Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Infinite Rotations

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"I am all for jokes, if they are good... Your jokes are usually sad and you should feel bad for making them." She said it as a joke and looked at him as innocently as she could. Same way she looked at Hanna or anyone of her padawans like Sorel and even Kiriko. He was skilled and had learned this force technique from watching her. Diminutive and serene over just playing the coy girl."We should continue though you are doing well but you are going to want to move faster then you can walk otherwise it eliminates the need to know how to fly and float. Adding speed and presence to your flight is more important after you don't get distracted or tired."
"Thaaaat or in your age, you've become become unable to handle a good old innuendo" The Jedi Master would joke right back without skipping a single heartbeat. His ability to strike back with a comeback incredibly quickly had always been one of his quirks, of course. Either way, he would nod slowly as Matsu would instruct him to begin to speed up. Taking a deep breath, he nodded his head again, before beginning to concentrate a bit more...

His speed went up, but he shook a fair bit too as he tried to adjust to it. Adjusting to a whole other speed like that was much harder than he had thought. And he was still unable to leave the crossed legs position.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She raised an eyebrow at the quirk about her age and didn't say that she had worked with the Aing-Tii... she could flow walk back and slap him outside the head when he was little if she wanted to.... Because when you learn and grow you think of ways to better practice the force and she had worked with Corvus and Sorel to if not master then she had managed to get better at the skills. To improve her own talents within the force so she could pull off these techniques and the strain of it well she had touched and used the heart of the universe or the eye of the sun for a reason. Empowering and pretty much what it sounded like... a living almost breathing connection to the force that nearly no one else could match. She was moving around him while he shook and practiced but kept her hands behind her back to float around him.
Any remarks he could make about her powers aside, he simply shot her a light smirk when she would give him that look over what he'd said about her age. If she was gonna make fun of his jokes, he was gonna make fun of her age, simple as that. Not that he meant it in a harmful fashion, of course, he'd never do that. The Jedi Master would begin to speed up his movements even more, and for a bit, he began to shake as he began to lose his concentration as he adjusted. But as the seconds ticked by, he continued to adjust even to these speeds.

This appeared to be the pattern, as they went on. Speed up, adjust, speed up, adjust. For everytime that he sped up past where he was used to, he needed to adjust and get used to it in order to keep from falling over. And he was sure that the better he got on higher speeds, the slower ones would become a cinch for him...

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was watching with a wider look on her face as she moved around him more curious to see what he might be able to do. She was moving around until the force was still easily there then she started flipping smal whisps of force energy between her fingers. Generating it with the world they were on as well as a few of the places. She stuck around raising an eyebrow and this was the better way to learn before she leaned back in the air and crossed her feet. "NOt bad, you'll learn better control though and from there it only gets easier. Flying with telekinesis was one fo te first things I worked on before I went into the archives and really started committing the force lessons to memory."
After he'd reached a satisfactory point, he would nod his head as he would allow himself to gingerly descend back to the ground. "I can probably figure out the rest by practice. Thank you, Master" He spoke softly as he would respectfully bow. He supposed it was time to get to the next lesson, right? Though his mind was already racing with how to practice this ability he'd learned. He'd want to get better at speed, better at control... Faster, more in control, and able to keep it rolling even with distractions, even in combat.

"Went into the archives?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She gave a nod still hovering and flying around above him. Upside down and around. "yes I am maybe one of the few who seems to use the archives more then others, some I have seen only go when they really need it but most seem to instictually know where everything is and the vast histories of planets... even the private thoughts of specific people who were there. Almost liek they were reincarnated into this life and were once that person. It is very very strange but I suppose it could be stranger or worse." She was lookingat him before touching donw. "Now what was it you wanted to move onto? There is still a great deal I can teach."
He considered her words as he would slowly touch down. He could only learn by practice now. He'd learned the basics of this portion of the lesson... And thus, that particular lesson was complete. That part... Was up to him now.

"Weather Manipulation, that was the other one you mentioned. I think we covered a few things, but hopefully they'll come back to me as we go. Weather Manipulation will do for the time being" He would respond then as Matsu would inquire as to what was to be done next.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him and bowed her head. "Ah yes and to understand such a technique you need to understand a whole lot more. Forcing it to happen and go against the natural order of the world is dangerous. It can cause a great deal of harm to your mind and body... but if you are smart and have some of the talent." She was looking at more of it, then at him while she touched down on the ground and was walking. "You need to become with the familiar with the weather patterns for the world you are on. You need to understand the ebb and flow of the air, the temperature, how often the wind changes."
Use it wisely, says the one who summoned a hurricane for her own gain... But he was here to learn, not criticize. He was literally about to say something on the matter, but his instincts told him to just leave it be. It was better to keep your mouth shut and benefit when there was no benefit to anyone for speaking out... Regardless, this seemed far more complicated than he had expected it to be, but learning any Force Power wasn't easy. Even his signature technique wasn't easy, his tutor had tried to teach him it using the dark side. Being so stubbornly pure-light as he'd been back then, he'd found a way to learn to use it using the light side... In a way. He didn't perfect it until his adult years when he realized that emotions could be a good thing if you used the right ones the right way. Shmi and Jason coming into his life had helped that.

