.

Serco addressed them with a small talk.

"Listen up men." "The rebels are comming to take from you everything you have, everything, you are, and everything you hold dear." "I say we give them nothing." "This is your home, your family, your very reason for waking up each morning." "We fight together you and I, we fight to our last breath." "A bunch of farmers with pitch forks deserve nothing less than a swift kick in the backside and that is what we are going to give them." "Hold who you hold most dear in your hearts and minds. Fight for them, fight to see them again." "We will win this day gentlemen, will win this for the man next to you who holds your life in his hands and his life in yours."

Serco pulled the Dauntless Combat blade from it's sheath the blade glistening ready for what ever came their way.

[member="Alva Calvarona"]
Lanax stood in the hallway and watched as the young knight attempted to follow his orders. He watched as he put two troopers to four entrances and apparently he was done after this. The remaining troopers looked at Lanax wondering what to do. Without speaking Lanax pointed at the remaining troops with four fingers and out four more at each entrance making six troopers at the north, south, east, and west. He didn't like this ether because if there were a lot of rebels then this might not be enough, but the Wnpire was currently small. Lanax looked a Serco who was giving a speech to try to boost moral and if it helped, who was Lanax to argue? Lanax stood in the middle watching all entrances when the force tugged on him and he jumped to his left into a roll as a rocket from above came to where he was standing. Lanax looked at the point of origin which was the ceiling and floating above them all was a bounty hunter. Some ropes dropped through the hole the bounty hunter made in the sky light and mercs dropped in. Before Lanax could think this was it all four doors were blasted as rebels who were better armed than farmers came in and opened fire. Lanax took his lit saber blocking shots coming to him and taking out a few mercs here and there, but the hunter was highly trained and giving Lanax a run for his money.

[member="Serco Savar"]
Between the Imperials' Victory Star Destroyers and the Crinan Royal Fleet it appeared as though the rebel warships were falling one by one to the onslaught of viscous turbolaser fire. They were losing the fight in space combat, and that was all that mattered here now. Unless the Rebels completely slaughtered the Royal Family and the army under its command within the next few days and grabbed control of the shipyards at Andreea, they would fail in their task of overthrowing the current government. After all without ships they couldn't leave the planet, and with the Royal Navy and Imperial Warships keeping the skies clear they wouldn't get anymore out of the docks unless they eliminated them.

Effectively the rebels in the plains were all doomed to a drawn out death unless they surrendered. . . . . or their coup attempt at the palace succeeded.

Even then though, Alva's elder sister, the first princess, was commanding the Royal Army pushing in on the rebels on the plains as well. Using the arrival of several Imperial squads that began altering the course of the push of the rebels, the Royal Forces pushed back with renewed strength. They weren't about to let the rebel forces dig in on any territory they had taken and hadn't reinforced yet. Beginning a whole new offensive, the Royal Army under the 1st Princess's direction started fighting once more, charging enemy positions and moving up on the edges of cities only recently taken, hoping to drive out the rebels through the streets and fields if needed, with support by Imperial heavy vehicle fire if such were possible, and with the aid of low orbit Royal Warships who might use pinpoint of choice targets to flush out the enemy.

If the rebels were caught trying to entrench themselves and weren't in the best position to fight back with a sudden push then so much the better, though the Royal Forces came more strongly from the South as the Northern Army also was clearing out the rebel troops attempting to fight for the capital. Not to mention the chain of command slowed as the sounds of conflict brought a distraction Alva and her sister trying to issue orders. The explosion from the entrances as breaching charges brought them down. The two women scowled at the interruption and audacity of the rebels to try an assassination attempt. Their younger sister and parents were instantly surrounded by personal guards as officers began effecting commands to defend the Royal Family, however, Alva and her older sister instead turned about in their royal robes and waited for the rebels to come.

Fire and Ice would consume them.
As Jax stood in his ship, he watched as one of the soldiers who was wearing a different kind of armor killed numerous rebels. His troops were moving forward speedily with the aid of their jet boots, now getting to [member="Alpha"] and [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]'s positions. They fought alongside the stormies, moving to kill rebels as not one man fell. True Immortals they were, the best of the best. Hand picked and trained by Jax to be supercommandos. Then, someone commed him. It was the soldier who had been killing so many rebels with that weird armor. Since the general couldn't see any skin, he had no idea that the man he was speaking to was an alien. "You seemed like you could use the help. I will personally be joining you shortly." He cut the transmission. Then he ordered the pilot to land and he departed along with 4 AT-TP's, moving towards the front of the battle.
"Can never have to much help. I'll see you soon." Zamza said to the general before following the troops into the bunker activating his camoflauge once again pushing past them till he saw [member="Alpha"] being attacked by a rebel. Though before he could intervene the soldier had killed the rebel with the knife. "Nice job son, shake it off you did a great job." Zamza said patting the soldiers helmet once before he moved past knowing that to the soldier Zamza would just seem like a mixture of the environment around due to the armor being in stealth mode. Zamza pushed forward soldiers at his back and considering it was a bunker everything was crowded and it would be hard to have blaster fights in the area which was perfect for Zamza.

