Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Implementation of Order [Imperial Remnant]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Aboard The Victory II-class Star Destroyer Requiem

"Enemy ship is in shambles, sir. Our shields are at seventy percent."

Mason nodded, and his brow creased a bit. The enemy fleet was such crap. How was it that these people hadn't been conquered before? Shaking his head, he offered a sigh. The shipyards that this world had were equipped to build this crap. It was going to take a lot of time and effort to work on getting them up to Imperial standards. But that's what they were resolved to do thanks to the idiocy of prior leadership, and their failure to control the Sith. That would not happen again.

"Push us into the atmosphere."

"Yes, sir."

As the Victory moved closer to the planet, the battle in space had taken a serious turn. The Rebel vessels that could were fleeing, and the rest had either been destroyed or had surrendered. The might of the Imperial forces once again reigned, even though it was really just that they had superior technology verses that of their opponents. Against most forces they would have been hard pressed not to get their butts kicked, even with him leading them. Mason was a realist. He knew the limitations of his forces.

Shaking his head, he walked over to where the General was, and examined the battlefield map. The ship was breaching atmosphere, and would soon be visible to the troops on the ground. If there was anything that could demoralize an enemy it was the sight of a Star Destroyer looming over your head.

"Focus our guns on enemy emplacements. Destroy them. Support the walkers and ground forces as necessary. Coordinate strikes with the Generals. I want the Corvette's to remain in space and follow the enemy that flees. Find out where they're going. We'll destroy them later."

[member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Mason Deschart"]

It was truly the end, whatever rebel ships attempted to flee were pursued by the Royal ships that did not turn toward the enemy ground positions, those that surrendered were boarded and taken over as its crews were locked in the brig or shot on the spot if they tried to continue fighting. Their ships were not fully crap, but they were behind the galactic standard. The people of Crina were not conquered prior to now because no force existed so far out into space that could. Their forces still enough to repel pirates and even modern fleets of decent size when united. . . . but divided as they were, with the rebels at a disadvantage in naval authority, now was the perfect time for Crina to fall into the fold of the Imperial's rise once more.

The Royal Army pushed forward, surrounding the pockets of rebel resistance as they advanced, capturing those who gave themselves up once their morale collapsed. The Southern Forces of the Royalists pushing for the divided city the rebels were fighting them over as they pushed into the open plains and fields. Meanwhile the Northern Royalists pushed into the central territory as well, boosting their momentum off the Imperials success in breaking the rebel line at the bunker. Once more they aimed for the split city, for Arcadia as they spread around the Rebel flanks and moved the battle lines forward toward the contested city.

Armored divisions moved forward in a much more lax and bold formation than the rebels as they also approached the city over time. However, there was one more advantage to the Royal Forces. Due to the naval victories of the Royal Fleet, with the Imperial warships crushing rebel ships that dared them, and the Royal's own vessels overwhelming the rest, the Royal Cruisers were now open to participate more actively in the conflict below. Their bulk casting shadows where they hovered above the ground, deploying troops behind rebel lines, encircling various combat units of the resistance, and sometimes even using their own heavy cannons against the rebel tank and artillery brigades.

Meanwhile the coup within the Palace went on. Alva and her sister waiting in the command room as [member="Lanax Blood"] and [member="Serco Savar"] dealt with the assassins in the other room. The palace's guards moving to intercept more intruders and aid the Imperial Knights. Honestly at this stage Alva no longer wanted to dirty her hands, the rebel's affront with a coup was less appealing a matter to deal with than stepping onto the field herself.
[member="RC 212 "]@Alpha @Alexander Nester

