Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Infinite Rotations

Sheila was sitting there with the grandmaster across from her. He was working with her in the force techniques but also so the two of them could discuss and handle some of the stranger things that had been happening... Like the conclave that had been called to discuss a new direction and... all Sheila had seen new in it was dangling promises of council seats to anyone who wanted it or titles... Which okay she had to admit that was new.... She had never really seen the jedi promote people to take positions up by promising them rewards.

Sheila looked at the man who was sitting there across from her while she had a thimble of tea for herself and he had his cup. "So well now that we are in private what didn't you think of the conclave old man? I know many of the things discussed were little to nothing new we have heard before and yet most of it was being eaten up like it was all new and improved. Or worse that they could be duped." Sheila was watching him and shrugged with some exasperation before turning over some of her attention onto the world around them.
SHe could see Yutan and there was a whole lot of things on the world that they had been working with and organizing. As far as the grandmaster himself went well he had remained very quiet in the conclave trying to well Sheila was guessing he was trying to in the time discern what was happening. The ones there hadn't seemed to be bringing new ideas just reinforcing what direction he and the order had gone forward with. Allowing their own time to build up before she was looking over a few of the things.

"So what was happening with you old man? I know the conclave was boring and how you dislike abiding by useless people or ones who just parrot others." She could see him shifting back and forth in his seat as if she had well touched on something important with the decision before she was looking over. "Yes, I noticed a great many things with all of them. One was how many masters appeared after the offer for anyone who wanted a seat could join the council regardless of what was said by me."
Her seemed annoyed more then anything taking a sip of the tea. "A jedi respects all and such a lack would have been cause for more but I wanted to see how far such a padawan would go. Exiled knight or not that he had been granted a knighthood afterwards by others was an insult to those who warked hard for their promotions through the ranks. For taking their trials and their sacrifice." He tapped his fingers in a small drumming motion when he was thinking about it with the jedi master nodding her head.

"I get it, we shall have to work on some of the bigger things. Like this temple and some of the other ones. I know they were looking towards a narrow minded approach tot he order." Sheila said it with a smile on her face while she waited there with a moment. "You are looking forward to try and galvanize the jedi enclave in some of the things. I know master Sheila you have been turning over different rocks to well get the temple here and the temple on Denon or the worlds within the Republic."
Sheila got the idea and they were doing just that, with more work, with more finishing touches to the biggest things they had. Sheila herself pushed with more of the attention when the designs to push the jedi enclave forward with archives and temples were coming to be displayed. Sasori facilities had an AI that worked amazingly for just that as Quiet held the jedi archives as well as holocrons the jedi master had found across the galaxy and recorded including the ones that had gotten stolen from the vaults.

That was of course the biggest loss of them all, the holocrons and artifacts that had been recovered and with who knew what were taken away for others in the galaxy to find instead of well being practical. Still at least she had the collected knowledge she liked to have when the jedi master was setting things up to be far better as a central archive wasn't needed when they had a thousand ways to access the information eliminating well the other needs of the jedi being held back before the grandmaster spoke.
"It is just something we have to deal with, the reports of what happened after we left were just as pointless. I cannot abide temper tantrums or annoying things from people we do not know." Even wanting to meet all of the jedi there was a limit... one was when jedi just attacked because they wanted to be special. He seemed to have gotten a clearer idea of the jedi who were there then she had and she had been flying around with a chance to listen to everyone as well as being small enough to see their tells or emotions.

She hadn't seen much else after they had left but she could find something maybe... doubtful in truth when she stood up there looking at what they had when the jedi grandmaster offered her a small look. Her wings were buzzing around everything to provide them with chances for some of the other things. "So well after tea I am thinking we finalize some of the improvements to the Yutan temple and then move on to the Denon temple to oversee them while working with some of the Artisan's we have been testing."
Sheila was looking at him as they traveled and she raised an eyebrow seeing some of the Yutan temple mostly where they were reconstructing after a padawan was dumb and pounding his chest. The jedi master remained there while some of the artisan's moved around with everything they were doing give her more attention to the smaller details. "Oh look they have been working on parts of it now. The engineers likely have new improvements to put into it. i know some wanted to use tungstoid to prevent future tantrums."

The grandmaster was looking at her while they moved through the temple coming out on the one platform overlooking the small valley that had been given some prefab buildings looking over some of the bigger things. They were developing food for the jedi, equipment for them before Sheila gave a small grin flying around the platform when she was rubbing her hands together. "Ah there is the factory they have been working on to develop the cloned livestock for what we want as well as some more of the food."
Sheila was happy to work on many more of the things providing the works when they were there going down the stairs that had been carved into the valley to work with the jedi. The artisan's were developing the equipment for the engineers to test with the walkers and scout walkers the jedi could use when the grandmaster was climbing up on one of them. The far end of the valley was filled with more of the testing as they had developed the mesh and a large scale way to manufacture it.