Regardless, he just nodded his head along with what she was saying for the time being.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him and watching his face for a moment. Allowing the force to breathe throughout her body before she moved back now. Allowing a hand to come out as she swirled and put the air around her hand. "It can be as simple as this or complicated. Now lets see what you can do. Tell me about the world, the winds, the sun and the environment itself." She was curous to see what he could do before she moved around on the air itself almost zigging and zaggin without looking where she was going or around. She had worked with the force to make it so her body could move on instinct instead of her brain needing to tell her where to go.
"Tell you?" He would inquire, tilting his head as he watched her wave her hands about. "The worlds, the winds, and the suns amongst each world are part of the natural order of things. Without the sun, crops do not grow when supplemented by rain. Without winds, heat would overwhelm us and we would be worse off than those on Tatooine. Without the world, there would be no us. The environment is all that is around us, it is what we stand on, and yet it is also what gives us life. We live off it, we survive off it, and yet it can also be what kills us."

He was curious as to what the reaction would be to that, he wondered if he was going in the right direction here...

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She listened and spoke. "Without sun you can grow crops. Ponic bays have proven that, Deserts have wind, it doesn't make them cooler, Tatooine was bombed and glassed into oblivion. Had little to do with the heat and more to do with malice.. We do not need live on a world, ships and stations can easily replace that and both help and harm us. You are treating this simple, almost trying to force the answers into place." She raised an eyebrow when she paused. "It is not that simple, the galaxy never is, the force rarely is. To alter the environment, to change the weather, to generate storms and earthquakes you need to know how to look past the surface and see the inner workings of a world. To think a thousand steps ahead so that you can use the force to manipulate the world. To alter it and change it how you want." She looked at him now settling her eyes before she moved. "Your skills are less in the mind and more in the moment which can be great for many things but you are not serious enough."
Of course it was wrong. He'd received no education beyond the Jedi's until later in life, so if he got something so basic wrong, well... We know who to blame. Regardless of who there is to blame, he would simply just patiently nod his head and allow her to go on. She would make her corrections and he noted them, and did his best to understand, but then she started to talk about doing things in the moment and saying he wasn't serious enough. His gaze would quirk then, before he would just simply stare at her, his expression completely neutral.

"Then do teach me how to approach this seriously" He spoke calmly, allowing his mind to empty and focusing only on the practical.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She looked at his expression change and spoke. "I don't know if I can, you are older now. Teaching anyone can be difficult but those set in their ways can take longer." She had time and she knew how to do some important things while she was waiting. "It could be difficult and it won't be fun. A serious commitment and mind set is important to this." She stayed there and stood still for a brief moment. Channeling the force into her hands and then allowing it to appear like white whisps of energy going through her body and wrapping around it. "We'll start simply, connecting to the world itself. Feeling what is there, feeling everything about it."
All he was hearing was "It will be difficult" as though it was going to keep him from trying. He didn't speak, he simply stared at her, his expression calm, serene and stoic. He calmly waited for the part where she said it could be done, even if difficult. Difficulty hadn't stopped him before. He noted the wisps of energy with a calm nod of his head, and listened carefully to her directions. With that, he would close his eyes, allowing himself to relax, and reach out...

"On your command."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"Close your eyes, allow your mind to go blank. Feel the force arround around you and then start to focus. THis world is living, breathing in many ways and it has a heart. Connecting to that can allow you to know how to work its systems. From the air, to the currents to the rocks themselves. All of it much like a living organism is there on display for a jedi with the right training to see." She said it while she stood there prepared for anythign that might be theirs. THe white wisps of force energy around her hands and then she was absorbing them to create a small funnel of air around herself with a raised eyebrow. This was easy enough to do, once you understood generation.
He would nod lightly, as he would allow himself to relax. Josh would clear his mind then. Clear his mind of all obstructions. The Force was there, he could sense it, he could feel it... He found himself reaching out. He listened as Matsu would continue to relay instructions. He would patiently reach out, not too aggressive, not too hard, he allowed himself to feel it being there, and his reaches were calculated, calm... Done with precision and if not for the cleared mind it might even seem like it was done with planning. But his body was acting on it's own, his mind was acting on it's own, doing the planning for him.

A small white wisp of energy would begin to form around his hand...

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was able to feel it, looking deeper into the force as she let it fill her up and the jedi master knew that Josh was getting it. surprisingly fast compared to most but no matter. She allowed the wisps of energy to continue to form a funnel between her hands when she pulled at it. "Now once you have generated the force from the world itself, you have a connection. You want to follow that to feel the heart and soul of the world. To allow yourself to know what is happening, what is going through it as the air, the water, the earth moves. Once you can see that you can find the imperfections, find the parts of it that you can manipulate."
So much experience, so many years... While not even 30 yet, this had been Josh's life since he had been very young. He'd likely been around the age of Matsu's own children when she had started to teach them, when he'd arrived at the Jedi. His whole life had been around his teachings, around the Force... He knew and lived almost nothing else. While this had it's own drawbacks... It could speak to how he'd managed to attain this so quickly once he got serious.

"So once I've found these... Things. Still working on that obviously... What do I do to manipulate it, exactly?"

He didn't look at her, still trying to keep his focus...

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