The bunker was theirs, they all had secured a position for the empire to hold on the ground and where they could command the troops from. Zamza stood on the roof of the bunker looking out and over the encampment watching as the remaining rebels fled before being picked off by the snipers he had on overwatch. The At-tp's made short work of the rebels vehicles as well. Back-up had arrived and the rebels stood absolutely no chance. Hopping off the roof Zamza landed on the ground and entered the bunker once again setting the table he had flipped upright and placing a holoprojector on the desk and activating it. The dark bunker lit with a blue light as a small globe of Crina appeared before zooming in on the city of Arcadia. Around the table Zamza stood with Alpha, and Rc 212 looking at the image. "This city is Arcadia, information that I was able to gather over the past two days points me in the direction that it will be the next city attacked by the rebels which we can't allow them to have. We will be at a great disadvantage inside the city. We can't afford to bring At-tp's due to the population and not wanting to put civilians lives in more danger then we must. We will do a four way attack allowing the rebels to get into the city then we block all routes of escape. They'll have no choice but to fight us in the streets, and with soldiers like you I'm sure we'll be able to do this. Now Alpha you'll be attacking from the west while RC-212 will be attacking from the east. I'll be taking the south while the northern part will be covered by another regiment of troops. Now lets load up and give the rebels what they deserve." Zamza said deactivating the holoprojector and slipping it back into his pocket. The imperial dropships were there and warmed up. ZAmza loaded on one with the rest of the commando's under his command as well as a few regular stormtroopers and they flew off to Aracadia.

Arriving at Arcadia Zamza and his troops unloaded and began to file into the village. Where Zamza positioned four commando's on nearby roofs so they could be on overwatch while the rest were spread out throughout the southern part of the city hiding in alleys and anywhere else they could find waiting to ambush the rebels.
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Alpha"]

This commander was..odd. Rc had to admit he didnt really care about the civillians, but orders were orders. Within moments he was back outside, and climbing a fast rope up into a nearby dropship. He had a full platoon under his command, all packed into ten dropships. As the dark armored Thor armor slid over its self, the plates clicked and clacked. finally he was in the vessel.

With ease RC grabbed a handhold and leaned out of the troop doors surveying the landscape below.


"Aye sergeant."

"Take us east of Arcadia, then straight to the outskirts."

The pilots nodded, and their black gloved hands worked the controls. Rc became lost in thought as the scenery began to fly by, his musings only punctuated by the loud drone of the ion engines.


[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] @RC 212

The bunker had been secure, RC earlier asked for orders but they were not only of the same rank, but the one in command was Captain Zazma. While he was a purple karking alien, he was already a friend of delta, for saving there fething lives from slaughter. Before the sergeant could say anything, it seemed a briefing would begin, with a destroyed table being used to rest a holo-projector. The dark bunker blared with a blue glow of the city, it seems Delta would be attacking the west side of Arcadia, an important settlement for the planet. All it was for the big white armored lug, was another target to be claimed by the empire. The planet was nice and rural, like concordia, it reminded him of the home he was fighting to earn back, while he was fighting for the empire that had given his family the land. Alpha was fighting to earn enough money to buy it back, it was the main thing that drove him forward as a soldier, besides protecting his comrades he fought for a chance to buy a new farm, to start over. Perhaps this would be the world to do it, but for now that had to wait, there were plenty more battles where the empire needed the massive, muscle bound, and white clad trooper. The weapons specialist gathered his squad, earlier they had suffered their brother jasper from becoming wounded, and while the injuries were repaired within the hours of awaiting orders, jasper would be slower, and more of a liability in a tough fight. More battles would come, and the NCO could not have one of his responsibilities, which was to keep his men alive, to be failed.

The massive farmer took his helmet off , and walked toward jasper waiting with the rest of the squad with a sigh he spoke to him " Jasper, you fought well today, but until your wounds are completely healed, I will not let you risk your life out on the field." . Before he could tell the private he was going home jasper spoke up " You cant let me stay behind, I have to fight with you guys, we are a brotherhood." . It was horrible, tears came down from the smaller, but more nimble soldier there was nothing anyone could do " Jasper, their will be more battles of glory to come, you already fought well in the first stage of this battle. I promise you, their will be more battles to come but as your superior you will stay here with the rest of the wounded, get a drink and have some R and R. We will meet up soon enough jasper." . Jasper was the first real friend the big guy ever had in the service, he had always imagined their first battle together would be altogether a duo whipping of the enemy. The storm-trooper had a hard time accepting this battle delta would have one less squad mate, it was a shame. Moments had passed as the unit of comrades each gave the wounded warrior a pat on the back, or a big hug, many outsiders could see this unit was close. With respect jasper had saluted Hoffman, and it was returned by the receiver no one could say the their squad leader never looked out for them, it was very much on the other side of the spectrum, the sergeant would rather take a hit before his men did, then see one of them die.

