- Planet Name: Tem
- Demonym: Temese
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- System Name: Meissa System
- System Features: Ner (G-Type Main Sequence Star) | 0 Moons | 40 Hour Rotational Period | 76 Day Orbital Period | Located in the Inhabitable Zone | 1st Planet From Ner | Sits along the Crusaders Way Hyperlane
- Coordinates: T-59
- Major Imports: Medical Supplies, Technology, Foodstuffs
- Major Exports: Ores, Tools, Non-Energized Weaponry, Some Crystal formations
- Gravity: Slight Above Standard
- Climate: Volcanic | Type III Atmosphere - Breathing masks required outside of controlled facilities
- Primary Terrain: Magma Lakes, Volcanoes, Obsidian/Igneous Rocks
- Major Locations:
Vur Tepe Temple: Once a ruin that barely held itself upright, and with the nearly constant shifts within the tetonic plates upon the planet, the previous temple was in shambles. It is recently with the new iteration of the Je'daii, that the temple was retrofitted to be up to snuff, and was also build upon to accommodate the new generation of Je'daii. The home of Vur Tepe in the new age within the Je'daii order is upon the planet of Tem. It is here that a major temple stands upon the edge of a lavafall. The small overhang upon the side as the lava fall was created to move through the base floor of the temple. It is the heat from this lava that can power the forges much like the Temple of old upon Tython, but the Lavaflow alone heats up the bio dome that the temple is within. It is here that the current Master of Vur Tepe, Thorve Emberfall makes her stay along with her Steward. The two teach and aid others in the creation of Force imbued weaponry, trinkets and armor for their trials of Vur Tepe, as well as other trials should it be necessary.
- Madog Fall: The Lava flow that weaves its way through the temple, and then falls off out of the side of the temple is named in honor of Master Madog long ago. This Lavafall is not extra special other than it weaving it's flow through the temple grounds.
- Obsidian Outpost: A very small outpost that is upon the northern pole of Tem, its barely big enough to support a couple hundred people, and hardly large enough to have ships larger than a frigate to stop by. This place is mostly used for trading Obsidian, or valuable metals from the surface of the planet, off world. However, since the Je'daii have been moving in with their own temple, and crew, activity has dropped significantly from what it once was.
- Native Species:
Temese - Thought to be a near-human species that has since perished.
- Undiscovered Creatures
Immigrated Species:
Population: Sparsely Populated | The only sentient lifeforms found on Tem are those belonging to the Je'daii Order, men and women who journey to the planet in order to study at the Forge. The Obsidian outpost that had been somewhat active has now fallen in activity due to the surge of people moving from the outpost to the Je'daii Temple Biodome as the temple can support many more people, and can provide more exports on and off the planet. As such it is very sparsely populated with virtually no permanent residents. There are signs of possible life due to cave systems, and fossils that were discovered.
Demographics: Mixed | No Major Demographic
Primary Languages: Galactic Basic Standard
Culture: The culture of the planet is very limited due to the lack of perminent residence upon the surface. While there are signs of previous life upon the planet due to cave systems that may or may not have been formed by creatures, it is assumed they are as there have been findings of fossils and remains of creatures that have been encased within the lavaflows, and some have been outright mummified likely by plumes of ash drying the bodies and preserving them well before they were covered in various rock formations.
It is only in recent years with the Obsidian outpost for the extraction of various ores or metals to be crafted planet side, then sold to traders, and then the movement of the Je'daii Order to create the planet as a home for the Vur Tepe within this new age that any other kind of culture has been established.
- Government: The Je'daii Council
- Affiliation: The Je'daii Order
- Wealth: Low - While the purpose for the Je'daii being upon the planet is for those who visit, to learn of the various studies within Vur Tepe, or to barter with the Je'daii, or other traders for the resources that are prevalent upon the planet, While sales are low, they are rather costly.
- Stability: High - Those who come to visit the Je'daii are welcomed with open arms, and are not pushed around by troopers. Most of the temple is open to the public. These exceptions of the closing for outsiders are most of the forges, the Training rooms, and the loving quarters reserved for the students who come to learn. Otherwise those who visit are free to do as they wish, within reason.
- Freedom & Oppression: There is little to no oppression upon those who stay, or visit the temple upon the planet, and the Obsidian outpost is a completely free market. While there are those who are under apprenticeship, or students learning within the temple, the only real prevention of freedom are restricted areas within the temple, and the rules that Govern the Je'daii. They ask that all who visit follow their rules, and if there are any problems, the person will be removed from the premises.
- Military: As the Je'daii are creating weaponry upon the planet for their trials, and all Je'daii are armed at all times, their military is mostly the Je'daii themselves. While those who come to trade are also semi-armed, there is no official standing military that guards or takes care of the place.
- Technology: Equal to the rest of the galaxy. However, most of the ores and weaponry created upon the planet are primitive in design such as swords, axes, polearms, plate armor, and jewelry. While there are allowance of Je'daii to carry blasters or whatever weaponry they see fit, most of the weapons created have little to no technology better than that of a Lightsaber at best.
Once, there was a branch of Je'daii, those who survived after the various Force Wars that sought to live away from the rest of the galaxy. It was assumed they came here to spend their days in peace while the rest of the galaxy fell into ruin. It is unsure how old this branch of Je'daii had been, as there are datings all the way back to the First Je'daii that settled upon Tython, but also more recent within the last few thousand years. As of this time, it is unsure what caused these people to leave, or to perish, but there are many theories of them just simply dying out as no new members came to join, all the way to the planet once being in a more dormant state, and then suddenly exploding violently with volcanic eruptions across the entire surface of the planet, covering everything in ash. Much is left up to speculation at this time, as more is being discovered every day.
It was only a handful of years ago that the Obsidian outpost was created to mine and export various ores, and even crystals out from the planet to other places. It was at this time that most of the living upon the planet was kept in one place. The Outpost. Now, as in recent months with the Je'daii creating a temple upon the planet of Tem, as well as opening up their doors, to an extent, to outsiders so that trade can take place, it is limited.
Most who visit the planet are here for lessons in creating force imbued weaponry or items. To learn more about the forging process, metallurgy, as well as limited creation of Lightsaber weaponry as the current time, Lightsabers are the primary weapon for Force users. However, others come as a trial for other houses of study to discover more upon the planet, the planets history with the findings of fossils, various cave systems, mummified creatures, as well as the remains of humans that had once been upon the planet and were left in time.
Under the watchful eye of Master Thorve Emberfall, the temple was created for the soul purpose of training all Je'daii in the way of force imbuement. With her Steward by her side, She is hopeful for the Je'daii's future upon the planet, and the possible terraforming of the planet at a much later time. While it is doubtful for this to happen, she holds out hope for the planet covered in black rocks, and lava flows.