He jumped diving through a open doorway that was the center of the bunker where soldiers awaited. He came up deactivating his camo and at the same time delivering a kick to the soldier on the left's knee. The sound of bones shattering could be heard while the man screamed. His screams of pain and suffering echoed off the walls for less then a second as his head was then struck by Zamza's left hand. The strike had enough force to break the soldiers neck casing the man to die while Zamza's right hand crossed over striking the man's ribs breaking them and forcing the bones to pierce the rebels lungs. Before either of those bodies hit the ground Zamza ran forward flipping the metal desk in the center in the room over using it as a shield while the rebels fired on him. "There I softened them up for you." Zamza broadcast over the com at [member="Alpha"] before he raised up his songblade in hand. The obsidian colored blade shined in the light as he used it to deflect blasterfire while using his precognition to avoid other shots.


[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

Confused, the trooper pushed forward, hearing the racket in the center of the bunker. It was time for the massive warrior to do his part, a transmission from his comm tipped him off to attack " You got it sir. " . After a moment the weapon specialist kicked the door on the opposite side of were the alien was. Mowing down rebels with his heavy repeater, the extreme accuracy was stunning, especially for a heavy, and inaccurate modeled weapon. Each shot had hit a rebel straight through their chest's, as if the farmer had been doing it on purpose. Even now Alpha was surprised, the last time he checked he was just a low time farmer freshly recruited in the imperial remnant. Now he was a minister of war, and a leader of a squad, honorably fighting for a cause worth dying for. Another rebel was stupid enough to come near the angry muscle bound, white armored, threat. He was charging with a knife, immediately the soldier stopped firing, and with pure, raw, strength, swung the but of the repeater across the enemy's face, instantly killing the combatant, blood had flown everywhere. The sergeant's counter part was doing well too, from the looks of it, his superior preferred stealth, and technology as one of his weapons. To kill that many, in such quick of a time, was impressive. Both of them with very different strategies, and technique, Zamza could see the confidence slowly regaining within the abnormally sized stormtrooper. As the fighting continued, the rest of the squad had arrived, all of them with respect waiting for their commanding officer's signal, Alpha. Within moments delta was signaled to light them up, assisted their temporary CO, the rebels were surrounded and were being picked off. There were more then enough men for everyone in the room, it was rare to see a CO with balls like Zamza, few fought up at the fronts like Raganar did, it made him smile to know the empire still had leaders out there, ready to continue the fight.

Serco Savar

[member="Lanax Blood"]

Serco had no sooner finished speaking when all heck broke loose with doors and apparently part of the ceiling or at least so he thought. Serco instinctively dropped into a crouch momentarily stunned by the sudden chaos before a tingle raced up his spine his blade coming up and absorbing a blaster bolt from one of the Rebels. Serco's ear drums were shatter in the sudden noise blood dripping from them causing Serco to shout louder than he perhaps needed or intended to at the men.

"Open fire hit them with everything you got."

Serco turned as a rebel carrying a sword lunged at him. Kicking out with his foot Serco slashed wildly at the rebel still a little shell shocked from the initial blast. The slash missing Serco thrust out catching the rebel in the neck as the man lunged again. Chaos ensuing everywhere Serco did not know whether to be terrified, excited or what to think other than stay alive.

RC came in from the corner of the room calmly walking diagonally across the room, to help finish the enemy. Under his hands the E-11 blaster chattered as triangular fire patterns sank into rebel skulls. The two that took aim at him, were immediatley dispatched with smokingcraters in their chests. The room was carnage and chaos, no order at all. Right up RC's alley.

The weapon went empty and RC dropped it to his sling, popping out both knives from his knuckleplates and slicing a rebel soldiers stomach wide open. By the timehe reached Alpha almost all of the Rebels had been mopped up. RC's own squadron waited nearby in hovering gunships outside.