The honor could be seen in the combatants eyes before he put his helmet back on and shouted " Alright Delta, we know what to do , lets lead the way in this battle! Form up and get on that drop ship! " . The stormies marched on board with the rest of the new regiment they were put under, because there were few officers the big brute would have no choice but to lead these men into the battlefield, he was nervous. How could the empire expect someone who was only trained to command a squad, to command a regiment ? As the ship transported there was no need for a speech, all the men here had already fought, and crushed the rebels. But if this were a more intense battle, the men would be in a world of pain if they did not have more officers soon. Even if Hoffman were to be promoted delta would still be his personal squad, how could they not be ? After mere hours the regiment dismounted, Delta going first while the rest poured out silently Alpha pointed each unit to where they would position themselves. In a mere fifteen minutes the men had set up clear trench lines, at the west side , the trenches were just on top of a hill overlooking there designated targets. It was amazing to see the might , and training of the army Alpha was in, the farmer was lucky he was not an enemy , because without them. He would not be the deadly warrior he is today, moments passed his heavy repeater rested on the trench line ready to fire like the rest of the regiment. The only problem , was the waiting game , the rebels were very slow getting set up it had almost become night time . When would the rebels arrive ?

(OOC: Is this ok guys ? I can edit it if you want ) @Alexander Nester
As more rebels file in, Lanax realizes that fighting for an emperor who can't even fight on his own is pointless and deactivates his lightsaber and leaves the greenhorn to his own doings.

[member="Serco Savar"]

Serco Savar

Serco kept fighting trying his best to push the rebels back blocking what he could and trying to dodge the rest when a blaster bolt slammed into his leg knocking him off his feet from the right side slightly behind him. Serco spun as he dropped to a knee on the other leg catching sight of [member="Darth Ares"] disappears through one of the doors. Serco does not know how to feel or what to do for what seems like minutes but was more than likely only a few seconds. Closing his eyes Serco takes a deep breath reaching into the force for help to propel himself to the console in the center of the room and hitting the comm button to reach the Admiral.

"Admiral [member="Mason Deschart"] this is Knight Initiate Savar request immediate support." "We are being over run and Knight Blood has quit the field." "I am hit and could use a miracle Sir."

Serco turns to the men taking a deep breath.

"Fear not men we will get through this." "Give them everything you have and hold the line."

Serco scanned around the room at the things against the wall and sighed. Whether in desperation or just need Serco reached out with the force and began ripping things off the wall and launching them towards the rebels. His wound and lack of practice quickly draining his strength.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine continued to watch, she had very little to say except when the time came and she spoke to her one trooper. "Send in what remains of the Judge's they will report to @Alpha." The man gave a nod as what was left of her brigade from the old sith empire that had followed her was being prepared and deployed. Their armor showing the battle scars from fighting the Harvesters still. She was actually pining for order and her ships once again but there was no time for sentiments. If there were forces going against the Imperial's might they would be sentenced and taken care of.
[member="Serco Savar"]

As if his miracle call had been answered Skyren emerged from the shadows, and his crimson blade sprang to life. So far he had just been observing but wehn Serco went down, he knew it was time to act. The palace steps were littered with bodies and weapons, painted red with blood and acrid smoke veiled around the armored Sith.

"Get up brother, we have work to do!" He hissed loudly through the metallic facemask. The dark side shrouded around him, the fear of the men and women gave him strength and he raised his armored hand, using the force to pick up two bodies and launch them into a group of charging rebels.