They were working on a lot of what was there when Shiela hopped onto his shoulder grabbing the meshed robe he was wearing at the dreamsilk and she could just grip it to look cool. Her tiny wings pressing against her back and body when they were off. The hair blowing in the wind that was being created as the walker was getting speed unlike many others with the new and improved plating that was the mesh working into metal. Super lightweight but very durable to protect itself before they were bounding up and over.
"Wee" She could feel the wind, feel her body bouncing while she was moving over with the bigger things in the jungle that she could see. They had developed quite a lot on the planet when it came to being the jedi and the chance to renew the works, the ability to rebuild all of it before she was going to work to send them off to fight. Sheila was in support for the notion of... not sending people to die or into needless fighting rashly as some seemed to believe they should do.

The Army of light was one of those notions and things that was being pushed again as Sheila thought about it before she was arriving after soem time with the grandmaster to look over the larger operations. The ones testing it used sabers and batons to work out the mesh and test what it could and could not protect again for the field. Different synthweaved materials that were going into it provided different colors and materials for them to work with for different purposes the jedi could use.
The grandmaster was standing around with them as the jedi who were testing stopped for a few moments providing nods of approval. "Grandmaster." The main technicians who were taking the notes as well as feeding the engineering information for Sasori's labs came up as she stood tall and thin with gaunt features. "We have been getting positive results from many of our tests with the mesh and it should all work out well enough. The next stages is testing them in live fire attacks while on the range."

Sheila was looking at her while she showed the equipment on the display for themselves. She knew that there was working to make her an oiutfit and it was small enough that she could and would be able to survive if all things went well enough. The small As-Aki was standing there on the grandmasters shoulder with a smirk on her face as the quartermaster working with them came up speaking. "And for you councilor Sheila we have made this. A small outfit from the weave that should not impede you flight.
Sheila was exited as she was looking at the little thing... it was so awesome being presented to her while she came closer and there was even a little set of boots to go with it. Form fitted to her of course she was guessing and allowing space so her wings could come out and press against her bosy. Keep them safe before she was rising up and going towards the walker with it to find a little place. She switched the outfit quickly while standing there and getting offered a finger to stand on.

"Come little one, let us see if you can fly with it on." The grandmaster was holding his hand up and she thought about it with a nod of her head. she needed to be able to fly while she remained at the ready. The radiating energies from the lightside of the force in the mesh, the feeling of it being ultra lightweight like paper and then her wings were buzzing when she rose up feeling herself dip a little but a little more speed and she could compensate for herself but it would take a little tiem to get used to.
She could feel all of it, the force energies within the outfit she was wearing and it was small, intricate and as light as most clothing she wore or made for herself. The other jedi that were here were working on many different things they could develop as the jedi all seemed to be prepared with a bow of her head. "Thank you thank you thank you." Sheila fluttered around once she was used to it and felt the force rebounding throughout her body now. The shell that was created had been developed as a superior outfit.

Sheila was looking at the other ones who were practicing and dueling with their skills in the meshed robes before she backed away a little taking her saber while she clipped it to her belt straightening her hair. There was a little riffle designed to act like a hood for protection when she was focusing the force. The calming effect and her own connection to it came while she channeled the force energies outwards from her fingers to create a stronger ionizing blast to disable the one walker for a time.
She was looking at a lot of it while channeling the force and working with the old man the pair of them could get a lot done before they were moving forward with some of the ideas. She wanted to work on more of it as she was using and testing the force energies with a small look on her face landing on his shoulder before she went over the other things. "Alright, I admit that I am liking it and that the artisan's are doing a great deal of work for what we want to use with the other things."

They had been the ones who helped design her saber after all which compared to most was designed and augmented with portions of the lightside in the crystals and the blades power was as strong as many saber. More so because of the small focused blade that had superior cutting power along with the isotope five power cell that was being used so the jedi master could cleave through enemies of the republic as needed instead of facing down problems. She would just have to work it all out.
The main thing they were pushing for was the facilities to give a lot of different things that were being developed. Jedi masters and artisan's weaving and displaying all of the robes that were being developed for the other jedi. Different ranks, different classes and sections to help and compliment their works within the skillsets they practiced. Sheila herself was glad for the protective piece of cloth as well as the intentions she had going towards parts of it all. She looked at the leads when they were inside of the building.

"Everything here is so mechanical, the jedi artisan's truly know how to work and practice meditaitons to enhance their own movements and skills." The old man was looking around as the air inside was cool and smelled fresh, droids handled machines but also brought water over to some of the artian's who were focusing on their tasks for now. A small smile curling the jedi masters face when she was pushing ideas over on a screen until she let the force radiate off of herself until she landed on a table.
There was designs on flimsy sheet on it detailing different robes and she could see tomes with books for information. Datacrons and holocrons of the different information that will be working on many of the things they have. She was looking to some of the other things they had there like the chainmail mesh allowing the stronger bonds to be worked on as well as some of the vats that were being set up within all of the artisan's. She could see some fo the vats and containers that held the liquid almost in a vacuum.