"You got a next objective?. I got Bravo waiting in the wings."
[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Lanax became surround by rebels and used his lightsaber and easily cut down the ones near him. He then saw a rebel sneaking up on Serco with a sword and so Lanax threw his lightsaber which sliced the man in the chest, dropping him down. This opened Lanax up as the Bounty Hunter had fired a wrist rocket hitting Lanax in the chest. The force blocked must of the damage, but Lanax's armor was burnt and melted and he could feel he received serious burns on his chest and face which enraged Lanax who used a Force Roar on the bounty Hunter hovering above him which sent the bounty hunter into a wall, breaking the jet pack. Lanax put away his lightsaber as his anger was great enough that he wanted to do this with his hands. He walked slowly towards the fallen bounty hunter which whipped out a pistol opening fire on Lanax. Lanax used his hands and the force to deflect the most of the , but one hit him in the right shoulder. This only added to Lanax's rage. He grabbed the Hunter's gun and smashed it and then grabbed him by the neck and slammed his fist into the mask braking it off and revealing a male Rodian which sent Lanax over the edge casing Lanax to grab his head and crush and throwing the bounty hunter who was sent to kill the royal family away from him. Lanax then turned to see how Serco was doing.

Serco Savar

[member="Lanax Blood"]

Serco whipped around as Lanax's saber cut down a rebel sneaking up behind him. Turning Serco surveyed his surroundings for a quick moment before noticing more troops pouring in. Serco shook his head trying to figure out a way to get the upper hand.

Serco reached back with his hands concentrating pushing out towards a group of the rebels massing at the entrance closest to him. While not the strongest attack it was enough to push them off balance so the Troopers could fire on them. With a gap created Serco urged the Troopers forward.

"Push men push." "Flank them, cut them in half." "Don't let them regroup."
Outskirts of Arcadia
0925 Hours

The armored column made it's way across the ill-maintained roads that linked the various villages of the Georgeta plains together. A mere few days ago, the entire convoy went about it's business as if it were an overblown military parade, taking frequent stops so the men may cheer and celebrate their recent strings of victories together, frequently drinking themselves into a coma through the night and acting as if the war was already won. Now, the armored vehicles are hastily making their way towards Arcadia in a desperate bid to quickly flush out the enemy positions from the village. Men and equipment were packed inside them as if they were sardines, fights breaking out often between them as irritation set in. Those that could not hitch a ride were left to march towards the City as quickly as possible, stooping only for a few hours every day until they reached the city, at which point they would undoubtedly be thrown into a meat grinder.

Inside one APC, approximately two dozen and a half men were butting shoulders, quietly listening in to the radio transmissions coming from all through the western front. The only sound that truly originated from inside the armor vehicle was the buzzing of the radio, as a terrified looking youngster continuously fiddled with the settings, desperately searching for any good news.

"~~~~~~~inned down! I repeat, we are pinned do~~~~~~~"

"~~~~~~~hey broke the line at coordinates Two, Two, Three, Fo~~~~~~~"

"~~~~~~~dentified enemy ships have repelled our adva~~~~~~~"

"~~~~~~~spotted at coordinates Twenty, Four, Fifty-Six, approaching Arcadi~~~~~~~"

"~~~~~~~shed us out of the main square, retreating back to~~~~~~~"

This has gone on for hours on end, not a single man within the vehicle uttering a single word through it. Most look dejected at the ceiling, others curling up in a ball and silently sobbing while hugging their knees, while the rest stared blankly at the radio and the man operating it. They have faced hardship before in this war, but this is the first instance they have heard of the Royalists pushing back this hard and effectively on their positions. The unknown reinforcements they received, morphing out of apparent thin air and destroying their fleet has effectively crushed the morale of the average soldier. In the past few hours since word first got out of this, desertion within their ranks soared to unprecedented levels, the men either surrendering to the Royalist or running off to a random village in which to hide. Those who remained understood that, after so many decades of fighting, the only thing awaiting them at the end of the war was either the firing squad or death on the field. Their only way out, seemed to be one last desperate push to win this war before the new reinforcement entrenched their positions.

Eventually, the column reached it's destination, the allied camp just outside the village of Arcadia, and the men from within the transports poured out. Alexander and his squad, much like the other troops, went down the ramp dejected and depressed. A quick glance around the camp was more than enough for anybody to understand that the feeling of impending defeat was mutual within the Revolutionaries ranks

"Look ah'luve lads."

[member="Mason Deschart"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

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