They fell back stunned and toppeled down the stairs. Skyren seized the opening, launching himself forwards in a crimson flurry of blade and fury. Limbs were dismembered and head cloven in two as he pressed the attack, drinking in the dark energies.
District Bravo , Arcadia
1935 Hours

To the men fighting in Arcadia, seconds passed as if they were hours, minutes as days, and hours as weeks. The revolutionaries have been trying for the better part of the day to advance onto enemy positions and capture the village, but have met heavy resistance on all fronts and little success. Even as the sun begins to slowly descent beyond the horizon, and the moon creep up to replace it, there seemed to be no rest or end to the ongoing battles, as gunfire and artillery shells lit up the city as if it were a firework. The High Command of the Revolutionary forces was now in a state of disarray, officers and politicians tripping over each other when news of the failure at Stefania reached their ears. As a result, the communications and logistics of the main army suffered a hefty blow and wasted more time and resources than it needed to due to political games that began to encompass even the local headquarters. Despite this, the troops on the field managed to hold their positions, amidst conflicting orders and desertion within their ranks, but only barely. The desperate push to conquer the village has failed due to the intervention of outside forces, resulting in more casualties than expected on the Revolutionaries side, an irony that most took notice of.

As far as command was concerned, Arcadia has been simplified and split into four individual districts across the front lines in an attempt to stabilize the situation. District Alpha encompassed the southern portion of the front, and was held by the least experienced and prepared units of the Revolutionary Army. The area was any commanders worst nightmare when it came in regard to Urban warfare, as the units have had the opportunity to fortify their positions. It was entirely composed out of apartment complexes that reached an average of twelve floors in height, and numerous small private houses and mansions for the more wealthy. A few shops existed here and there, but they were far and few in between. The roads leading up to them from the Royalist positions have been thoroughly mined with Anti-Personnel and Anti-Armor explosives. Barricades and barb wired were erected all along the main avenues of attack, primitive compared to the oppositions more sophisticated gadgetry, but enough to get the job done. Several artillery guns were concealed behind fake buildings which had a clear line of sight onto enemy positions, guarded extensively by numerous soldiers. A clock tower sat several hundred meters behind the front lines, the largest building within the District and village as a whole. A small handful of light Anti-Air guns were placed on top of whatever solid footing was found, protected entirely by their crew and snipers. A few more Anti-Air guns were scattered through the rooftop of the buildings, left with a light defense.

District Bravo was relegated in the center of the city, bordering upon every other position. Compared to Alpha, it was a less defensible position, encompassing most of the markets found on the western portion of the village and some administrative buildings, alongside parks and local attractions. It was seen the brunt of the battle, with the majority of buildings found within the area bombarded to kingdom come, roads destroyed by explosives and artillery, foxholes and craters found through the area. The greenery was mostly burn in the early days of the fighting, ash and dead husks remaining in their place. Officers have ordered their men into a continuous bloodbath in the hopes of breaking through and attaining better positions, the Royalists doing much the same, but with the benefit of still having active fortifications set in place. The lack of sufficient Anti-Air guns for the Revolutionaries is making the battle more deadly than it should be, but it is near impossible to properly set them up at the current time. It is the most fluctuating front of the village, and due to it's position and importance, the one where the Revolutionaries and Royalists have funneled a large amount of men and resources. Despite the constant pushes, withdrawals, and objectives captured, the battle is a deadlock.

District Charlie, relegated to the north of the city, found itself in much the same position as Bravo but with the roles reversed. Buildings were blown to smithereens and provided little cover, but the Royalists failed to make much headway into the district and as a result, the majority of fortifications and explosives are still primed and ready for whenever a large push comes through. The Revolutionary Army has begun creating saboteur squads, armed to the teeth with explosives and remote mines, in the hopes of creating an impenetrable defense while they still hold some breathing space. Numerous buildings, parks, schools, and roads have been wired up with explosives in order to either crush an advancing enemy, or to block their routes, and force them to travel through no-mans-land. Gun nests, Anti-Personnel artillery, Anti-Armor artillery, and Anti-Air guns are spread through the district.

District Delta was the smallest of them all, and the lightest defended. It encompassed several key administrative buildings within the city that were transformed into a forward outpost for local Officers and Generals, as well as a resting area and radio central for the army. It is squarely placed behind District Bravo and the heart of the operations in Arcadia. While losing Bravo would be huge blow to the war effort, losing Delta will spell the end of the battle for Arcadia.