The vacuum was there designed for the stronger things and to prevent it from being exposed to the air as the hot liquid was a powerful substance they didn't want to start the cooling process for it after exposing from air itself. "Everything you have been doing is starting to look very impressive masters. i know the old man is impressed and after all that has happened you have had to be distracted with dumb and useless people taking away you valuable time." Sheila said it as one of the artisan's was there offering a hand.
"Come on and we'll show you around, we have been making a few other things that might come in handy." Sheila was looking at it before sh fluttered up landing on the finger and nodding her head in agreement. She was all for a tour to see what they had here to work with when she prepared. "Alright let us go and see." Sheila was looking at the facility around them where the robes were being weaved into something superior compared to others and she was ready for it. Excitement, fun, amazingly awesome stuff.

"We started based on the designs Master Ike has sent to us, since most of the enclave jedi who are war hungry and power mad leave the republic for their own ambitions. Well it has left us with the talented ones who provide the real meat of the order. The jedi have given us more then enough as we continue to weave and construct materials for full scale development. The facilities and access we have from other worlds that Sasori has stationed themselves on to oversee materials conversion."
She was continuing to work with them as more information as well as more of the robes that were being worked on. "We have been developing other parts to the robes, for artisan's themselves we are creating new model gloves designed to improve their tactile feedback along with microsensors and small data to work and give them improved brain chemistry. It would improve their own movements for increasing dexterity." The jedi was showing her around so that Sheila could see the gloves that were thin but had dozens of sensors being intewoven with the mesh.

"FOr guardians we are interweaving additional meshes to give protection from kinetic impact or flame and acid being thrown at them. We will continue to keep the normal ideas but a jedi guardian normally is going into the fray, they will need the armor enhancement as well as the protection one can be offered from different synthweaves." She seemed proud of that and Sheila gave her anod of her head while she was thinking about it with some of the attention to the chest and thigh pieces with a kama.
More robes that were being worked on so all of it could have been developed. "For jedi shadows we are working to develop superior weaves to enhance their stealth capabilities. with crystal coating optical camo and nightshadow within the weave. it will allow it to cloak normally while obscuring sensors. THey might not be able to hide in the force but they will be able to sneak around against those who can't sense the force itself. Masking equipment for it so it can let them handle the situations as needed."

Sheila was listening to it, they were working on other things when she came out seeing some gear that was being developed for others. She could see some of the engineers working on a visor that would be using crystal optics with the force for jedi watchmen. a way to point out and find force sensitives in the galaxy when out in the field looking. Equipment with scanners and testing computers built in so they can confirm and develop far more effective measures that Sheila could see and use.
"We are also developing gear and equipment to augment and improve other aspects of the jedi. From their meditations to their daily activities and training themselves or training their padawans. We are working to ensure there is no option, no stone, no method unexplored compared to others. If it means we need to make more practical aspects and use the feedback from the different ranks that is what we have done. It allows us to have all of the general improvements done compared to just sitting around."

The lead artisan seemed impressive and sheila could work with her... more then that Sheila could respect her as she was coming up with brand new ideas compared to other or pushing out these impressive ideas that would be used by well jedi. She doubted it would get so widespread most seemed to only think their ideas were important but screamed for unity and sharing of ideas until you gave ideas and then they were being oppressed or just trying to handle the idea someone might not like their idea.
"You are doing so much here, we should be able to work with many of the things here. I know Matsu and many of them have been working on different things. The grandmaster when we travel around will be reviewing all of it and going to some of the facilities for jedi equipment. All of it would give the jedi a number of things before signing off hopefully on many of the bigger things. I was hoping to see what thy might have in ideas of what else the jedi might be needing. To make many of their aspects easier."

There was a nod of her head and agreement rolling off of her in that. As they came in for some of the sections that would be worked on. There were new robes for other groups like brutes and snipers who were not really official classes, they were not the safe normal classes but jedi who specialized in abilities as she could see the gear being worked on like brutes being able to enhance their physical attributes and body to levels few others could. Snipers being skilled with long range weapons.
There was the sight of robes for weapon masters and battlemasters that allowed them to focus and have additional protective like barriers and shielding for their bodies when wading into combat. Meditation that would enhance their skills and allow the mental influence of skills like battle mediation to stretch out and focus. She knew battlemind was also a large thing that the jedi themselves were working on Sheila knew several jedi that used battle mediation and smokestones would be needed.

Then she was seeing some outfits for As-Aki being made with delicate equipment from the droids themselves on the screen as she knew the value of back up. Small, fast, beings trained to ionize and use directional crystals that would allow force blasts to be concentrated then targeted outwards to disable electronics or some of the bigger things like droids that would be damaged. She knew some of the works on converting and developing the crystals would come in handy for the different jedi to use.

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