Don't wait for me to post again to control the rebels here or whatnot. I'm mostly giving out the layout and controlling here and there to add some spice to the mix where needed. Also, yes there are spotlights in all districts. I just didn't knew how to properly put them in.
[member="Alpha"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"][member="Mason Deschart"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Aboard The Victory II-class Star Destroyer Requiem

"Request for fire from a Knight Initiate, sir."


"Stefania, sir. His position has been overrun."

"Direct any bombers we have to provide air support. They shouldn't have to deal with enemy anti-air in the allied capital."

"Yes, sir."

Mason studied the battlefield, and drew a circle around Arcadia. This was the enemy homestead, the place that was keeping the rebels afloat. If they lost this city it would be over for them. Everything would return to what it should be, and the enemy would be destroyed. Of course they would have to root out all of the enemy combatants that fled and tried to hide the fact that they'd been rebel soldiers, but that was a good job for the ISB and the Crinan forces. They could deal with that once the fighting was over.

Having finished his survey of the tactical map, he stalked towards the helm and looked out the viewport at the surrounding battle. There weren't many rebel ships left in the air for them to deal with, so the majority of the destroyers guns were being turned upon enemy land locations.

"Time to show some precision. I want strikes on enemy positions in the city of Arcadia. Move the ship above the city, and destroy any rebel position available. Buildings too. If we destroy Arcadia, we destroy their will to live. And if there are innocents there, then these Rebels are cowards, and the innocents foolish supporters."

"Aye, sir."

The ship moved forward until it hovered above Arcadia, and then weapons fire rained down on the city from above, destroying whole buildings with ease. The weapons that the Imperial forces had would put a serious damper in anyone's day. The fact that it could be dropped from directly above only made life worse for the rebels. The end was nigh. Soon Crina would be won, and the Remnant would have its home.

[member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Skyren Vau"] [member="Sala'dine"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Alpha"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Serco Savar"]

The two princesses of Crina's royal family did not idle by as assassins and lowlifes entered the sanctum of the palace. As Serco fought valiantly while the elder ominous man fled, Alva and her sister moved to combat the threat with the Crinan and Imperial soldiers as well. Feeling rather put off by the audacity of the intruders caused Alva to merely pick up one of the fallen blasters on the floor and fire back at the enemy forces along with those protecting her, while her elder sister kept to actually displaying the practiced abilities of a fully trained Practitioner. Perhaps that was more effective, but Alva would not deign to give the rebels such a unique death.

Nonetheless it was obviously a dangerous situation, though at least it would end shortly so long as she didn't get herself shot. After all, these rebel infiltrators weren't getting reinforcements anytime soon. It was a suicide mission to try and wipe out the royal family, and it was doomed to fail. Especially when she watched the young Imperial Knight call for their own reinforcements and a another Imperial arrive on scene to provide support. The last few rebels inside would be cut or shot down within a matter of minutes.

That was probably preferable to the fate in store for those in Arcadia. As the Imperial ships rained fire down upon the city where the Rebel positions were spotted. Crina's Royalist Army would be astounded and terrified by the display of power and disregard for safety. Such tactics could easily result in friendly fire. . . . .but perhaps they didn't care. In the end it caused the Crinan soldiers within the city to fall away from intense areas of conflict to avoid being targeted as well for being too close to Rebel positions. They erected barricades several streets away from their old forward mounts to avoid being too close in proximity.

However, for the Royalists outside the city it was perfect. They continued surrounding the rebel forces, braver and more confidant as Rebel positions within the city would no longer harass them if they got too close. Now they focused their efforts on forming a perimeter around Arcadia. They would box the rebels in, and capture or kill any who tried to flee from the devastation. Depending on how smart the rebels retreating would be and how generous the Royal Army was feeling after all the years of strife.

Serco Savar

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Mason Deschart"]

Serco kept reaching in throwing everything he could at the rebels his concentration on the task causing him to practically jump out of his skin when [member="Skyren Vau"] spoke to him blasting a group of opponents with their fallen comrades. Turnign Serco looked at the man and nearly cursed at seeing another Sith.

"The Admiral has a sense of humor sending another Sith after the first left us for dead."

Serco shook his head closing his eyes for just a moment his aura in the force would swell as he reached into it first slowing the flow of blood from his soldier and leg then pushing what he had left into enhancing his speed once more.

"I don't know who you are but if you mean to help us put down this rebel uprising then I say welcome."

Serco stood a little unsteady but of his own esteem and yelled out to the remaining rebels.

"Come and face me you Feths." "Come and meet your end."

Serco charged into the group with only the force keeping him moving slashing and hacking at the rebels in his path.

"I will not fall this hear me....................I will DEFEAT YOU ALL."
[member="Serco Savar"][member="Alva Calvarona"][member="Mason Deschart"]

As the carnage raged on the darkness began to swell. The rebels fleed in all directions, fearing the onslaught of the crazed Sithling. Though he was not full fledged in the force, Skyren could move with a purpose and manipulate basic elements to his command. With one hand he reached out grasping fire and flame from the nearby smoldering buildings and it came to him, coalescing around his palm.

The smoldering flame arced and flashed from his palm striking down another Rebel, burning him alive. They were rallying again, in the alleys and the buildings. Skyren was quickly put on the defensive as snipers opened fire and he struggled to sense their aims, lost in the dark haze of vengeance. Two shots landed nearby, a third deflected with a swipe of his lightsaber, sending it flying into an abandoned hallway. As the fourth came in it slammed into the Dark armored figures shoulder, and the smeel of blazing flesh rent the air.

Skyren screamed with rage. It mixed in symphony as the buildings farther in the distance began to crumble and explode under the Remanats warship bombardment. The rebels knew that the palace was a safe haven, as the remnant would not risk the royal family by dropping rain too close.

"We need to flush these buildings out, or risk another attack!" He roared to Serco over the savage din.
@Alpha @Mason Deschart

The arrival of the orbital bombardment shocked Zamza greatly. He was glad he hadn't sent the rest of his soldiers in to deep or else they may have been caught up in the damage themselves. "Fall back to outside the village!" Zamza yelled into the coms getting his soldiers out of the city was his first priority ut he stayed behind watching the destruction that was laid out before him. Explosions shined here and there in his periphreals as buildings began to crumble and the screams of wounded rebels could be heard. Finally a blast took out the clocktower the large building came tumbling down to the ground sending a wave of dust throughout the village that fell just a few meters short of Zamza. He had not expected this. He had expected a civilized attack he wanted as many people alive as possible. There was no need to loose innocents. Falling to his knees Zamza could do nothing but watch in shock.

Serco Savar

[member="Skyren Vau"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Serco kept hacking and slashing at the rebels pushing further and further into the group sinking deeper and deeper into what could only be called a desperate semi-blood lust. Reaching back with his free hand Serco called on the force sending a might push forward to clearing a small group of the rebels back before leaping forward again almost as if not hearing Skyren but still in one form or another accomplishing the task.

Whether either through desperation or anger Serco seemed determined to make good on the claim to defeat them all. Even as his breath became labored Serco still pushed himself to the brink/
[member="Serco Savar"]

Skyren growled with rage as he saw Serco continue to slash and hack haphazardly. They could stay in the open and kill rebels all day but it would not change the tide of battle. They had to flush them out, to remove their support by fire posistions and make them feel weak and vulnerable.

As more sniper beams came in skyren found himself in a frenzied dance, warding off beams and blaster fire with his single saber, and unable to attack. Then suddenly a second black glistening hilt flew to his left hand and ignited in a crimson flash. Now with the advantage of two sabers Skyren pressed the attack, one saber moving to deflect whilst the second came down vertically on the enemy, cleaving them from head to groin. As more rebels fell, gruesomley chopped into pieces they began to fall back again, and he pressed forwards, now both blades wheeling in circular motion and a savage grin on his visage.

He slashed a clear path to the window of the closest two story building and the second saber suddenly dissapeared folowed quickly by the first. Smoke from the nearby fires pulled towards him and swirled in wreath, choking the area of all visisbility and Skyren Vau faded from view......
Arcadia, West side.

Things had gone from great to karking terrible. The Tank TK was in rolled onwards, bombarded on all sides by the explosions of rockets and grenades. Massive holes opened up in the earth as Remnant warships pounded the ground and TK hit his head on the bulkhead, putting a dent in his helmet.

"Kark it Talson, can't you drive us in a straight line?"

"Tryin to sarge."

Tk Shook his head in frustration and partially to keep the vomit in his throat from spewing forth into his bucket.

Finally they reached the outskirts of the city still under heavy bombardment. The whole 1st Imperial Armored columns stopped, and fanned out on the edge, preparing for their fast and fursious assualt.

"Why'd we stop?" Asked TK between shallow breaths.

"Cuz it's about to get fubar sarge, gunner fire!"

High explosive shells launched from the main gun and TK held on for dear life as the shots rocked the steel beast.

"Strap in we're going in hot!" The driver roared then slammed the pedal to the floor and they surged forwards...[member="Alva Calvarona"]

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Aboard The Victory II-class Star Destroyer Requiem

Contrary to the belief of some, and what their eyes, though deceived, showed them, the strikes from the Imperial ships were precise. These weren't rebels on a ship, shooting at everything that moved in front of them. These were precision trained crewmen, firing on precise locations of enemy activity. Though night had fallen, the strikes were aided by thermal vision, reading the heat signatures of enemy soldiers below them. Mason felt no remorse for the lives lost. All rebels were scum, regardless of who they were fighting against.

"Sir, we're getting reports that troops can't move forward any further."

"Cease all fire, but remain over the city. Provide artillery support only. Coordinate with our ground crews."

"Yes, sir."

Below them the troops would be moving forward now that the barrage was over. Many enemies lay dead. Those that weren't still face the fact that they were surrounded and their defenses had been thoroughly torn apart around them. The job of the Imperial Navy was essentially done here. Now the ground forces could sweep through the city and end it all.

[member="TK-4261 Strain"] [member="Skyren Vau"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Sala'dine"] [member="Alpha"]
2122 Hours

Silence engulfed Arcadia for a few, precious seconds as the Imperial ships had made their entrance above the village. Artillery guns ceased their constant bombardments on enemy positions, vehicles stopped dead in their tracks, soldiers gazed curiously above, and there was nothing but radio silence on the comms. It would of appeared that time itself had been brought to a screeching halt by the appearance of the flying behemoths above, the only thing betraying this flimsy, yet hopeful notion being the slow hover of the ships themselves. As the innumerable array of weapons the floating citadels pointed downwards, not even a single soul dared to move or speak on the ground. As the first salvo of explosives hit the soil, the city being lit up once again, it was already too late for many of the troops on the ground.

The Royalists in district Bravo hastily retreated in the wake of the shelling, quickly discarding any heavy load they were carrying as they ran for cover, abandoning all together any form of slow, or immobile artillery piece to it's fate. The Revolutionaries, likewise, scrambled for any form of cover they could find, be it a broken down building, a foxhole, or even a measly street lamp, cowering and quivering in their boots as the artillery strike directed the brunt of fire at their positions. The radios burst to life through all the Revolutionary fronts, screams of terror and panic silencing any form of report on the front or call for assistance. Their incoherent screaming and constant interference from the shelling managed to put a complete stop to any form of organization or communications.

In the span of a few minutes, the majority of the Royalist held village had been levied to the ground, smoke filled craters replacing once formidable defensive positions. With the sudden halt of the bombardment, many of the soldiers attempted to run out of the combat zone, and the village proper. Where once they would get captured and sent to the martial court for desertion by their superiors, now they were running shoulder by shoulder into enemy positions fortified outside the village. The incoming advance on all fronts by Royalist forces would be met with little resistance on all fronts, their greatest worry now being in district Charlie, where some of the explosives did not detonate prematurely in the bombing, and could still be tripped off at any moment. Those less fortunate to either be killed or survive the bombing, now found themselves trapped under heavy rubble through every front, slowly bleeding to death and fading in and out of conscience. The last thing Alexander could see before succumbing to sleep were quickly approaching shadows marching towards them, the sound of footsteps and tracks resonating through his eardrums.

[member="Mason Deschart"]
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]
[member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

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